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College of Engineering and Computer Studies

Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Project Concept – Perfomance Task II

Hub Vaccine Monitoring System – Flow

1. Input the first distribution of vaccine brands from the government.

 The brands are Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Astra and Janssen.

 Where it begins with a 0 inventory per brand.
 The user will input each number of vaccines per brand.
 Validation in inputing number of vaccines: Only positive/whole numbers
from 0 and above. Negative numbers and letters are invalid.

2. Displays the available vaccines per brand inventory and the main menu where
the user can see the program’s features. The user can enter his/her desired option.

 It shows the available vaccines inventory as a table, where it can be easily

seen by the user/s the values of each vaccine brand.
 Validation in entering the option: Only letters between A to F (It is not case-
sensitive). Numbers and G to Z are invalid.

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3. Option: [A]Replenishment of Vaccines – Where the user can add number of
vaccines (depending on the chosen brand) for replenishment from the government.

 The user enters the assigned [number] of the brand to specifically add the
number of vaccines to that certain brand.
 Validation in entering the assigned [number] vaccine brand: Only numbers
between 1 to 5. Other numbers and letters are invalid.
 The user enters additional number of vaccines to the chosen assigned
[number] vaccine, where it will automatically add new inventory to the
current inventory.
 Validation in entering the number of vaccines: Only positive/whole numbers
from 0 and above. Negative numbers and letters are invalid.

4. Option: [B]Add Record of Vaccinee – Where it can record the vaccinee’s


 It first assigns a patient number (Assigns automatically starting at 1) to the

vaccinee, where it will be used later for queue service.
 It will ask the user to input the following information/details about the
o Full name (Given, middle, & last names), date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY),
age (Ages 12 and above), current address (City, province and country),
contact number, and chosen vaccine brand.

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 Validation in full name: Only letters, no numbers. It can also let the user
input 1 or more names.
o givenName[30], middleName[15], & lastName[15]
o It calls the isStringValid() function, where it checks the validations of
the names.

 Validation in date: Only valid date (MM/DD/YYYY). MM has 12 months, DD

has 28, 29, 30, or 31 days; and YYYY is between 1900 to 9999.
o It calls the isValidDate() function, where is checks if the date is
o It calls the isLeapYear() function if the user inputed “2” (February),
where it checks if it’s a leap year or not.

 Validation in age: Only numbers within 12 to 59. (According to Trinidad’s

vaccination hub) Also, no letters allowed.

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 Validation in address: Only letters, no numbers.
o barangay[15], city[15], province[15], & country[60] (Since 56 letters is
the longest country name - The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland)

 Validation in contact number: Only enter 11 digits.



 Validation in vaccine brand: Only letters, no numbers.

o It only recognize strings Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Astra and Janssen
(Even when it’s case-sensitive).
o After inputting a valid string, it will automatically deduct the specific
vaccine brand by 1 from the inventory, since each vaccinee will be
reserved by 1 vaccine for inject.

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Judi Mumar Augilar


Joyce Mumar Balonga


Kai Balonga Delantes


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