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Notion of Civilization

A civilization is an unpredictable human society that may have certain attributes of cultural and

technological advancements. Prior to the rise of civilization, nonetheless, there appears to have

been a much longer period, in which population increases while ecological changes and

technological advancements made the development possible.

Research Methodology

In the information age, it seems that the application of civilization is an in dispensable tendency

for the evolution of civilization in 21st century, regardless of previous civilization. The purpose

of this research is to go through the current situation of world’s civilization.

There are two main research approaches used in civilization scientific work, quantitative and

qualitative and in this research I use simple forms of collecting data through questionnaire by

online survey forms.

Graphical Representation of Data

In this research I use some background and ten research based questionnaire with twenty

responses to make a survey available for the people to comment on such an important subject

needs to be a proper reflection of people’s view and their thinking and considering the fact that

likely the respondent is not from the computer about notion of civilization.

Background Information

In background information my questionnaire consist of Name of respondents, Gender of

respondents, Age and their matriculation, higher secondary, college and basic educational

language. There are 20 respondents can share their background response in questionnaire.

According to gender percentage 65% male and 35% female and maximum age of respondents
lied between 18 to 20 years.

In their BS major 10.5% chemistry students while 10.5 1% Bio-Tech and in average there are

same ratio would be calculated in chart.

In the graph of matriculation, higher secondary and college maximum respondents are in

government sector. While in their co education and single gender in this average little difference

and while maximum respondent’s prior qualification are BA.

1;In first questionnaire 25% respondents strongly agree that civilization education provide

current and multidisciplinary information.

2; in this question thirty percent response in favor of neutral they think the education about
civilization could be provide backward history.

3; I like civilization history in this maximum response in the form of agree.

4; in this question fifty percent respondent in the favor of movies that must be made on

5; documentary and graphical representation of civilization history, here are maximum 25%
response could be recorded.

6; in this question we see equal response that the human could be acquire the knowledge about

7; in southern Mesopotamian civilization came from Iran and Syria in this the response in the
favor of agree just twenty percent.
To conclude, considering the generality of the topic in discussion: civilization and how it is
linked with morality, it is tough to give an answer which satisfies one side, Some strong
arguments negate the prospect of moral progress of humans such as the conflict in the ethical
relation of humans and nature, in fact, the nature of humankind’s largely exploitative relationship
with the wider natural world in general is being called into question and is forcing some of us to
seriously rethink that relationship as human activity has strained the environment to the point of
a civilization’s collapse and the growing immorality in the virtual world is also derailing the
human progress.

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