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Situation 1: Talk about your short-term objectives

CL: KV! It’s great to see you here!
KV: Wow, Hello CL. Why are you here?
CL: I am here to watch the film. What about you?
KV: Oh, me too.
CL: Wow, it’s so fantastic. We haven’t seen each other for 2 years.
KV: Well, How have you been?
CL: I'm strong. And you?
KV: Great! Do you have any short term plans?
CL: Yes, of course.
KV: How many short-term goals do you set for yourself?
CL: I set for myself one short-term objectives.
KV: What are your short-term objectives?
CL: I have developed a plan for myself to learn English to ensure I will get the best
results in the shortest amount of time. My goal is to get 650 TOEIC by the end of
the year. My current English level is 400 TOEIC.
KV: How do you achieve these objectives?
CL: After the last check. I realized that I still lacked in listening and speaking, so
my English study plan focused heavily on these two parts. Every day I spend at
least 4 hours listening and 2 hours practicing speaking. I use the listening materials
of the English speaking center that I am attending. Also, I practice listening
through movies and music. To practice speaking, I use websites that allow chatting
with foreigners and people who have English speaking needs like me.
KV: Do you learn efficiently?
CL: I find this learning quite effective. It helps me to respond faster. With my own
discipline and determination I think I will execute the plan I set out and achieve my
KV: Your way is worth learning. (cách của bạn rất đáng học hỏi)
CL: It's nothing special, really. (cũng bth thôi mà)
Beside, applying for extra job is also my intention. I applied to be a waitress in
a coffee store and I am now waiting for the result. When doing this kind of job,
one makes friend with a lot of people and keeps in touch with many
relationship. It helps them be more confidence, responsible and independent in
KV: I'm also planning to get a part-time job.
CL: Oh, That sounds good. It's almost time for movie. Peace out. See you later.
KV: Good bye for now!

Situation 2: Talk about long-term objectives

KV: Hello, It’s KV here. Do you remember me? How’ve you been?
CL: Hello! I’m good, yes of course, I do remember you.
We haven’t seen each other since we left high school! How's your life?
KV: My life is just that simple.
CL: You look upset. What's wrong?
KV: I thinking about my future. I don't know what I like to do.
CL: I thought you loved technology, and you want to be an IT specialist.
KV: That's was my 15. Now I am not interested in technology anymore.
If some one asks me what my goals are, all I can say is I don't know.
CL: Well, indentifying your goals is quite a diffucult task.
First, you must know yourself and person out what you're passionate about.
KV: What about you? What are your long-term goals?
CL: Well, I am going to be a Hotel Manager since I was 17.
My long term plan is to find a suitable job that relating to my major, and I
really want to work in an international hotel.
KV: You are so lucky to know your goals so clearly.
How do you achieve these goals?
CL: To achieve that goal, I intend to participate in some professional English
training courses as an assistant besides my major.
If the internship requires me to have further knowledge and skills, I will also
sign up to some more necessary classes.
Even though it is now still far from the future, I hope that my preparation will
allow me to pursue my dream to become a good Hotel Manager
KV: What other long-term goals do you have?
CL: Well, My goal other is to build a house in Da Lat
I will to work hard and earn a lot of money to build a nice house for my
parents in Da Lat, and I also like to do charity work to help people in need.
KV: It sounds fantastic. I will also try to find long-term goals for myself.
CL: Good luck! My friend has arrived. I'll be seeing you then.
KV: Good bye for now!

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