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Name: Lyka Figer

Yesr and Section: BSE 1A

◎ Exercise 2 Egalitarianism - Feminine and Masculine - Research the meaning of Egalitarianism
-Discuss its importance, relevance or significance in understanding Feminine and Masculine
- provide examples or detailed accounts as support to your paper. - Minimum of 350 word maximum of
500 words.

Egalitarianism (from French égal 'equal'), or equalitarianism, is a school of thought within political philosophy
that builds from the concept of social equality, prioritizing it for all people.Egalitarian doctrines are generally
characterized by the idea that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or moral status. Egalitarianism is the
doctrine that all citizens of a state should be accorded exactly equal rights. 

The term egalitarianism has two distinct definitions in modern English, either as a political doctrine that all
people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social and civil rights,or as a social
philosophy advocating the removal of economic inequalities among people, economic egalitarianism, or the
decentralization of power. Some sources define egalitarianism as equality reflecting the natural state of

This will be strictly about the two opposing genders which should be the only ones that exists. Not only
according to society but also according to those religious individuals. However as time goes by, other genders
are slowly getting accepted and starts to be considered as something completely normal.

Going back to the topic of equality, men and women are considered to be treated unfairly since the beginning
of time. This is what we call gender discrimination. Women must stay at home at all times. They should be
doing all the chores. Also, there's no need for them to be educated since they are not permitted to work
anyways. These are the common discriminating things that women had to go through during the days.

You might think that all of the inequality are due and over in this present time that we are living in. Sad to say
though it's not. There're still a lot of inequalities that are going on through out the entirety of our society. Not
only men towards women, but also men towards everyone else. This is known as toxic masculinity.

The concept of toxic masculinity is used in academic and media discussions of masculinity to refer to certain
cultural norms that are associated with harm to society and to men themselves. Traditional stereotypes of men
as socially dominant, along with related traits such as misogyny and homophobia, can be considered "toxic"
due in part to their promotion of violence, including sexual assault and domestic violence. The socialization of
boys in patriarchal societies often normalizes violence, such as in the saying "boys will be boys" with regard to
bullying and aggression.

Their minds are not open minded and they still live by the traditional aspect of things which is bringing
difficulty for a lot of people that is around them. However, men has feelings too. And it's not only the women
that are experiencing discrimination from the opposite sex. In which case is called feminism.

feminism is the belief in full social, economic, and political equality for women. Feminism largely arose in
response to Western traditions that restricted the rights of women, but feminist thought has global
manifestations and variations. But here's my question. Is it really equality that some of these women are
looking for? Or is it superiority? Cause to me some of them are just looking for the smallest of mistakes that a
man can plausibly do and they would attack and bring him down with numbers.
I conclude that if we really want equality between the opposing genders then we should forget about past
mistakes that both genders had committed in the opposing sides. These way there won't be any grudges
between the two and as a result all of the conflicts would be solved. If we just look at each other as human
beings and stop focusing on the gender side of things then there won't be ang problems right?

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