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Chapter 8

Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood

Groups: The Lewis, P, I, MNS, Kell, Duffy,
Kidd, and Lutheran
and Angela K. Novotny MT(ASCP)SBBCM

Introduction The MNS (002) System Fyx

Blood Groups and Terminology M and N Antigens Fy3 Antigen and Antibody
The Lewis (007) System S and s Antigens Fy5 Antigen and Antibody
Lewis Antibodies Anti-M The Kidd (009) System
Genetics and Biosynthesis Anti-N Jka and Jkb Antigens
Development of Lewis Antigens Anti-S and Anti-s Anti-Jka and Anti-Jkb
Other Lewis Antigens Biochemistry Biochemistry
The P Blood Group: P1PK (003) and Genetics Genetics
Globoside (028) Systems and Related GPA- and GPB-Deficient Phenotypes Jk(a–b–) Phenotype and the Recessive
(209) Antigens Other Antibodies in the MNS System Allele, Jk
The P1 Antigen Autoantibodies Jk(a–b–) Phenotype and the
Anti-P1 Disease Associations Dominant In(Jk) Allele
Biochemistry The Kell (006) and Kx (019) Systems Anti-Jk3
Genetics K and k Antigens Autoantibodies
Other Sources of P1 Antigen and Kpa, Kpb, and Kpc Antigens The Lutheran (005) System
Antibody Lua and Lub Antigens
Jsa and Jsb Antigens
Anti-PP1Pk Anti-Lua
Alloanti-P Anti-Lub
Antibodies to Kpa, Jsa, and Other Low-
Autoanti-P Associated With Prevalence Kell Antigens Biochemistry
Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria Genetics
Antibodies to k, Kpb, Jsb, and Other
Antibodies to Compound Antigens High-Prevalence Kell Antigens Lu(a–b–) Phenotypes
Luke (LKE) Antigen Biochemistry Anti-Lu3
PX2 Antigen Genetics Applications to Routine Blood Banking
Disease Associations The Kx Antigen Case Studies
The I (027) System and i Antigen The Ko Phenotype and Anti-Ku Summary Chart
The I and i Antigens The McLeod Phenotype and Syndrome Review Questions
Anti-I Altered Expressions of Kell Antigens References
Anti-i Autoantibodies
Biochemistry and Genetics The Duffy (008) System
Other Sources of I and i Antigen Fya and Fyb Antigens
The IT Antigen and Antibody Anti-Fya and Anti-Fyb
Antibodies to Compound Antigens Biochemistry
Disease Associations Genetics

174 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Blood Groups and Terminology
1. Describe how antigens, antibodies, genes, and phenotypes are correctly written.
2. List the four categories for classification of RBC surface blood group antigens used by the ISBT.
3. For each of the blood group systems described in this chapter:
• List the major antigens and common phenotypes.
• Describe the serologic characteristics and clinical significance of the antibodies.
• Identify null phenotypes.

Antigen Characteristics
4. Describe the formation of Lewis antigens and their adsorption onto RBCs.
5. Define the interaction of Lewis genes with ABO, H, and secretor genes.
6. List substances present in secretions and the Lewis phenotypes based on a given genotype.
7. Describe the reciprocal relationship of I antigen to i antigen.
8. List the antigen frequencies for the common antigens K, M, S, s, Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, and P1.
9. Define Kpa, Jsa, and Lua as low-prevalence antigens and Kpb, Jsb, Lub, and I as high-prevalence antigens.
10. Define the association of M and N with glycophorin A (GPA) and S and s with glycophorin B (GPB).
11. Describe the antigen phenotypes S–s–U–, Js(a+), and Fy(a–b–) associated with blacks.
12. Define the null phenotypes Mk, p, Ko, Fy(a–b–), Jk(a–b–), and Lu(a–b–), and describe their role in problem-solving.
13. Compare dominant and recessive forms of the Lu(a–b–) and Jk(a–b–) phenotypes.
14. Explain I and P1 antigens as being poorly expressed on cord RBCs.
15. Describe the phenotypic relationship between LW and Rh.
16. List the antigens that are denatured by routine blood bank enzymes (M, N, S, s, Fya, Fyb) and antigens whose reactivity with
antibody is enhanced with enzymes (I, i, P1, Jka, Jkb).
17. List which antigens are destroyed by treatment with DTT (dithiothreitol).

Antibody Characteristics
18. List the characteristics of the Lewis antibodies, including clinical significance.
19. Define antibodies to M, N, I, and P1 as being typically non-RBC–induced (“naturally occurring”), cold-reacting agglutinins
that are usually clinically insignificant.
20. Describe antibodies to K, k, S, s, Fya, Fyb, Jka, and Jkb as usually induced by exposure to foreign RBCs (“immune”),
antiglobulin-reactive antibodies that are clinically significant.
21. List the antibody specificities that commonly show dosage (anti-M, -N, -S, -s, -Fya, -Fyb, -Jka and -Jkb).

Clinical Significance and Disease Association

22. List and correlate the common 37°C antihuman globulin–reactive antibodies to K, k, S, s, Fya, Fyb, Jka, and Jkb with hemolytic
transfusion reactions (HTR) and hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN).
23. Describe why the Kidd antibodies are a common cause of delayed HTR.
24. Define the relationship of autoanti-I with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections and autoanti-i with infectious mononucleosis.
25. Describe the common characteristics of the McLeod syndrome, including very weak Kell antigen expression, acanthocytosis,
and late onset of muscular and neurological abnormalities.
26. Describe the association of the Fy(a–b–) phenotype with Plasmodium vivax resistance.
27. Explain Jk(a–b–) RBCs with a resistance to lysis that normally occurs in 2M urea, a common diluting fluid used for automated
platelet counters.
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 175

Introduction RBCs. Some genes code for complex structures that carry
more than one antigen (e.g., the glycophorin B structure,
The first part of this chapter covers blood group terminology which carries S or s antigen, also carries the U antigen).
and how antigens are organized into a classification scheme. Silent, or amorphic, alleles exist that make no antigen, but
Conventions for the correct use of terminology are included they are rare. When paired chromosomes carry the same
so that the student will be able to accurately communicate silent allele, a null phenotype results. Null phenotype RBCs
information about antigens and antibodies, phenotypes, and can be very helpful when evaluating antibodies to unknown
genotypes. high-prevalence antigens. For example, an antibody reacting
The ABO and Rh blood groups are the most significant in with all test cells except those with the phenotype Lu(a–b–)
transfusion practice. However, there are currently 346 RBC may be directed against an antigen in the Lutheran system or
antigens in 36 systems that are formally recognized inter- an antigen phenotypically related to the Lutheran system. In
nationally. With the advances in genotyping leading to iden- some blood group systems, the null phenotype results in RBC
tification of variants within the blood group systems, the abnormalities.
number of RBC antigens and blood group systems can be Some blood group systems have regulator or modifying
expected to grow. Refer to the International Society of Blood genes, which alter antigen expression. These are not neces-
Transfusion (ISBT) website ( for the Red sarily located at the same locus as the blood group genes they
Cell Immunogenetics and Blood Group Terminology Work- affect and may segregate independently. For example, RBCs
ing Party page for current classifications. Blood group anti- with the dominant type of Lu(a–b–) have suppressed expres-
gens are defined by carbohydrates (sugars) attached to sion of all the antigens in the Lutheran blood group system
glycoprotein or glycolipid structures or by amino acids on as well as many other antigens, including P1 and i. This
a protein. The carbohydrate blood groups Lewis, P, and modifying gene is inherited independently of the genes
I will be presented first. The antigens of these carbohydrate coding for Lutheran, P1, and i antigens.
systems (like ABO and H) are not encoded by their genes Blood group antigens are detected by alloantibodies,
directly. Rather, the genes encode specific glycosyltrans- which occur naturally (i.e., without a known immune stim-
ferases that in turn synthesize the carbohydrate epitopes by ulus) or as a response by the immune system after exposure
sequential addition of sugars to a precursor. to nonself RBC antigens introduced by blood transfusion or
The next blood groups discussed are MNS, Duffy, Kell, pregnancy. Over the last century, blood group antigens have
Kidd, and Lutheran. These are significant in routine trans- been named using several styles of symbols: uppercase single
fusion medicine; antibodies to these antigens are more com- letters, uppercase and lowercase letters to represent alleles,
monly encountered. Other uncommon blood groups and letters derived from the name of the system (some with
selected antigens/antibodies will be covered in Chapter 9, superscripts to represent alleles), letter symbols followed by
“Uncommon Blood Groups.” numbers, and finally the more recent use of all uppercase
Antigen and antibody characteristics are discussed for letters.
each blood group presented. Included are the effects of en- Although gene and antigen names seem confusing at
zymes and chemical treatments on test RBCs. This infor- first, certain conventions are followed when writing alleles,
mation is a tool for antibody identification. For example, antigens, and phenotypes.1 Some examples are given in
if an antibody no longer reacts with a panel of RBCs after Table 8–1. Genes are written in italics or underlined when
the RBCs have been pretreated with an enzyme such as ficin italics are not available (e.g., when handwritten), and their
or papain, then only those antibodies that don’t react after allele number or letter is always superscript. Antigen names
enzyme treatment are considered for the specificity, and all are written in regular type without italics or underlining;
other specificities can be excluded. These antigen and an- some antigens have numbers or superscript letters. A phe-
tibody characteristics are summarized on the front and notype is a description of which antigens are present on an
back cover of the book so that students can easily access individual’s RBCs and simply indicates the results of sero-
pertinent information while performing routine antibody logic tests on those RBCs. It is important to use subscripts,
identification. superscripts, and italics appropriately. For example, A1,
A1, and A1 mean the antigen, the phenotype, and the allele,
Blood Groups and Terminology respectively.
How the phenotype is written depends on the antigen
A blood group system is one or more antigens produced nomenclature and whether letters or numbers are used. For
by alleles at a single gene locus or at loci so closely linked letter antigens, a plus sign or minus sign written on the same
that crossing over does not occur or is very rare.1 With a few line as the antigen is used to designate that the antigen is
notable exceptions, most blood group genes are located on present or absent, respectively. Examples are M+ and K–. For
the autosomal chromosomes and demonstrate straightfor- antigens that have superscripts, the letter of the superscript
ward Mendelian inheritance. is placed in parentheses on the same line as the letter defin-
Most blood group alleles are codominant and express a ing the antigen—for example, Fy(a+) and Jk(a–). When test-
corresponding antigen. For example, a person who inherits ing for both of the antithetical antigens, both results are
alleles K and k expresses both K and k antigens on his or her written within the parentheses—for instance, Fy(a–b+). For
176 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Table 8–1 Examples of Terminology for Genes, Antigens, Antibodies, and Phenotypes
Gene Antigen Antibody Phenotype
System Conventional ISBT Antigen Positive Antigen Negative
Lewis Le LE Lea Anti-Lea Le(a+) Le(a–)

Leb Anti-Leb Le(b+) Le(b–)


MNS M MNS*1 M Anti-M M+ M–

N MNS*2 N Anti-N N+ N–
S MNS*3 S Anti-S S+ S–
s MNS*4 s Anti-s s+ s–
Kell K KEL*1 K Anti-K K+ K–
k KEL*2 k Anti-k k+ k–
Kidd Jka JK*1 Jka Anti-Jka Jk(a+) Jk(a–)
Jkb JK*2 Jkb Anti-Jkb Jk(b+) Jk(b–)

antigens that have a numerical designation, the letter(s) Table 8–2 Examples of Correct and
defining the system is followed by a colon, followed by the
Incorrect Terminology
number representing the antigen. No plus sign is written if
the antigen is present, but a minus sign is placed before the Correct Incorrect
negative result, and multiple results are separated by a Fy(a+) Fya+, Fy(a+), Fya+, Fya(+), Duffy a-positive, Duffya+
comma (e.g., Sc:–1,2). Phenotypes of more than one blood
group system are separated by a semicolon—for example, Fy(a–b+) Fya–b+, Fya(–)Fyb(+)
S+s+; K–; Fy(a+b–). Anti-Fya Anti Fya, anti-Duffy, anti-Duffya
Remember that serologic tests determine only RBC phe-
notype, not genotype. A genotype is composed of the actual K Kell (name of system), K1 (obsolete)
genes that an individual has inherited and can be determined Anti-k Anti-Cellano, anti-K2 (obsolete)
only by family or DNA studies. Sometimes the genotype can
be predicted or inferred by the phenotype. When based on M+N– M(+), MM
results from RBC antigen typing, the genotype is a probable Ge:–2 Ge2–, Ge:2–, Ge2-negative
interpretation as to which genes the individual carries in
order to have the observed phenotype.
Antibodies are described by their antigen notation with
the prefix anti-, including a hyphen before the antigen sym- three digits represent the system, collection, or series, and
bol. Use of correct blood group terminology, especially for the second three digits identify the antigen. The antigens
antibodies identified in a patient’s serum, is very important within the system are numbered sequentially in order of dis-
so that correct information is conveyed for patient care. covery. Each system also has an alphabetical symbol. For ex-
Some examples of correct and incorrect terminology are ample, using the ISBT terminology, the K antigen is 006001
given in Table 8–2. with the first three numbers (006) representing the system
Numeric terminology was originally introduced for the and the second three numbers (001) representing the number
Kell and Rh systems and was subsequently applied to other assigned to K, or as 6.1(omitting the sinistral zeroes). Anti-
systems. To facilitate computer storage and retrieval of blood gens can also be written using the system symbol followed
group information and to help standardize blood group sys- by the antigen number; for instance, KEL1. This committee’s
tem and antigen names, the International Society of Blood work is ongoing, and the assignment of RBC antigens to
Transfusion (ISBT) formed the Working Party on Terminol- blood group systems is periodically updated. The first mono-
ogy for Red Cell Surface Antigens in 1980.2 The numeric graph was released in 1990, and updates are published in
system this group proposed was not intended to replace tra- Vox Sanguinis or the associated ISBT Science Series 3 and on
ditional terminology but rather to enable communication the Working Party’s page of the ISBT website (http://www
on computer systems where numbers are necessary. Each
antigen is given a six-digit identification number. The first blood-group-terminology/).4
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 177

The ISBT assigns RBC antigens to a system, collection, and Collections are antigens that have a biochemical, sero-
low- or high-prevalence series. This chapter uses traditional logic, or genetic relationship but do not meet the criteria for
terminology, but the ISBT symbol and number are indicated a system.5 Antigens classified as a collection are assigned a
for the blood group systems and collections discussed. 200 number. Some of the previously established collections
As defined by the ISBT, a blood group system “consists of have been made obsolete as criteria have been met to estab-
one or more antigens controlled at a single gene locus, or by lish a system or incorporate antigens into an existing system.
two or more very closely linked homologous genes with little See Table 8–4 for a listing of the ISBT collections.4
or no observable recombination between them.”5 Each sys- All remaining RBC antigens that are not associated with a
tem is genetically distinct. To date, there are-_
36 blood group system or a collection are catalogued into the 700 series of low-
systems (Table 8–3).4 prevalence antigens or the 901 series of high-prevalence

Table 8–3 International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) Blood Group Systems
Gene Name Chromosomal No. of
Number Name Symbol ISBT Location Antigens CD Numbers
001 ABO ABO ABO 9q 4
002 MNS MNS GYPA, GYPB, 4q 49 CD235a (GPA)
CD235b (GPB)
003 P1PK P1PK A4GALT 22q 3 CD77
004 Rh RH RHD, RHCE 1p 55 CD240
005 Lutheran LU BCAM 19q 24 CD239
006 Kell KEL KEL 7q 36 CD238
007 Lewis LE FUT3 19p 6
008 Duffy FY ACKR1 (formerly 1q 5 CD234
known as DARC )
009 Kidd JK SLC14A1 18q 3
010 Diego DI SLC4A1 17q 22 CD233
011 Yt YT ACHE 7q 3
012 Xg XG XG, MIC2 Xp 2 CD99 (MIC2)
013 Scianna SC ERMAP 1p 7
014 Dombrock DO ART4 12p 10 CD297
015 Colton CO AQP1 7p 4
016 Landsteiner-Wiener LW ICAM4 19p 3 CD242
017 Chido/Rodgers CH/RG C4A, C4B 6p 9
018 H H FUT1 19q 1 CD173
019 Kx XK XK Xp 1
020 Gerbich GE GYPC 2q 11 CD236
021 Cromer CROM CD55 (formerly 1q 19 CD55
known as DAF)
022 Knops KN CR1 1q 9 CD35
023 Indian IN CD44 11p 5 CD44
024 Ok OK BSG 19p 3 CD147
025 Raph RAPH CD151 11p 1 CD151
178 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Table 8–3 International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) Blood Group Systems—cont’d
Gene Name Chromosomal No. of
Number Name Symbol ISBT Location Antigens CD Numbers
026 John Milton JMH SEMA7A 15q 6 CD108
027 I I GCNT2 6p 1
028 Globoside GLOB B3GALT1 3q 2
029 Gill GIL AQP3 9p 1
030 Rh-associated RHAG RHAG 6p 4 CD241

031 FORS FORS GBGT1 9q 1

032 JR JR ABCG2 4q 1 CD338

033 LAN LAN ABCB6 2q

034 Vel VEL SMIM1 1q 1

035 CD59 CD59 CD59 11p 1 CD59

036 Augustine AUG SLC29A1 6p 2

Table 8–4 International Society of Blood Transfusion Blood Group Collections

Collection Antigen
Number Name Symbol Number Symbol Incidence %

205 Cost COST 205001 Csa 95

205002 Csb 34

207 Ii I 207002 i

208 Er ER 208001 Era >99

208002 Erb <1
208003 Er3 >99

209 GLOB 209003 LKE 98

210 210001 Lec 1

210002 Led 6

213 MN CHO 213001 Hu

213002 M1
213003 Tm
213004 Can
213005 Sext
213006 Sj

antigens. Refer to Table 8–5 for a listing of low-prevalence anti- by the terms high- and low-prevalence, reflecting the occurrence
gens and Table 8–6 for a listing of high-prevalence antigens of an inherited characteristic at the phenotypic level.6
recognized by the ISBT.4 Antigens in these series represent
those with a prevalence of less than 1% or more than 90% of The Lewis (007) System
most random populations, respectively. As terminology has
evolved, the terms high- and low-incidence, also previously The Lewis blood group system is unique because the Lewis
known as high- and low-frequency, are currently being replaced antigens are not intrinsic to RBCs but are on type 1
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 179

Table 8–5 International Society of Blood Transfusion Antigens of Low (700 Series) Prevalence
Number Name Symbol Number Name Symbol
700002 Batty By 700039 Milne

700003 Christiansen Chra 700040 Rasmussen RASM

700005 Biles Bi 700044 JFV

700006 Box Bxa 700045 Katagiri Kg

700017 Torkildsen Toa 700047 Jones JONES

700018 Peters Pta 700049 HJK

700019 Reid Rea 700050 HOFM

700021 Jensen Jea 700054 REIT

700028 Livesay Lia

Table 8–6 International Society of Blood Transfusion Antigens of High (901 Series) Prevalence
Number Name Symbol Number Name Symbol
901008 Emm 901014 PEL

901009 Anton AnWj 901015 ABTI

901012 Sid Sda 901016 MAM

glycosphingolipids that are passively adsorbed onto the RBC Table 8–7 Phenotypes of the Lewis
membrane from the plasma. The Lewis system was named
after one of the first individuals to make the antibody,
reported by Mourant in 1946.7 This antibody, later called Adult Phenotype
anti-Lea, agglutinated RBCs from about 25% of English Phenotype Prevalence (%)
people.8 In 1948, an antibody, later called anti-Leb, was found Whites Blacks
that reacted with Le(a–) individuals. It was thought that Lea
and Leb were antithetical antigens, but we now know this is Le(a+b–) 22 23
not so because they do not result from alternative alleles of a Le(a–b+) 72 55
single gene. Rather, they result from the interaction of two
fucosyltransferases encoded by independent genes, Le and Se. Le(a–b–) 6 22
The Lewis blood group system has been assigned the ISBT Le(a+b+) Rare Rare
system number 007 and the system symbol LE.
There are several Lewis antigens, but the two of primary
concern are Lea and Leb. The Lewis (Le, FUT3) gene is located
on chromosome 19 at position 19p13.3, as is the secretor (Se, Le(a–b–) RBC phenotype are either secretors or nonsecretors.8
FUT2) gene at 19q13.3.4 There are two alleles at the Lewis The Le(a–b–) phenotype is found more frequently among
locus, Le and the amorph le, and there are two alleles at the Africans. The Le(a+b+) phenotype is rare among whites and
secretor locus, Se and the amorph se. The biochemistry and Africans but is more frequent among Asians, with a prevalence
interaction of the genes at these two loci will be explained of 10% to 40%.10 The antigens of the Lewis blood group sys-
in a later section, but in short, the Le gene must be present tem recognized by the ISBT are listed in Table 8–8.
for a precursor substance to be converted to Lea, but the Se Lewis antigens are not expressed on cord RBCs and are
gene must also be present for conversion to Leb. The four often diminished on the mother’s RBCs during pregnancy.
phenotypes resulting from the interaction of these two genes Lewis antigens are found on lymphocytes and platelets and on
are shown in Table 8–7. other tissues such as the pancreas, stomach, intestine, skeletal
In 1948, it was observed that individuals with Le(a+) muscle, renal cortex, and adrenal glands.10 In addition, soluble
RBCs were mostly nonsecretors of ABH.9 As a result, in gen- Lewis antigens are found in saliva as glycoproteins.
eral for adults, Le(a+b–) RBCs are from ABH nonsecretors and Lewis antigens are resistant to treatment with the en-
Le(a–b+) RBCs are from ABH secretors (refer to Chapter 6, zymes ficin and papain, dithiothreitol (DTT), and glycine-
“The ABO Blood Group System”). Individuals with the acid EDTA. Reactivity of Lewis antibodies can be greatly
180 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Table 8–8 Antigens of the Lewis Blood Group System

Antigen ISBT Number Comment
Lea LE1

Leb LE2

Leab LE3 Anti-Leab reacts with Le(a+b–) and Le(a–b+) RBCs from adults and with 90% cord RBCs.*

LebH LE4 Anti-LebH reacts with group O Le(b+) and A2 Le(b+) RBCs.

ALeb LE5 Anti-Aleb reacts with group A Le(b+) and AB Le(b+) RBCs.

BLeb LE6 Anti-BLeb reacts with group B Le(b+) and AB Le(b+) RBCs.

*Reactive cord RBCs [serologically Le(a–b–)] are from babies with Le gene.

enhanced by testing with enzyme-treated RBCs; hemolysis recognizes any Leb antigen regardless of the ABO type.
of enzyme-treated RBCs may be seen if serum is tested. Anti-LebH should be suspected when anti-Leb is identified
with a panel of RBCs (group O) but most or all group A donor
Lewis Antibodies units are crossmatch compatible (as only about 20% of the
Ve group A RBC units will be from group A2 individuals).

Lewis antibodies are often naturally occurring and made by Lewis antigens are not intrinsic to the RBC membrane and
y Le(a–b–) persons; that is, they occur without any known are readily shed from transfused RBCs within a few days
RBC stimulus. They are generally IgM and do not cross the of transfusion. Also, Lewis blood group substance present
placenta. Because of this and because the Lewis antigens are in transfused plasma neutralizes Lewis antibodies in the
not well developed on fetal RBCs, the antibodies do not recipient.6 This is why it is exceedingly rare for anti-Lea or
cause hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN). anti-Leb to cause hemolysis of transfused RBCs.
Anti-Lea and anti-Leb may occur together and can be neu-
tralized by the Lewis substances present in plasma or saliva Genetics and Biosynthesis
or with commercially prepared Lewis substance. Lewis anti-
bodies occur quite frequently in the sera of pregnant women
who transiently exhibit the Le(a–b–) phenotype. Advanced Concepts
Most Lewis antibodies agglutinate saline-suspended The Le (FUT3) gene is linked to Se (FUT2) and H (FUT1),
RBCs, but these agglutinates are often fragile and can be eas- all located on chromosome 19. The synthesis of Lewis
ily dispersed if the cell button is not gently resuspended after antigens depends on the interaction of the transferases
centrifugation. Lewis antibodies can bind complement, and produced by the Lewis and secretor genes. The Lewis and
when fresh serum is tested, anti-Lea may cause in vitro he- secretor transferases preferentially fucosylate type 1
molysis of incompatible RBCs, although this is more often chains, whereas the H gene (FUT1) preferentially fucosy-
seen with enzyme-treated RBCs than with untreated RBCs. lates type 2 chains. Type 1 chain refers to the beta linkage
Anti-Lea is the most commonly encountered of the Lewis of the number 1 carbon of galactose to the number 3
antibodies and is often detected in room temperature tests, carbon of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residue of the
but it sometimes reacts at 37°C and in the indirect antiglobulin precursor structure (Fig. 8–1). As shown in Figure 8–2,
test. Rare hemolytic transfusion reactions (HTR) have been
reported in patients with anti-Lea who were transfused with
Le(a+) RBCs, so anti-Lea that are reactive at 37°C, particularly
those that cause in vitro hemolysis, should not be ignored.1 It
Type 1 GAL Predominant
is relatively easy to find Le(a–) units since 80% of the popu-
type in
lation are secretors. Obtaining donor units that are typed GlcNAc secretions,
Le(a–) with reagent antisera is generally not considered nec- GAL
plasma, some
!1 3 tissues
essary for these patients; units that are crossmatch compatible
!1 3
in tests performed at 37°C are acceptable. Persons whose RBCs
are Le(a–b+) do not make anti-Lea, because small amounts of
Type 2
unconverted Lea are present in their plasma and saliva.
Anti-Leb is not as common or generally as strong as anti- GAL Predominant
type on
Lea. It is usually an IgM agglutinin and can bind complement. GAL GlcNAc RBCs
Anti-Leb is infrequently made by Le(a+b–) individuals and can !1 3
be classified into two categories: anti-LebH and anti-LebL. Anti- !1 4
LebH reacts best when both the Leb and the H antigens are Figure 8–1. Precursor type 1 and type 2 chains. The type 1 chain has a beta 1 3
present on the RBC, such as group O and A2 cells. Anti-LebH linkage of the terminal galactose (Gal) to the N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) of the pre-
represents an antibody to a compound antigen. Anti-LebL cursor structure. The type 2 chain has a beta 1 4 linkage of the terminal galactose.
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 181

Type 1 precursor Gal(!1 3)GlcNAc-R

Le "1,4
Gal(!1 3)GlcNAc-R Fuc
Se Lea

Gal(!1 3)GlcNAc-R Gal(!1 3)GlcNAc-R

"1,2 Le "1,2 "1,4
Fuc Type 1H Fuc Fuc
GalNAc("1 3)Gal(!1 3)GlcNAc-R Gal("1 3)Gal(!1 3)GlcNAc-R
"1,2 "1,2
Fuc Type 1A Fuc Type 1B
Le Le

GalNAc("1 3)Gal(!1 3)GlcNAc-R Gal("1 3)Gal(!1 3)GlcNAc-R

"1,2 "1,4 "1,2 "1,4
Figure 8–2. Formation of Lewis antigens. Gal = galactose; Fuc Fuc Fuc Fuc
GlcNAc = N-acetylglucosamine; Fuc = fucose; GalNAc =
ALeb BLeb

secretor 1,2-L-fucosyltransferase adds a terminal fucose Table 8–9 Antigens and Phenotypes
to the type 1 chain to form type 1H. The Le allele codes Resulting From Interaction
for 1,4-L-fucosyltransferase, which transfers L-fucose to of Lewis, Secretor, and
type 1H chain on glycoprotein or glycolipid structures to ABO Genes
form Leb. Small amounts of Lea are made before the secre-
tor enzyme is able to add the terminal fucose. If these in- Lewis, Secretor, and ABO Genes
dividuals also have A or B genes, type 1H structures will Genes Antigens in Secretions RBC Phenotype
be converted to A or B structures and the Le fucosyltrans-
ferase will then produce ALeb or BLeb (see Fig. 8–2). Le, Se, A/B/H Lea, Leb, A, B, H A, B, H, Le(a – b+)
Individuals who are nonsecretors do not have the en- lele, Se, A/B/H A, B, H A, B, H, Le(a – b –)
zyme to convert type 1 chains in secretions to type 1H.
Consequently, the type 1 precursor is available for action Le, sese, A/B/H Lea A, B, H, Le(a+b –)
by the Le fucosyltransferase, with the result of Lea antigen lele, sese, A/B/H None A, B, H, Le(a – b –)
in secretions and Le(a+b–) RBCs. The Lea antigen cannot
be converted to Leb because of steric hindrance from the Le, sese, hh, A/B Lea Oh, Le(a+b –)
fucose added to make Lea. Individuals with a weak Se gene, Le, Se, hh, A/B Lea, Leb, A, B, H A*, B*, Le(a – b+)
common in Asia, produce a fucosyltransferase that com-
petes less effectively with the Le fucosyltransferase, result- *para-Bombay
ing in RBCs with the Le(a+b+) phenotype.8 The Le(a+b+)
phenotype is rare in European populations, and it occurs
in 10% to 40% of some Asian populations.10 Mutations that to Le(a+b–) or Le(a–b+), respectively. With saliva as a
result in inactivation of the fucosyltransferase, represented source of Lewis substances, Le(a–b–) RBCs cannot be con-
by the amorphic or silent le allele, are responsible for the verted into Lewis-positive phenotypes because Lewis sub-
Le(a–b–) phenotype. stances in saliva, being glycoproteins, are not adsorbed
All Le(a–b+) individuals are ABH secretors and also se- onto the RBC membranes.
crete Lea and Leb; very little Lea will be detected in the
plasma or on the RBCs. All Le(a+b–) individuals are ABH
nonsecretors, yet all secrete Lea. Approximately 78% to Development of Lewis Antigens
80% of whites are secretors, and 20% are nonsecretors. In
terms of Le(a–b–) individuals, 80% are ABH secretors, and Depending on the genes inherited, Lea and Leb glycoproteins
20% are ABH nonsecretors. The interaction of Lewis, se- will be present in the saliva of newborns, but Lewis glycolipids
cretor, and ABO genes is summarized in Table 8–9. are not detectable in the plasma until about 10 days after
Lewis antigens produced in saliva and other secretions birth. As a result, cord blood and RBCs from newborn infants
are glycoproteins, but Lewis cell-bound antigens absorbed phenotype as Le(a–b–). Some can be shown to be weakly
from plasma onto the RBC membranes are glycolipids. The Le(a+) when tested with a potent anti-Lea or with methods
gastrointestinal tract is thought to be the primary source of more sensitive than direct agglutination. Lewis antigens will
Lewis glycolipid in plasma.6 Le(a–b–) RBCs incubated with start to appear shortly after birth, with Lea developing first
plasma from Le(a+) or Le(b+) individuals can be converted when the Le gene is present. The Lewis fucosyltransferase is
more active than the secretor fucosyltransferase in newborns,
182 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

so more type 1 chains are available for conversion to Lea. As system (028, symbol GLOB), and LKE is assigned to the
the secretor transferase activity increases, converting type 1 Globoside collection (209, symbol GLOB). The reader will
to type 1H, Leb will be detected. In children who inherit both notice the confusing use of GLOB as the symbol for both a
Le and Se genes, the transformation can be followed from system and a collection. For simplicity in this chapter, these
the Le(a–b–) phenotype at birth to Le(a+b–) after 10 days to antigens will be referred to as the P blood group.
Le(a+b+) and finally to Le(a–b+), the true Lewis phenotype, The P blood group was introduced in 1927 by Landsteiner
after about 6 years. In contrast, children who inherit Le and and Levine. In their search for new antigens, they injected
sese genes phenotype as Le(a–b–) at birth and transform to rabbits with human RBCs and produced an antibody, initially
Le(a+b–) after 10 days; the Le(a+b–) phenotype persists called anti-P, that divided human RBCs into two groups: P+
throughout life. Individuals with lele genes phenotype as and P–.8
Le(a–b–) at birth and for the rest of their lives. In 1951, Levine and colleagues11 described anti-Tja (now
known as anti-PP1Pk), an antibody to a high-prevalence
Other Lewis Antigens antigen that Sanger12 later showed was related to the P
blood group. Because anti-Tja defined an antigen common
Leab is present on all Le(a+b–) and Le(a–b+) RBCs and on 90% to P+ and P– cells and was made by an apparent P null
of cord RBCs. The antigen was previously known as Lex, but individual, the original antigen and phenotypes were
in 1998 the ISBT renamed it Leab.10 Anti-Leab is fairly common renamed. Anti-P became anti-P1; the P+ phenotype became
and is frequently found with anti-Lea or anti-Leb. The antibody P1; the P– phenotype became P2; and the rare P null indi-
is heterogeneous and occurs mainly in Le(a–b–) secretors of vidual became p.
group A1, B, or A1B. The antigens now known as Lex and Ley The P blood group became more complex in 1959 when
are products of FUT3 on type 2 precursor chains and are not Matson and coworkers13 described a new antigen, Pk. This
associated with the RBC surface and are not part of the Lewis antigen is expressed on all RBCs except those of the very rare
blood group.11 p phenotype, but it is not readily detected unless P is absent
ALeb and BLeb result from the addition of the A or B (i.e., in the P1k and P2k phenotypes).
immunodominant sugar, respectively, to type 1H chain in The phenotypes, antigens, and antibodies associated with
individuals who have at least one Se and one Le allele. Se the P blood group are summarized in Table 8–10. There are
converts type 1 chains to type 1H, providing a suitable two common phenotypes: P1 and P2, and three rare pheno-
acceptor for the A and B carbohydrates (see Fig. 8–2). types: p, P1k, and P2k. The P1 phenotype describes RBCs that
react with anti-P1 and anti-P; the P2 phenotype describes
The P Blood Group: P1PK (003) RBCs that do not react with anti-P1 but do react with anti-P.
and Globoside (028) Systems When RBCs are tested only with anti-P1 and not with
and Related (209) Antigens anti-P, the phenotype should be written as P1+ (or P1) or P1–.
Only when P1– RBCs are tested and found to be reactive
Traditionally, the P blood group comprised the P, P1, and Pk with anti-P should they be designated as phenotype P2. RBCs
antigens and, later, Luke (LKE), PX2, and NOR. The bio- of the p phenotype do not react with anti-P1, anti-P, or
chemistry and molecular genetics, although not completely anti-Pk. RBCs of the P1k phenotype react with anti-P1 and
understood as yet, make it clear that at least two biosynthetic anti-Pk but not with anti-P. RBCs of the P2k phenotype react
pathways and genes at different loci are involved in the de- with anti-Pk but not with anti-P1 or anti-P.
velopment and expression of these antigens. Consequently, Individuals with the p phenotype (P null) are very rare:
these antigens cannot be considered a single blood group 5.8 in a million. P nulls are slightly more common in Japan,
system. Currently, in ISBT nomenclature, P1, Pk, and NOR North Sweden, and in an Amish group in Ohio.1
are assigned to the P1PK blood group system (003, symbol The antibodies generally fall into two categories: clinically
P1PK), P and PX2 are assigned to the Globoside blood group insignificant or potently hemolytic.

Table 8–10 P Blood Group: Phenotypes, Antigens, and Antibodies

Phenotype Antigens Present Possible Antibodies Prevalence
Whites Blacks

P1 P1, P, Pk* None 79% 94%

P2 P, Pk* Anti-P1 21% 6%

p None Anti-PP1Pk Rare Rare

P1k P1, Pk Anti-P Very rare Very rare

P2k Pk Anti-P, anti-P1 Very rare Very rare

*Trace amounts of Pk antigen, not detectable by agglutination test.

Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 183

The P blood group antigens, like the ABH antigens, are phase, without typing for P1, is an acceptable approach to
synthesized by sequential action of glycosyltransferases, transfusion.
which add sugars to precursor substances. The precursor of Rare examples of anti-P1 that react at 37°C can cause in
P1 can also be glycosylated to type 2H chains, which carry vivo RBC destruction; both immediate and delayed HTRs
ABH antigens. P1, P, or Pk may be found on RBCs, lympho- have been reported.14 Anti-P1 is usually IgM; IgG forms are
cytes, granulocytes, and monocytes; P can be found on rare. HDFN is not associated with anti-P1, presumably
platelets, epithelial cells, and fibroblasts. P and Pk have also because the antibody is usually IgM and the antigen is so
been found in plasma as glycosphingolipids and as glycopro- poorly developed on fetal RBCs.
teins in hydatid cyst fluid.8 The antigens have not been iden-
tified in secretions. RBCs carry approximately 14 106 Biochemistry
copies of globoside, the P structure, per adult RBC and about
5 105 copies of P1.10
The P blood group antigens are resistant to treatment with Advanced Concepts
ficin and papain, DTT, chloroquine, and glycine-acid EDTA. The RBC antigens of the P blood group exist as glyco-
Reactivity of the antibodies can be greatly enhanced by sphingolipids. As with ABH, the antigens result from the
testing with enzyme-treated RBCs. sugars added sequentially to precursor structures. Bio-
chemical analyses have shown that the precursor substance
The P1 Antigen for P1 is also a precursor for type 2H chains that carry ABH
antigens. However, the genes responsible for the formation
The P1 antigen is poorly expressed at birth and may take up of the P1 and ABH antigens are independent.
to 7 years to be fully expressed.8 Antigen strength in adults There are two distinct pathways for the synthesis of
varies from one individual to another: RBCs from some P1+ the P blood group antigens, as shown in Figure 8–3. The
individuals are P1 strong (P1+s) and others are P1 weak common precursor is lactosylceramide (or Gb2, also
(P1+w). These differences may be controlled genetically or known as ceramide dihexose or CDH). The pathway on the
may represent homozygous versus heterozygous inheritance figure’s left results in the formation of paragloboside,
of the gene coding for P1. The strength of P1 can also vary P1 and PX2. Paragloboside is also the type 2 precursor for
with race. Blacks have a stronger expression of P1 than ABH. The pathway shown on the right side leads to the
whites. The gene mutation responsible for the In(lu) type production of the globoside series: Pk, P, NOR, and Luke
Lu(a–b–) RBCs, discussed in the Lutheran section, also af- (LKE). The NOR antigen is a low-prevalence antigen
fects the expression of P1 so that P1 individuals who inherit resulting from a single nucleotide change in A4GALT.10
this gene mutaion may type serologically as P1–.
The P1 antigen deteriorates rapidly on storage. When
older RBCs are typed or used as controls for typing reagents Genetics
or when older RBCs are used to detect anti-P1 in serum,
The P1PK gene (A4GALT) encoding the enzyme responsible
false-negative reactions may result.
for the synthesis of Pk, a 4- -galactosyltransferase (Gb3 or
Pk synthase), was cloned independently by three research
Anti-P1 groups in 2000.15 The Globoside gene (B3GALNT1) encod-
ing the 3- -N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (Gb4 syn-
Anti-P1 is a common, naturally occurring IgM antibody in
thase) that is responsible for converting Pk to P was also
the sera of P1– individuals. Anti-P1 is typically a weak, cold-
reactive saline agglutinin optimally reactive at 4°C and not
seen in routine testing. Stronger examples react at room tem- Lactosylceramide (Gb2)
perature, and rare examples react at 37°C and bind comple- A4GALT
ment, which is detected in the antiglobulin test when
polyspecific (anti-IgG plus anti-C3) reagents are used. Anti- Pk antigen
Lactotriaosylceramide Globotriosylceramide (Gb3)
body activity can be neutralized or inhibited with soluble P1
substance. If room temperature incubation is not included, B3GALNT1
antibody activity can often be bypassed altogether. Examples
of anti-P1 that react only at temperatures below 37°C can be Paragloboside P antigen
considered clinically insignificant. (type 2 precursor) Globoside (Gb4)
Because P1 antigen expression on RBCs varies and dete- FUT1
riorates during storage, antibodies may react only with RBCs A4GALT B3GALNT1
that have the strongest expression and give inconclusive pat- H antigen
P1 antigen
terns of reactivity when antibody identification is performed. NOR
When anti-P1 is suspected, incubating tests at room temper- PX2
ature or lower or pretreating test cells with enzymes can en-
hance reactions to confirm specificity. Providing units that LKE
are crossmatch compatible at 37°C and the antiglobulin Figure 8–3. Biosynthetic pathways of the P blood group antigens.
184 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

cloned in 2000.15 Several mutations in both genes have been alloantibody in the sera of Pk individuals. Its reactivity is
identified that result in the p and Pk phenotypes. A polymor- similar to that of anti-PP1Pk in that it is usually a potent
phism in the Pk synthase was recently identified that ties the hemolysin reacting with all cells except the autocontrol and
P1 and Pk antigens together at the genetic level; conse- those with the p phenotype. However, it differs from anti-
quently, the P system (003), to which the P1 antigen was PP1Pk in that it does not react with cells that have the
assigned, was renamed P1PK.4 extremely rare Pk phenotype, and the individual making the
The P1PK (A4GALT) gene is located on chromosome 22 antibody may type P1+. Alloanti-P is rarely seen, but because
at position 22q13.2 and the Globoside (B3GALT1) gene is it is hemolytic with a wide thermal range of reactivity, it is
located on chromosome 3 at position 3q25, and they are very significant in transfusion. IgG class alloanti-P may occur
inherited independently.4 The gene for the synthesis of LKE and has been associated with habitual early abortion.
has not yet been cloned.
Autoanti-P Associated With Paroxysmal Cold
Other Sources of P1 Antigen and Antibody Hemoglobinuria

The discovery of strong anti-P1 in two P1– individuals in- Anti-P specificity is also associated with the cold-reactive
fected with Echinococcus granulosus tapeworms led to the IgG autoantibody in patients with paroxysmal cold hemo-
identification of P1 and Pk substance in hydatid cyst fluid. globinuria (PCH). Historically, this rare autoimmune disor-
This fluid was subsequently used in many of the studies der was seen in patients with tertiary syphilis; it now more
that identified the biochemical structures of the P blood commonly presents as a transient, acute condition second-
group. Strong antibodies to P1 have also been found in ary to viral infection, especially in young children. The IgG
patients with fascioliasis (bovine liver fluke disease) and in autoantibody in PCH is described as a biphasic hemolysin:
bird handlers. in vitro, the antibody binds to RBCs in the cold, and, via
Soluble P1 substances have potential use in the blood bank complement activation, the coated RBCs lyse as they are
and are commercially available. When it is necessary to con- warmed to 37°C. The autoantibody typically does not react
firm antibody specificity or to identify underlying antibodies, in routine test systems but is demonstrable only by the
these substances can be used to neutralize anti-P1. Donath-Landsteiner test. The etiology and diagnosis of PCH
are more fully discussed in Chapter 21, “Autoimmune
Anti-PP1Pk Hemolytic Anemias.”

Originally called anti-Tja, anti-PP1Pk was first described in Antibodies to Compound Antigens
the serum of Mrs. Jay, a p individual with adenocarcinoma
of the stomach.11 Her tumor cells carried P system antigens, Considering the biochemical relationship of the P blood
and the antibody was credited as having cytotoxic properties group antigens to ABH and I, it is not surprising that anti-
that may have helped prevent metastatic growth postsurgery bodies requiring more than one antigenic determinant have
(the T in the Tja refers to tumor). been described, including anti-IP1, -iP1, -ITP1, and -IP. Most
Anti-PP1Pk is produced by p individuals early in life examples are cold-reactive agglutinins.
without RBC sensitization and reacts with all RBCs except
those of the p phenotype. Unlike antibodies made by other Luke (LKE) Antigen
blood group null phenotypes, the anti-P, anti-P1, and anti-
Pk components of anti-PP1Pk are separable through adsorp- In 1965, Tippett and colleagues17 described an antibody in
tion.8 Components of anti-PP1Pk have been shown to be the serum of a patient with Hodgkin’s lymphoma that
IgM and IgG.8 They react over a wide thermal range and divided the population into three phenotypes: 84% tested
efficiently bind complement, which makes them potent Luke+, 14% were weakly positive or Luke(w), and 2% were
hemolysins. Anti-PP1Pk has the potential to cause severe Luke–. LKE has also been associated with metastasis in renal
HTRs and HDFN. cell carcinoma.10 The LKE antigen has a frequency of 98%
The antibody is also associated with an increased inci- in all populations and is expressed on cord cells. The antigen
dence of spontaneous abortions in early pregnancy. Al- is resistant to enzyme and chemical treatment with enzyme
though the reason for this is not fully known, it has been treatment showing a markedly enhanced expression. De-
suggested that having an IgG anti-P component is an im- creased expression of the LKE is seen in individuals with the
portant factor. Women with anti-P and anti-PP1Pk and a Se gene with secretors having a 3- to 4-fold decreased risk
history of multiple abortions have successfully delivered of E.coli infections.10 Although this Mendelian-dominant
infants after multiple plasmaphereses to reduce their anti- character segregated independently of the P blood group, it
body level during pregnancy.16 was thought to be phenotypically related because the anti-
body reacted with all RBCs except 2% of P1 and P2 pheno-
Alloanti-P types and those having the rare p and Pk phenotypes. All
individuals with the p and Pk phenotype are Luke–. Anti-
In addition to being a component of the anti-PP1Pk in p in- bodies to the LKE antigen are rare. They are IgMs reacting
dividuals (see above), anti-P is found as a naturally occurring at room temperature or below with some antibodies having
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 185

the ability to bind complement. Anti-LKE has no reported provide the distinction between the I (027001) and i
transfusion reactions and does not cause HDFN. (207002) antigens.

PX2 Antigen The I and i Antigens

The PX2 antigen was added to the GLOB collection in 2010 The antigens are best introduced by classic serologic facts.
after antibodies from Pk individuals were shown to react with Both I and i are high-prevalence antigens, but they are ex-
the p phenotype (PP1Pk–). PX2 was then reassigned to the pressed in a reciprocal relationship that is developmentally
GLOB blood group system (028) in 2016 as GLOB2 when it regulated. At birth, infant RBCs are rich in i; I is almost un-
was determined to be a product of B3GALNT1.18 The PX2 detectable. During the first 18 months of life, the quantity
antigen has a frequency of >99.9% in all population and is of i slowly decreases as I increases until adult proportions
expressed on cord cells.10 Enzyme treatment enhances the are reached; adult RBCs are rich in I and have only trace
expression of the PX2 antigen. Antibodies to the PX2 antigen amounts of i antigen.
appear to be naturally occurring and primarily IgG with a There is no true I– or i– phenotype. The strength of I and
possible mixture of IgM that react best at IAT on papain- i varies from individual to individual, and the relative amount
treated RBCs. There is no data concerning the clinical sig- detected will depend on the example of anti-I or anti-i used.
nificance of anti-PX2 with transfusion or HDFN. Data suggest that i reactivity on RBCs is inversely propor-
tional to marrow transit time and RBC age in circulation.
Disease Associations Some people appear not to change their i status after birth.
They become the rare i adult. RBCs of i adult generally express
Several pathological conditions associated with the P blood more i antigen than do cord RBCs. A spectrum of Ii phenotypes
group antigens have been described: parasitic infections are and their characteristic reactivity are shown in Table 8–11.
associated with anti-P1, early abortions with anti-PP1Pk or Treatment of RBCs with ficin and papain enhances reac-
anti-P, and PCH with autoanti-P. The P system antigens also tivity of the I and i antigens with their respective antibodies.
serve as receptors for P-fimbriated uropathogenic E. coli—a The I and i antigens are resistant to treatment with DTT and
cause of urinary tract infections. The Pk antigen is a receptor glycine-acid EDTA.
for Shiga toxins, which cause Shigella dysentery and E. coli–
associated hemolytic uremic syndrome. In addition, P is the Anti-I
receptor of human parvovirus B19. Recent studies demon-
strate that Pk provides some protection against HIV infection Anti-I is a common autoantibody that can be found in virtu-
ally all sera, although testing at 4°C and/or against enzyme-
of peripheral blood mononuclear cells.19
adwa → p*ddamminH treated RBCs may be required to detect the reactivity.1
The I (027) System and i Antigen @@ Birth Consistently strong agglutination with adult RBCs and weak
or no agglutination with cord or adult i RBCs define its
The existence of cold agglutinins in the serum of normal in- classic activity (see Table 8–11).
dividuals and in patients with acquired hemolytic anemia has Autoanti-I, found in the serum of many normal healthy
long been recognized. In 1956, Wiener and coworkers2,8 gave individuals, is benign—that is, not associated with in vivo

a name to one such agglutinin, calling its antigen I for “indi- RBC destruction. It is usually a weak, naturally occurring,
viduality.” The antibody reacted with most blood specimens saline-reactive IgM agglutinin with a titer less than 64
tested. The few nonreactive I– specimens were thought to be at 4°C. Stronger examples agglutinate test cells at room
from homozygotes for a rare gene producing the “i” antigen; temperature and bind complement, which can be detected
the I– phenotype in adults was called adult i. In 1960, Marsh in the antiglobulin test if polyspecific reagents are used.
and Jenkins20 reported finding anti-i, and the unique relation- Some examples may react only with the strongest I+ RBCs
ship between I and i began to unfold. According to ISBT, the and give inconsistent reactions with panel RBCs.
correct designation is “I adult and i adult.” Incubating tests in the cold enhances anti-I reactivity and
I and i are not antithetical antigens. Rather, they are helps confirm its identity; albumin and enzyme methods also
branched and linear carbohydrate structures, respectively, enhance anti-I reactivity. Testing enzyme-treated RBCs with
that are formed by the action of glycosyl transferases. The
gene encoding the transferase that converts i active straight
chains into I active branched chains has been cloned, and Table 8–11 I and i Antigens
several mutations responsible for the rare adult i phenotype Phenotype Strength of Reactivity With:
have been identified.21 The synthesis of i antigen is not con-
trolled by this same gene. Consequently, I has been raised to Anti-I Anti-i Anti-IT
blood group system status (system number 027, symbol I) I adult Strong Weak Weak
and the i antigen remains in the Ii collection (collection
number 207, symbol I). The reader will notice the confusing Cord Weak Strong Strong
use of the same ISBT symbol, capital I, for both the I system i adult Weak Strong Weakest
and Ii collection; in ISBT terminology, the antigen numbers
186 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

slightly acidified serum may even promote hemolysis. Occa- test cells (except cord RBCs) have poor i expression (see
sionally, benign cold autoanti-I can cause problems in pre- Table 8–11).
transfusion testing. Usually, avoiding room temperature Unlike anti-I, autoanti-i is not seen as a common antibody
testing and using anti-IgG instead of a polyspecific antihu- in healthy individuals. Potent examples are associated with
man globulin help to eliminate detection of cold-reactive an- infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus infections) and
tibodies that may bind complement at lower temperatures. some lymphoproliferative disorders. High-titer autoantibod-
Cold autoadsorption to remove the autoantibody from the ies with a wide thermal range may contribute to hemolysis,
serum may be necessary for stronger examples; cold autoad- but because i expression is generally weak, they seldom
sorbed plasma or serum can also be used in ABO typing. cause significant hemolysis. IgG anti-i has also been de-
-Pathogenic autoanti-I (e.g., the type associated with cold scribed and has been associated with HDFN.1
agglutinin disease) typically consists of strong IgM agglu-
tinins with higher titer and a broad thermal range of activity, Biochemistry and Genetics
reacting up to 30°C. When peripheral circulation cools in
response to low ambient temperatures, these antibodies
attach in vivo and cause autoagglutination and peripheral Advanced Concepts
vascular occlusion (acrocyanosis) or hemolytic anemia. An early association of I and i to ABH was demonstrated by
Refer to Chapter 21 for more information. complex antibodies involving both ABH and Ii specificity
Pathogenic anti-I typically reacts with adult and cord RBCs (see the “Antibodies to Compound Antigens” section). I and
equally well at room temperature and at 4°C, and antibody i antigens are precursors for the synthesis of ABO and Lewis
specificity may not be apparent unless the serum is diluted or antigens, and thus they are internal structures on these
warmed to 30°C or 37°C. Potent cold autoantibodies can also oligosaccharide chains.
mask clinically significant underlying alloantibodies and can ABH and Ii determinants on the RBC membrane are
complicate pretransfusion testing. Procedures to deal with carried on type 2 chains that attach either to proteins or to
these problems are discussed in Chapters 11 and 21. lipids. See Figure 8–4 for examples of glycolipid structures
The production of autoanti-I may be stimulated by mi- for i and I antigens. The i antigen activity is defined by at least
croorganisms carrying I-like antigen on their surface. Patients two repeating N-acetyllactosamine [Gal( 1-4)GlcNAc( 1-3)]
with M. pneumoniae often develop strong cold agglutinins with units in linear form. I antigen activity is associated with a
I specificity and can experience a transient episode of acute branched form of i antigen. The IGnT (also known as
abrupt hemolysis just as the infection begins to resolve. Al- GCNT2) gene on chromosome 6 at position 6p24.2 encodes
loanti-I exists as an IgM or IgG antibody in the serum of most the N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, which adds GlcNAc to
individuals with the i adult phenotype. Although i adult RBCs form the branches.4,21,22
are not totally devoid of I, the anti-I in these cases does not In summary, fetal, cord, and i adult RBCs carry predomi-
react with autologous RBCs. It has been traditional to trans- nantly unbranched chains and have the i phenotype. Normal
fuse compatible i adult units to these people, although such adult cells have more branched structures and express I anti-
practice may be unnecessary, especially when the antibody is gen. The gene responsible for I antigen (IGnT) codes for the
not reactive at 37°C.1 Technologists must be aware that strong branching enzyme. Family studies show that the i adult phe-
autoanti-I can mimic alloanti-I: if enough autoantibody and notype is recessive. Heterozygotes (e.g., children inheriting
complement are bound to a patient’s RBCs, blocking the anti- I from one parent and i from the other parent) have inter-
genic sites, they may falsely type I-negative. mediate I antigen expression. Several gene mutations have
Anti-I is not associated with HDFN because the antibody been identified that result in the i adult phenotype.
is IgM, and the I antigen is poorly expressed on infant RBCs.

Anti-i Other Sources of I and i Antigen

Alloanti-i has never been described. Autoanti-i is a fairly rare I and i antigens are found on the membranes of leukocytes
antibody that gives strong reactions with cord RBCs and and platelets in addition to RBCs. It is quite likely that the
i adult RBCs and weaker reactions with I adult RBCs. Most antigens exist on other tissue cells, much like ABH, but this
examples of autoanti-i are IgM and react best with saline- has not been confirmed.
suspended cells at 4°C. Only very strong examples of I and i have also been found in the plasma and serum of
autoanti-i are detected in routine testing because standard adults and newborns and in saliva, human milk, amniotic

Antigen Structure Figure 8–4. The linear and branched structures carrying
i and I activity.
(none) Gal(!1-4)Glc-Cer
i Gal(!1-4)GlcNAc(!1-3)Gal(!1-4)GlcNAc(!1-3)Gal(!1-4)Glc-Cer
I Gal(!1-4)GlcNAc(!1-3)Gal(!1-4)Glc-Cer
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 187

fluid, urine, and ovarian cyst fluid. The antigens in secretions Disease Associations
do not correlate with RBC expression and are thought to de-
velop under separate genetic control. For example, the quan- Well-known associations between strong autoantibodies and
tity of I antigen in the saliva of i adult individuals and disease or microorganisms have already been discussed: anti-
newborns is quite high. I with cold agglutinin disease and M. pneumoniae, and anti-
i with infectious mononucleosis.
The IT Antigen and Antibody Diseases can also alter the expression of I and i antigens
on RBCs. Conditions associated with increased i antigen on
In 1965, Curtain and coworkers23 reported a cold agglutinin in RBCs include those with shortened marrow maturation time
Melanesians that did not demonstrate classical I or i specificity. or dyserythropoiesis: acute leukemia, hypoplastic anemia,
In 1966, Booth and colleagues24 confirmed these observations megaloblastic anemia, sideroblastic anemia, thalassemia,
and carefully described the agglutinin’s reactivity. This agglu- sickle cell disease, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
tinin reacted strongly with cord RBCs, weakly with normal (PNH), and chronic hemolytic anemia.1,8 Except in some
adult RBCs, and most weakly with i adult RBCs. They con- cases of leukemia, the increase in i on RBCs is not usually
cluded that the agglutinin recognizes a transition state of associated with a decrease in I antigen; the expression of I anti-
i into I and designated the specificity IT (T for “transition”). gen can appear normal or sometimes enhanced. Chronic
However, detection of IT on fetal RBCs ranging in age dyserythropoietic anemia type II or hereditary erythroblastic
from 11 to 16 weeks does not support this hypothesis.25 This multinuclearity with a positive acidified serum test (HEMPAS)
benign IgM anti-IT was frequently found in two populations: is associated with much greater i activity on RBCs than control
Melanesians and the Yanomami Indians in Venezuela. cord RBCs. HEMPAS RBCs are very susceptible to lysis with
Whether it is associated with an organism or parasite in these both anti-i and anti-I, and lysis by anti-I appears to be the
regions is unknown. Examples of IgM and IgG anti-IT react- result of increased antibody uptake and increased sensitivity
ing preferentially at 37°C have also been found in patients to complement.1 In Asians, the i adult phenotype has been
with warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia, with a special associated with congenital cataracts.22
association with Hodgkin’s disease.25
The MNS (002) System
Antibodies to Compound Antigens
Following the discovery of the ABO blood group system,
Many other I-related antibodies have been described: anti-IA, Landsteiner and Levine began immunizing rabbits with
-IB, -IAB, -IH, -iH, -IP1, -ITP1, -IHLeb, and -iHLeb. Bearing in human RBCs, hoping to find new antigen specificities.
mind the close relationship of I to the biochemical structures Among the antibodies recovered from these rabbit sera were
of ABH, Lewis, and P antigens, it is not surprising to find an- anti-M and anti-N, both of which were reported in 1927.8
tibodies that recognize compound antigens. These specifici- Data from family studies suggested that M and N were anti-
ties are not mixtures of separable antibodies; rather, both thetical antigens. In 1947, after the implementation of the
antigens must be present on the RBCs for the antibody to antiglobulin test, Walsh and Montgomery discovered S,
react. For example, anti-IA reacts with RBCs that carry both a distinct antigen that appeared to be genetically linked to
I and A but will not react with group O, I+, or group A i adult M and N. Its antithetical partner, s, was discovered in 1951.
RBCs. (Table 8–12 summarizes some common cold autoan- Family studies (and later, molecular genetics) demonstrated
tibodies.) Anti-IH is commonly encountered in the serum of the close linkage between the genes controlling M, N,
group A1 individuals. Anti-IH reacts stronger with group O and S, s antigens. There is a disequilibrium in the expression
and group A2 RBCs than with group A1 RBCs. Anti-IH should of S and s with M and N. In whites, the common haplotypes
be suspected when serum from a group A individual directly were calculated to appear in the following order of relative
agglutinates all group O RBCs but is compatible with most frequency: Ns > Ms > MS > NS.1,7 The prevalence of the com-
group A donor units. mon MN and Ss phenotypes are listed in Table 8–13.

Table 8–12 Typical Reactions of Some Cold Autoantibodies*

Antibody A1 Adult A2 Adult B Adult O Adult O Cord A Cord Oh Adult O i Adult
Anti-I ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ 0/+ 0/+ ++++ (0)

Anti-i 0/+ 0/+ 0/+ 0/+ ++++ ++++ 0/+ ++++

Anti-H 0/+ ++ +++ ++++ +++ 0/+ (0) +++

Anti-IH 0/+ ++ +++ ++++ 0/+ 0/+ (0) (0)

Anti-IA ++++ +++ 0/+ 0/+ 0/+ 0/+ (0) (0)

*Reactions vary with antibody strength; very potent examples may need to be diluted before specificity can be determined.
0 = negative; + = positive
188 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Table 8–13 Prevalence of Common MN In 1953, an antibody to a high-prevalence antigen, U

(for almost universal distribution), was named by Weiner.
and Ss Phenotypes
The observation by Greenwalt and colleagues26 that all
Phenotype Whites (%) Blacks (%) U– RBCs were also S–s– resulted in the inclusion of U into
M+N– 28 26 the system.
Forty-nine antigens have been included in the MNS sys-
M+N+ 50 44 tem, making it almost equal to Rh in size and complexity
M–N+ 22 30 (Table 8–14). Most of these antigens are of low prevalence
and were discovered in cases of HDFN or incompatible
S+s– 11 3 crossmatch. Others are high-prevalence antigens. Antibodies
S+s+ 44 28 to these low- and high-prevalence antigens are not com-
monly encountered in the blood bank. The genes encoding
S–s+ 45 69 the MNS antigens are located on chromosome 4.
S–s–U– 0 <1 The MNS blood group system has been assigned the ISBT
number 002 (symbol MNS), second after ABO.

Table 8–14 Summary of MNS Antigens

Antigen Name ISBT Number Prevalence (%) Year Discovered
M MNS1 Polymorphic 1927

N MNS2 Polymorphic 1927

S MNS3 Polymorphic 1947

s MNS4 Polymorphic 1951

U MNS5 High 1953

He MNS6 Low 1951

Mia MNS7 Low 1951

Mc MNS8 Low 1953

Vw MNS9 Low 1954

Mur MNS10 Low 1961

Mg MNS11 Low 1958

Vr MNS12 Low 1958

Me MNS13 Low 1961

Mta MNS14 Low 1962

Sta MNS15 Low 1962

Ria MNS16 Low 1962

Cla MNS17 Low 1963

Nya MNS18 Low 1964

Hut MNS19 Low 1966

Hil MNS20 Low 1966

Mv MNS21 Low 1966

Far MNS22 Low 1968

sD MNS23 Low 1978

Mit MNS24 Low 1980

Dantu MNS25 Low 1982

Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 189

Table 8–14 Summary of MNS Antigens—cont’d

Antigen Name ISBT Number Prevalence (%) Year Discovered
Hop MNS26 Low 1977

Nob MNS27 Low 1977

Ena MNS28 High 1969

ENKT MNS29 High 1986

‘N’ MNS30 High 1977

Or MNS31 Low 1964

DANE MNS32 Low 1991

TSEN MNS33 Low 1992

MINY MNS34 Low 1992

MUT MNS35 Low 1992

SAT MNS36 Low 1991

ERIK MNS37 Low 1993

Osa MNS38 Low 1983

ENEP MNS39 High 1995

ENEH MNS40 High 1993

HAG MNS41 Low 1995

ENAV MNS42 High 1996

MARS MNS43 Low 1992

ENDA MNS44 High 2005

ENEV MNS45 High 2006

MNTD MNS46 Low 2006

SARA MNS47 Low 2016

KIPP MNS48 Low 2016

JENU MNS49 High 2016

M and N Antigens ZZAP, a combination of DTT and papain or ficin, but they
are not affected by DTT alone, 2-aminoethyliso-thiouronium
The M and N antigens are found on a well-characterized bromide (AET), -chymotrypsin, chloroquine, or glycine-
glycoprotein called glycophorin A (GPA), the major RBC acid EDTA treatment. Treating RBCs with neuraminidase,
sialic acid–rich glycoprotein (sialoglycoprotein, SGP). The which cleaves sialic acid (also known as neuraminic acid or
M and N antigens are antithetical and differ in their amino NeuNAc), abolishes reactivity with only some examples of
acid residues at positions 1 and 5 (Fig. 8–5). M is defined by antibody. M and N antibodies are heterogeneous; some may
serine at position 1 and glycine at position 5; N has leucine recognize only specific amino acids, but others recognize
and glutamic acid at these positions, respectively. The anti- both amino acids and carbohydrate chains.
body reactivity may also be dependent on adjacent carbohy-
drate chains, which are rich in sialic acid. There are about S and s Antigens
106 copies of GPA per RBC.14 The antigens are well devel-
oped at birth. S and s antigens are located on a smaller glycoprotein called
Because M and N are located at the outer end of GPA, they glycophorin B (GPB) that is very similar to GPA (see the
are easily destroyed by the routine blood bank enzymes ficin, next “Biochemistry” section and Fig. 8–5). S and s are dif-
papain, and bromelin and by the less common enzymes ferentiated by the amino acid at position 29 on GPB. Methio-
trypsin and pronase. The antigens are also destroyed by nine defines S, whereas threonine defines s. The epitope may
190 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

NH react with M+ reagent RBCs or donor RBCs stored in preser-

1 Ser 1 Leu
1 vative solutions containing glucose but do not react with
2 Ser 2 Ser freshly collected M+ RBCs.
3 Thr 3 Thr NH2 As long as anti-M does not react at 37°C, it is not clinically
4 Thr 4 Thr
5 Gly 5 Glu ‘N’ 1 significant for transfusion and can be ignored. When anti-M
29 S/s " Met/Thr reacts at 37°C, it is sufficient to provide units that are cross-
U"[ 39
match compatible at 37°C and at the antiglobulin phase
without typing for M antigen. Anti-M rarely causes HTRs,
decreased red blood cell survival, or HDFN.
Glu " glutamic acid
Gly " glycine 96 72
Leu " leucine Anti-N
Met " methionine
Ser " serine 131 The serologic characteristics of the common anti-N (made
Thr " threonine GPA GPB by individuals whose RBCs type M+N – and S+ or s+) are
" N-linked glycan -
similar to those of anti-M: a cold-reactive IgM or IgG saline
agglutinin that does not bind complement or react with
Figure 8–5. Comparison of glycophorin A (GPA) and glycophorin B (GPB).
enzyme-treated RBCs. Anti-N can demonstrate dosage, re-
acting better with M–N+ RBCs than with M+N+ RBCs. Rare
also include the amino acid residues at position 34 and examples are pH- or glucose-dependent.
35 and the carbohydrate chain attached to threonine at Also like anti-M, anti-N is not clinically significant unless
position 25.8 There are fewer copies of GPB (about 200,000) it reacts at 37°C. It has been implicated only with rare cases
than GPA per RBC.8 In addition, there are about 1.5 times of mild HDFN.1 Anti-N is less common than anti-M. A
more copies of GPB on S+s– RBCs than on S–s+ RBCs.1 S and potent anti-N can be made by the rare individual whose
s also are well developed at birth. RBCs type M+N–S–s– because they lack both N and GPB
S and s antigens are less easily degraded by enzymes that has ‘N’ activity (see the next “Biochemistry” section).
because the antigens are located farther down the glycopro- Anti-N was also seen in renal patients, regardless of their
tein, and enzyme-sensitive sites are less accessible. Ficin, MN type, who were dialyzed on equipment sterilized with
papain, bromelin, pronase, and -chymotrypsin can destroy formaldehyde. Dialysis-associated anti-N reacts with any N+
S and s activity, but the amount of degradation may depend or N– RBCs treated with formaldehyde and is called anti-Nf.
on the strength of the enzyme solution, the length of treat- Formaldehyde may alter the M and N antigens so that they
ment, and the enzyme-to-cell ratio. Trypsin does not destroy are recognized as foreign. The antibody titer decreases when
the S and s antigens, and neither does DTT, AET, chloro- dialysis treatment and exposure to formaldehyde stops.
quine, or glycine-acid EDTA treatment. Because anti-Nf does not react at 37°C, it is clinically in-
significant for transfusion.
Anti-M so
Ft clinically
significant Anti-S and Anti-s
Many examples of anti-M are naturally occurring saline
agglutinins that react below 37°C. Although we may think Most examples of anti-S and anti-s are IgG, reactive at 37°C
of agglutinating anti-M as IgM, 50% to 80% are IgG or have and the antiglobulin phase of testing. A few express optimal
an IgG component.1 They do not bind complement, regard- reactivity between 10°C and 22°C by saline indirect antiglob-
less of their immunoglobulin class, and they do not react ulin test. If anti-S or anti-s specificity is suspected but the
with enzyme-treated RBCs. Anti-M appears to be more com- pattern of reactivity is not clear, incubating tests at room
mon in children than in adults and is particularly common temperature and immediately performing the antiglobulin
in patients with bacterial infections.8 test (without incubating at 37°C) may help in identification.
Because of antigen dosage, many examples of anti-M may Dosage effect can be exhibited by many examples of anti-S
react better with M+N– RBCs (genotype MM) than with and anti-s, although it may not be as dramatic as seen with
M+N+ RBCs (genotype MN). Very weak anti-M may not anti-M and anti-N.1
react with M+N+ RBCs at all, making antibody identification The antibodies may or may not react with enzyme-treated
difficult. Antibody reactivity can be enhanced by increasing RBCs, depending on the extent of treatment and the efficiency
the serum-to-cell ratio or incubation time, or both, by de- of the enzyme. Although seen less often than anti-M, anti-S
creasing incubation temperature or by adding a potentiating and anti-s are more likely to be clinically significant. They may
medium such as albumin, low-ionic strength saline solution bind complement, and they have been implicated in severe
(LISS), or polyethylene glycol (PEG). HTRs with hemoglobinuria. They have also caused HDFN.
Some examples of anti-M are pH-dependent, reacting best Units selected for transfusion must be antigen negative and
at pH 6.5. These antibodies may be detected in plasma crossmatch compatible. Because only 11% of whites and 3% of
(which is slightly acidic from the anticoagulant) but not in blacks are s–, it can be difficult to provide blood for a patient
unacidified serum.1 Other examples of anti-M react only with anti-s. S– units are much easier to find (45% of whites
with RBCs exposed to glucose solutions. Such antibodies and 69% of blacks are S–). Antibodies to low-prevalence
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 191

antigens are commonly found in reagent anti-S; these can section). GPA is restriced to erythroid cells. GPA is expressed
cause discrepant antigen typing results. on renal endothelium and epithelium, but only as an incom-
pletely sialylated glycophorin .10

Advanced Concepts
GPA, the structure carrying the M and N antigens, is a The genes GYPA and GYPB, which code for GPA and GPB,
single-pass membrane SGP that consists of 131 amino acids. respectively, are located on chromosome 4 at position
The hydrophilic NH2 terminal end, which lies outside 4q31.21.4 The known alleles for GYPA (M/N) and GYPB (S/s)
the RBC membrane, has 72 amino acid residues, 15 O- are codominant. The genes are highly homologous (meaning
glycosidically linked oligosaccharide chains (GalNAc-serine/ they are very similar) and probably arose by gene duplica-
threonine), and 1 N-glycosidic chain (sugar-asparagine). The tion. GYPA is considered to be the ancestral gene.27
portion that traverses the membrane is hydrophobic and GYPA is organized into seven exons. GYPB has a size and
contains 23 amino acids. The hydrophilic COOH end, which arrangement similar to those of GYPA but has only five
contains 36 amino acids and no carbohydrates, lies inside coding exons plus one noncoding or pseudoexon. A third,
the membrane and interacts weakly with the membrane highly homologous gene, GYPE, does not appear to make a
cytoskeleton. glycoprotein that has been definitively recognized on the
GPB, the structure carrying the S, s, and U antigens, con- RBC surface, but it participates in gene rearrangements that
sists of 72 amino acids and 11 O-linked oligosaccharide result in variant alleles.
chains and no N-glycans. It has an outer glycosylated por- Misalignment of GYPA and GYPB during meiosis, fol-
tion of 44 amino acids, a hydrophobic portion of 20 amino lowed by an unequal crossing over, appears to explain some
acids that traverses the RBC membrane, and a short cyto- of the variant glycophorins observed in the MNS system. The
plasmic “tail” of 8 amino acids. resulting new reciprocal GYP(A-B) and GYP(B-A) genes
The first 26 amino acids on GPB are identical to the first encode GP(A-B) and GP(B-A) hybrid glycophorins, respec-
26 amino acids on the N form of GPA (GPAN). This N activity tively (Fig. 8–6).8,28 The point of fusion between the GPA
of GPB is denoted as ‘N’ (N-quotes) to distinguish it from the and GPB part in the hybrid glycophorin can give rise to novel
N activity of GPAN. Anti-N reagents are formulated to not rec- antigens (e.g., antigen of low prevalence).
ognize the weak reactivity of the ‘N’ structure. The U antigen, For more complex variant glycophorins, a gene conversion
expressed when normal GPB is present, is located very close event probably occurs. Gene conversion involves a nonrecip-
to the RBC membrane (see the “U– Phenotype” section). rocal exchange of genetic material from one gene to another
Most O-linked carbohydrate structures on GPA and GPB homologous gene (Fig. 8–7).8,28 As with hybrids resulting
are branched tetrasaccharides containing one GalNAc, one from crossing over, the new amino acid sequence at the junc-
Gal, and two NeuNAc (sialic acid). NeuNAc helps give the tion of the hybrid glycophorin can give rise to novel antigens
RBC its negative charge. About 70% of the RBC NeuNAc is of low prevalence. Also, expected antigens may be missing if
carried by GPA, and about 16% is carried by GPB. the coding exons are replaced by the inserted genetic material.
Both GPA and GPB appear to be associated with the
band 3/Rh macrocomplex that is linked to the spectrin ma- GPA- and GPB-Deficient Phenotypes
trix of the cytoskeleton via protein 4.2 and ankyrin. GPA
RBCs of three rare phenotypes lack GPA or GPB or both GPA
is required for the expression of the antigen Wrb of the
and GPB; consequently, they lack all MNS antigens that are
Diego blood group system (located on protein band 3). The
normally expressed on those structures.
association of GPB with the Rh protein and Rh-associated
glycoprotein complex is evidenced by the greatly reduced
S and s expression on Rhnull RBCs.8
Other antigens within the MNS system have been eval-
uated biochemically and at the molecular level. Some are
associated with altered GPA because of amino acid substi- Misaligned
tutions or changes in carbohydrate chains. Others are
expressed on variants of GPA or GPB. Still others result GYPA GYPB
from a genetic event that encodes a hybrid glycophorin that
has parts of both GPA and GPB. The altered glycophorins
are associated with changes in glycosylation, changes in GYPA GYP(B-A) GYPB
molecular weight, loss of high-prevalence antigens or the
appearance of novel low-prevalence antigens, or alterations
in the expression of MNS antigens.1,8,10
RBCs that lack GPA or GPB are not associated with disease
or decreased RBC survival (see the “Disease Associations” Figure 8–6. Depiction of how misalignment during meiosis can lead to a
crossover and reciprocal GYP(B-A) and GYP(A–B) hybrids.
192 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

GYPA GYPB portion. Anti-EnaTS recognizes a trypsin-sensitive (TS)

area on GPA between amino acids 20 and 39, anti-EnaFS
Misaligned reacts with a ficin-sensitive (FS) area between amino acids
46 and 56, and anti-EnaFR reacts with a ficin-resistant (FR)
area around amino acids 62 to 72.1,8
GYPA GYPB Although the gene responsible for this phenotype has been
DNA repair termed En, it is now known that the En(a–) phenotype has
more than one origin. Most often, the En(a–) phenotype
GYPA GYP(B-A-B) results from homozygosity for a rare gene deletion at the
GYPA locus; consequently, no GPA is produced, but GPB
is not affected. This type of En(a–) inheritance is called
GYPA GYPB En(a–)Fin, representing the type described in the Finnish
report.31 However, the En(a–) phenotype in the English
Figure 8–7. In a gene conversion event, nucleotides from one strand of DNA
are transferred to the misaligned homologous gene. If this is the coding strand, a report30 probably represents heterozygosity for a hybrid gene
hybrid glycophorin will be formed; the partner chromosome will be repaired and along with the very rare Mk gene; this type is often called
carry the naïve (unaltered) GYPA and GYPB genes. En(a–)UK. Several other En(a–) phenotypes have been re-
ported that result from homozygosity for a variant allele or
inheritance of two dissimilar variant alleles.
U– Phenotype
Anti-Ena can be confused with two other specificities that
The U antigen is located on GPB very close to the RBC mem- react with all normal RBCs—anti-Pr and anti-Wrb. Anti-Pr
brane between amino acids 33 and 39 (see Fig. 8–5). This does not react with enzyme-treated RBCs and can be con-
high-prevalence antigen is found on RBCs of all individuals fused with anti-EnaFS; anti-Wrb does not react with En(a–)
except about 1% of African Americans (and 1% to 35% of RBCs but does react with enzyme-treated RBCs and can be
Africans) who lack GPB because of a partial or complete confused with anti-EnaFR. Anti-Ena has caused severe HTRs
deletion of GYPB. The RBCs usually type S–s–U–, and these and HDFN. It is extremely difficult and may be impossible
individuals can make anti-U in response to transfusion or to find units compatible for patients with anti-Ena; siblings
pregnancy. Anti-U is typically IgG and has been reported to are a potential source of compatible blood if they are also
cause severe and fatal HTRs and HDFN. ABO and Rh compatible.
The U antigen is resistant to enzyme treatment; thus,
most examples of anti-U react equally well with untreated Mk Phenotype
and enzyme-treated RBCs. However, there are rare examples The rare silent gene Mk was named by Metaxas and Metaxas-
of broadly reactive anti-U that do not react with papain- Buhler in 1964 when they found an allele that did not
treated RBCs.1 produce M or N.8 A second family showed that Mk was
Some examples of anti-U react with apparent U– RBCs, also silent at the Ss locus. Several other Mk heterozygotes
although weakly, by adsorption and elution.8 Such RBCs are have been found. In 1979, two related MkMk blood donors
said to be U variant (Uvar); these have an altered GPB that were found in Japan. The RBCs of these individuals typed
does not express S or s. There is a strong correlation between M–N–S–s–U–En(a–)Wr(a–b–), but they had a normal hema-
the low-prevalence antigen He, found in about 3% of African tologic picture. More individuals have since been identified,
Americans, and Uvar expression.29 and it is now known that the Mk gene represents a single,
Because examples of anti-U are heterogeneous, U– units near-complete deletion of both GYPA and GYPB8; thus,
selected for transfusion must be crossmatched to determine MkMk is the null phenotype in the MNS system. The MkMk
compatibility. Some patients may tolerate Uvar units; others genotype is associated with decreased RBC sialic acid content
may not. Many examples of anti-U are actually anti-U plus but increased glycosylation of RBC membrane band 3.
anti-GPB. If the patient is U– and N–, the antibody may
actually be a potent anti-N plus anti-U, making the search Other Antibodies in the MNS System
for compatible blood more difficult.
Antibodies to antigens other than M, N, S, and s are rarely
En(a–) Phenotype encountered and can usually be grouped into two categories:
In 1969, Darnborough and coworkers30 and Furuhjelm those directed against low-prevalence antigens and those
and colleagues31 described an antibody to the same high- directed against high-prevalence antigens.
prevalence antigen, called Ena (for envelope), which reacted Antibodies to high-prevalence antigens are easily
with all RBCs except those of the propositi. In both of these detected with antibody detection RBCs. Antibodies to low-
cases, the En(a–) individuals appeared to be M–N– with prevalence antigens are rarely detected by the antibody
reduced NeuNAc on their RBCs. The RBCs of the two indi- detection test but are seen as an unexpected incompatible
viduals were mutually compatible. crossmatch or an unexplained case of HDFN. Few hospital
Most En(a–) individuals produce anti-Ena, which is an blood banks have the test cells available to identify the
umbrella term for reactivity against various portions of GPA specificity, but enzyme reactivity and MNS antigen typing
unrelated to M or N, but not all antibodies detect the same may offer clues.
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 193

When antibodies to low-prevalence antigens are encoun- The Kell (006) and Kx (019) Systems
tered, it is common practice to transfuse units that are cross-
match compatible at 37°C and in the antiglobulin phase of The Kell blood group system consists of 36 high-prevalence
testing. Typing sera for MNS antigens other than M and N and low-prevalence antigens; it was the first blood group sys-
and S and s are not generally available, so the antigen status tem discovered after the introduction of antiglobulin testing.
of compatible RBCs can seldom be confirmed. Also, when Anti-K was identified in 1946 in the serum of Mrs. Kelleher.
one antibody to a low-prevalence antigen is found, antibod- The antibody reacted with the RBCs of her newborn infant, her
ies to other low-prevalence antigens are also frequently pres- older daughter, her husband, and about 7% of the random
ent in the same serum. If the antibody is directed to a population.8 In 1949, anti-k, the high-prevalence antithetical
high-prevalence antigen, the assistance of an immunohema- partner to K, was described. Kell remained a two-antigen sys-
tology reference laboratory is generally needed to identify tem until the antithetical antigens Kpa and Kpb were described
the antibody and obtain appropriate antigen-negative units. in 1957 and 1958, respectively. Likewise, Jsa (described in
1958) and Jsb (described in 1963) were found to be antithetical
Autoantibodies and related to the Kell system. The discovery of the null phe-
notype in 1957, designated Ko, helped associate many other
Autoantibodies to M and N have been reported.1 Not all ex- antigens with the Kell system. Antibodies that reacted with all
amples of anti-M in M+ individuals or anti-N in N+ individ- RBCs except those with the Ko phenotype recognized high-
uals are autoantibodies. Many fail to react with the patient’s prevalence antigens that were phenotypically related.
own RBCs. It may be that these individuals have altered GPA The 36 antigens included in the Kell blood group sys-
and that their antibody is specific for a portion of the com- tem, designated by the symbol KEL or 006 by the ISBT, are
mon antigen they lack. Autoantibodies to U and Ena are listed in Table 8–15. In 1961, a numerical notation was
more common and may be associated with warm-type proposed for the Kell system. As new antigens were discov-
autoimmune hemolytic anemia. ered, some received only a number for the antigen name.
However, the traditional notation persisted and is more
Disease Associations useful in conveying antithetical relationships (e.g., K and
Jsa). Consequently, the commonly used nomenclature for
The MNS antigen can serve as receptors for complement, bac- Kell antigens is a mixture of symbols using letters and
teria, and viruses.10 GPAM may serve as the receptor by which numbers; obsolete terminology has been deleted from
certain pyelonephritogenic strains of E. coli gain entry to the Table 8-15. The associated antigen Kx is the only antigen
urinary tract. The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in the Kx system, ISBT number 019 and symbol XK.
appears to use alternative receptors, including GPA and GPB, Kell blood group antigens are found only on RBCs.
for cell invasion; some of these receptors also involve NeuNAc. They have not been found on platelets or on lymphocytes,

Table 8–15 Kell System Antigens

Numeric Antithetical
Name Terminology ISBT Numeric Prevalence (%) Antigen(S) Year Discovered
K KEL1 9 k 1946
k KEL2 99.8 K 1949
Kpa KEL3 2 (whites) Kpb, Kpc 1957
Kpb 4 KEL4 >99.9 Kpa, Kpc 1958
Ku KEL5 >99.9 1957
Jsa KEL6 <0.1 whites Jsb 1958
20 blacks
Jsb KEL7 >99.9 whites Jsa 1963
99 blacks
Ula KEL10 <3 Finns 1968
K11 KEL11 >99.9 K17 1971
K12 KEL12 >99.9 1973
K13 KEL13 >99.9 1973
194 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Table 8–15 Kell System Antigens—cont’d

Numeric Antithetical
Name Terminology ISBT Numeric Prevalence (%) Antigen(S) Year Discovered
K14 KEL14 >99.9 K24 1973

K16 KEL16 99.8 1976

Wka K17 KEL17 0.3 K11 1974

K18 KEL18 >99.9 1975

K19 KEL19 >99.9 1979

Km KEL20 >99.9 1979

Kpc KEL21 <0.1 Kpa, Kpb 1945

K22 KEL22 >99.9 1982

K23 KEL23 <0.01 1987

K24 KEL24 <2 K14 1985

VLAN KEL25 <0.1 VONG 1996

TOU KEL26 >99.9 1995

RAZ KEL27 >99.9 1994
VONG KEL28 <0.1 VLAN 2003
KALT KEL29 >99.9 2006
KTIM KEL30 >99.9 2006
KYO KEL31 <0.1 KYOR 2006
KUCI KEL32 >99.9 2007
KANT KEL33 >99.9 2007
KASH KEL34 >99.9 2007
KELP KEL35 >99.9 2010
KETI KEL36 High 2011
KHUL KEL37 High KEAL 2011

KYOR KEL38 High KYO 2013

KEAL KEL39 Low KHUL 2017

Obsolete terminology deleted

granulocytes, or monocytes. The associated Xk protein is to enzyme), destroy Kell antigens but not Kx. Glycine-acid
found in erythroid tissues and in other tissues, such as EDTA (an IgG-removal agent) also destroys Kell antigens.
brain, lymphoid organs, heart, and skeletal muscle.32 The prevalence of common Kell phenotypes are listed in
The K antigen can be detected on fetal RBCs as early as Table 8–16. There are eight sets of antithetical antigens; an-
10 weeks and is well developed at birth. The k antigen has tithetical relationships have not been established for the
been detected at 7 weeks. The total number of K antigen sites other high- and low-prevalence antigens. Some of the Kell
per RBC is quite low: only 3,500 up to 18,000 sites per antigens (e.g., Jsb) are more prevalent in certain populations.
RBC.10 Despite its lower quantity, K is very immunogenic.
The antigens are not denatured by the routine blood bank K and k Antigens
enzymes ficin and papain but are destroyed by trypsin and
chymotrypsin when used in combination.8 Thiol-reducing Excluding ABO, K is rated second only to D in immuno-
agents, such as 100 to 200 mM DTT, 2-mercaptoethanol genicity. Most anti-K appear to be induced by pregnancy and
(2-ME), AET, and ZZAP (which contains DTT in addition transfusion.8 Fortunately, the prevalence of K antigen is low
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 195

Table 8–16 Prevalence of Common Kell 20-day-old infant with an E. coli O125:B15 infection whose
mother did not make anti-K. The organism was shown to
System Phenotypes
have a somatic K-like antigen that reacted with the infant’s
Phenotype Whites (%) Blacks (%) antibody, so the bacterial antigen was thought to have been
K–k+ 91 96.5 the stimulus. The antibody disappeared after recovery.
Some examples of anti-K react poorly in methods incor-
K+k+ 8.8 3.5 porating low-ionic media, such as LISS, and in some auto-
K+k– 0.2 <0.1 mated systems. The most reliable method of detection is the
indirect antiglobulin test. The potentiating medium, PEG,
Kp(a+b–) <0.1 0 may increase reactivity.
Kp(a+b+) 2.3 Rare Anti-K has been implicated in severe HTRs. Although
some examples of anti-K bind complement, in vivo RBC
Kp(a–b+) 97.7 100 destruction is usually extravascular via the macrophages in
Js(a+b–) 0 1 the spleen. Anti-K is also associated with severe HDFN. The
antibody titer does not always accurately predict the severity
Js(a+b+) Rare 19 of disease; stillbirth has been seen with anti-K titers as low
Js(a–b+) 100 80 as 64. Fetal anemia in anti-K HDFN is associated with sup-
pression of erythropoiesis due to destruction of erythroid
precursor cells, which can be additional to destruction of cir-
culating antigen-positive RBCs, as seen in anti-D HDFN. Kell
(9% in whites), and the chance of receiving a K+ unit is glycoprotein is expressed on fetal RBCs at a much earlier
small. If anti-K develops, compatible units are easy to find. stage of erythropoiesis than Rh antigens.34 When a pregnant
Antibodies to k antigen are seldom encountered. Only woman is identified as making anti-K, it is prudent to type
2 in 1,000 individuals lack k and are capable of developing the father for the K antigen. If he is K+, the fetus should be
the antibody. The likelihood that these few individuals will monitored carefully for signs of HDFN.
receive transfusions and become immunized is even less.
Antibodies to Kpa, Jsa, and Other Low-Prevalence
Kpa, Kpb, and Kpc Antigens Kell Antigens

Alleles Kpa and Kpc are low-prevalence mutations of their Antibodies to the low-prevalence Kell antigens are rare be-
high-prevalence partner Kpb. The Kpa antigen is found in cause so few people are exposed to these antigens. Because
about 2% of whites. The Kpa gene is associated with suppres- routine antibody detection RBCs do not carry low-prevalence
sion of other Kell antigens on the same molecule, including antigens, the antibodies are most often detected through un-
k and Jsb.8 The effect appears to result from a reduced expected incompatible crossmatches or cases of HDFN.
amount of the Kell glycoprotein (produced by the Kpa allele) The serologic characteristics and clinical significance of
inserted in the RBC membrane. The Kpc antigen is even these antibodies parallel anti-K. The original anti-Kpa was
rarer. naturally occurring, but most antibodies result from trans-
fusion or pregnancy.
Jsa and Jsb Antigens
Antibodies to k, Kpb, Jsb, and Other
The Jsa antigen, antithetical to the high-prevalence antigen Jsb, High-Prevalence Kell Antigens
is found in about 20% of blacks but in fewer than 0.1% of
whites.10 The prevalence of Jsa in blacks is almost 10 times Antibodies to high-prevalence Kell system antigens are rare
greater than the prevalence of the K antigen in blacks. Jsa and because so few people lack these antigens. They also parallel
Jsb were linked to the Kell system when it was discovered that anti-K in serologic characteristics and clinical significance.
Ko RBCs were Js(a–b–). The high-prevalence antibodies are easy to detect but dif-
ficult to work with because most blood banks do not have
Anti-K the antigen-negative panel cells needed to exclude other
alloantibodies, nor do they have typing reagents to phenotype
Outside of the ABO and Rh antibodies, anti-K is the most the patient’s RBCs. Testing an unidentified high-prevalence
common antibody seen in the blood bank. Anti-K is usually antibody against DTT- or AET-treated RBCs is a helpful tech-
IgG and reactive in the antiglobulin phase, but some exam- nique: reactivity that is abolished with DTT or AET treatment
ples agglutinate saline-suspended RBCs. The antibody is suggests that the antibody may be related to the Kell system
usually made in response to antigen exposure through preg- and enables the technologist to exclude common alloantibod-
nancy and transfusion and can persist for many years. ies. Caution is needed before assigning Kell system specificity
Naturally occurring IgM examples of anti-K are rare and until antigen-negative RBCs are tested because DTT also
have been associated with bacterial infections. Marsh denatures JMH and high-prevalence antigens in the LW,
and colleagues33 studied an IgM anti-K in an untransfused Lutheran, Dombrock, Cromer, and Knops systems. Finding
196 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

compatible units for transfusion can be difficult; siblings and found to carry the encoding alleles on opposite chromosomes.
rare-donor inventories are the most likely sources. Patients For example, someone who types Kp(a+) and Js(a+) is genet-
with antibodies to high-prevalence antigens should be en- ically kKpaJsb on one chromosome and kKpbJsa on the other.
couraged to donate autologous units and, if possible, to par- However, in a 2009 report, two unrelated individuals with
ticipate in a rare-donor program. very weak K antigens were found to be heterozygous for KKpa
and kKpb.
Biochemistry The gene XK, which encodes the Kx antigen, is indepen-
dent of KEL and is located on the short arm of the X chromo-
some at position Xp21.1.4,8
Advanced Concepts
The Kell antigens are located on a glycoprotein that con- The Kx Antigen
sists of 731 amino acids and spans the RBC membrane
once. The N-terminal domain is intracellular, and the large Kx is present on all RBCs except those of the rare McLeod
external C-terminal domain is highly folded by disulfide phenotype (see “The McLeod Phenotype and Syndrome”
linkages (Fig. 8–8). The Kell glycoprotein is covalently section below). Ko and Kmod phenotype RBCs have increased
linked with another protein, called Xk, by a single disulfide Kx antigen.8 When Kell antigens are denatured with AET or
bond. The Xk protein (440 amino acids) is predicted to DTT, the expression of Kx increases.
span the RBC membrane 10 times. Kell antigen expression
is dependent upon the presence of the Xk protein. The Ko Phenotype and Anti-Ku
The Kell glycoprotein is a member of the neprilysin
Ko RBCs lack expression of all Kell antigens. Ko RBCs have
(M13) family of zinc endopeptidases associated with the
no membrane abnormality and survive normally in circula-
cleavage of big endothelins, but how this relates to the phys-
tion. The phenotype is rare; data suggest a frequency of
iological role of the Kell glycoprotein remains unclear. The
1:25,000 in whites.8
structure of the Xk protein suggests a membrane transport
Immunized individuals with the Ko phenotype typically
protein. The absence of Xk results in McLeod syndrome (see
make an antibody called anti-Ku that recognizes the “universal”
“The McLeod Phenotype and Syndrome” section below).
Kell antigen (Ku) present on all RBCs except Ko. Anti-Ku ap-
pears to be a single specificity and cannot be separated into
Genetics components. Anti-Ku has caused both HDFN and HTRs.8
Because Ko RBCs are negative for k, Kpb, Jsb, and so forth,
The gene KEL, located on chromosome 7 at position 7q33, they are very useful in investigating complex antibody prob-
is organized into 19 exons of coding sequence.4 Single base lems. They can help confirm a Kell system specificity or rule
mutations encoding amino acid substitutions are responsible out other underlying specificities. When Ko RBCs are not
for the different Kell antigens. Several different mutations available, they can be made artificially by treating normal
(e.g., point, frameshift, or splice site mutations) have been RBCs with DTT, AET, or glycine-acid EDTA.
found that result in the rare null phenotype Ko.8,10
Historically, no Kell haplotype had been shown to code for The McLeod Phenotype and Syndrome
more than one low-prevalence antigen. People who tested pos-
itive for two low-prevalence Kell antigens had always been In 1961, Allen and coworkers35 described a young male
medical student who initially appeared to be Kell null but
who demonstrated the weak expression of k, Kpb, and Jsb
detectable by adsorption-elution methods. This unusual
Kell phenotype was called McLeod, after the student.
COOH The McLeod phenotype is very rare. All who have it are
male, and inheritance is X-linked through a carrier mother.
McLeod phenotype RBCs lack Kx and the Kell system high-
Kx prevalence antigen, Km, and have marked depression of all
other Kell antigens. The weakened expression of the Kell anti-
gens is designated by a superscript w for “weak”—for example,
K–k+w Kp(a–b+w). The McLeod phenotype has been associated
with several mutations and deletions at the XK locus.
A significant proportion of the RBCs in individuals with
NH2 the McLeod phenotype are acanthocytic (having irregular
NH2 shapes and protrusions) with decreased deformability
COOH and reduced in vivo survival. As a result, individuals with
the McLeod phenotype have a chronic but often well-
Figure 8–8. Proposed structures for Kell and Kx proteins. The two proteins are
linked through one disulfide bond. The conformation of the large external domain compensated hemolytic anemia characterized by reticulo-
of the Kell glycoprotein is unknown; 15 cysteine residues suggest the presence of cytosis, bilirubinemia, splenomegaly, and reduced serum
disulfide bonds and extensive folding. haptoglobin levels.
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 197

Individuals with the McLeod phenotype have a variety of antigens are also seen on RBCs with the rare Gerbich-negative
muscle and nerve disorders that, together with the serologic phenotypes Ge: –2, –3, 4 and Ge: –2, –3, –4. The phenotypic
and hematologic picture, are collectively known as the relationship between Gerbich and Kell is not understood. The
McLeod syndrome, one of the neuroacanthocytosis syn- umbrella term Kmod is used to describe other phenotypes with
dromes. McLeod individuals develop a slow, progressive very weak Kell expression, often requiring adsorption-elution
form of muscular dystrophy between ages 40 and 50 years tests for detection. As a group, these RBCs have a reduced
and cardiomegaly (leading to cardiomyopathy). The associ- amount of Kell glycoprotein and enhanced Kx expression.
ated neurological disorder presents initially as areflexia (a Some Kmod individuals make an antibody that resembles
lack of deep tendon reflexes) and progresses to choreiform anti-Ku but does not react with other Kmod RBCs (unlike anti-
movements (well-coordinated but involuntary movements). Ku made by Ko individuals).
These individuals also have elevated serum creatinine phos- Patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, in which the
phokinase levels of the MM type (cardiac/skeletal muscle) autoantibody is directed against a Kell antigen, may have de-
and carbonic anhydrase III levels. pressed expression of that antigen. Antigen strength returns
In 1971, Giblett and colleagues made an association to normal when the anemia resolves and the DAT becomes
between the rare Kell phenotypes, including the McLeod negative. This phenomenon appears to be more common in
phenotype, and the rare X-linked chronic granulomatous the Kell system than in others.1
disease (CGD).36 CGD is characterized by the inability of Finally, RBCs may appear to acquire Kell antigens.
phagocytes to make NADH oxidase, an enzyme important McGinnis and coworkers38 described a K– patient who
in generating H2O2, which is used to kill ingested bacteria. acquired a K-like antigen during a Streptococcus faecium
Afflicted children can die at an early age from overwhelm- infection. Cultures containing the disrupted organism con-
ing infections if not treated. Not all males with the McLeod verted K– cells to K+, but bacteria-free filtrates did not.
phenotype have CGD, nor do all patients with CGD have
the McLeod phenotype. Autoantibodies
The expression of Kx in women who are carriers of the
McLeod phenotype follows the Lyon hypothesis, which Most Kell system autoantibodies are directed against unde-
states that in early embryo development, one X chromosome fined high-prevalence Kell antigens, but identifiable autoan-
randomly shuts down in female cells that have two. All cells tibodies to K, Kpb, and K13 have been reported. Mimicking
descending from the resulting cell line express only the allele specificities have also been reported, such as when an appar-
on the active chromosome. Hence, McLeod carriers exhibit ent anti-K is eluted from DAT+ K– RBCs and the anti-K in
two RBC populations: one having Kx and normal Kell anti- the eluate can be adsorbed onto K– RBCs.
gens, the other having the McLeod phenotype and acantho-
cytosis. The percentage of McLeod phenotype RBCs in The Duffy (008) System
carriers varies from 5% to 85%.1
McLeod males with CGD make anti-Kx + Km (sometimes The Duffy blood group system was named for Mr. Duffy, a
called anti-KL), which reacts strongly with Ko RBCs, weaker multiply transfused hemophiliac who in 1950 was found to
with normal Kell phenotype RBCs, and not at all with have the first described example of anti-Fya. One year later,
McLeod phenotype RBCs. Anti-Km is made by McLeod the antibody defining its antithetical antigen, Fyb, was found
males without CGD. There are rare reports of a McLeod male in the serum of a woman who had had three pregnancies.
without CGD who has made anti-Kx + Km.37 The expression In 1955, Sanger and colleagues39 reported that the major-
of Kell antigens on RBCs with common, McLeod, and Ko ity of African Americans tested were Fy(a–b–). The gene
phenotypes is summarized in Table 8–17. responsible for this null phenotype was called Fy. FyFy
appeared to be a common genotype in blacks, especially in
Altered Expressions of Kell Antigens Africa; the gene is exceedingly rare in whites.
In 1975, it was observed that Fy(a–b–) RBCs resist infec-
Weaker than normal Kell antigen expression is associated tion in vitro by the monkey malaria organism Plasmodium
with the McLeod phenotype and the suppression by the Kpa knowlesi. It was later shown that Fy(a–b–) RBCs also resist
gene (cis-modified effect) on Kell antigens. Depressed Kell infection by Plasmodium vivax (one of the organisms causing

Table 8–17 Expression of Kell Antigens on RBCs With Common, Ko, and McLeod Phenotypes
Phenotype RBC Antigen Expression Possible Antibody
Kell Antigens Km Kx

Common k, Kpb, Jsb, K11 . . . Normal Weak Alloantibody

Ko None None Increased Anti-Ku

McLeod Trace k, Kpa, Jsb, K11 . . . None None Anti-Kx + Km (CGD): Anti-Km (non-CGD)
198 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

malaria in humans).39 This discovery provides an explana- react with enzyme-treated RBCs, this is a helpful technique
tion for the predominance of the Fy(a–b–) phenotype in per- to identify other antibodies when multiple antibodies are
sons originating from West Africa. present.
Antibodies to other antigens in the Duffy blood group Some examples of anti-Fya and anti-Fyb show dosage,
system, Fy3, Fy5, are rarely encountered. RBCs that are reacting more strongly with RBCs that have a double dose
Fy(a–b–) are also Fy: –3, –5. Fy5 is also not present on Rhnull than RBCs from heterozygotes. It must be remembered that
RBCs, regardless of the Fya or Fyb status of those RBCs. The some reagent RBCs that appear to be from homozygotes
Duffy blood group system is designated by the symbol FY or (and have a double dose of either Fya or Fyb) may actually
008 by the ISBT. be from heterozygotes if they are from black donors; a silent
allele, Fy, is commonly found in blacks. For example,
Fya and Fyb Antigens Fy(a+b–) RBCs will have a double dose of Fya if they are
from a white FyaFya donor but will have a single dose of
The Duffy antigens most important in routine blood bank Fya if they are from a black donor who is genetically FyaFy.
serology are Fya and Fyb. They can be identified on fetal Additional phenotypic markers commonly found in black
RBCs as early as 6 weeks gestational age and are well devel- donors can give a clue to the possible presence of the silent
oped at birth. There are about 13,000 to 14,000 Fya or Fyb Fy allele: Ro, S–s–, V+VS+, Js(a+), Le(a–b–).
sites on Fy(a+b–) and Fy(a–b+) RBCs, respectively; there are Anti-Fya and anti-Fyb have been associated with acute and
half that number of Fya sites on Fy(a+b+) RBCs.8 The anti- delayed HTRs. Once the antibody is identified, Fy(a–) or
gens have not been found on platelets, lymphocytes, mono- Fy(b–) blood must be given; finding such units in a random
cytes, or granulocytes, but they have been identified in other population is not difficult. For example, one in three random
body tissues, including brain, colon, endothelium, lung, units of blood is Fy(a–) and one in five random units of
spleen, thyroid, thymus, and kidney cells.10 The prevalence blood is Fy(b–). Anti-Fya and anti-Fyb are associated with
of the common phenotypes in the Duffy system are given in HDFN that ranges from mild to severe.
Table 8–18. The disparity in distribution in different races is Rare autoantibodies with mimicking Fya and Fyb speci-
notable. ficity have been reported—for example, anti-Fyb that can be
Fya and Fyb antigens are destroyed by common prote- adsorbed onto and eluted from Fy(a+b–) RBCs. Issitt and
olytic enzymes such as ficin, papain, bromelin, and chy- Anstee1 suggest that these may represent alloantibodies with
motrypsin, and by ZZAP (which contains either papain or “sloppy” specificity made early in an immune response.
ficin in addition to DTT); they are not affected by DTT alone,
AET, or glycine-acid EDTA treatment. Neuraminidase may Biochemistry
reduce the molecular weight of Fya and Fyb, but it does not
destroy antigenic activity and neither does purified trypsin.
Advanced Concepts
Anti-Fya and Anti-Fyb Enzymes, membrane solubilization methods, immunoblot-
ting, radiolabeling, and amino acid sequencing have all
Anti-Fya is a common antibody and is found as a single been used to study the biochemistry of Duffy antigens.1
specificity or in a mixture of antibodies. Anti-Fya occurs Duffy antigens reside on a glycoprotein of 336 amino acids
three times less frequently than anti-K. Anti-Fyb is 20 times that has a relative mass of 36 kD and two N-glycosylation
less common than anti-Fya and often occurs in combination sites (Fig. 8–9).40 The glycoprotein is predicted to traverse
with other antibodies. The antibodies are usually IgG and the cell membrane seven times and has two predicted disul-
react best at the antiglobulin phase. Rare examples of anti- fide bridges.
Fya and anti-Fyb bind complement. A few examples are The amino acid at position 42 on the Duffy glycoprotein
saline agglutinins. Antibody activity is enhanced in a low- defines the Fya and Fyb polymorphism: Fya has glycine, and
ionic strength medium. Because anti-Fya and anti-Fyb do not Fyb has aspartic acid. The Fy3 epitope, as defined by mon-
oclonal antibody, is on the third extracellular loop, and Fy6
appears to involve amino acids 19 through 25.40
The Duffy glycoprotein is a member of the superfamily
Table 8–18 Prevalence of Common Duffy
of chemokine receptors and is known as the atypical
Phenotypes chemokine receptor 1 (ACKR1, previously known as
African DARC). Thus, in addition to being a receptor for the
Americans Chinese malaria parasite P. vivax, the Duffy glycoprotein binds a va-
Phenotype Whites(%) (%) (%) riety of proinflammatory cytokines.
Fy(a+b–) 17 9 90.8

Fy(a+b+) 49 1 8.9 Genetics

Fy(a–b+) 34 22 0.3 In 1968, the Duffy gene (ACKR1, formally known as DARC)
Fy(a–b–) Very rare 68 0 was linked to a visible, inherited abnormality of chromosome 1,
thus becoming the first human gene to be assigned to a
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 199

Fya/Fyb Fy3 antigenic determinant or precursor common to both Fya and

NH2 Fyb and was called Fy3. Unlike Fya and Fyb, the Fy3 antigen

S SS is not destroyed by enzymes.

Anti-Fy3 is a rare antibody made by Fy(a–b–) individuals
who lack the Duffy glycoprotein. The Fy(a–b–) phenotype
has been found in whites, Cree Indian families, and blacks.1
Blacks with the Fy(a–b–) phenotype rarely make anti-Fy3.
COOH Some blacks who make anti-Fy3 initially make anti-Fya.8

Figure 8–9. Proposed structure for the Duffy protein. Disulfide bonds probably Fy5 Antigen and Antibody
link the NH2 terminal domain and the third loop and the first and second loop.
In 1973, Colledge and coworkers42 discovered anti-Fy5 in
the serum of an Fy(a–b–) black child who later died of
specific chromosome. The gene ACKR1 is located near the leukemia. Initially it was thought to be a second example of
centromere on the long arm of chromosome 1 at position anti-Fy3, because it reacted with all Fy(a+) or Fy(b+) RBCs
1q21-q22.4 The Fy locus is syntenic to the Rh locus, which but not with Fy(a–b–) cells. The antibody differed in that it
is located near the tip of the short arm; that is, they are on reacted with the cells from an Fy(a–b–)Fy:–3 white female,
the same chromosome, but they are far enough apart that but it did not react with Fy(a+) or Fy(b+) Rhnull RBCs and
linkage cannot be demonstrated and serologically they reacted only weakly with Fy(a+) or Fy(b+) –D– RBCs.
appear to segregate independently. Sometimes, sera containing anti-Fy5 also contain anti-Fya.
There are three common alleles at the Fy locus: Fya, Fyb, Several examples of anti-Fy5 have been reported in multiply
and Fy. Fya and Fyb encode the antithetical antigens Fya and transfused Fy(a–b–) patients with sickle cell disease with a
Fyb, respectively, and Fy is a silent allele and is the major mixture of other antibodies.
allele in blacks. The Fy gene in Fy(a–b–) blacks is predomi- The molecular structure of Fy5 is not known, but it ap-
nantly an Fyb variant with a change in the promoter region pears to be the result of interaction between the Rh complex
(GATA) of the gene, which disrupts the binding site for and the Duffy glycoprotein. People who are Fy(a–b–) or
mRNA transcription in the RBC.10 Consequently, Fy(a–b–) Rhnull do not make Fy5 antigen and are at risk of making the
blacks do not express Fyb on their RBCs but express Fyb in antibody, although few do. Like Fy3, Fy5 is not destroyed by
other tissues. The presence of Fyb in tissues presumably pre- enzymes.
cludes the recognition of Fyb as foreign; thus, no anti-Fyb is
made by these individuals. Molecular testing for the GATA The Kidd (009) System
mutation is helpful for transfusion management for patients
with sickle cell disease. A molecular analysis of Fy(a–b–) The Kidd blood group is a simple and straightforward
whites revealed different mutations. These individuals carry system consisting of only three antigens. In 1951, Allen and
no Duffy protein on their RBCs or on other tissues and thus colleagues43 reported finding an antibody in the serum of
can form anti-Fyb and anti-Fy3. Mrs. Kidd, whose infant had HDFN. The antibody, named
Typing for Duffy antigens has been performed on the anti-Jka (for the infant John Kidd), reacted with 77% of
RBCs of chimpanzees, gorillas, and old- and new-world Bostonians. Its antithetical partner, Jkb, was found 2 years
monkeys. The results suggest that Fy3 developed first, then later. The null phenotype Jk(a–b–) was described in 1959.
Fyb, and that Fya arose during human evolution.10 The propositus made an antibody to a high-prevalence
antigen called Jk3, which is present on any RBC positive
Fyx for Jka or Jkb. No other antigens associated with the Kidd
system have been described.
Fyx was described in 1965 as a new allele at the Fy locus. It The Kidd system is designated by the symbol JK or 009
does not produce a distinct antigen but rather is an inherited by the ISBT. It has special significance to routine blood bank-
weak form of Fyb that reacts with some examples of anti-Fyb. ing because of its antibodies, which can be difficult to detect
Fyx has been described in white populations. Individuals and are a common cause of HTRs.
with Fyx may type Fy(b–), but their RBCs adsorb and elute
anti-Fyb. They also have depressed expression of their Fy3 Jka and Jkb Antigens
and Fy5 antigens. The decreased expression of Fyb due to
Fyx appears to be related to a reduced amount of Duffy gly- Jka and Jkb are antigens commonly found on RBCs of most
coprotein on the surface of RBCs.41 There is no anti-Fyx. individuals. Table 8–19 summarizes the prevalence of the
four known phenotypes. There are notable differences in
Fy3 Antigen and Antibody antigen frequency among various races: 91% of blacks and
77% of whites are Jk(a+); 57% of blacks and only 28% of
In 1971, anti-Fy3 was found in the serum of an Fy(a–b–) whites are Jk(b–).
white Australian female. It reacted with all RBCs tested Jka and Jkb antigens are well developed on the RBCs of
except those of the Fy(a–b–) phenotype. Because it was an neonates. Jka has been detected on fetal RBCs as early as
inseparable anti-FyaFyb, it was thought to react with an 11 weeks; Jkb has been detected at 7 weeks.8 Although this
200 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Table 8–19 Prevalence of Kidd Phenotypes plasma) and using polyspecific reagents with both anti-IgG
and anti-complement can be helpful in these situations.1
Whites Blacks Asians The titer of anti-Jka or anti-Jkb quickly declines in vivo.
Phenotype (%) (%) (%) A strong antibody identified following a transfusion reaction
Jk(a+b–) 28 57 23 may be undetectable in a few weeks or months.1 This con-
firms the need to check blood bank records for previously
Jk(a+b+) 49 34 50
identified antibodies before a patient is transfused. It is
Jk(a–b+) 23 9 27 equally important to inform the patient that he or she has
such an antibody and to provide a wallet card or other doc-
Jk(a–b–) Exceedingly Exceedingly 0.9 Polynesians
umentation that notes the specificity in case the patient is
rare rare
transfused elsewhere.
The decline in antibody reactivity and the difficulty in
detecting Kidd antibodies are reasons why they are a com-
mon cause of HTRs, especially of the delayed type. Although
early development of Kidd antigens contributes to the intravascular hemolysis has been noted in severe reactions,
potential for HDFN, anti-Jka and anti-Jkb are only rarely coated RBCs more often are removed extravascularly. The
responsible for severe HDFN. Jk(a+b–) RBCs carry 14,000 rate of clearance of incompatible RBCs can vary but is
antigen sites per cell.8 The Kidd antigens are not very usually rapid.
immunogenic. Contrary to their hemolytic reputation in transfusion,
Kidd antigens are not denatured by papain or ficin; treat- most Kidd antibodies are only rarely associated with severe
ment of RBCs with enzymes generally enhances reactivity cases of HDFN.44
with Kidd antibodies. Kidd antigens are also not affected
by chloroquine, DTT, AET, or glycine-acid EDTA. The anti- Biochemistry
gens are not found on platelets, lymphocytes, monocytes,
or granulocytes.
Advanced Concepts
Anti-Jka and Anti-Jkb Heaton and McLoughlin45 reported in 1982 that Jk(a–b–)
Kidd antibodies have a notorious reputation in the blood RBCs resist lysis in 2M urea, a solution commonly used
bank. They demonstrate dosage, are often weak, and are to lyse RBCs in a sample before it is used in some auto-
found in combination with other antibodies, all of which mated platelet-counting instruments. Urea crosses the RBC
make them difficult to detect. membrane, causing an osmotic imbalance and an influx
Anti-Jka is more frequently encountered than anti-Jkb, but of water, which rapidly lyses normal cells. With Jk(a+) or
neither antibody is common. The antibodies are usually IgG Jk(b+) RBCs, lysis in 2M urea occurs within 1 minute; with
(antiglobulin reactive) but may also be partly IgM and are Jk(a–b–) cells, lysis is delayed by 30 minutes.8
made in response to pregnancy or transfusion. The predicted Kidd glycoprotein has 389 amino
The ability of Kidd antibodies to show dosage can con- acids with 10 membrane-spanning domains and two
found inexperienced serologists. Many anti-Jka and anti-Jkb N-glycosylation sites, one of which is extracellular on the
react more strongly with RBCs that carry a double dose of third extracellular loop (Fig. 8–10). The glycoprotein is
the respective antigen and may not react with Jk(a+b+) a urea transporter.
RBCs. An anti-Jka that reacts only with Jk(a+b–) RBCs can
give inconclusive panel results and appear compatible with Genetics
Jk(a+b+) cells. Readers are urged to rule out anti-Jka and
anti-Jkb only with Jk(a+b–) and Jk(a–b+) panel cells, respec- The Jk locus is on chromosome 18 at position 18q11-q12.4
tively, and to type all crossmatch-compatible units with com- The gene SLC14A1 (for solute carrier family 14, member 1)
mercial antisera. To ensure that antisera can indeed detect
weak expressions of the antigen, Jk(a+b+) RBCs should be
tested in parallel as the positive control.
Antibody reactivity can also be enhanced by using LISS Jka/Jkb
or PEG (to promote IgG attachment), by using four drops of
serum instead of two in a saline tube method (to increase
the antibody-to-antigen ratio), or by using enzymes such as
ficin or papain. In vitro hemolysis can sometimes be ob-
served with enzyme-treated RBCs if serum is tested; antigen
dose may influence this hemolytic activity.1
Many examples of the Kidd antibodies bind complement. NH2 COOH
Rare examples are detected only by the complement they Figure 8–10. Proposed structure for Kidd protein. One of two proposed
bind (i.e., they are nonreactive in antiglobulin phase of test- N-glycans is extracellular and is located on the third extracellular loop; the Jka/Jkb
ing using anti-IgG reagents). Testing serum (rather than polymorphism is located on the fourth extracellular loop.
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 201

is a member of the urea transporter gene family. The gene Like other Kidd antibodies, anti-Jk3 reacts optimally by an
is organized into 11 exons. The Jka/Jkb polymorphism is antiglobulin test, and the reactivity is enhanced with enzyme
associated with an amino acid substitution at position 280, pretreatment of the RBCs.
predicted to be located on the fourth extracellular loop Anti-Jk3 has been associated with severe immediate and
of the glycoprotein. Molecular studies have demonstrated delayed HTRs and with mild HDFN. Compatible units
the silent Jk allele can arise from mutations in both the are best found by typing siblings or searching the rare-
Jka and Jkb alleles. Jka and Jkb are inherited as codominant donor files.
Jk(a–b–) Phenotype and the Recessive Allele, Jk
Autoantibodies with Kidd specificity (anti-Jka, anti-Jkb, and
People with the null Jk(a–b–) phenotype lack Jka, Jkb,
and anti-Jk3) are rare, but they have been associated with
the common antigen Jk3. Although very rare, the Jk(a–b–) autoimmune hemolytic anemia.1 As with other blood
phenotype is most abundant among Polynesians, and it groups, Kidd autoantibodies may have mimicking specificity
has also been identified in Filipinos, Indonesians, and or may be associated with depressed antigen expression.
Chinese.1 The null phenotype has also been reported in
several European families (Finnish, French, Swiss, and The Lutheran (005) System
English) and in the Mato Grosso Indians of Brazil. The
In 1945, anti-Lua was found (and described in detail a year
delayed lysis of Jk(a–b–) RBCs in 2M urea has proved an
later) in the serum of a patient with lupus erythematosus,
easy way to screen families and populations for this rare
following the transfusion of a unit of blood carrying the
corresponding low-prevalence antigen.46 (This patient also
No clinical abnormalities have been associated with
made anti-c, anti-N, the first example of anti-CW, and anti-
the Jk(a–b–) phenotype to date. Several unrelated Jk(a–b–)
Levay, now known as anti-Kpc!) The new antibody was
individuals had normal blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and
named Lutheran for the donor; the donor’s last name was
serum electrolytes, but studies on two individuals with
Lutteran but the donor’s blood sample was incorrectly
this phenotype showed a marked defect in their ability to
labeled.2 In 1956, Cutbush and Chanarin47 described
concentrate urine.
anti-Lub, which defined the antithetical partner to Lua.
Family studies show that most Jk(a–b–) nulls are
The blood group system appeared complete until 1961,
homozygous for the rare “silent” allele Jk. Parents of JkJk
when Crawford and colleagues48 described the first
offspring and children of JkJk parents type Jk(a+b–) or
Lu(a–b–) phenotype. Unlike most null phenotypes at the
Jk(a–b+) but never Jk(a+b+), because they are genetically
time, this one demonstrated dominant inheritance. In
JkaJk or JkbJk. Their RBCs also demonstrate a single dose
1963, the Lu(a–b–) phenotype inherited as a recessive
of Jka or Jkb antigen in titration studies.
silent allele was described.
Twenty-four antigens are part of the Lutheran system.
Jk(a–b–) Phenotype and the Dominant
Most of these antigens are high prevalence; four sets of anti-
In(Jk) Allele
gens are antithetical. Many of the antigens were associated
Another genetic explanation for the Jk(a–b–) phenotype is with the Lutheran system when their corresponding anti-
association with a dominant gene called In(Jk), for “in- bodies were nonreactive with the rare Lu(a–b–) RBCs. All
hibitor,” that shows a dominant pattern of inheritance within are summarized in Table 8–20. The ISBT designation of the
a Japanese family analogous to the inhibitor gene responsible Lutheran blood group system is LU or 005.
for the dominant type Lu(a–b–) phenotype in the Lutheran Blood bankers seldom deal with the serology of the
blood group system.8,10 Dominant type Jk(a–b–) RBCs ad- Lutheran blood group system. The antigens are either high
sorb and elute anti-Jk3 and anti-Jka or anti-Jkb (depending prevalence, so only a few people lack the antigen and can
on which genes were inherited), indicating that the antigens make an alloantibody, or very low prevalence, so that only a
are expressed but only very weakly. Individuals with the few people are ever exposed. Consequently, the antibodies
dominant type Jk(a–b–) phenotype do not make anti-Jk3. are seen infrequently, and there is not much data on the clin-
Family studies show that the In(Jk) gene does not reside at ical significance of Lutheran antibodies.
the Jk locus. The molecular basis is unknown. Although the antigens have been detected on fetal RBCs
as early as 10 to 12 weeks of gestation, they are poorly de-
Anti-Jk3 veloped at birth. As a result, HDFN is rare and only mild.10
Lutheran antigens have not been detected on platelets, lym-
Alloanti-Jk3 is an IgG antiglobulin-reactive antibody that phocytes, monocytes, or granulocytes. However, Lutheran
looks like an inseparable anti-JkaJkb. Because panel cells are glycoprotein is widely distributed in tissues: brain, lung,
Jk(a+) or Jk(b+), anti-Jk3 reacts with all RBCs tested except pancreas, placenta, skeletal muscle, and hepatocytes (espe-
the autocontrol. Most blood banks do not have the rare cells cially fetal hepatic epithelial cells).8 The presence of
needed to confirm anti-Jk3; however, they can easily deter- Lutheran glycoprotein on placental tissue may result in
mine its most probable specificity by means of antigen typ- adsorption of maternal antibodies to Lutheran antigens, thus
ing. The individual making the antibody will type Jk(a–b–). decreasing the likelihood of HDFN.10
202 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Table 8–20 Lutheran System Antigens

Conventional Name Prevalence (%) Year Discovered Comments
Lua 8 whites 1945 Antithetical to Lub
5 blacks
Lub 99.8 1956 Antithetical to Lua
Lu3 >99.9 1963
Lu4 >99.9 1971
Lu5 >99.9 1972
Lu6 >99.9 1972 Antithetical to Lu9
Lu7 >99.9 1972
Lu8 >99.9 1972 Antithetical to Lu14
Lu9 2 1973 Antithetical to Lu6
Lu11 >99.9 1974
Lu12 >99.9 1973
Lu13 >99.9 1983
Lu14 2.4 1977 Antithetical to Lu8
Lu16 >99.9 1980
Lu17 >99.9 1979
Aua 80 whites 1961 Antithetical to Aub
Aub 50 whites 1989 Antithetical to Aua
Lu20 >99.9 1992
Lu21 >99.9 2002
LURC >99.9 2009
LUIT High 2016
LUGA High 2016
LUAC High 2016
LUBI High 2016

Lutheran antigens are resistant to the enzymes ficin and Lutheran antigen expression is variable from one individual
papain and to glycine-acid EDTA treatment but are destroyed to another. The number of Lub sites per RBC is low, estimated
by treatment with the enzymes trypsin and -chymotrypsin. to be from 1,640 to 4,070 on Lu(a–b+) RBCs and from 850 to
Most Lutheran antibodies do not react with RBCs treated 1,820 on Lu(a+b+) RBCs.8
with the sulfhydryl reagents DTT and AET.
Lua and Lub Antigens
Most examples of anti-Lua are IgM naturally occurring saline
Lua and Lub are antigens produced by allelic codominant agglutinins that react better at room temperature than at
genes. The prevalence of common phenotypes is listed in 37°C. A few react at 37°C by indirect antiglobulin test. Some
Table 8–21. Most individuals are Lu(b+); 8% of whites and are capable of binding complement, but in vitro hemolysis
5% of blacks are Lu(a+).10 has not been reported.
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 203

Table 8–21 Prevalence of Common Lua/Lub NH2

Lutheran Phenotypes Lu5
Phenotype Most Populations (%) Lu12 V V
Lu (a+b–) 0.15 LURC
Lu (a+b+) 7.5 Lu8/Lu14 LUAC V V
Lu (a–b+) 92.35
Lu20 C C
Lu (a–b–) Very rare Lu6/Lu9

Lu7 C C

Anti-Lua often goes undetected in routine testing Aua/Aub
because most reagent RBCs are Lu(a–). Anti-Lua is more
likely encountered as an incompatible crossmatch or dur-
ing an antibody workup for another specificity. Experi-
enced technologists recognize Lutheran antibodies by their
characteristic loose, mixed-field reactivity in a test tube.
Examples of anti-Lua that react only at temperatures below Lu B-CAM
37°C are clinically insignificant. There are no documented
cases of immediate HTRs; there are only rare and mild Figure 8–11. The two structures encoded by the Lu gene: the longer Lu glyco-
delayed HTRs due to anti-Lua.6 protein and the shorter basal cell adhesion molecule (B-CAM). The five extracellular
disulfide-bonded domains are homologous to immunoglobulin variable (V) or con-
stant (C) domains.

Although the first example of anti-Lub was a room tempera- variable or constant domains. The Lutheran proteins are
ture agglutinin, and IgM and IgA antibodies have been multifunctional adhesion molecules that bind laminin,
noted, most examples of anti-Lub are IgG and reactive at notably in sickle cell disease.49
37°C at the antiglobulin phase. The antibody is made in The molecular basis for the four pairs of antithetical
response to pregnancy or transfusion. antigens and several of the high-prevalence antigens
Alloanti-Lub reacts with all cells tested except the au- has been determined through the creation of Lutheran
tocontrol, and reactions are often weaker with Lu(a+b+) glycoprotein mutants and subsequent sequencing of the
RBCs and cord RBCs. Anti-Lub has been implicated with exons encoding the extracellular domains. For most of
shortened survival of transfused cells and post-transfusion the antigens, expression was caused by a single nucleotide
jaundice, but severe or acute hemolysis has not been polymorphism, resulting in single amino acid changes on
reported. the protein level.50

Advanced Concepts The LU gene BCAM is located on chromosome 19 at position
The Lutheran antigens are located on a type 1 transmem- 19q13.2, along with genes that govern expression of several
brane protein. The protein exists in two forms as a result of blood group antigens (H, Se, Le, LW, Oka).4 A linkage
alternative RNA splicing: the longer Lu glycoprotein and between Lu and the Se gene (FUT2) was the first example of
the shorter basal cell adhesion molecule (B-CAM). The autosomal linkage described in humans.
longer 85-kD protein contains 597 amino acids with five ex-
tracellular domains, a hydrophobic transmembrane domain Lu(a–b–) Phenotypes
of 19 amino acids, and a cytoplasmic domain of 59 amino
acids (Fig. 8–11). The smaller isoform (78 kD) is identical Three genetic explanations for the Lu(a–b–) phenotype have
except for a shorter cytoplasmic domain of 59 amino acids. been described. These are summarized in Table 8–22.
The external portion consists of five disulfide-bonded
Dominant Type Lu(a–b–)
domains. The Lutheran glycoproteins belong to the im-
munoglobulin superfamily of proteins; the repeating extra- The first Lu(a–b–) family study was reported by the proposi-
cellular domains are homologous to immunoglobulin tus herself.48 Because the phenotype was seen in successive
generations in 50% of her family members and others, and
204 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Table 8–22 Summary of Lu(a–b–) Phenotypes

Mode of Other RBC Antigens
Inheritance Gene Responsible Lu Antigens Affected Make Anti-Lu3?
Dominant KLF151 Extremely weak Reduced P1, i, Inb, AnWj, No
MER2, CD44
Not at Lu locus
Recessive Lu None Not affected
X-linked GATA154 Extremely weak Not affected

because null individuals passed normal Lutheran genes to Recessive X-Linked Inhibitor Type
their offspring, the expression of Lutheran was thought to An Lu(a–b–) phenotype in a large Australian family did not
be suppressed by a rare dominant regulator gene later called fit either the dominant or recessive inheritance patterns. All
In(Lu) for “inhibitor of Lutheran.” Recently, mutations in the Lu(a–b–) family members were male and carried trace
gene for erythroid Krüppel-like factor (EKLF), a transcrip- amounts of Lub detected by adsorption-elution. The pattern
tion factor, were shown to be associated with the In(Lu) of inheritance suggested an X-borne inhibitor to Lutheran.
phenotype in 21 of 24 In(Lu) individuals studied.51 In all Hemizygosity for a mutation in the X-linked gene for
cases, the mutated KLF1 allele occurred in the presence of a the major erythroid transcription factor GATA-1 has been
normal KLF1 allele. The authors of this study concluded shown to result in this X-linked inheritance of Lu(a–b–) phe-
that the In(Lu) phenotype is caused by inheritance of a loss- notype.54 There have been no other families reported with
of-function mutation on one allele of KLF1. The original this rare X-linked Lu(a–b–) phenotype.10
proband for the In(Lu) phenotype was recently shown to
have the responsible KLF1 mutation.52 Anti-Lu3
Dominant type Lu(a–b–) RBCs carry trace amounts of
Lutheran antigens as shown by adsorption-elution studies. Anti-Lu3 is a rare antibody that reacts with all RBCs except
For example, the RBCs of a person with the dominant type Lu(a–b–) RBCs. The antibody looks like inseparable anti-
Lu(a–b–) who inherited two normal Lub genes will type Luab and recognizes a common antigen, Lu3, that is present
Lu(a–b–) with routine methods but will adsorb and elute whenever Lua or Lub is present (much like the Jk3 associa-
anti-Lub. Because individuals with the dominant type tion with Jka and Jkb). Anti-Lu3 is usually antiglobulin reac-
Lu(a–b–) RBCs have normal Lutheran antigens, they do tive. This antibody is made only by individuals with the
not make anti-Lu3. recessive type of Lu(a–b–).
In addition to reduced expression of Lutheran antigens,
dominant type Lu(a–b–) RBCs also can have reduced expres- Applications to Routine Blood Banking
sion of CD44 and a weak expression of P1, i, AnWj, MER2,
and Inb blood group antigens. The major blood group systems outside of ABO and Rh
become important only after patients develop unexpected
Recessive Type Lu(a–b–) antibodies. Then a fundamental knowledge of antibody char-
In some families, the Lu(a–b–) phenotype demonstrates re- acteristics, clinical significance, and antigen frequency is
cessive inheritance, the result of having two rare silent alleles needed to help confirm antibody specificity and to select ap-
LuLu at the Lutheran locus. The parents and offspring of propriate units for transfusion.
these nulls may type Lu(a–b+), but dosage studies and titers Only a few antibody specificities are commonly seen: an-
show them to carry a single dose of Lub. tibodies to M, P1, and I react at room temperature and are
Unlike the dominant type, people with recessive Lu(a–b–) considered clinically insignificant; antibodies to K, S, s, Fya,
RBCs truly lack all Lutheran antigens (i.e., they have the Fyb, Jka, and Jkb react in the antiglobulin phase and are clin-
null phenotype) and can make an inseparable anti-Luab ically significant. These and selected others are summarized
called anti-Lu3. They also have normal antigen expression in Table 8–23.
of P1, i, and the other antigens that are weakened with the Not all antibody problems are easily solved; panel reac-
dominant type. This distinction emphasizes the importance tions are sometimes inconclusive. As described in this chap-
of testing an antibody against recessive Lu(a–b–) RBCs ter, the existence of silent, regulator, and inhibitor genes can
before defining the specificity phenotypically related to affect antigen expression. Hopefully the reader will find that
Lutheran. the information in this chapter provides a starting point for
Different inactivating mutations were recently reported for serologic problem-solving. For further detailed information
three individuals with the recessive Lu(a–b–) type.53 In all about the RBC antigens and antibodies described here, see
three individuals, the mutations would result in a truncated Daniels.8 Resolution of antibody problems involving the un-
glycoprotein that would not be integrated in the RBC surface usual specificities described here may require the assistance
membrane. of an immunohematology reference laboratory.
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 205

Table 8–23 Summary of Antibody Characteristics

Bind In Vitro Compatible In
Antibody Reactivity Enzymes Complement Hemolysis HTR HDFN U.S. Population (%)

M* Most Few Few Destroy No No Few Mild— 22


N* Most Few Few Destroy No No Rare Moderate 28

S Some Some Most Variable effect Some No Yes Mild 45 W


s Few Few Most Variable effect Rare No Yes Mild— 11 W


U Rare Some Most No change No No Yes Mild— <1 B


P1* Most Some Rare Enhance Rare Rare Rare No 21

PP1Pk† Most Some Some Enhance Most Most Yes Mild <0.1

P‡ Most Some Some Enhance Most Some Yes Mild— <0.1


I* Most Few Few Enhance Most Few Rare No See text

i* Most Few Few Enhance Most Few No Mild See text

K Some Some Most No change Rare No Yes Mild— 91


k Few Few Most No change No No Yes Mild 0.2

Kpa Some Some Most No change No No Yes Mild 98

Kpb Few Few Most No change No No Yes Mild <0.1

Jsa Few Few Most No change No No Yes Moderate 100 W

80 B

Jsb No No Most No change No No Yes Mild— 1B


Fya Rare Rare Most Destroy Rare No Yes Mild— 34 W


Fyb Rare Rare Most Destroy Rare No Yes Mild 17 W

77 B
Jka‡ Few Few Most Enhance Yes§ Some Yes Mild 24

Jkb‡ Few Few Most Enhance Yes§ Some Yes Mild 26 W

52 B

Lua Most Few Few Variable effect Some No No Mild 92

Lub Few Few Most Variable effect Some No Yes Mild 0.2

B = blacks; HDFN = hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn; HTR = hemolytic transfusion reactions; RT = room temperature or colder; W = whites
*Usually clinically insignificant.
†Potent hemolysins may be associated with early abortions.
‡Associated with severe delayed HTR.
§Provided IgM is present.
206 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Case 8-1

A 30-year-old female, pregnant with her second child has a routine ABO, Rh, and prenatal antibody screen with the
following results.
Anti-A Anti-B Anti-D A1 Cells B Cells Interpretation
4+ 0 3+ 0 4+

Antibody Screen
D C E c e f M N S s Lua Lub P1 Lea Leb K k Fya Fyb Jka Jkb IS 37C PEG IAT
1 + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 NH 2+
2 + 0 + + 0 0 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 0 NH 0
NH = No hemolysis
Panel Results
D C E c e f M N S s Lua Lub P1 Lea Leb K k Fya Fyb Jka Jkb IS 37C PEG IAT
1 + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 NH 2+
2 + + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 0 NH 0
3 + 0 + + 0 0 + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 0 + 0 NH 0
4 + 0 0 + + + + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 NH 0
5 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + + 0 + + 0 NH 0
6 0 0 + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 NH 0
7 0 0 0 + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 NH 0
8 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 + + + + 0 NH 2+
9 0 0 0 + + + 0 + + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 NH 0
10 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + + + + + + 0 0 + + 0 + 0 0 NH 0
11 + 0 + + 0 0 + + + + 0 + + 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 NH 2+
AC 0 NH 0
1. What is the patient’s ABO, Rh type, and antibody screen?
2. What is the unexpected alloantibody identified in the panel?
3. How early in fetal development can the antigen be detected on fetal RBCs?
4. Can the titer predict the severity of HDFN? Why or why not?

Case 8-2 (Advanced)

A 65-year-old male had a routine “type and screen” ordered for a scheduled hip replacement. He has a history of transfusion
20 years ago following a car accident.
Anti-A Anti-B Anti-D A1 Cells B Cells Interpretation
0 0 3+ 4+ 4+
Antibody Screen
D C E c e f M N S s Lua Lub P1 Lea Leb K k Fya Fyb Jka Jkb IS 37C PEG IAT
1 + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 NH 3+
2 + 0 + + 0 0 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 0 NH 3+
NH = No hemolysis
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 207

Panel Results
D C E c e f M N S s Lua Lub P1 Lea Leb K k Fya Fyb Jka Jkb IS 37C PEG IAT
1 + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 NH 3+
2 + + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 0 NH 3+
3 + 0 + + 0 0 + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 0 + 0 NH 3+
4 + 0 0 + + + + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 NH 3+
5 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + + 0 + + 0 NH 3+
6 0 0 + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 NH 3+
7 0 0 0 + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 NH 3+
8 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 + + + + 0 NH 3+
9 0 0 0 + + + 0 + + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 NH 3+
10 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + + + + + + 0 0 + + 0 + 0 0 NH 3+
11 + 0 + + 0 0 + + + + 0 + + 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 NH 3+
AC 0 NH 0
Reactivity could be due to a high incidence antibody or multiple antibodies.
• Patient’s phenotype: C-c+E-e+; K-k+; Fy(a-b-); Jk(a+b+); Le(a-b-); M+N-S-s-.
• Genotype testing shows the presence of the GATA gene.

1. What is the patient’s ABO, Rh type, and antibody screen?

2. Does the antibody appear to be auto or allo and why?
3. What is the suspected ethnicity of the patient based on the phenotype results?
4. Based on the phenotype results, what high-prevalence antigen should be considered?
5. What specialized testing could be used to determine the significance of the Fy(a-b-) phenotype?
6. If rare high incidence cells are not available to rule out additional allow antibodies, what technique could be
7. If an underlying anti-N was detected, should it be considered to be potent?

Blood Group Terminology Lewis Blood Group
The ISBT terminology for RBC surface antigens pro- Lewis blood group antigens are not synthesized by the
vides a standardized numeric system for naming RBCs. These antigens are adsorbed from plasma onto
authenticated antigens that is suitable for electronic the RBC membrane.
data-processing equipment. This terminology was not The Le gene codes for L-fucosyltransferase, which adds
intended to replace conventional terminology. L-fucose to type 1 chains.
In the ISBT classification, RBC antigens are assigned a The Le gene is needed for the expression of Lea sub-
six-digit identification number: the first three digits stance, and Le and Se genes are needed to form Leb
represent the system, collection, or series, and the sec- substance.
ond three digits identify the antigen. All antigens are The lele genotype is more common among blacks than
catalogued into one of the following four groups: among whites and results in the Le(a–b–) phenotype.
• A blood group system if controlled by a single gene Lewis antigens are poorly expressed at birth.
locus or by two or more closely linked genes
• A collection if shown to share a biochemical, sero- Lewis antibodies are generally IgM (naturally occur-
logic, or genetic relationship ring) made by Le(a–b–) individuals.
• The high-prevalence series (901) if found in more Lewis antibodies are frequently encountered in preg-
than 90% of most populations nant women.
• The low-prevalence series (700) if found in less than Lewis antibodies are not considered significant for
1% of most populations transfusion medicine.
208 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

The P Blood Group Anti-S and anti-s are IgG antibodies, reactive at 37°C
and the antiglobulin phase. They may bind comple-
The P blood group consists of the biochemically re-
ment and have been associated with HDFN and HTRs.
lated antigens P, P1, Pk, PX2, NOR, and LKE.
The S–s–U– phenotype is found in blacks.
P1 antigen expression is variable; P1 antigen is poorly
developed at birth. Anti-U is usually an IgG antibody and has been asso-
ciated with HTRs and HDFN.
Anti-P1 is a common naturally occurring IgM antibody
in the sera of P1– individuals; it is usually a weak, cold- The Kell Blood Group System
reactive saline agglutinin and can be neutralized with
soluble P1 substance found in hydatid cyst fluid. The Kell blood group antigens are well developed at
birth and are not destroyed by enzymes.
Anti-PP1Pk is produced by the rare p individuals early
in life without RBC sensitization and reacts with all The Kell blood group antigens are destroyed by DTT,
RBCs except those of other p individuals. Antibodies ZZAP, and glycine-acid EDTA.
may be a mixture of IgM and IgG, efficiently bind com- Excluding ABO, the K antigen is rated second only to
plement, may demonstrate in vitro hemolysis, and can D antigen in immunogenicity.
cause severe HTRs. Anti-PP1Pk is associated with The k antigen is high prevalence.
spontaneous abortions. Anti-K is usually an IgG antibody reactive in the
Alloanti-P is found as a naturally occurring alloanti- antiglobulin phase and is made in response to preg-
body in the sera of Pk individuals and is clinically sig- nancy or transfusion of RBCs; it has been implicated
nificant. Anti-P has also been associated with in severe HTRs and HDFN.
spontaneous abortion. The McLeod phenotype, affecting only males, is de-
Autoanti-P is most often the specificity associated with scribed as a rare phenotype with decreased Kell system
the cold-reactive IgG autoantibody in patients with antigen expression. The McLeod syndrome includes
paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH). the clinical manifestations of abnormal RBC morphol-
The autoanti-P of PCH usually does not react by rou- ogy, compensated hemolytic anemia, and neurological
tine tests but is demonstrable as a biphasic hemolysin and muscular abnormalities. Some males with the
only in the Donath-Landsteiner test. McLeod phenotype also have the X-linked chronic
granulomatous disease.
The I and i Antigens
The Duffy Blood Group System
I and i antigens are not antithetical; they have a recip-
rocal relationship. Fya and Fyb antigens are destroyed by enzymes and
Most adult RBCs are rich in I and have only trace ZZAP; they are well developed at birth. The Fy(a–b–)
amounts of i antigen. phenotype is prevalent in blacks but virtually nonex-
istent in whites.
At birth, infant RBCs are rich in i; I is almost unde-
tectable; over the next 18 months of development, the Fy(a–b–) RBCs resist infection by the malaria organism
infant’s RBCs will convert from i to I antigen. P. vivax.
Anti-I is typically a benign, weak, naturally occurring, Anti-Fya and anti-Fyb are usually IgG antibodies and
saline-reactive IgM autoagglutinin, usually detectable react optimally at the antiglobulin phase of testing;
only at 4°C. both antibodies have been implicated in delayed HTRs
and HDFN.
Pathogenic anti-I is typically a strong cold autoagglu-
tinin that demonstrates high-titer reactivity at 4°C and The Kidd Blood Group System
reacts over a wide thermal range (up to 30° to 32°C).
Patients with M. pneumoniae infections may develop Anti-Jka and anti-Jkb may demonstrate dosage, are
strong cold agglutinins with autoanti-I specificity. often weak, and are found in combination with other
antibodies; both are typically IgG and reactive in the
Anti-i is a rare IgM agglutinin that reacts optimally at
antiglobulin phase of testing.
4°C; potent examples may be associated with infec-
tious mononucleosis. Kidd system antibodies may bind complement and are
made in response to foreign RBC exposure during
The MNS Blood Group System pregnancy or transfusion.
Kidd system antibodies are a common cause of delayed
Anti-M and anti-N are cold-reactive saline agglutinins
that do not bind complement or react with enzyme-
treated cells; both anti-M and anti-N may demonstrate Kidd system antibody reactivity is enhanced with en-
dosage. zymes, LISS, and PEG.
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 209

The Lutheran Blood Group System response to foreign RBC exposure during pregnancy
or transfusion.
Lua and Lub are antigens produced by codominant
alleles; they are poorly developed at birth. The Lu(a–b–) phenotype is rare and may result from
three different genetic backgrounds; only individuals
Anti-Lua may be a naturally occurring saline agglutinin
with the recessive type Lu(a–b–) can make anti-Lu3.
that reacts optimally at room temperature.
Anti-Lub is usually an IgG antibody reactive at
the antiglobulin phase; it is usually produced in

7. A type 1 chain has:

Review Questions
a. The terminal galactose in a 1-3 linkage to subterminal
1. The following phenotypes are written incorrectly except N-acetylglucosamine
for: b. The terminal galactose in a 1-4 linkage to subterminal
a. Jka+
c. The terminal galactose in a 1-3 linkage to subterminal
b. Jka+
c. Jka(+)
d. The terminal galactose in a 1-4 linkage to subterminal
d. Jk(a+)
2. Which of the following characteristics best describes
8. Which of the following best describes Lewis antigens?
Lewis antibodies?
a. The antigens are integral membrane glycolipids
a. IgM, naturally occurring, cause HDFN
b. Lea and Leb are antithetical antigens
b. IgM, naturally occurring, do not cause HDFN
c. The Le(a+b–) phenotype is found in secretors
c. IgG, in vitro hemolysis, cause hemolytic transfusion
d. None of the above
d. IgG, in vitro hemolysis, do not cause hemolytic trans- 9. Which of the following genotypes would explain RBCs
fusion reactions typed as group A Le(a+b–)?
3. The Le gene codes for a specific glycosyltransferase that a. A/O Lele HH Sese
transfers a fucose to the N-acetylglucosamine on: b. A/A Lele HH sese
c. A/O LeLe hh SeSe
a. Type 1 precursor chain
d. A/A LeLe hh sese
b. Type 2 precursor chain
c. Types 1 and 2 precursor chains 10. Anti-LebH will not react or will react more weakly with
d. Either type 1 or type 2 in any one individual but not which of the following RBCs?
both a. Group O Le(b+)
4. What substances would be found in the saliva of a group b. Group A2 Le(b+)
B secretor who also has Lele genes? c. Group A1 Le(b+)
d. None of the above
a. H, Lea
b. H, B, Lea 11. Which of the following best describes MN antigens and
c. H, B, Lea, Leb antibodies?
d. H, B, Leb a. Well developed at birth, susceptible to enzymes, gen-
5. Transformation to Leb phenotype after birth may be as erally saline reactive
follows: b. Not well developed at birth, susceptible to enzymes,
generally saline reactive
a. Le(a–b–) to Le(a+b–) to Le(a+b+) to Le(a–b+)
c. Well developed at birth, not susceptible to enzymes,
b. Le(a+b–) to Le(a–b–) to Le(a–b+) to Le(a+b+)
generally saline reactive
c. Le(a–b+) to Le(a+b–) to Le(a+b+) to Le(a–b–)
d. Well developed at birth, susceptible to enzymes, gen-
d. Le(a+b+) to Le(a+b–) to Le(a–b–) to Le(a–b+)
erally antiglobulin reactive
6. In what way do the Lewis antigens change during
12. Which autoantibody specificity is found in patients with
paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria?
a. Lea antigen increases only
a. Anti-I
b. Leb antigen increases only
b. Anti-i
c. Lea and Leb both increase
c. Anti-P
d. Lea and Leb both decrease
d. Anti-P1
210 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

13. Which of the following is the most common antibody 22. A patient with an M. pneumoniae infection will most
seen in the blood bank after ABO and Rh antibodies? likely develop a cold autoantibody with specificity to
a. Anti-Fya which antigen?
b. Anti-k a. I
c. Anti-Jsa b. i
d. Anti-K c. P
d. P1
14. Which blood group system is associated with resistance
to P. vivax malaria? 23. Which antigen is destroyed by enzymes?
a. P a. P1
b. Kell b. Jsa
c. Duffy c. Fya
d. Kidd d. Jka
15. The null Ko RBC can be artificially prepared by which
of the following treatments?
a. Ficin and DTT 1. Issitt PD, Anstee, DJ. Applied blood group serology. 4th ed.
Durham (NC): Montgomery Scientific; 1998.
b. Ficin and glycine-acid EDTA 2. Garratty G, Dzik W, Issit PD, et al. Terminology for blood group
c. DTT and glycine-acid EDTA antigens and genes—historical origins and guidelines in the
d. Glycine-acid EDTA and sialidase new millennium. Transfusion. 2000;40:477-89.
3. Storry JR, Castilho L, Daniels G, et al. International Society of
16. Which antibody does not fit with the others with respect Blood Transfusion working party on red cell immunogenetics
to optimum phase of reactivity? and terminology: report of the Seoul and London meetings.
a. Anti-S ISBT Sci Ser. 2016;11:118-22.
4. [Internet]. Amsterdam (Netherlands): International
b. Anti-P1 Society of Blood Transfusion [cited 2018 March]. Available from:
c. Anti-Fya
d. Anti-Jkb and-blood-group-terminology/
5. Daniels, GL, Fletcher, A, Garratty, G, et al: Blood group termi-
17. Which of the following Duffy phenotypes is prevalent nology 2004: from the International Society of Blood Transfu-
in blacks but virtually nonexistent in whites? sion committee on terminology for red cell surface antigens.
a. Fy(a+b+) Vox Sang. 2004;87:304-16.
6. Fung MK, Eder AF, Spitalnik SL, Westhoff CM, editors. Tech-
b. Fy(a–b+) nical manual. 19th ed. Bethesda (MD): AABB; 2017.
c. Fy(a–b–) 7. Mourant AE. A “new” human blood group antigen of frequent
d. Fy(a+b–) occurrence. Nature. 1946;158:237-38.
8. Daniels G. The human blood goups. 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell
18. Antibody detection cells will not routinely detect which Science; 2013.
antibody specificity? 9. Grubb R. Correlation between Lewis blood group and secretor
a. Anti-M character in man. Nature. 1948;162:933.
10. Reid ME, Lomas-Francis C, Olsson ML. The blood group anti-
b. Anti-Kpa gen facts book. 3rd ed. San Diego (CA): Academic Press; 2012.
c. Anti-Fya 11. Levine P, Bobbitt OB, Waller RK, et al. Isoimmunization by a
d. Anti-Lub new blood factor in tumor cells. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med.
19. Antibodies to antigens in which of the following blood 12. Sanger, R. An association between the P and Jay systems of
groups are known for showing dosage? blood groups. Nature. 1955;176:1163-4.
a. I 13. Matson GA, Swanson J, Noades J, et al. A “new” antigen and
antibody belonging to the P blood group system. Am J Hum
b. P Genet. 1959;11:26-34.
c. Kidd 14. Arndt PA, Garratty G, Marfoe RA, et al. An acute hemolytic
d. Lutheran transfusion reaction caused by an anti-P1 that reacted at 37°C.
Transfusion. 1998;38:373-7.
20. Which antibody is most commonly associated with 15. Hellberg A, Poole J, Olsson ML. Molecular basis of the globo-
delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions? side-deficient Pk blood group phenotype. J Biol Chem.
a. Anti-s 2002;277:29455-9.
16. Yoshida H, Ito K, Kusakari T, et al. Removal of maternal anti-
b. Anti-k bodies from a woman with repeated fetal loss due to P blood
c. Anti-Lua group incompatibility. Transfusion. 1994;34:702-5.
d. Anti-Jka 17. Tippett P, Sanger R, Race RR, et al. An agglutinin associated
with the P and the ABO blood group systems. Vox Sang.
21. Anti-U will not react with which of the following RBCs? 1965;10:269-80.
a. M+N+S+s– 18. Storry JR, Castilho L, Chen Q, et al. ISBT International Society
b. M+N–S–s– of Blood Transfusion Working Party on red cell immunogenet-
ics and terminology: report of the Seoul and London meetings.
c. M–N+S–s+ ISBT Science Series. 2016;(11):118-22.
d. M+N–S+s+
Chapter 8 Blood Group Terminology and Common Blood Groups 211

19. Lund N, Olsson ML, Ramkumar S, et al. The human Pk histo- 37. Bansal I, Jeon H, Hui SR, et al. Transfusion support for a patient
blood group antigen provides protection against HIV-1 infec- with McLeod phenotype without chronic granulomatous disease
tion. Blood. 2009;113:4980-91. and with antibodies to Kx and Km. Vox Sang. 2008;94:216-20.
20. Marsh WL, Jenkins WJ. Anti-i: a new cold antibody. Nature. 38. McGinnis MH, MacLowry JD, Holland PV. Acquisition of
1960;188:753. K:1-like antigen during terminal sepsis. Transfusion. 1984;
21. Yu L, Twu Y, Chang C, et al. Molecular basis of the adult i phe- 24:28-30.
notype and the gene responsible for the expression of the 39. Sanger R, Race RR, Jack J. The Duffy blood groups of New
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Chapter 9
Uncommon Blood Groups
and Angela K. Novotny MT(ASCP)SBBCM

Introduction The Gill (029) System ISBT 700 Series

The Diego (010) System The Rh-associated Glycoprotein (030) ISBT 901 Series
The Yt (011) System System Emm Antigen
The Xg (012) System The FORS (031) System AnWj Antigen
The Scianna (013) System The JR (032) System Sda Antigen
The Dombrock (014) System The LAN (033) System PEL Antigen
The Colton (015) System The VEL (034) System ABTI Antigen
The Landsteiner-Wiener (016) System The CD59 (035) System MAM Antigen
The Chido/Rodgers (017) System The Augustine (036) System HLA Antigens on RBCs
The Gerbich (020) System ISBT Blood Group Collections Applications to Routine Blood Banking
The Cromer (021) System Cost Collection 205 Case Studies
The Knops (022) System Ii Collection 207 Case 9-1
The Indian (023) System Er Collection 208 Case 9-2
The Ok (024) System Globoside Collection 209 Summary Chart
The Raph (025) System Collection 210 (Unnamed) Review Questions
The John Milton Hagen (026) System MN CHO Collection 213 References

Antigen Characteristics
1. List the “uncommon” blood group systems with the appropriate gene and antigen prevalence, including the null phenotype
if applicable.
2. List the blood group collections, including antigen prevalence.
3. List the low- and high-prevalence antigens.
4. Identify different antigens that have varying prevalence within different ethnic groups.
5. Explain the prevalence of Dia with South, Central, and North American native populations and the consequent higher preva-
lence of the Di(b–) phenotype in those populations.
6. Describe the relationship between the GPA and Wrb expression.
7. Describe the RBC membrane defect seen in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and how this relates to the Yt,
Dombrock, Cromer, CD59, and Emm antigens.
8. Describe the phenotypic relationship of Gy(a ) to the other phenotypes in the Dombrock system.
9. Describe the phenotypic relationship between LW and Rh.
10. List the Gerbich-negative phenotypes and the antibodies that can be made by each.
11. For the antigen described in this chapter, List the antigens that are denatured by routine blood bank enzymes and antigens
whose reactivity with antibody is enhanced with enzymes.

Chapter 9 Uncommon Blood Groups 213

12. List which antigens are destroyed by treatment with DTT (dithiothreitol).
13. Explain how the age of RBCs affects the Knops antigens.
14. Describe the relationship between RHAG and the Rh antigens.
15. Explain the original hypothesis that the Forssman glycolipidis was an A subgroup.
16. Describe the Cost collections RBC expression variations between individuals and the subsequent difficulty in identifying
antibodies to these antigens.

Antibody Characteristics
17. List the characteristics of the antibodies to system, collection, and series antigens described in this chapter.
18. List the antibodies in the Dombrock system that are clinically significant for transfusion.
19. Describe how cord RBCs and DTT-treated RBCs can be used to differentiate anti-LW and anti-D.
20. Describe how pooled plasma can be used to aid in the identification of anti-Ch and anti-Rg.
21. Identify the common age group of individuals with anti-JMH and how it relates to antigen expression.
22. Describe the clinical significance of anti-Lan.
23. Describe the association between the immunoglobulin class, ability to activate complement, and in vitro and in vivo hemolysis
of anti-Vel.
24. Describe the importance of the antiglobulin crossmatch as it relates to low-prevalence antibodies.

Clinical Significance and Disease Association

25. Correlate the system, collection, and series antibodies with hemolytic transfusion reactions (HTR) and hemolytic disease of
the fetus and newborn (HDFN).
26. Identify which antigens are expressed on placental tissue and the role that plays in HDFN.
27. Describe the role that the carrier molecule for Knops (CR1) plays in processing immune complexes and pathogens for
clearance from the circulation.
28. Describe the relationship between MER2 antigen and renal disease.
29. Relate how age and expression of the JMH antigen relates to autoantibodies.
30. Explain the role of the Forssman antigen as it relates to pathogens.
31. Identify the antigen (AnWj) used by Haemophilus influenza as a receptor to enter RBCs.

Introduction The Diego (010) System

This chapter covers the “uncommon” blood group systems, The Diego system is composed of 22 antigens: three sets of
collections, and low- and high-prevalence series not cov- high and low pairs of antithetical antigens—Dia/Dib, Wra/Wrb,
ered in Chapter 8. Most of the information covered is con- and Wu/DISK—and 16 low-prevalence antigens.1–3 The
sidered advanced concepts and is used routinely only by an system was named after the first antibody maker in a
advanced immunohematology reference laboratory tech- Venezuelan family during an investigation of HDFN. The
nologist or individuals studying for the Specialist in Blood Diego system has the ISBT designation DI and the system
Bank Technology exam. With the advances in genomic test- number is 010.
ing, new antigens are continually being discovered and re- The Diego antigens are carried on band 3, a major integral
classified. Because most of the antigens discussed are either RBC membrane glycoprotein with about one million copies
of high or low prevalence, the corresponding antibodies de- per RBC. Band 3 is also known as the red blood cell anion
tected are rarely encountered. It is important for clinical exchanger (AE1) or solute carrier family-4 anion exchanger,
laboratorians to know that these “uncommon” antigens/ member 1 (SLC4A1). The protein crosses the membrane
antibodies exist and have a resource for information con- multiple times, and both the amino- and carboxyl-terminal
cerning their reactivity and clinical significance as they per- domains are in the cytoplasm. A large N-glycan on the fourth
tain to transfusion and hemolytic disease of the fetus and external loop carries over half the RBC A, B, H, and I blood
newborn (HDFN). By being aware of the “uncommon” group antigens. The long amino-terminal domain of band 3
antigen/antibodies, technologists will be better prepared interacts with ankyrin and protein 4.2 of the membrane
when they encounter one of these uncommon antibodies. skeleton. The gene encoding band 3 and the Diego antigens,
214 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

SLC4A1, consist of 20 exons and is located on chromosome The Yt antigens are antithetical and represent an amino
17 at position 17q21.31.4 acid substitution on the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-
Reported in 1955, anti-Dia had caused HDFN in a linked RBC glycoprotein acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE
Venezuelan baby. Anti-Dib was described 2 years later. Dia is is an important enzyme participating in neurotransmission,
rare in most populations but is polymorphic in people of but the function of RBC-bound AChE is not known. The
Mongoloid ancestry. In South American Indians, the preva- gene ACHE is located on chromosome 7 at position 7q22.4
lence of Dia can be as high as 54%.3 Dia is also present in the Yt antigens are variably sensitive to ficin and papain, are
North and Central American native populations but is sur- sensitive to DTT, and are resistant to glycine-acid EDTA
prisingly rare in Canada and among the Alaskan Inuit.2 The treatment. The antigens are developed at birth but are
prevalence of Dib is generally greater than 99% but is 96% expressed weaker on cord RBCs than on adult RBCs and are
in Native Americans. The Dia/Dib polymorphism is located absent from RBCs of people with paroxysmal nocturnal
on the last (seventh) extracellular loop of the protein. The hemoglobinuria (PNH) III.2
Di(a–b–) phenotype has not been reported. Anti-Yta and anti-Ytb are IgG and are stimulated by preg-
Wra, a low-prevalence antigen, and the antithetical, high- nancy or transfusion. Anti-Yta is not an uncommon antibody,
prevalence Wrb are associated with an amino acid substitu- so it appears that Yta is reasonably immunogenic. However,
tion on the fourth external loop, close to the insertion point Ytb appears to be a poor immunogen, as the antibody is rare.
of the protein into the RBC membrane. However, expression Yt antibodies have not caused HDFN. Some examples of
of Wrb requires the interaction of band 3 and normal GPA anti-Yta have been shown to be clinically significant for
of the MNS blood group system. GPA-deficient RBCs are transfusion whereas others have not.2 Monocyte phagocyto-
Wr(a–b–).2 sis assays (MMA) may be helpful in determining clinical sig-
Localization of Dia and Dib antigens to band 3 enabled nificance of anti-Yta.
many low-prevalence antigens to be assigned to the Diego
system: Wda, Rba, WARR, ELO, Wu, Bpa, Moa, Hga, Vga, Swa, The Xg (012) System
BOW, NFLD, Jna, KREP, Tra, Fra, and Sw1.
Diego antigens are expressed on RBCs of newborns. The Anti-Xga was discovered in 1962 in the serum of a multiply
antigens are resistant to treatment with ficin and papain, transfused man. The antibody detected an antigen with a
DTT, and glycine-acid EDTA, with the exception of Bpa, higher prevalence in females than in males. Family studies
which is sensitive to papain.2,3 were used to confirm the antigen Xga expression was con-
Diego system antibodies are sometimes IgM, but are usu- trolled by an X-linked gene. The antigen was named after
ally IgG, reactive in the antiglobulin phase of testing. Both the X chromosome and g for “Grand Rapids,” where the pa-
anti-Dia and anti-Dib have caused hemolytic transfusion re- tient was treated.3
actions (HTRs) and HDFN.2,3 Anti-Wra is a relatively com- The Xg system is designated by the symbol XG and num-
mon antibody in donors and patients; some are directly ber 012. There are two antigens in the Xg system: Xga and
agglutinating, but most require the antiglobulin phase of CD99. The gene XG encoding Xga is located on the X chro-
testing to be detected. Anti-Wra has caused severe HTRs. mosome at position Xp22.32.4 The gene responsible for
Only a few examples of alloanti-Wrb in individuals with CD99, MIC2, is located on the X chromosome at Xp22.2 and
Wr(a–b–) RBCs have been described, so information about on the Y chromosome at Yp11. CD99 became part of the Xg
clinical significance is insufficient. Autoanti-Wrb is relatively system because the MIC2 and XG genes are adjacent and ho-
common in the serum of patients with warm autoimmune mologous and two CD99– Japanese individuals were found
hemolytic anemia. Little or no data are available on the clin- with anti-CD99. Xga has a phenotypic relationship to CD99:
ical significance of antibodies to the low-prevalence Diego all Xg(a+) individuals have a high expression of CD99 on
antigens, with the exception of anti-ELO, which has caused their RBCs, and all Xg(a–) females have a low expression of
severe HDFN.2 CD99; however, 68% of Xg(a–) males have a high expression

and 32% have a low expression of CD99.2 Both Xga and CD99
The Yt (011) System escape X chromosome inactivation. The Xg glycoprotein
crosses the RBC membrane once, with the amino terminus
Two antigens make up the Yt system, which was named in directed externally. There are approximately 9,000 copies of
1956 for the first antibody maker and used the last letter Xga per RBC.3
“t” in the patient’s last name, which was Cartwright.5 Ap- The prevalence of Xga is 66% in males and 89% in females.
parently “why T” became “Yt.”3 Yta is the high-prevalence Because males have only one X chromosome, Xg(a+) males
antigen in all populations; Ytb is the low-prevalence antigen are hemizygotes. Females, having two X chromosomes, can
found in about 8% of whites and 21% to 26% of Israelis, be homozygotes or heterozygotes. However, homozygosity
but it is not found in Japanese.2,3 Three phenotypes are ob- for the gene does not directly correlate to RBC antigen
served: the common Yt(a+b–) and Yt(a+b+) and the rare strength.6 Cord RBCs express Xga weakly. Weak expression
Yt(a–b+). The Yt(a–b–) phenotype has not been reported. of Xga is seen on RBCs from some adult females, but weak
The Yt system has the ISBT designation YT and system expression on RBCs from adult males is rare.3 The antigen is
number 011. sensitive to ficin and papain but resistant to DTT treatment.
Chapter 9 Uncommon Blood Groups 215

Anti-Xga is usually IgG; some examples are naturally The high-prevalence antigens Gya and Hy were both de-
occurring. Anti-Xga has not been implicated in HDFN or scribed in 1967. RBCs from whites who are Gy(a–) were
as a cause of HTRs. Only a few examples of anti-CD99 found to be Hy–, but Hy– RBCs from blacks were weakly
have been reported so little is known about the clinical Gy(a+). The high-prevalence antigen Joa was described in
significance. 1972, and the phenotypic relationship to Gya and Hy was
later shown: Gy(a–) RBCs or Hy– RBCs are also Jo(a–). In
The Scianna (013) System 1995, it was reported that Gy(a–) RBCs were also Do(a–b–).9
The Gy(a–) phenotype is the Dombrock null. The Dombrock
The Scianna blood group system, ISBT symbol SC and num- system currently has five additional high-prevalence antigens,
ber 013, currently consists of seven antigens. The system is DOYA, DOMR, DOLG, DOLC, and DODE.4 Two rare
named after the first antibody maker. In 1962, a new high- phenotypes in blacks (and not found in whites) are Hy–
prevalence antigen was named Sm; 1 year later, a new low- Jo(a–) and Hy+w Jo(a-)
prevalence antigen, Bua, was found. After it was confirmed The Dombrock antigens are carried on a mono-ADP-
that these two antigens were antithetical, the Scianna blood ribosyltransferase 4 (ART4) attached to the RBC membrane
group system was established in 1974, and the two antigens by a GPI anchor. The gene ART4 encoding the Dombrock
were renamed Sc1 and Sc2, respectively. The prevalence glycoprotein is located on chromosome 12 at position
of Sc2 in Northern Europeans is 1% but is higher in the 12p13-p12.4
Mennonite population.3 The Dombrock antigens are resistant to ficin, papain, and
In 1980, an individual in the Marshall Islands in the South glycine-acid EDTA and are sensitive to 0.2 M DTT treatment.
Pacific was found with the Sc:–1,–2 phenotype. He had made The antigens are present on cord RBCs, but are absent from
an antibody to an unknown high-prevalence antibody. PNH III RBCs. The Doa and Dob antigens are poor immuno-

The antibody was named anti-Sc3; separable anti-Sc1 and gens and the antibodies are rarely found as single specifici-
anti-Sc2 were not identified. The very rare Sc:–1,–2,–3 phe- ties; Gya, however, is highly immunogenic.3 Due to the
notype is the Scianna null type. Three examples of anti-Sc3, scarcity of anti-Doa and anti-Dob as single specificities,
nonreactive with Sc:–1,–2, were found to be incompatible molecular testing is used to predict RBC antigen status.
with the RBCs of the other anti-Sc3 makers, indicating the Anti-Doa and anti-Dob have caused delayed HTRs but no
existence of additional high-prevalence antigens.7 clinical HDFN. The Dombrock antibodies are usually IgG,
The SC gene ERMAP is located on chromosome 1 at po- reacting optimally with enzyme-treated RBCs. These anti-
sition 1p34.2.4 The product of the gene is a protein called bodies are usually weakly reactive and disappear, both fac-
erythroid membrane-associated protein (ERMAP), which is tors making them difficult to identify.
an RBC adhesion protein. Once location of Scianna to
ERMAP was found, other antigens were assigned to the The Colton (015) System
system. The low-prevalence antigen Rd became Sc4. Sc5
(STAR), Sc6 (SCER), and Sc7 (SCAN) are all high-prevalence The Colton blood group system, ISBT symbol CO and num-
antigens.8 ber 015, consists of four antigens. The system was named in
The Scianna antigens are resistant to ficin and papain.The 1967 for the first antibody maker; it should have been named
antigens are also resistant to DTT treatment, except for Sc2, Calton, but the handwriting on the tube was misread!3 The
which has variable reactivity after DTT-treatment.3 The anti- high- and low-prevalence antithetical antigens are Coa and
gens are expressed on cord RBCs. Cob, respectively. The Cob antigen is present in about 10%
Alloantibodies to Scianna antigens are rare, and little is of most populations.3 The third antigen, Co3, is present on
known about their clinical significance. They are usually IgG all RBCs except those of the very rare Co(a–b–) phenotype.
and reactive in the antiglobulin phase of testing. None have Co4, a high-prevalence antigen, has been identified on RBCs
been reported to cause a severe HTR. Only mild HDFN has from two individuals with the Co(a–b–) phenotype.10
been reported, except for one severe case for anti-Rd, for The Colton antigens are carried on an integral membrane
which the baby required exchange transfusion. Autoantibod- protein, aquaporin 1 (AQP1), which accounts for 80% of
ies to Sc1 and Sc3 have been reported. water reabsorption in the kidneys.3 The glycoprotein crosses
the RBC membrane multiple times. The gene AQP1 is located
The Dombrock (014) System on chromosome 7 at position 7p14.4 The Colton antigens
are expressed on RBCs of newborns and are resistant to treat-
The Dombrock blood group system, designated by the ISBT ment with ficin and papain, chloroquine, and DTT.
with the symbol DO and number 014, was named for the Antibodies are usually IgG and are enhanced with enzyme-
first antibody maker, Mrs. Dombrock (anti-Doa), found in treated RBCs. Anti-Coa is often seen as a single specificity
1965. Anti-Dob, which recognizes the antithetical antigen, and has been reported to cause HTRs and HDFN.11 Anti-Cob
was identified in 1973. The prevalence of the three resulting appears more often with other specificities but has also
phenotypes, Do(a+b–), Do(a+b+), and Do(a–b+), varies in caused HTRs and mild HDFN.3 Anti-Co3, which reacts with
different populations. In whites, they are 18%, 49%, and all Co(a+) and Co(b+) RBCs, has been reported to cause mild
33%, respectively. HTR and severe HDFN.3,12
216 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

MYThe Landsteiner-Wiener (016) System and not at all with Rhnull RBCs. A weak anti-LW may react
mm only with D+ RBCs and may appear to be anti-D unless en-
The Landsteiner-Wiener blood group system, ISBT symbol hancement techniques are used. This is because there are
LW and number 016, had its origins along with the discovery more LW antigen sites on D+ RBCs from adults than on
of the D antigen of the Rh blood group system. In 1940, D– RBCs.3 However, anti-LW reacts equally well with cord
Landsteiner and Wiener reported that an antibody produced RBCs regardless of their D type. Distinguishing anti-LW from
in rabbits (and later, guinea pigs) after injection with RBCs anti-D is most easily accomplished by testing DTT-treated
of rhesus monkeys reacted with 85% of human RBCs.13 This D+ RBCs: the D antigen is not denatured by DTT, so anti-D
antibody was called anti-Rh for anti-rhesus. The reactivity would still be detected; however, LW antigen is destroyed by
of anti-Rh was similar to the human antibody reported DTT, so anti-LW would no longer react. LW antigens are
by Levine and Stetson in 1939 in a woman who delivered a resistant to treatment of RBCs with enzymes and glycine-
stillborn infant and had a transfusion reaction to the blood acid EDTA.
donated by her husband.14 Both sera identified the same The structure that carries the LW antigens is a glycopro-
population of Rh+ and Rh– RBCs. The two antibodies were tein known as intracellular adhesion molecule 4 (ICAM-4),
later shown to be different in several studies; in the 1960s, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily. The LW
the human anti-Rh was renamed anti-D (but called anti-Rho glycoprotein is part of the band 3/Rh macrocomplex;15 Rhnull
by some workers), and the rabbit anti-Rh was called anti-LW RBCs lack the LW glycoprotein. The LW gene ICAM4 is
in honor of Landsteiner and Wiener. Examples of human located on chromosome 19 at position 19p13.2.4
anti-LW were subsequently described. LW antigens may be depressed during pregnancy and in
There are three LW antigens: LWa, LWab, and LWb. The some diseases, such as lymphoma and leukemia.3 Autoanti-
first two, LWa and LWab, are common, high-prevalence anti- LW made by these patients can appear to be an alloantibody;
gens, and LWb is of low prevalence, found in less than 1% as the antigen strength returns, the antibody diminishes.
of most Europeans but in 6% of Finns.3 LWab was originally Autoanti-LW is also common in serum from patients with
defined by the antibody made by an individual with an in- warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia. No anti-LW has been
herited LW(a–b–) phenotype. Terminology for LW antigens shown to cause serious HDFN or transfusion reactions.
has evolved as more information became available. The ISBT Many patients with anti-LW have successfully been trans-
has used LW5, LW6, and LW7 as the antigen numbers for fused with D– RBCs. Very few examples of alloanti-LWab
LWa, LWab, and LWb, respectively, to prevent confusion with have been described, e.g., the antibodies of the only known
obsolete terminology that used LW1-LW4 to designate phe- propositi with an inherited LW(a–b–) phenotype.2
notypes. The null phenotype is LW(a–b–); in one individual
who made anti-LWab (Mrs. Big), this phenotype resulted The Chido/Rodgers (017) System
from a 10-base pair deletion in exon 1 of an LWa gene,
which introduced a premature stop codon. Rhnull RBCs also The Chido/Rodgers blood group system, designated by the
type LW(a–b–) and are considered to be the only true LW– ISBT with symbol CH/RG and number 017, was named after
RBCs because they fail to elicit the formation of anti-LW in the first two antibody producers, Ch for Chido and Rg for
animals, whereas injection of Mrs. Big’s LW(a–b–) RBCs into Rodgers. These two antibodies were described in 1967 and
guinea pigs caused the formation of anti-LW. The LW phe- 1976, respectively. Serologically, they were both character-
notypes are shown in Table 9–1. ized as nebulous because antigen strength on different sam-
As was shown by the similarity in reactivity of the original ples of RBCs was variable.12 It was also appreciated that both
animal anti-Rh and the human anti-Rh (later called anti-D), anti-Ch and anti-Rg could be neutralized by plasma.
there is a phenotypic relationship between the D antigen and Ch and Rg antigens are not intrinsic to the RBC mem-
anti-LW. Anti-LW usually reacts strongly with D+ RBCs, brane. Rather, they are on the fourth component of comple-
weakly (and sometimes not at all) with D– RBCs from adults, ment (C4), and are adsorbed onto RBCs from plasma.12 The

Table 9–1 LW Phenotypes

Phenotype Reactivity With Prevalence
Anti-LWa Anti-LWb Anti-LWab Most Europeans Finns

LW(a+b–) + – + 97% 93.9%

LW(a+b+) + + + 3% 6%

LW(a–b+) – + + Rare 0.1%

LW(a–b–) Big – – –

LW(a–b–) Rhnull – – –
Chapter 9 Uncommon Blood Groups 217

C4 glycoprotein has two isoforms: C4B carries the Ch anti- Americans, Japanese, and Polynesians.2,3 Few individuals
gens, and C4A expresses Rg antigens. The genes C4A and with the Ge:–2,–3,–4 phenotype have been reported; all were
C4B at two closely linked loci located on chromosome 6 at English or North American. The RBCs of Ge null phenotype
position 6p21.3 encode these isoforms.4 The Chido/Rodgers are elliptocytic and these individuals may have a mild
system consists of nine antigens: Ch1 to Ch6, Rg1, and Rg2 anemia.2
are all high prevalence; WH has a prevalence of about 15%.3 Gerbich antigens are expressed at birth. RBCs of the
Differentiation of the determinants is not made for routine Gerbich or Leach phenotypes have weak expression of Kell
serology. blood group antigens, and some anti-Vel fail to react with
Ch is present in 96% to 98% of most populations.3,12 Rg Ge:–2,–3,4 RBCs.3 Gerbich antigens are resistant to treat-
is present in 97% to 98% of most populations.3,12 The anti- ment with DTT and glycine-acid EDTA; Ge2 and Ge4 are
gens are destroyed by ficin and papain but are resistant to ficin and papain sensitive, but Ge3 is ficin resistant.
treatment with DTT and glycine-acid EDTA.3 Some Gerbich antibodies may be IgM, but most are IgG.
Anti-Ch and anti-Rg are usually IgG and react weakly, Gerbich antibodies are sometimes clinically significant for
often to moderate or high titration endpoints. Neutralization transfusion and sometimes not. Gerbich antibodies can be
of anti-Ch and anti-Rg with pooled plasma is often used as eluted from DAT+ cord bloods, but only three cases of
part of the identification of these antibodies in a patient’s serious HDFN due to anti-Ge3 have been reported, and two
serum. Anti-Ch and anti-Rg are clinically insignificant for were children of the same mother.16,17 In these cases, the
transfusion.12 severe anemia was late onset, after birth, associated with in-
hibition of erythroid cell growth; in one case there was also
The Gerbich (020) System early onset of hemolysis. Therefore, babies born to mothers

GetThe Gerbich blood group system was named in 1960 after with anti-Ge3 should be monitored for several weeks after
birth for anemia.
Mrs. Gerbich, the first antibody producer. Gerbich became Anti-Ge2 is the most common of the Gerbich antibodies.2
a system in 1990, designated by the ISBT as GE and num- It is the antibody made by the Ge:–2,3,4 phenotype individ-
ber 020. There are currently six high-prevalence Gerbich uals, but it is also the more common antibody made by the
antigens (Ge2, Ge3, Ge4, GEPL, GEAT, and GETI) and five Ge:–2,–3,4 phenotype and Ge:–2,–3,–4 phenotype individ-
low-prevalence antigens (Wb, Lsa, Ana, Dha, and GEIS). uals. Anti-Ge3 is less frequently made by the Ge:–2,–3,4 and
The antigens are carried on sialoglycoprotein structures Ge:–2,–3,–4 phenotype individuals. Anti-Ge4 is a very rare
GPC and GPD. The glycoproteins help to maintain the RBC antibody.
membrane integrity through interaction with protein band
4.1 and p55, and because they are rich in sialic acid, they The Cromer (021) System
contribute to the net negative charge of the RBC membrane
(as do GPA and GPB of the MNS system). There are about In 1965, an antibody was found in a black prenatal patient,
135,000 copies of GPC and 50,000 copies of GPD per Mrs. Cromer, that reacted with all RBCs except her own and
RBC.3 GPC and GPD are both encoded by the GYPC gene, two siblings. It was originally thought her antibody recog-
located on chromosome 2 at position 2q14.3. nized an antigen antithetical to Goa of the Rh blood group
There are three Gerbich-negative phenotypes in which the system. The antibody was named anti-Cra in 1975.2,3
RBCs lack one or more of the high-prevalence antigens: The antigens of the Cromer system are carried on decay-
Ge:–2,3,4 (Yus type), Ge:–2,–3,4 (Gerbich type), and accelerating factor (DAF, CD55), a complement-regulatory
Ge:–2,–3,–4 (Leach type). The Leach type is the Gerbich null protein. The gene CD55 is located on chromosome 1 at
phenotype. These are summarized in Table 9–2. Outside of position 1q32.4 The glycoprotein encoded by the gene is
Papua, New Guinea, and Melanesia, the Gerbich-negative attached to the RBC membrane through a GPI linkage.
phenotypes are very rare, but they have been found in PNH III RBCs are deficient in DAF so they also lack Cromer
diverse populations. The Yus phenotype has been found in antigens.
Mexicans, Israelis, Mediterraneans, and others but has not The Cromer system has 19 antigens listed on the current
been found in Papua, New Guinea.2,3 The Gerbich pheno- ISBT website.4 Of these, 15 have been classified as high-
type is polymorphic in certain areas of Papua, New Guinea, prevalence antigens and 3 low-prevalence antigens.18,19
and has also been found among Europeans, Africans, Native All these antigens are absent from Inab phenotype RBCs,
the Cromer null phenotype, which is very rare. CROK
(CROM19) appears to be a novel Inab-like phenotype with a
Table 9–2 Gerbich-Negative Phenotypes mutation that affects the expression of the Cromer antigens.20
The Cr(a–) phenotype is typically found in blacks and is not
Type Antibody found in whites. Three Cromer antigens, Tca, Tcb, and Tcc, are
Ge: –2, 3, 4 Yus Anti-Ge2 antithetical; Tca is the high-prevalence antigen and the
other two are low prevalence. WESa (low prevalence) and
Ge: –2, –3, 4 Gerbich Anti-Ge2 or anti-Ge3 WESb (high prevalence) are also antithetical.3 The Dra
Ge: –2, –3, –4 Leach type Anti-Ge2 or anti-Ge3 antigen is of high prevalence; Dr(a–) RBCs have weakened
expression of all other high-prevalence Cromer antigens due
218 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

to a markedly reduced copy number of DAF. The Dr(a–) phe- The Indian (023) System
notype has been found only among Jews from Bakhara and
in Japanese.3 The Indian blood group system was named because the first
Cromer system antigens are resistant to treatment with In(a+) individuals were from India. There are now five anti-
ficin and papain but are destroyed by -chymotrypsin, which gens in the system, designated IN and number 023 by the
is used to distinguish specificities in this system from other ISBT. The antigen Ina was reported in 1973 and is present
blood group antibodies. Cromer antigens are weakened with on RBCs of 4% of Indians, 11% of Iranians, and 12% of
DTT treatment and are resistant to glycine-acid EDTA. Arabs.3 Inb is the antithetical high-prevalence antigen. These
Antibodies in the Cromer system are usually IgG, but do and three other high-prevalence antigens are located on
not cause HDFN. DAF is strongly expressed on placental CD44, an adhesion molecule. The gene CD44 is located on
tissue and will adsorb Cromer antibodies.3,18,19 Anti-Cra and chromosome 11 at position 11p13.4 The extremely rare
anti-Tca have been implicated in HTRs, but other examples In(a–b–) phenotype has been found in only one individual
of these specificities have not caused clinical reactions after who presented with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia
transfusion of incompatible units.18 Anti-IFC is the antibody and whose RBCs also typed Co(a–b–).22
made by individuals with the Cromer null Inab phenotype. CD44 is reduced on RBCs of dominant type Lu(a–b–) in-
dividuals. Ina and Inb are weakly expressed on cord RBCs
The Knops (022) System and are sensitive to treatment with ficin, papain, and DTT
but are resistant to glycine-acid EDTA.3
There are nine antigens in the Knops blood group system, Antibodies are usually IgG and reactive in the antiglobu-
designated by the ISBT as KN and number 022. The system lin phase of testing and do not bind complement. Positive
was established when the antigens were shown to be located DATs but no clinical HDFN have been reported for anti-Ina
on complement receptor 1 (CR1) and was named after and anti-Inb; decreased cell survival with anti-Ina and an
Mrs. Knops, the first antibody maker. The gene CR1 is immediate HTR due to anti-Inb have been reported.3
located on chromosome 1at position 1q32.2.4
Except for the low-prevalence antigens Knb and McCb, The Ok (024) System
the Knops antigens have a prevalence of more than 90% in
most populations; however, ethnic differences exist. Sla is Currently, there are three high-prevalence antigens in the Ok
present on RBCs of only about 60% of African Americans. system, designated by the ISBT symbol OK and number 024.
Among West Africans, Sla has a prevalence of 30% to 38%, Anti-Oka was identified in 1979 and was named after the
and KCAM has a prevalence of only 20%.21 The antithetical antibody maker, Mrs. Kobutso. Because Ko was already in use,
pairs of antigens are Kna and Knb, McCa and McCb, and Sla the first two letters were switched to Ok.23 Her parents were
and Vil. Knops antigens are weakly expressed on cord RBCs cousins from a small Japanese island. Two of three siblings of
and weaken upon storage of adult RBCs (e.g., older units of the proposita were also Ok(a–).2 RBCs from 400 individuals
blood). The antigens are weakened by treatment with ficin from the same island were all Ok(a+).12 Two additional anti-
and papain and are destroyed by DTT; the antigens are re- gens, OKGV and OKVM, received their names because of the
sistant to glycine-acid EDTA.3 amino acid changes G to V and V to M, respectively.
Serologically, these antigens have been grouped together The OK antigens are carried on CD147, or basigin, a mem-
because their corresponding antibodies demonstrate variable ber of the immunoglobulin superfamily that mainly functions
reactions, are not neutralized by pooled normal serum (un- as receptors and adhesion molecules. Basigin is a receptor
like anti-Ch and anti-Rg), and are difficult to adsorb and essential for invasion by Plasmodium falciparum.3 The OK
elute.21 Antibody reactivity is enhanced with longer incuba- gene BSG is on chromosome 19 at position 19p13.3.4
tion (e.g., 1 hour, at 37°C). Weak and variable reactivity is Oka is well developed on RBCs from newborns and is
due to variable expression of CR1 on different samples of resistant to treatment with ficin and papain, DTT, and
RBCs. The “Helgeson phenotype” represents the serologic glycine-acid EDTA.3
null phenotype for the Knops blood group; these RBCs type The original anti-Oka was IgG, reactive in the antiglobulin
Kn(a–b–), McC(a–), Sl(a–), and Yk(a–) because of the low phase of testing. At least one other example of the antibody
copy number of CR1, but they are not truly devoid of Knops has been found. The antibody caused reduced survival of
antigens.3,21 Cr-labeled Ok(a+) RBCs injected into the original antibody
The antibodies are usually IgG, reactive in the antiglobu- maker, suggesting clinical significance; an in vitro monocyte-
lin phase of testing, but are clinically insignificant for both monolayer assay also predicted clinical signficance.12 There
transfusion and HDFN. Of the Knops antibodies, anti-Kna is have been no reports of HDFN caused by anti-Oka, but this
frequently found in multiply transfused individuals and mul- may be due to the rarity of the antibody.
tispecific sera; anti-Sla is more frequently found in blacks.
CD 55 CR1 binds the complement component fragments C3b The Raph (025) System
and C4b and processes immune complexes for transporta-
tion to the liver and spleen and subsequent clearance from The only antigen in the Raph system is MER2, which was
the circulation.2,21 CR1 has also been identified as a receptor originally defined by two monoclonal antibodies; it has
for several pathogenic organisms. since been recognized by human polyclonal antibodies. The

+ in SLF
Jews in India NES RD Chapter 9 Uncommon Blood Groups 219

antigen name is derived from monoclonal, and Eleanor phenotypes. Rather, the patient’s JMH– status is acquired and
Roosevelt, the laboratory where the antibody was produced. can be transient.12 It is widely accepted that JMH levels de-
When MER2 was raised to system status, the system was cline during the later years of life, sometimes to the point of
named Raph for the first patient to make the alloanti-MER2. not being detected serologically.12 Once JMH expression is
, MER2 is encoded by the gene CD151 located on chromo- reduced, anti-JMH can be made. In some cases with anti-
some 11 at position 11p15.5.4 JMH, the DAT is positive and some JMH is detected on the
Three examples of alloanti-MER2 were found in Jews patient’s RBCs. This autoanti-JMH with a positive DAT has
originating from India and living in Israel; two were related. never been associated with autoimmune RBC destruction.12
All three had end-stage renal disease. A fourth example of JMH is weakly expressed on cord RBCs and is destroyed
anti-MER2 was found in a healthy Turkish blood donor. by treating RBCs with ficin and papain and DTT; the antigen
Blood samples from these four individuals were studied. It is resistant to treatment with glycine-acid EDTA.3
was shown that MER2 is located on CD151, a tetraspanin, Anti-JMH is usually IgG (predominantly IgG4 in acquired
which appears to be essential for the assembly of basement JMH-negative people).3 The antibodies are often high titer
membranes in the kidney and skin.24 but weakly reactive, even when tested without dilution, and
The polymorphism identified by the monoclonal antibod- they are not neutralized with pooled plasma. JMH antibodies
ies indicated that 8% of the English blood donor population are generally considered clinically insignificant. Rare exam-
is MER2–. Subsequent studies suggest the antigen-negative ples of alloanti-JMH in individuals whose RBCs express vari-
status represents the low end of antigen expression on ant forms of CD108 may be clinically significant.12
RBCs.24 MER2 is abundant on platelets and is expressed
on erythroid precursors of individuals with either MER2+ The Gill (029) System
or MER2– RBCs. MER2 expression decreases over time with
increasing maturation of erythroid cells.24 It has been sug- Anti-GIL was first identified in 1980, but the antigen was not
gested that most people whose RBCs type MER2– have raised to system status until 2002 when it was shown that
MER2 expressed on other cells and tissues and will not make GIL is genetically discrete from all other blood group systems.
anti-MER2, and those individuals who have made alloanti- The ISBT Gill system symbol is GIL and number 029. There
MER2 are true MER2–. Those individuals who have made is only one antigen, GIL.
anti-MER2 showed mutations in CD151. In the patients with This antigen is found on the glycerol transporter aqua-
renal disease, a truncated CD151 protein would be predicted, porin 3 (AQP3), a member of the major intrinsic protein fam-
but in patients without renal disease, mutations would result ily of water and glycerol channels. The gene AQP3 is located
in an altered CD151 that appears to be present and func- on chromosome 9 at position 9p13.4 The GIL– phenotype
tional at the cell surface.24,25 results from a frameshift and a premature stop codon.
The antigen is resistant to treatment with ficin and papain Reactivity with anti-GIL is enhanced with ficin and
but is sensitive to treatment with trypsin, a-chymotrypsin, papain treatment of RBCs; the antigen is resistant to DTT
pronase, and AET. and glycine-acid EDTA treatment.
Little is known about the clinical significance of anti- RBCs of two babies born to mothers with anti-GIL had a
MER2, but one patient with the antibody showed signs of a positive DAT but no clinical HDFN.2 One example of anti-
transfusion reaction after transfusion with 3 units. As 8% of GIL was found following a hemolytic transfusion reaction.
the population is expected to have MER2– RBCs, it would
be prudent to transfuse with crossmatch-compatible units.25 The Rh-Associated Glycoprotein (030)
System newest
The John Milton Hagen (026) System
The Rh-associated glycoprotein system symbol is RHAG and
JMH is a high-prevalence antigen. Numerous examples of anti- number 030.1 The Rh-associated glycoprotein (RhAG) does
JMH have been seen, especially in patients 50 years and older. not have Rh blood group antigens; however, its presence in
In 1978, a large number of samples with this antibody was a complex with the Rh proteins is essential for Rh antigen
characterized and the antibody was named anti-JMH for the expression. Absence of RhAG due to inactivating mutations
first antibody maker, John Milton Hagen. The system (ISBT in RHAG results in the Rhnull phenotype; some missense
symbol JMH and number 026) was established after it was mutations in RHAG result in the Rhmod phenotype.27 Unlike
shown that the JMH protein is the GPI-linked glycoprotein the RhD and RhCcEe proteins, RhAG is glycosylated on the
CD108 and the gene SEMA7A was cloned. The gene SEMA7A first extracellular loop, carrying ABH antigens. RhAG is
is located on chromosome 15 at position 15q22.3-q23.4 encoded by the gene RHAG, located on chromosome 6 at
Five other antigens were added to the system, JMH2 position 6p12.3.4
through JMH6; these are JMH variants associated with amino Four antigens have been assigned to the RHAG system:
acid substitutions in the protein.26 JMH1 represents the anti- Duclos (high prevalence), Ola (very rare, low prevalence),
gen recognized by antibodies made by individuals lacking the high prevalence DSLK (for Duclos-like), and RHAG4.
the JMH protein. Homozygosity for the allele encoding Ola is associated
Most examples of anti-JMH are not found in patients who with the Rhmod phenotype. Absence of Duclos and DSLK is
lack the JMH protein or who have one of the variant JMH associated with U– Rhnull or U– Rhmod phenotypes.
220 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Clinical significance of anti-Duclos, anti-Ola and anti- anti-Jra have received Jr(a+)-incompatible units for transfu-
DSLK is unknown because of the rarity of the antibodies. sion and have had no ill effect, but in other cases, incompat-
Anti-RHAG4 has caused a single case of severe HDFN, but ible transfusions have resulted in HTRs.
significance for transfusion is unknown.3
The LAN (033) System
The FORS (031) System
Lan was first named in 1961 after the first antigen-negative
In 1987, the Forssman glycosphingolipid was first thought proband, Langereis, who made anti-Lan. The Lan antigen, a
to be a subgroup of A called Apae. In 2011, it was shown to high-incidence antigen, was raised from the 901 series of
be unrelated to the ABO system and renamed FORS in honor high-incidence antigens to system status in 2012 when the
of John Forssman, who first discovered the antigen. The ISBT ABCB6-null allele was demonstrated with the Lan– pheno-
symbol is FORS and the number 31; there is only one antigen, type. The ISBT Lan system symbol is LAN and number 033.
FORS1. The gene GBGT1 is located on chromosome 9 There is only one antigen, Lan, with an occurrence of greater
at position 9q34.13-q34.3.4 The GBGTI gene produces than 99% in all populations. The Lan– phenotype occurs in
glycosyltransferase, which causes the formation of the Forss- about 1 in 20,000 people.
man glycolipid by the addition of N-acetylgalactosamine The Lan gene, ABCB6, located on chromosome 2 at posi-
(GalNAc) to the P antigen. The GalNAc terminal sugar’s tion 2q36, encodes another of the ATP-binding cassette
cross-reactivity with some polyclonal anti-A explains transporters.4 ABCB6 functions in heme synthesis with the
the original hypothesis that the Forssman glycolipid was ATP-dependent uptake of heme and porphyrins into mito-
an A subgroup. Group O RBCs expressing FORS1 do not chondria. In individuals with the Lan– phenotype, other
react with Dolichos biflorus or monoclonal anti-A.3 FORS1+ porphyrin transporters are thought to compensate. The pro-
donor RBCs may react in a crossmatch due to naturally tein is widely expressed in heart, skeletal muscles, fetal liver,
occurring anti-FORS1 in the plasma of ABO-compatible eye, mitochondrial membrane, and Golgi apparatus. Cord
FORS1– individuals. RBCs have a stronger reaction with monoclonal anti-Lan
The Forssman glycolipid is not normally expressed on than do adult cells.2
RBCs, having an occurrence in Caucasians of less than 0.1%.2,3 Reactivity with anti-Lan is resistant to ficin and papain
Healthy and malignant human tissue such as gastric and treatment of RBCs; the antigen is also DTT and EDTA/
colonic mucosa, lung, and kidney have been reported to ex- glycine-acid resistant.3 Anti-Lan is formed due to exposure
press the Forssman glycolipid. The Forssman glycolipid can via transfusion or pregnancy and has not been known to
serve as a receptor for pathogens such as Escherichia coli, mak- be naturally occurring. Lan antibodies are IgG reacting at
ing one believe that human cells that express the FORS1 may the antiglobulin phase of testing with some antibodies
have an increased susceptibility to E. coli infection. known to bind complement. Anti-Lan is considered clini-
Reactivity with anti-FORS1 is enhanced with ficin and cally significant; the first anti-Lan caused an immediate
papain treatment; the antigen is resistant to DTT and HTR. Lan– RBCs should be selected for transfusion. Anti-
glycine-acid EDTA treatment. The antibody is mostly IgM Lan has not been known to cause severe HDFN. In two re-
with optimal reactivity at room temperature or 4°C, with an ported cases, the newborns of mothers with anti-Lan had a
unknown clinical significance. positive DAT2.

The JR (032) System The Vel (034) System

Jra is a high-prevalence antigen in most populations; the Anti-Vel was first described in 1952 and was named after the
Jr(a–) phenotype is found more commonly in Japanese. JR individual in whom the first antibody was identified. Vel, a
was assigned a system symbol JR and number 32 in 2012.3 high-prevalence antigen, was raised to system status in 2013
The gene ABCG2 is located on chromosome 4 at position when absence of SMIM1, a single-pass integral membrane
4q22.1.4 The encoded protein, ABCG2, is a member of the protein, was shown to produce the Vel– phenotype. The ISBT
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding cassette transporters Vel system symbol is VEL and number 034. There is one
broadly distributed throughout the body. It is involved in antigen, Vel. No molecular evidence has been discovered to
multidrug resistance in tumor cells, presenting a problem in link ABTI to the Vel system despite the phenotypic associa-
chemotherapy.3 There is only one antigen, Jra, in the JR sys- tion demonstrated with serologic testing.1 The gene SMIM1
tem. The first anti-Jra, named for the antibody maker Rose is located on chromosome 1 at position 1p36.32.4
Jacobs, was described in 1970; several examples have since Anti-Vel is characterized by its ability to activate comple-
been found. The antigen is fully developed at birth and is re- ment and cause in vitro and in vivo hemolysis. The antibody
sistant to treatment with ficin and papain, DTT, and glycine- is most often IgG but can be IgM, and it has caused severe, im-
acid EDTA. mediate HTRs.2,12 Anti-Vel has also caused one case of severe
Anti-Jra is usually IgG. Clinical significance of anti-Jra is HDFN in which the mother had previously been transfused.3
not well established due to the rare occurrence of the anti- Vel antigen expression is weak on cord RBCs and can
body. Anti-Jra has caused severe HDFN in some cases, in- vary from person to person on RBCs of adults. RBCs with
cluding two fatal cases of HDFN.28 Some patients with weak expression of Vel can be mistyped as Vel–. This is one
Chapter 9 Uncommon Blood Groups 221

of the reasons why anti-Vel can be a difficult antibody to work The Augustine (036) System
with and identify. Reactivity with anti-Vel can be enhanced
with enzyme-treated RBCs. The antigen is also resistant to Anti-Ata was first described in 1967 in the serum of a black
glycine-acid EDTA and DTT treatment, though some exam- woman named Mrs. Augustine.12 Ata is a high-prevalence
ples of anti-Vel do not react with DTT-treated RBCs.29 antigen, and all At(a–) individuals have been black. The ISBT
blood group system status was assigned in 2015 with a sym-
The CD59 (035) System bol of AUG, number 036, and two antigens, AUG1 and
AUG2 (Ata). The antigen defined by the antibody produced
In 2014, the blood group number 035 was assigned to the with the null phenotype is AUG1. The AUG gene, SLC29A1,
CD59 system based on a CD59-deficient child who formed located on chromosome 6 at position 6p21.1, encodes the
an alloantibody with CD59 specificity. The gene CD59 is equilibrative nucleoside transporter 2 (ENT2).4
located on chromosome 11 at position 11p13 and has only The antigens are fully developed at birth and are resistant
one antigen, CD59.1.4 Both the blood group system and to treatment with ficin and papain, DTT, and glycine-acid
symbol are CD59.1 EDTA. Anti-Ata is usually IgG, reactive in the antiglobulin
CD59 is a GPI-linked complement-regulatory glycopro- phase of testing, and has caused severe HTRs and one re-
tein also known as the membrane inhibitor of lysis (MIRL). ported mild case of HDFN.2,3 A new low-prevalence antigen
CD59 plays a key role in protecting against complement- has been provisionally assigned AUG3; the corresponding
regulated hemolysis by binding to C8 and C9 thus interfer- antibody caused severe HDFN.31
ing with the formation of the membrane-attach complex
(MAC).2 Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is ISBT Blood Group Collections
an acquired hemolytic anemia caused by a mutation in the
GPI-linker gene. PNH patients are deficient in all GPI-linked Collections are antigens that have a biochemical, serologic,
proteins, including CD59. or genetic relationship but do not meet the criteria for a
Congenital CD59-deficient individuals (i.e., who do not system.10 Most the antigens in the blood group collections
have PNH) have been identified among Japanese, North are either high or low prevalence. Antigens classified as a
Africans, Jews, and Turks. The one example of anti-CD59.1 collection are assigned a 200 number. Some of the previously
was IgG, which showed increased reactivity with enzyme- established collections have been made obsolete as the
treated RBCs and was nonreactive with DTT-treated RBCs.30 criteria have been met to establish a system or incorporate
Patients with CD59 deficiency show PNH-like symptoms, antigens into an existing system. See Table 9–3 for a listing
including hemolysis and strokes, but also neuropathy. of the ISBT collections.

Table 9–3 International Society of Blood Transfusion Blood Group Collections

Collection Antigen
Number Name Symbol Number Symbol Incidence %

205 Cost COST 205001 Csa 95

205002 Csb 34

207 Ii I 207002 I

208 Er ER 208001 Era >99

208002 Erb <1
208003 Er3 >99

209 GLOB 209003 LKE 98

210 210001 Lec 1

210002 Led 6

213 MN CHO 213001 Hu

213002 M1
213003 Tm
213004 Can
213005 Sext
213006 Sj
222 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Cost Collection 205 antigens, Era and Er3. The third antigen is a low-prevalence
antigen, Erb. Anti-Er3 is produced by the presumed null
The Cost collection, formally referred to as Cost-Sterling, phenotype Er(a b ). The Er antigens are resistant to
was established in 1988. It was named after the two enzyme and DTT treatment, but sensitive to glycine acid/
patients (Copeland and Sterling) who made anti-Csa.3 EDTA treatment. The antibodies are IgG reacting at the
Five antigens formally in the Cost collection have been antiglobulin phase of testing and do not fix complement.
placed into the Knops system once it was established that Limited data exist on the clinical significance of Er anti-
they are carried on complement receptor 1 (CR1). Unlike bodies. Transfusion of Er(a+) RBCs to a patient with anti-
the Knops system antigens (which are all located on CR1), Era resulted in a positive DAT but no signs of hemolysis.2
the Cost collection, although serologically similar to the A patient with anti-Er3 showed mild hemolysis following
Knops system antigens (especially Yka), is not located transfusion of an incompatible unit. Monocyte-monolayer
on CR1. It has been detected on three of four examples of assays (MMA) suggest anti-Era is not clinically significant,
the Helgeson phenotype, the Knops system serologic null whereas anti-Er3 had potential significance.2 The Er
phenotype.2 The relationship between the Cost collection antigens are expressed on cord cells, and anti-Era and Erb
and the Knops system is still unknown. The Cost collection have caused a positive DAT in the newborn but no clini-
currently consists of two antithetical antigens, Csa and Csb. cally significant HDFN.
The Csa antigen is a high-prevalence antigen with a
frequency of 95% in the black population and greater than Globoside Collection 209
98% in most populations.3 The Csb antigen is a polymor-
phic antigen with a frequency of 34% in most populations. The Globoside collection currently consists of one high-
Both antigens are thought to be expressed on cord cells prevalence antigen, LKE.1,4 The GLOB collection and how it
with a slightly weaker expression of Csa. Both the Csa and relates to the P1PK (003) and Globoside (028) blood group
Csb antigens demonstrate a resistance to enzyme treatment systems is covered in Chapter 8.
and varying effects to treatment with DTT.3 The Cost col-
lection antibodies are IgG reacting at antiglobulin phase of Collection 210 (Unnamed)
testing, and have not been found to be clinically significant.
The antibodies are difficult to identify due to the varying Collection 210 consist of two antigens, Lec and Led, which
RBC expression from person to person. are glycosphingolipid adsorbed onto RBCs. Lec and Led
are precursors to the Lewis antigens and demonstrate
Ii Collection 207 increased expression in Le(a b ) individuals.2 The antigen
names are misleading because neither Lec nor Led are
The Ii collection was first assigned in 1990 and consisted of produced by a Lewis gene transferase. Lec is a low-
two antigens, I and i. In 2002, the I antigen was promoted prevalence antigen occurring in 1% of most populations.
to a blood group system 027, leaving i the sole antigen in the Anti-Lec agglutinates Le(a b ) RBCs from nonsecretors.
collection. The genetic basis of the i expression is currently Both humans and goats are known to make anti-Lec.3 Led
unknown.3 The i antigen occurs on unbranched carbohy- is a polymorphic antigen occurring in 6% of most popula-
drate chains and is the precursor for the I antigen. Along tions.3 Anti-Led agglutinates Le(a b ) RBC from secretors,
with RBCs, the I and i antigens are found on most human but not from Le(a b ) nonsecretors.2 The discovery of
cells and on soluble glycoproteins in body fluids. The anti-Led was the result of injecting goats with saliva from
i antigen is strongly expressed on cord cells with only trace a Le(a b+) individual.2
amounts on adult RBCs. The i adult phenotype is rare and
usually has anti-I present. The i antigen is resistant to both MN CHO Collection 213
enzyme and chemical treatments. The i antigen may increase
in expression during hemopoietic stress due to rapid pro- The MN CHO collection currently consists of six polymor-
duction of RBCs. The i expression varies with the different phic antigens: Hu, M1, Tm, Can, Sext, and Sj. The antigens
Lu(a b ) phenotypes. The dominant Lu(a b ) has a decreased are associated with the M or N antigen in the MNS (002)
expression of the i antigen; whereas, the X-linked Lu(a b ) system and are expressed on GPA with altered levels of sialic
has an enhanced i expression. Anti-i is usually IgM reacting acid (NeuNAc) or GlcNAc. All the antigens are sensitive
at room temperature or 4°C, some may bind complement. to ficin/papain, with some demonstrating resistance to
Anti-i is not known to cause transfusion reactions and rarely -chymotrypsin.3 All the antibodies to the MN CHO collec-
causes HDFN. Autoanti-i is a cold agglutinin associated with tion react optimally at room temperature.
infectious mononucleosis and some lymphoproliferative The Hu antigen (213001) was formerly called Hunter
disorders that occasionally can cause hemolysis.2,3 after the donor of the RBCs used to immunize rabbits in
1934. The frequency of the Hu antigen varies within differ-
Er Collection 208 ent ethnicities: 1% Caucasians, 7% African Americans, and
22% West Africans.3 The Hu antigen is predominantly an
The Er collection was established as a collection in 1990 altered GPAN with a strong link to the Sext antigen, which
with three antigens. Two of the antigens are high-prevalence is also in the MN CHO collection. Enzyme treatment shows
Chapter 9 Uncommon Blood Groups 223

sensitivity to ficin/papain and trypsin and resistance to Center, Stenbar and James, whose RBCs demonstrated
-chymotrypsin. Antibodies to the Hu antigen have only strong agglutination with the serum.3 The frequency of the
been demonstrated in immunized rabbits. Sj antigen is 2% in whites and 4% in blacks.3 The antigen
The M1 antigen (213002) was reported in 1960 and is is predominantly associated with GPAN and sensitive to
predominantly an altered GPAM. Enzyme treatment of the ficin/papain.
M1 antigen shows sensitivity to ficin/papain and trypsin and
resistance to -chymotrypsin. The M1 antigen is expressed ISBT 700 Series
only on M+ RBCs, but M1 is not an enhanced expression
of the M antigen. Some anti-M only react with M1+ RBCs. Antigens in the 700 series of low-prevalence antigens repre-
The majority of anti-M1 are made by M– individuals, but a sent those with a prevalence of less than 1% of most random
few cases of anti-M1 have been found in M+N+ individuals. populations. The responsible gene for these antigens is un-
The separation of anti-M and anti-M1 by differential adsorp- known; therefore,the antigens cannot be placed in a system.
tion has not been successful. When the genetic basis of the antigens in the 700 Series is
In 1965, the Sheerin antigen was renamed Tm (213003). identified and the antigen placed into a blood group system,
The logic behind the Tm naming was that “T” was next in the series number becomes obsolete. See Table 9–4 for cur-
line after the S and s, and since the “T” was already associ- rent 700 series antigens.4
ated with polyagglutination, the letter “m” was included due The low-prevalence antigen and antibody discovery
to the association with the MN system. The Tm antigen is is usually unexpected. Some examples of how the low-
predominantly an altered GPAN with a frequency of 25% prevalence antigen/antibodies were detected are (1) an
in whites and 31% in blacks.3 Enzyme treatment of the unknown maternal antibody causing HDFN, (2) an unex-
Tm antigen shows sensitivity to ficin/papain and trypsin and plained incompatible crossmatch, and (3) unexplained
resistance to -chymotrypsin. positive reactivity with commercial human source antisera
The Can antigen (213004) was reported in 1979 and containing an unknown low-prevalence antibody. Low-
named after the first antigen-positive proband, Canner. An- prevalence antibodies are commonly found in serum that
tibodies to the Can antigen react with a higher percentage of contains multiple antibodies, especially antibodies to other
African Americans (60%) than with Caucasians (27%). Of low-prevalence antigens. A healthy donor, Mrs. Tillett, had
the Can+ RBCs, 87% of them were M+. The Can antigen is serum that contained 22 low-prevalence antibodies along
predominantly an altered GPAM that is sensitive to ficin/ with 8 unknown specificities.2
papain and trypsin and resistant to -chymotrypsin. Seventeen antigens currently make up the 700 series of
The Sext antigen (213005) was reported in 1974 and the ISBT classification: By, Chra, Bi, Bxa, Toa, Pta, Rea, Jea, Lia,
named after the individual who produced the antibody. It is Milne, RASM, JFV, Kg, Jones, HJK, HOFM, and REIT. Of
found in only 24% of N+ black individuals. The Sext antigen these, anti-JFV, -Kg, -Jones, -HJK, and -REIT have all caused
is predominantly an altered GPAN with a strong link to the HDFN. A case of severe HDFN that required three intrauter-
Hu antigen. The Sext antigen is sensitive to ficin/papain, ine transfusions was seen in a neonate due to the presence
trypsin, and salidase. of anti-HJK. HDFN caused by anti-Kga and -REIT required
The Sj antigen (213006) was reported in 1968 when an exchange transfusion. Other cases of HDFN ranged in sever-
anti-Tm serum was shown to have an additional specificity. ity resulting in a positive DAT, phototherapy, and/or trans-
Sj was named after two employees at the New York Blood fusions.2 Finding compatible blood for transfusion is not

Table 9–4 International Society of Blood Transfusion Antigens of Low (700 Series) Prevalence
Number Name Symbol Number Name Symbol
700002 Batty By 700039 Milne

700003 Christiansen Chra 700040 Rasmussen RASM

700005 Biles Bi 700044 JFV

700006 Box Bxa 700045 Katagiri Kg

700017 Torkildsen Toa 700047 Jones JONES

700018 Peters Pta 700049 HJK

700019 Reid Rea 700050 HOFM

700021 Jensen Jea 700054 REIT

700028 Livesay Lia

224 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

difficult because of the low prevalence of the antigen, making Israeli women and one Arab-Israeli family demonstrated the
compatible blood readily available. As with any low-prevalence AnWj– phenotype. The AnWj antigen is not expressed on
antigen, there is a risk of transfusing an incompatible unit cord cells and has varying expression in adults. The RBCs
when a potent low-prevalence antibody is present and the of the dominant In(Lu) phenotype demonstrate a very
crossmatch is not carried through to the antiglobulin weak expression of the AnWj antigen. The AnWj antigen is
phase of testing (e.g., when electronic or immediate spin resistant to ficin/papain, trypsin, and -chymotrypsin, and
crossmatch is used). is variable with DTT. Haemophilus influenza uses the AnWj
antigen as a receptor to enter RBCs. Anti-AnWj is an IgG
ISBT 901 Series antibody demonstrating reactivity at antiglobulin phase
of testing; most anti-AnWj are autoantibodies due to a tran-
Unlike low-prevalence antigens, finding compatible units sient suppression of the AnWj antigen. Only two examples
negative for antigens in the 901 series can be challenging. of alloanti-AnWj have been reported in two Israeli women,
Antigens in the 901 series of high-prevalence antigens with only one described to cause a severe transfusion reac-
represent those with a prevalence of more than 90% of tion. Since most of the anti-AnWj are autoantibodies
most random populations. The responsible gene for the with antigen suppression, transfusion of AnWj+ units may
antigen is unknown, and the antigen cannot be placed in be tolerated.
a system. Six antigens currently make up the 901 series of
the ISBT classification: Emm, AnWj, Sda, PEL, ABTI, and Sda Antigen
MAM. See Table 9–5 for current 901 series antigens.4 The
difficulty in identifying and finding compatible units The Sda antigen is a high-prevalence carbohydrate antigen
makes antibodies to the high-prevalence antigens a poten- named for Sid, who was the head of the maintenance
tial transfusion risk. department at the Lister Institute in London. His RBCs
had been used for many years as a panel donor, and they
Emm Antigen reacted strongly with examples of a new antibody. The sol-
uble form of Sda is Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein found in
The Emm antigen was first reported in 1987 and named after urine. The antigen is not expressed on RBCs of newborns
the first identified antigen-negative proband. Six probands but is in their saliva, urine, and meconium. The strength
with the negative phenotype have been identified. The anti- of Sda on adult RBCs varies and is markedly reduced in
gen is expressed on cord cells and is resistant to all enzyme pregnancy. The antigen is found on 91% of RBC samples,
and chemical treatments. Since the Emm antigen is carried and Sda substance is found in 96% of urine samples. Only
on a GPI-linked protein and paroxysmal nocturnal hemo- 4% of people are Sd(a–).3 Strong examples of Sda are noted
globinuria (PNH) patients are deficient in all GPI-linked as Sd(a++).
proteins, the Emm antigen is not present on PNHIII RBCs.3 Anti-Sda can naturally occur (i.e., without known stim-
Anti-Emm has been identified to be both IgG and IgM react- ulation by transfusion or pregnancy) in the sera of individ-
ing at both 4°C and antiglobulin phase of testing with a uals who are Sd(a–). Anti-Sda is usually an IgM agglutinin
higher occurrence of IgG antibodies. Some anti-Emm have that is reactive at room temperature, but it can be detected
been shown to bind complement. Six of the seven probands in the indirect antiglobulin test and does not react with
were examples of a naturally occurring anti-Emm in non- cord RBCs. Reactivity is described as small, refractile
transfused males.3 (shiny) agglutinates in a sea of free RBCs when viewed
microscopically. Because the soluble antigen is present
AnWj Antigen in urine of Sd(a+) individuals and in Guinea pig urine,
neutralization of the refractile agglutinates by urine is
In 1982, an alloantibody to an antigen called Anton was a technique used to identify anti-Sda. The Sda antigen is
identified and followed by identification in 1983 of an resistant to treatment with ficin, papain, DTT, and glycine-
autoantibody to an antigen call Wj. In 1985, it was shown acid EDTA. Reactivity of the antibody is enhanced with
that they were the same antigen and renamed AnWj. Two enzyme-treated RBCs. Anti-Sda is generally considered

Table 9–5 International Society of Blood Transfusion Antigens of High (901 Series) Prevalence
Number Name Symbol Number Name Symbol
901008 Emm 901014 PEL

901009 Anton AnWj 901015 ABTI

901012 Sid Sda 901016 MAM

Chapter 9 Uncommon Blood Groups 225

clinically insignificant for transfusion, though there are two Monocyte-monolayer assays (MMA) suggest a potentially
reports of transfusion reactions associated with the trans- shortened survival of transfused MAM+ cells.2
fusion of Sd(a++) RBCs.
HLA Antigens on RBCs
PEL Antigen
HLA class I antigens (HLA-A, -B, and -C) are present on
The high-prevalence PEL antigen was first identified in all nucleated cells. Since mature RBCs are not nucleated,
1980 and given the name PEL in 1996 after the first negative they generally do not have detectable levels of HLA anti-
proband. The PEL-negative phenotype has been identified gens; thus HLA antigens are not considered a blood group
in two French-Canadian families. The PEL antigen is ex- antigen. The name “Bg” (Bga, Bgb, and Bgc) was given to
pressed on cord cells and is resistant to both enzyme and HLA class I antigens that are detectable on mature RBCs.
chemical treatment. Anti-PEL are presumed to be IgG react- Bga represents HLA-B7, Bgb represents HLA-B17, and Bgc
ing at the antiglobulin phase of testing. Transfusion of represents HLA-A28.32 Not all individuals with the corre-
51Cr-labeled RBCs have shown reduced survival.3 No signs sponding HLA antigens on their lymphocytes express the
of HDFN were noted for the baby of the original PEL- Bg antigen on their RBCs. The strength of Bg antigens can
negative propand.2 vary with each donation, making a constant prediction of
expression on panel RBCs difficult. HLA antigens on RBCs
ABTI Antigen are not destroyed by enzymes or DTT/AET treatment.
However, chloroquine or EDTA/glycine-HCL can be used
In 1996, the high-prevalence ABTI antigen was reported to remove the HLA antigen from RBCs. Due to the in-
with the detection of anti-ABTI in three multiparous women creased expression of HLA class I antigens on platelets, Bg
of an inbred Israeli-Arab family. The ABTI– phenotype antibodies can be adsorbed from the serum/plasma using
was also reported in one Bavarian and one German indi- platelet concentrate. Bg antibodies are usually considered
vidual. The expression on cord RBCs was presumed to be insignificant, but although rare, Bg antibodies have been
the mechanism of immunization. Since Vel– RBCs have reported to cause immediate and delayed HTRs.2,33 HLA
demonstrated a weak expression of the ABTI antigen, and antibodies have not been implicated in HDFN.2 HLA anti-
ABTI– RBCs have weak expression of Vel, the antigen was bodies play a significant role in transfusion-associated
placed in the VEL collection. In 2013, Vel was assigned acute lung injury (TRALI).
system status (034) with the linkage to the SMIMI gene.
At that time, no known molecular evidence linked ABTI Applications to Routine Blood Banking
to SMIM1, the single-pass integral membrane protein as-
sociated with the Vel gene SMIM1. Since no relationship The uncommon antigens and antibodies covered in this
to the gene SMIMI could be made, ABTI was returned to chapter may rarely be encountered in day-to-day serology
the 901 series and the VEL collection was made obsolete.1 testing due to the prevalence (either low or high) of the
The ABTI antigen is resistant to enzymes and chemical antigen. When an uncommon antibody is detected, under-
treatment. Anti-ABTI are IgG reacting at the antiglobulin standing antigen and antibody characteristics and how they
phase of testing. Anti-ABTI has not demonstrated evidence relate to frequency, ethnicity, enzymes, and chemical treat-
of HDFN. The clinical significance of anti-ABTI for ments is critical in the identification process. Antibodies to
transfusion is unknown since there are no clinical data low-prevalence antigens are most often detected through
available.3 unexpected incompatible crossmatches or cases of HDFN.
The selection of units does not present a problem due to
MAM Antigen large numbers of crossmatch-compatible units available,
but proper identification of the low-prevalence antigens can
The high-prevalence antigen MAM was first reported be challenging when one is confronted with an unexplained
in 1993 and assigned to the 901 series in 1999. Four HDFN. Antibodies to high-prevalence and other uncom-
MAM– probands have been reported. All the probands are mon antigens are easy to detect but difficult to work with
thought to have formed anti-MAM through exposure dur- since most blood banks do not have the antigen-negative
ing pregnancy because none of the probands had a history reagent RBCs needed to exclude other alloantibodies, nor
of transfusion.2,3 The MAM antigen is expressed on cord do they have typing reagents to phenotype the patient’s
cells, lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, and probably RBCs or have an inventory of rare units. Due to the vari-
platelets. One of the babies of the probands had severe ability in clinical significance of the antibodies to uncom-
HDFN requiring intrauterine transfusion. The babies of mon antigens and their relationship to transfusion and
the other three probands demonstrated a positive DAT HDFN, proper identification and understanding the rele-
with no HDFN. It is thought that anti-MAM may also vance of the antibodies is critical to good patient care. Few
cause neonatal thrombocytopenia.3 The MAM antigen is technologists will have the opportunity to identify uncom-
resistant to both enzyme and chemical treatment. Anti- mon antibodies, but this chapter will provide a reference
MAM are IgG, reacting at the antiglobulin phase of testing. for all technologists when the rare antibody is detected.
226 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Case 9-1

A type and screen is ordered on a 40-year-old female pregnant with her third child for a scheduled C-section.
Anti-A Anti-B Anti-D A1 Cells B Cells Interpretation
0 4+ 3+ 4+ 0
Antibody Screen
D C E c e f M N S s Lua Lub P1 Lea Leb K k Fya Fyb Jka Jkb IS PEG IAT
1 + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 1+
2 + 0 + + 0 0 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 0 0
Please note: There is no 37C reading when PEG is used.
D C E c e f M N S s Lua Lub P1 Lea Leb K k Fya Fyb Jka Jkb IS PEG IAT
1 + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 0
2 + + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 0 0
3 + 0 + + 0 0 + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 0 + 0 0
4 + 0 0 + + + + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 0
5 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + + 0 + + 0 0
6 0 0 + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 1+
7 0 0 0 + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 1+
8 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 + + + + 0 0
9 0 0 0 + + + 0 + + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 0
10 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + + + + + + 0 0 + + 0 + 0 0 0
11 + 0 + + 0 0 + + + + 0 + + 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 0
AC 0 0
1. What is the patient’s ABO, Rh type, and antibody screen results?
2. Have all of the common alloantibodies been ruled out?
3. Chloroquine treatment of cells 6 and 7 removes reactivity. What is the likely antibody?
4. What type of adsorption can also remove reactivity?
5. What is the clinical significance for HTR or HDFN?
6. How should RBC units be selected if this patient requires transfusion during or after her surgery?
7. What type of transfusion reaction can occur when this antibody is present in the donor’s plasma?

Case 9-2

One unit of blood was ordered for transfusions on a 75-year-old male with myelodysplastic syndrome with a history of
multiple blood transfusions within the last 3 months with no history of unexpected alloantibodies.
Anti-A Anti-B Anti-D A1 Cells B Cells Interpretation
0 0 0 4+ 4+
Antibody Screen
D C E c e f M N S s Lua Lub P1 Lea Leb K k Fya Fyb Jka Jkb IS PEG IAT
1 + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 0
2 + 0 + + 0 0 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 0 0
Unit was crossmatched at immediate spin and found to be compatible.
Patient reported back pain and feeling of impending doom. A transfusion reaction evaluation was initiated with the
following results:
• Clerical check: no discrepancy
• ABO check: no discrepancy
• Direct antiglobulin test: negative with IgG and C3
• Hemolysis check: hemolysis present in EDTA specimen
Chapter 9 Uncommon Blood Groups 227

D C E c e f M N S s Lua Lub P1 Lea Leb K k Fya Fyb Jka Jkb IS PEG IAT
1 + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 0
2 + + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 0 0
3 + 0 + + 0 0 + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 0 + 0 0
4 + 0 0 + + + + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 0
5 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + + 0 + + 0 0
6 0 0 + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 0
7 0 0 0 + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0
8 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + + 0 + 0 0 + + 0 + + + + 0 0
9 0 0 0 + + + 0 + + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 0
10 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + + + + + + 0 0 + + 0 + 0 0 0
11 + 0 + + 0 0 + + + + 0 + + 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 0
AC 0 0
Additional testing on transfused unit:
• Direct antiglobulin test on the suspected unit was negative.
• AHG crossmatch of the suspected unit was 4+.
1. What is the patient’s ABO, Rh type, and antibody screen results?
2. What additional testing should be performed on the transfused unit suspected in the transfusion reaction?
3. Would you suspect the antibody specificity to be due to a high-prevalence or low-prevalence antigen?
4. Which of the following antigens is likely the suspected cause of the hemolytic transfusion reaction?
a. Knb
b. Wra
c. Wrb
d. Gya
5. What would be required if an additional unit was requested?

Blood Group Terminology Wrb expression requires the presence of a normal GPA
(MNS system); alloanti-Wrb is extremely rare.
In the ISBT classification, all antigens are catalogued
into one of the following four groups: Yt antigens are GPI-linked RBC glycoproteins that are
• A blood group system if controlled by a single gene absent in individuals with PNH.
locus or by two or more closely linked genes Anti-Yta is a fairly common antibody to a high-prevalence
• A collection if shown to share a biochemical, sero- antigen that is sometimes clinically significant and some-
logic, or genetic relationship times insignificant.
• The high-prevalence series (901) if found in more The Xga antigen is found on the short arm of the
than 90% of most populations X chromosome and is of higher prevalence in females
• The low-prevalence series (700) if found in less than (89%) than in males (66%). Although it is usually IgG;
1% of most populations some examples are naturally occurring.
Anti-Xga has not been implicated in HDFN or as a
“Uncommon” Blood Groups and Antigens cause of HTRs.
The Diego system antigens are located on a major RBC Antibodies to Scianna system antigens are rare and lit-
protein, band 3, also known as the RBC anion ex- tle is known about their clinical significance. The rare
changer (AE1). null phenotype, Sc:–1,–2,–3, has been observed in the
Anti-Dia, anti-Dib, and anti-Wra are generally considered Marshall Islands and New Guinea.
to be clinically significant; all have caused severe HTRs In addition to the Doa and Dob antigens, the Gya, Hy,
and HDFN. Anti-Wra is a relatively common antibody. and Joa antigens are assigned to the Dombrock system.
228 PART II Blood Groups and Serologic Testing

Anti-Doa and anti-Dob have caused HTRs but no clin- Anti-Vel is most often IgG but can be IgM, and it has
ical HDFN; these antibodies are usually weak and caused severe immediate HTRs and HDFN. When
difficult to identify. serum is tested, anti-Vel characteristically causes in
The Colton system is composed of the antithetical vitro hemolysis.
Coa and Cob antigens as well as the high-prevalence Anti-Ata has been found only in blacks; the antibody
Co3 antigen; the antigens are carried on aquaporin 1, is usually IgG and has caused severe HTRs.
an RBC water channel. The Colton antibodies have Anti-Jra is found more commonly in Japanese, but clin-
caused HTRs and HDFN. ical significance is not well established, since it is a rare
LW has a phenotypic relationship with the D antigen; antibody; it has caused HTRs and fatal cases of HDFN.
Rhnull RBCs type LW(a–b–). The CD59 antigen plays a key role in protecting
Anti-LW reacts strongly with D+ RBCs and can look against complement-regulated hemolysis by binding
like anti-D. DTT treatment of test RBCs will distinguish to C8 and C9.
between these two antibodies because the LW antigen Collections are antigens that have a biochemical, sero-
is denatured by DTT, but the D antigen is not. In other logic, or genetic relationship but do not meet the
words, anti-LW does not react with DTT-treated D+ criteria for a system.
RBCs but anti-D does. Cost, Ii, Er, Globoside, Unnamed, and MN CHO are all
The antigens in the Chido/Rodgers system are located blood group collections.
on the complement fragments C4B and C4A, respec- The MN CHO antigens are associated with the M or
tively, that are adsorbed onto RBCs from plasma. N antigen in the MNS (002) system and are expressed
The clinically insignificant anti-Ch and anti-Rg react on GPA with altered levels of sialic acid (NeuNAc) or
weakly, often to moderate or high-titer endpoints in GlcNAc.
the antiglobulin test, and may be tentatively identified Low-prevalence antigen/antibodies are usually de-
by plasma inhibition methods. tected when either an unknown maternal antibody
Gerbich-negative phenotypes are very rare outside of causing HDFN is detected or an unexplained incom-
Papua, New Guinea. patible crossmatch is found.
The Gerbich or Leach phenotypes have weak expres- Low-prevalence antibodies are commonly found in
sion of Kell blood group antigens. serum that contains multiple antibodies.
Gerbich antibodies are sometimes clinically signifi- Finding compatible blood for patients with low-
cant for transfusion and sometimes insignificant. prevalence antibodies for transfusion is not difficult
Three cases of serious HDFN due to anti-Ge3 have due to the low prevalence of the antigen making com-
been reported, associated with late onset anemia patible blood readily available.
(after birth). Unlike low-prevalence antigens, finding compatible
The Cromer antigens are carried on the decay-acceler- units negative for antigens in the 901 series can be
ating factor (DAF) and are distributed in body fluids challenging.
and on RBCs, WBCs, platelets, and placental tissue. Six antigens currently make up the 901 series of the ISBT
The rare anti-Cra and anti-Tca have been found only classification: Emm, AnWj, Sda, PEL, ABTI, and MAM.
in black individuals; some examples have caused Anti-Sda has characteristic shiny and refractile agglu-
HTRs. tinates under the microscope and is inhibited with
The Knops antigens are located on complement receptor urine from Sd(a+) individuals and guinea pigs.
1 (CR1). Knops antibodies are clinically insignificant Haemophilus influenza uses the AnWj antigen as a
and have weak and nebulous reactivity at the antiglob- receptor to enter RBCs.
ulin phase; they are not inhibited by plasma.
The difficulty in identifying and finding compatible
The Ina antigen is more prevalent in Arab and Iranian units makes antibodies to the high-prevalence antigens
populations. Ina and Inb antigen expression is de- a potential transfusion risk.
pressed on the dominant type Lu(a–b–) RBCs.
HLA antigens are not considered a blood group antigen.
JMH antibodies most often occur in individuals with
Chloroquine or EDTA/glycine-HCL can be used to
acquired JMH– status. Anti-JMH in these individuals
remove the HLA antigens from RBCs.
is not clinically significant.

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