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How are students dealing with the pandemic? The World, as we all know, was hit by the Covid-19.

Universities have come up with a variety of methods to help students cope with online learning. Online
learning is beneficial for students in catching up on the most recent syllabus provided by the lecturer
and graduating on time, but it may also pose several issues that must be addressed for students to study
more smoothly.

There are many ways to improve students’ satisfaction in online learning which are post the course
syllabus on the Web. This is because course syllabus includes handouts that have been gathered
throughout time. Handouts are frequently distributed by professors as they become relevant to
the topics being discussed. Students frequently stow them away in whatever notebook they seem
to have on hand, only to discover that retrieving them is difficult. So, by giving that student will
easily handle their own timetable and doesn’t make them feel stress about the course.

Furthermore, way to improve student’s satisfaction in online learning which is help students
maintain focus. For example, the lecturer always asks a question to the student so that the lecturer
know their student focus or not during their classes. Also, organize each class session around shorter
sequences and activities.

Finally, entertain them by doing some fun activities during the classes. For example, use quizzes
platform after done the lecture section. So that student will release their tension by doing that quiz
because it totally fun. So, the student will enjoy their classes.

In conclusion, there many ways to improve students’ satisfaction in online learning which is post the
course syllabus on the Web, help students maintain focus, and entertain them by doing some fun
activities during the classes. So that, the students nowadays will enjoy their classes even it online

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