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Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105641

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How is psychological stress linked to sleep quality? The mediating role of

functional connectivity between the sensory/somatomotor network and the
cingulo-opercular control network
Li Zhang , Dan Li , Huazhan Yin *
School of Education Science, Hunan Normal University, Chang Sha, 410081, China
Cognition and Human Behavior Key Laboratory of Hunan Province, Hunan Normal University, Chang Sha 410081, China


Keywords: How the functional connectivity of brain networks affects the relationship between psychological stress and sleep
Psychological stress quality remains unclear. To better understand the associations between psychological stress, resting-state
Sleep quality functional connectivity (RSFC), and sleep quality, we used the RSFC, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI),
and Psychosomatic Tension Relaxation Inventory (PSTRI) to investigate the relationship between psychological
Functional connectivity
stress, sleep quality, and RSFC in four brain networks, the sensory/somatomotor (SM) network, cigulo-opercular
control (CO) network, default mode (DM) network, and dorsal attention (DA) network, in a large healthy sample
of 315 college students from Southwest University. Results showed that the brain functional connectivity in the
SM, CO, DM, and DA networks was significantly correlated to sleep quality. Meanwhile, we also found that the
brain functional connectivity between the SM and CO networks partially mediated the relationship between
psychological stress and sleep quality, suggesting that psychological stress has an important effect on individuals’
sleep quality, and increased functional connectivity between the SM and CO networks provides a neural basis for
the association between psychological stress and poor sleep quality.

1. Introduction hypothalamic arousal centers (e.g., posterior hypothalamus, locus

coeruleus, raphe nuclei, and cholinergic brainstem nuclei) (Buysse et al.,
A number of studies have found that college students have sleep 2011). Meanwhile, numerous task-state studies and resting-state studies
problems. For instance, Buboltz, Brown, and Soper (2001) found that in fMRI have been conducted on sleep quality to date. For example, one
89% of students experienced sleep problems ranging from occasional to study found smaller differences between wakefulness and early NREM
chronic. Suen et al. (2010) revealed that at least 60% of college students sleep in insomnia individuals than in healthy people in the temporal
were described as having poor quality of sleep, and were sleepless on cortex, thalamus, anterior cingulate, and brainstem arousal centers
weeknights and frequently “pull all-nighters.” Norbury and Evans (Nofzinger et al., 2004). Steriade and McCarley (2005) indicated that
(2019) found that 46% of participants rated their sleep as fairly bad or sleep was accompanied by increased neuronal activity in the ventro­
very bad. To sum up, a large number of college students suffer sleep lateral and median preoptic areas of the anterior hypothalamus. Addi­
problems. tionally, Murphy et al. (2009) found that slow wave sleep mainly
In the face of this phenomenon, many researchers have explored originates from the left fronto-insular cortex and cingulate gyrus and
sleep problems. Buysse et al. (2011) advanced a neurobiological model then spreads to the posterior regions. Consistent with this, sleep quality
of insomnia that posits that the characteristic of insomnia is that sleep was found to be significantly correlated with the gray matter volume of
and wake-like activation patterns, used to regulate sleep-wake state and the right insular (Yin et al., 2019). Furthermore, another fMRI study
self-awareness, simultaneously exist in specific brain regions, including revealed that sleep quality was significantly correlated with the pre­
the cortico-limbic circuits, the default mode network, the hypothalamic cuneus cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, the lateral orbitofrontal
centers (including the median and ventrolateral preoptic areas and cortex, the hippocampus and parahippocampal cortex, and some motor
lateral hypothalamic hypocretin neurons), and the brainstem- areas (Cheng et al., 2018). While these regions could be reflected in

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Yin).
Received 29 April 2020; Received in revised form 17 October 2020; Accepted 20 October 2020
Available online 1 November 2020
0278-2626/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L. Zhang et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105641

different large-scale brain networks, such as somatomotor (SM) According to these findings of previous brain imaging studies, we
network, cigulo-opercular control (CO), dorsal attention (DA) network, hypothesize that psychological stress and sleep quality might both be
network and default network (DM). These findings also been confirmed associated with the brain regions involved in emotion regulation (e.g.,
by some studies, for example, Li et al. (2015) found the SM, DA, VA, and the SM, CO, DM, and DA network). To some extent, the brain imaging
DM network were affected by sleep deprivation and aging. Zhou, Wu, studies of psychological stress and sleep quality could contribute to an
Yu, and Lei (2017) also demonstrated that there were six brain net­ understanding of the neural substrates of psychological stress and stress-
works, DM, CO, VA, DA, auditory network (AD) and memory retrieval related mental problems (e.g., poor sleep quality).
network (MR), which were more easily influenced by aging than SD. Previous behavioral and brain imaging studies have explored the
Moreover, several studies found the importance of functional connec­ relationship between psychological stress and sleep quality and its
tivities in sleep quality. For instance, Cheng et al. (2018) also found poor neural basis. However, how brain network interactions affect the rela­
sleep quality was significantly positively correlated with functional tionship between psychological stress and sleep quality remains unclear.
connectivities involving the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, the dorsolateral Resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC), the temporal correlation of
prefrontal cortex, the cingulate cortex, and the precuneus. According to intrinsic activation between different brain regions, has become one of
these results, the present study selected four interesting networks and the most fascinating fields in functional imaging studies. To better un­
concerned functional connectivities among these four networks, derstand the associations among psychological stress, RSFC, and sleep
including SM, CO, DM, and DA network. quality, we investigated the relationships among the neural network
Moreover, some studies have investigated the factors affecting sleep (SM, CO, DM, and DA network), psychological stress, and sleep quality.
quality, among which psychological stress is important. Previous studies Furthermore, we conducted a mediation analysis to explore whether the
indicated that psychological stress could predict individuals’ sleep functional connectivity of brain networks could account for the associ­
quality (Li et al., 2019), such that the higher the psychological stress, the ation between psychological stress and sleep quality. We expected that
worse the sleep quality. Moreover, several studies have also shown that (a) psychological stress would be positively associated with the global
psychological stress could increase arousal and delay sleep onset (Bartel PSQI score; (b) the functional connectivity of the brain network in the
et al., 2015; Short et al., 2013). In particular, research findings on col­ SM, CO, DM, and DA networks would be associated with sleep quality;
lege students indicate that sleep difficulties are positively associated and (c) the functional connectivity among the four brain networks
with perceived stress and that students not suffering from stress were would mediate the relationship between psychological stress and sleep
less likely to have poor sleep quality (Almojali et al., 2017; Amaral et al., quality .
According to the cognitive model of insomnia, uncontrollable 2. Methods
worries about stress events trigger emotional arousal before going to
sleep, which further leads to cognitive biases of events, so that people 2.1. Participants
make distorted cognitive evaluations of stress events and subjective
sleep quality declines (Harvey, 2002). According to this model, people A total of 315 participants (144 males and 171 females ranging from
under psychological stress are more likely to have perceptual bias and 17 to 27 years of age, mean age = 20.02 years, SD = 1.31 years) vol­
triggered negative emotion, leading to a serious decline in sleep quality. unteered to participate in our project. All participants were under­
On the one hand, several studies have indicated that psychological stress graduate or postgraduate students at Southwest University, China. None
is correlated with perceptual bias. For instance, Randall (2012) found of them reported any history of psychiatric or neurological illness or
that information processing biases influenced genuinely stressful events substance abuse according to the self-assessment questionnaire. This
and negative biases were hypothesized to cause unnecessary and study was funded by the Institutional Human Participants Review Board
excessive perceptions of stress. Urbańska et al. (2019) indicated that of the Southwest University Imaging Center for Brain Research and the
stress had a negative impact on cognitive processes in schizophrenia protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Southwest Univer­
patients. On the other hand, a large number of studies have indicated sity, Chongqing. All participants provided written informed consent.
that psychological stress is related to emotion regulation and to the
specific brain regions involved in emotion regulation. For example, 2.2. Behavioral assessment
Sinha (2001) found that psychological stress was associated with the
experience of various negative emotions. According to the neural Sleep quality was measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
structure model of emotion regulation, emotion regulation involves the (PSQI). It includes 19 self-rated items and 5 other-rated items, of which
interaction of various evaluation systems at different levels, specifically 18 items were included in the scoring. There were seven subcomponents
the bottom-up system located in the posterior and subcortical areas, of the 18 items: sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep activity, use
including the basal nucleus and amygdala, and the top-down system of sleeping medication, the presence of sleep disturbances, daytime
located in the cortical area, mainly including the frontal lobe. There dysfunction, and subjective sleep quality assessment. The total score of
were two different types of systems. The first system includes the these 7 components constitutes the PSQI, a global sleep quality score,
dorsolateral prefrontal and cingulate areas, the second the orbital pre­ which ranges from 0 to 21 points. The PSQI score is inversely propor­
frontal, ventral prefrontal, and cingulate areas (Ochsner, and Gross, tional to the quality of sleep, meaning that a high PSQI score is indica­
2007). Furthermore, some empirical research has also indicated the tive of bad sleep quality (Shan et al., 2017). A total PSQI score of 5 or
same brain regions. For instance, the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the ante­ greater was reflective of poor sleep quality (Buysse et al., 1989; Ong
rior cingulate cortex (ACC), and the amygdala play an important role in et al., 2011). The PSQI had a high degree of internal homogeneity
the regulation of emotion and stress (Beauregard et al., 2001; Lévesque (Cronbach’s α = 0.83). The PSQI was known for its high sensitivity
et al., 2003; Taylor and Stanton, 2007). Another study indicated that (89.6%) and specificity (86.5%) in assessing sleep quality (Buysse et al.,
major stress was associated with decreased gray matter volume in the 1989)..
corticostriatal-limbic regions, such as the hippocampus, orbitofrontal Psychological stress was measured by the Psychosomatic Tension
cortex, insula, anterior cingulate, and medial prefrontal cortex (Gia­ Relaxation Inventory (PSTRI) (Wallace, 1980), which includes 50 self-
naros et al., 2007). Meanwhile, Brewin et al. (2010) found that patients rated items. Each item is scored from 0 to 4 (never, rarely, sometimes,
who suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder usually rely on common frequently, and always), and the total score ranges from 0 to 200. Higher
brain regions including the medial prefrontal regions, posterior regions scores were indicative of higher levels of psychosomatic stress (Chen
in the medial and lateral parietal cortices, medial temporal lobe, and et al., 2002), and a total PSTRI score of 82 or greater is reflective of high
lateral temporal cortex. psychological stress. The PSTRI score had a high degree of internal

L. Zhang et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105641

homogeneity (Cronbach’s α = 0.93). errors were estimated using the bootstrap methods with accelerated
After participants gave written consent, they completed question­ 95% confidence intervals (with 5000 samples).
naires under the supervision of the researcher. Participants were
assessed collectively in the laboratory using uniform instructions. The 3. Results
questionnaires were collected immediately after completion.
3.1. Behavioral results
2.3. MRI data acquisition
Pearson’s correlation was performed to explore the relationship be­
The resting-state fMRI data were collected at the Southwest Uni­ tween psychological stress and sleep quality, revealing a significant
versity Brain Imaging Center on a 3T Trio scanner (Siemens Medical, positive correlation between psychological stress and PSQI scores (r =
Erlangen, Germany). When participants began to be scanned, they were 0.277, p < 0.001). The specific results are shown in Table 1.
asked to close their eyes but not to fall sleep. In total, 242 volumes were
acquired based on a gradient echo planar imaging sequence: repetition
time = 2000 ms; slices = 32; echo time = 30 ms; thickness = 3 mm; 3.2. Relationship between brain network and sleep quality
resolution matrix = 64 × 64; flip angle = 90◦ ; field of view = 220 × 220
mm2; slice gap = 1 mm; and voxel size = 3.4 × 3.4 × 4 mm3. We employed a multiple regression analysis to predict sleep quality.
We found that these four networks significantly predicted sleep quality.
2.4. Imaging preprocessing Specifically, the functional connections between the SM network and the
CO network (β = 0.308, t = 2.650, p < 0.05), between the DA network
All fMRI data were analyzed using SPM8 ( and the DM network (β = 0.250, t = 2.442, p < 0.05), and within the SM
uk/spm) and the Data Processing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI network (β = 0.223, t = 2.442, p < 0.05) and CO network (β = 0.194, t =
(DPARSF) (Yan et al., 2016; Yan and Zang, 2010). We discarded the first 2.076, p < 0.05) were positively correlated with the total global PSQI
10 EPI scans to suppress equilibration effects, regarded as representing (see Figs. 1 and 2).
the environmental adaptation of individuals. The remaining scans were
then preprocessed by slice timing, realigned, and normalized to a MNI
(Montreal Neurological Institute) template and resampled to 3 × 3 × 3 3.3. Additional analysis
mm3. We then conducted a series of processing, including spatial
smoothing (8 mm full width at half maximum) and band-pass temporal In order to show that it is more appropriate to select the functional
filtering (0.01–0.1 Hz). Nuisance signals (white matter and cerebrospi­ connections between the SM network and the CO network, we con­
nal fluid signals, global mean signal, six rigid-body motion correction ducted whole brain predictive analysis. We selected 28 nodes belonging
parameters) were regressed to eliminate the potential impact of physi­ to the SM network and 14 nodes belonging to the CO network, estab­
ological artifacts. lished the correlation matrix of 28 × 14 according to the template
defined by Power, and obtained 392 functional connections for each
2.5. Functional network construction participant. We then repeated the same multiple regression analysis. The
results showed that the prediction of functional connectivity in all nodes
To build the connectivity network, a 264-functional-node template reached significance, ps < 0.05. The specific results are shown in
defined by Power was used that included 14 large-scale brain networks. Table 2.
To focus on the SM, CO, DA, and DM network, we left 112 nodes
belonging to the four networks to build the functional network, then for
3.4. Results of the mediation analysis
each subject we selected 28 nodes belonging to the SM network and 14
nodes belonging to the CO network, established a 28 × 14 correlation
Based on the behavioral and functional connectivity results, we
matrix according to the template defined by Power, and obtained 392
performed a mediation analysis to further explore whether psychologi­
functional connectivities.
cal stress affects sleep quality through the functional connection
strength of the sleep quality network. In the present study, we consid­
2.6. Statistical analysis
ered psychological stress an independent variable and measured it with
psychological stress scores, whereas the functional connection strength
The Pearson’s correlation analysis was performed between the
of sleep quality network was considered a mediator and sleep quality an
functional connectivity and sleep quality, psychological stress and sleep
independent variable measured with the PSQI. Gender and age were also
quality. The multiple regression analysis was performed between the
regarded as covariates in all mediation analyses. As expected, mediation
functional connectivity and sleep quality. The multiple comparisons
analysis showed that: (1) the functional connection strength of the sleep
were corrected by using Bonferroni procedure in the present study.
quality network (the functional connection between the SM network and
the CO network) partially mediated the relationship between psycho­
2.7. Mediation analysis
logical stress and sleep quality (path a = 0.0003, p = 0.0013; path b =
7.9096, p = 0.0390; path ab = 0.0025, bootstrapped 95% CI = 0.0001,
Mediation analyses of the relationship between psychological stress,
0.0055) (see Fig. 3).
sleep quality, and brain functional connectivity were performed using
the PROCESS version 3.3 procedure in SPSS 22.0 (Preacher and Hayes,
2004). The concept of a mediation analysis is as follows. The relation­ Table 1
ship between a predictor (x) and an outcome variable (y) can be Participant demographics (N = 315; males = 144, females = 171).
explained by their relationship to a third variable (the mediator (m)). Mean SD Range PSQI Stress
The mediation model included psychological stress as the predictor (x), Age (years) 20.02 1.26 17–27
change in sleep quality as the outcome variable (y), and change in the PSQI 5.85 2.62 0–16 – 0.277***
brain functional connectivity as the mediator (m). Additional covariates stress 47.56 22.56 3–117 – –
were added to the model for adjustments (covariates: age and gender). Pearsons bivariate correlations, shown are r values.
Indirect effects were considered significant if the value of 0 was not N: number, SD: standard deviation, PSQI: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.
contained in the confidence intervals and the indirect effect standard *** p < 0.001.

L. Zhang et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105641

between the SM and CO networks partially mediated the association

between psychological stress and sleep quality. In summary, our find­
ings suggest that the increased functional connectivity between the SM
and CO networks may play an important role in the relationship between
psychological stress and sleep quality.
The present study found a significant correlation between psycho­
logical stress and sleep quality consistent with prior findings (Amaral
et al., 2018; Bartel et al., 2015; Short et al., 2013). For example, Amaral
et al. (2018) showed that sleep difficulties were positively associated
with perceived stress, such that higher stress may led to greater sleep
difficulties. This might be explained by the cognitive model of insomnia
(Harvey, 2002), such that the individual suffers from uncontrollable
worries about stress events that could trigger emotional arousal, and
then makes distorted cognitive evaluations of stress events, causing
subjective sleep quality to decline. Based on these findings, it was not
surprising that psychological stress was negatively correlated with sleep
quality in the participants.
Network model was increasingly considered as a useful tool to study
the core intrinsic activity characteristics and clinical biomarkers of
major neuropsychiatric disorders (e. g., Khazaie, Veronese, Noori et al.,
2017; Tahmasian, Shao, Meng, 2016). Khazaie et al. (2017) concluded
that most of findings in insomnia disorder discussed in previous studies
Fig. 1. The corresponding partial correlation scatterplots illustrated the rela­
implicate three major neural networks: the DMN, CEN and SN. More­
tionship between the total of PSQI score and functional connectivity between
the SSM network and the CO network. The x-axis of the scatterplots represents
over, the sleep quality was correlated to the functional connectivity
the standardized residuals of the total of PSQI score, and the y-axis represents between the DMN and insular, hippocampus, anterior cingulate cortex
standardized residuals of the values of functional connectivity between the SSM and etc (Khazaie, Veronese, Noori et al., 2017; Regen et al., 2016).
network and the CO network. Meanwhile, Dong et al. (2018) found that the DAN (dorsal attention
network) – FPC (frontoparietal control network) functional connectivity
4. Discussion was significantly increased and the strength of aDMN - pDMN functional
connectivity was significantly decreased in insomniacs. In the present
In this study, we investigated the associations among psychological study, consistent with previous studies, the functional connectivity be­
stress, RSFC, and sleep quality. First, Pearson’s correlation analysis tween the SM network and the CO network, and between the DA
showed that psychological stress was positively correlated with PSQI. network and the DM network played a crucial role in sleep quality
That was to say, psychological stress was negatively correlated with (Horovitz et al., 2009). For example, a recent study using graph theo­
sleep quality. In addition, the brain functional connectivity between the retical approaches to investigate network changes in sleep reported that
SM network and the CO network, between the DA network and the DM sleep reflects the strength of the somatomotor (SM) network (Horovitz
network, and within the SM network and CO network was positively et al., 2009) and the DA network (Larson-Prior et al., 2009). Kaufmann
associated with the global PSQI score and negatively associated with et al. (2016) identified 17 edges showing significant effects of sleep
sleep quality. Thus, the interaction of these four brain networks could deprivation on connectivity, involving the DM network, the DA
predict and affect the individuals’ sleep quality. More importantly, a network, the frontal network, the visual network, the SMA network, the
mediation analysis revealed that the brain functional connectivity auditory/speech network, the amygdala/hippocampus network, and the
cerebellar network. Zhang et al. (2019) showed by analysis of resting-

Fig. 2. The brain showed all the nodes and edges of the SSM network and the CO network which were correlated to the sleep quality. The size of the node rep­
resented the size of the node degree, the larger the node degree, the larger the node. The edges between the SSM network and the CO network were picked out which
the relationship between the two network of functional connectivity and sleep quality was significant.

L. Zhang et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105641

Table 2 brain areas, such as the frontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and
Functional connectivity of nodes links correlated with the pittsburgh sleep insula (Cristofori et al., 2015; van Noordt et al., 2015; Wang et al.,
quality index score. 2019). The SM network and CO network are related to emotional
Node 1 Node 2 r p reactivity to psychological stress (Goldin and Gross, 2010; Goldin et al.,
Cingulate Gyrus (R) Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex 0.12* 0.043
2009). These findings support the neural structure model of emotion
(L) regulation (Ochsner and Gross, 2007) that posits that individuals
Cingulate Gyrus (R) Superior Frontal Gyrus (L) 0.147** 0.029 suffering from psychological stress modulate their negative emotion
Cingulate Gyrus (R) Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex 0.144* 0.031 through the correlated brain regions of emotion regulation, including
the cingulate areas, amygdala, and frontal lobe.
Cingulate Gyrus (R) Superior Frontal Gyrus (R) 0.182** 0.021
Cingulate Gyrus (R) Frontal Operculum Cortex (R) 0.158** 0.021 Furthermore, the results of the mediation analysis show that the
Superior Parietal Lobule Supramarginal Gyrus (R) 0.158** 0.021 strength of the functional connections of sleep quality networks medi­
(L) ates the association between psychological stress and sleep quality. This
Superior Parietal Lobule Superior Frontal Gyrus (L) 0.128* 0.039 study found that the brain network most strongly associated with the
Superior Parietal Lobule Frontal Operculum Cortex (R) 0.171** 0.021
effects of psychological stress on sleep quality was the SM network. The
(L) SM network is anchored in the cingulate gyrus, superior parietal lobule,
Superior Parietal Lobule Insular Cortex (L) 0.129* 0.039 and precentral gyrus, which are related to attention regulation during
(L) the cognitive reappraisal of emotional reactivity to psychological stress
Superior Parietal Lobule Insular Cortex (R) 0.122* 0.043
(Goldin and Gross, 2010; Goldin et al., 2009). Meanwhile, psychological
Precentral Gyrus (R) Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex 0.138* 0.036 stress is correlated with lower activation in the precentral gyrus and
(L) higher activation in the anterior cingulate cortex (Shah et al., 2019). In
Precentral Gyrus (R) Superior Frontal Gyrus (L) 0.135* 0.036 addition, a large area within the cingulate cortex showed structural al­
Precentral Gyrus (L) Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex 0.162** 0.021 terations in the participants of obstructive sleep apnea (Macey et al.,
2008), and sleep times were significantly correlated with decreased
Precentral Gyrus (L) Superior Frontal Gyrus (L) 0.141* 0.032
Precentral Gyrus (L) Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex 0.159** 0.021 activation in the frontal cortex, precuneus cortex, and anterior cingulate
(L) cortex (Christensen et al., 2019; Urrila et al., 2017). Thus, it was not
Precentral Gyrus (L) Paracingulate Gyrus (R) 0.156** 0.021 difficult to find that psychological stress affected college students’ sleep
Precentral Gyrus (L) Central Opercular Cortex (L) 0.125* 0.040
quality through the SM network.
Precentral Gyrus (L) Frontal Operculum Cortex (R) 0.155** 0.021
Precentral Gyrus (R) Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex 0.124* 0.040 Another brain network strongly associated with the correlations
(L) between psychological stress and sleep quality was the CO network.
According to the study of Dosenbach et al. (2006, 2007), the CO network
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.
is associated with the maintenance of tonic alertness and is closely
related to “task-set maintenance.” On the basis of the findings of this
study, we propose that the task maintenance should require high con­
centration, in this case causing more stress for the individual, and the
results of some studies support this view. Specifically, the superior
frontal gyrus is a core brain region for cognitive control and emotion-
regulation-related processes. Importantly, the superior frontal gyrus is
a neurofunctional marker of perceived stress in individuals (Wang et al.,
2019). Psychological stress is consistently associated with altered neural
oscillations in certain brain areas, such as the frontal cortex, anterior
cingulate cortex, and insula (Cristofori et al., 2015; van Noordt et al.,
2015; Wang et al., 2019). This reveals the importance of the CO network
Fig. 3. Mediation analysis. Path a, b, and c’ were statistically significant
in psychological stress. Moreover, the CO network includes the juxta­
(bootstrapped 95% CI: 0.0001, 0.0055). The mediation results suggested that
positional lobule cortex, supramarginal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus,
the values of functional connectivity between the SSM network and the CO
network partially mediated the association between psychological stress and
and insular cortex. According to previous studies, activation of the
sleep quality. *p < 0.05;**p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. insula was detected during the occurrence of sleep-spindle-key features
of sleep stage II (Schabus et al., 2007) that are regarded as an index of
sleep stability (Dangvu et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2012). Hypersomnolence
state EEG data that sleep deprivation decreased the connectivity from
disorder is also associated with slow wave activity in bilateral cen­
the right middle occipital gyrus to the left parahippocampal gyrus (LPH/
troparietal regions and maps to portions of the somatosensory cortex
LFG). Meanwhile, directed high-frequency connectivity increased from
and supramarginal gyrus (Plante et al., 2019). Regions with highest
the left precuneus to the left superior frontal gyrus and left middle oc­
activation are located in the frontal and parietal lobe, specifically in the
cipital gyrus. Moreover, these findings support the proposed neurobio­
prefrontal cortex and the postcentral gyrus, where the effects of sleep
logical model of insomnia (Buysse et al., 2011) that the specific brain
deprivation are most significant (Latreille et al., 2019). To sum up, these
regions related to sleep include the cortico-limbic circuits, the default
findings show that the CO network plays an important role in the rela­
mode network, the hypothalamic centers, and the brainstem-
tionship between psychological stress and sleep quality.
hypothalamic arousal centers.
Furthermore, increased resting state functional connectivity between
Networks in which functional connectivity was associated with
the SM and CO networks suggests that psychological stress may enhance
psychological stress problems and their effects on sleep quality included
the ability of the CO network to exert cognitive control and emotion
the SM network and the CO network. There was increasing evidence that
regulation and decrease sleep quality via strengthening of the SM
the SM network and the CO network were key brain networks associated
network. For instance, Gu et al. (2013) found that the insula has bidi­
with psychological stress (Gianaros et al., 2007; Karl et al., 2006). For
rectional connections with the frontal, parietal, and the cingulate gyrus.
instance, Shah et al. (2019) indicated that psychological stress was
The functional connectivity between the cingulate gyrus and the insula
correlated with lower activation in the precentral gyrus and higher
is related to emotion. According to this result, we should find that the
activation in the anterior cingulate cortex. Meanwhile, psychological
functional connectivity could affect the individual’s emotion, including
stress is consistently associated with altered neural oscillations in certain
psychological stress. Meanwhile, in the previous paragraph, we have

L. Zhang et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105641

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