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Nursing Research NRCM- 0111 Qualitative researchers must identify a site

that is consistent with the research topic.

Qualitative Research ➔ For example, if the topic is the health
beliefs of the urban poor, an inner-city

neighborhood with a concentration of
low-income residents must be
➢ Qualitative studies progression is Gaining entrée typically involves negotiations
closer to a circle than to a straight line. with gatekeepers who have the authority to
➢ Qualitative researchers are continually permit entry into their world.
examining and interpreting data and
making decisions about how to ❖ Step 4: Developing an Overall
proceed based on what has already Approach
been discovered ➔ Quantitative researchers do not collect
Characteristics data before finalizing the research
➢ Flexible approach to the collection and design.
analysis of data ➔ Qualitative researchers use an
➢ It is impossible to define the flow of emergent design, a design that
activities precisely; the flow varies emerges during the course of data
from one study to another, and collection.
researchers themselves do not know ➔ Certain design features are guided by
ahead of time exactly how the study the study’s qualitative tradition, but
will unfold. qualitative studies rarely have rigidly
➢ It may not pose refined research structured designs that prohibit
questions at the outset. changes while in the field.
❖ Step 5: Addressing Ethical Issues
Phase 1: Conceptualizing and Planning Qualitative researchers, like quantitative
a Qualitative Study researchers, must also develop plans for
addressing ethical issues.
❖ Step 1: Identifying the Research
➔ There are special concerns in
qualitative studies because of the
Qualitative researchers usually begin with a
more intimate nature of the
broad topic area, often focusing on an aspect
relationship that typically develops
of a topic that is poorly understood and about
between researchers and study
which little is known.
❖ Step 2: Doing a Literature Review
● Sampling
Qualitative researchers do not all agree
The sampling decisions are guided by
about the value of doing an upfront literature
the data themselves.Many qualitative
review. Some believe that researchers should
researchers use the principle of
not consult the literature before collecting
saturation, which occurs when themes
and categories in the data become
● Review of Literature
repetitive and redundant, such that no
Others believe that researchers should
new information can be gleaned by
conduct at least a brief literature
further data collection.
review at the outset. In any case,
qualitative researchers typically find a
relatively small body of relevant
previous work because of the type of
questions they ask.
❖ Step 3: Selecting and Gaining
Entrée into Research Sites
Phase 2: Conducting the Study and purposeful as the theory
➢ In qualitative studies, the tasks of
❖ Concept Development
sampling, data collection, data
Concept development and verification shape
analysis, and interpretation typically
the sampling process as a conceptualization
take place iteratively.
or theory develops, the researcher seeks
➢ Qualitative researchers begin by
participants who can confirm and enrich the
talking with or observing people who
theoretic understandings, as well as
have first-hand experience with the
participants who can potentially challenge
phenomenon under study.
them and lead to further theoretic insight.
➢ The discussions and observations are
loosely structured, allowing
participants to express a full range of
beliefs, feelings, and behaviors.
❖ Data Collection
Qualitative researchers are the main data
collection instrument and must take steps to
demonstrate the trustworthiness of the data
while in the field.
➢ The central feature of these efforts is
to confirm that the findings accurately
reflect the experiences and viewpoints
of participants, rather than
researchers’ perceptions.
➢ One confirmatory activity, for example,
involves going back to participants and
sharing preliminary interpretations with
them so that they can evaluate
whether the researcher’s thematic
analysis is consistent with their
❖ Analysis
➢ Analysis and interpretation are
ongoing, concurrent activities that
guide choices about the kinds of
people to question next and the types
of question to ask or observations to
➢ The actual process of data analysis
involves clustering together related
types of narrative information into a
coherent scheme.
➔ As analysis and interpretation
progress, researchers begin to
identify themes and categories,
which are used to build a rich
description or theory of the
➔ The kinds of data obtained
become increasingly focused

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