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Marketing Interview Questions


3. Why did you think of doing MBA?
4. Where do you see 5 years from now?
5. Do your Swot Analysis
6. How will you handle negativity?
7. What if you have a conflict with senior or colleague?
8. What is your dream job?
9. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 – 10
10. What are the 8 Ps of marketing?

Ans. The 8 Ps of marketing are – product, place and time, price, promotion, process,
physical environment, people, and productivity and quality.

11. What is your expertise – B2B or B2C?

12. Name 5 essential elements of a marketing campaign.

13. Can you give us a customer trend that is happening in our industry right now?

14. How did you measure the impact of a successful campaign for a product that you

15. What can be the best approach to increase website traffic?

16. What are some useful digital marketing tools?

17. How do you use social media for marketing?

18. Can you take up social media marketing for B2B businesses?

19. How is service marketing different from product marketing?

20. What is the marketing plan? Have you ever been a part of it?

21. What do you mean by the AIDA model in marketing?

22. What do you know about Ambush Marketing?

23. What do you mean by inbound marketing?

24. What is real-time marketing? Does this form of marketing help?

25. What do you know about advertising research?

26. What do you mean by USP and what makes your business unique?

27. Which are the different ways to reach out to your target audience?

28. What do you think of word of mouth? And if required, how will you maximize the word-
of-mouth marketing?

29. According to you, which marketing strategies work well for expanding a start-up?

30. How will you evaluate a new business promotion idea?

31. Name some of the major trends in digital marketing in 2021.

32. How was your experience of managing a team? What challenges did you face?

33. What will you do if the most performing employee in your team is leaving the

34. If we are planning to launch a new product, how will you help us in deciding the right
target audience?

35. Have you ever worked closely with a sales team? What challenges you faced, and were
there any learning?

36. If you get an opportunity to market a product in any sports event, for example, IPL, what
things will you keep in mind?

37. If you are tasked with the branding campaign of a new product, how will you do it?

38. How will you market a product if your budget was reduced to half?

39. What are the aspects you look at while launching a product?

40. Have you ever changed a customer’s perspective of a product that you marketed?

41. Tell us your way of defining KPIs

42. How would you handle marketing our product or service?

43. What are the stages of a product life cycle?

44. In Marketing, what does Positioning mean?

45. What is Market segmentation?

46. What about marketing do you love?

47. If you were the marketing manager of a brand X, how will you market it?

48. What do you understand by social media marketing?

49. What are your favorite ad campaigns? Why are they your favorite?

50. What are some of the different marketing strategies?

51. What is market share?

52. Ans: A percentage of total sales volume in a market captured by a brand, product, or


53. What’s a sales funnel?

54. Ans: Also known as the revenue funnel, it is the steps involved in the buying process that

a company takes its customers through while selling a product.

55. In marketing, what does AIDA stands for?

56. Ans: AIDA is a marketing tool that stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action.

57. What do you understand by CRM?

58. Ans: CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management.

59. Other important marketing interview questions:

60. What are the keys to success in marketing?

61. Why is digital marketing so successful?

62. Do me a favour – sell me this pen?

63. What is the most important skill required in the marketing field?

64. What is the difference between sales and marketing?

65. What’s the difference between the push and pull strategies in marketing?

66. What are some of the marketing campaigns you are aware of?

67. What is ambush/guerrilla marketing?

68. What difference do you find between campaigns by Coke and Pepsi?

69. What is marketing?

70. Ans: Marketing can be termed as the process of selling a product or service. It includes

market research and advertising.

71. What do you understand by STP?

72. Ans: STP stands for Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning.

73. What are the four Ps of marketing? What are the additional 3 Ps?

74. Ans: The four Ps of marketing are Product, Place, Price and Placement. The additional

three Ps are People, Process and Physical Environment.

75. What is service marketing?

76. Ans: The process of marketing a service like financial services, hospitality, and tourism.

It is either B2B or B2C.

77. What is the difference between a consumer and customer?

78. Ans: Customer is someone who purchases the product. A consumer is someone who

consumes/uses the product. For eg. Dog food (Bought by dog owner (customer),

consumed by the dog (consumer)).

79. Explain Service Marketing. Also Explain What Is a Service?

80. What Is Marketing Communication?

Digital Marketing questions

Name 5 essential elements of a marketing campaign.

Ans. The five essential elements of a successful marketing campaign are:

✓ Target

✓ Value proposition

✓ Call-to-action message

✓ Delivery method

✓ Follow-up

Here, you can talk about the marketing campaigns that you have directly managed and

individually define the strategies you have used for these five marketing campaign elements.

What are the marketing channels that you have experience working in?

Ans. This question is to test your knowledge of the marketing channels that you have worked

with. So, do not just mention the channels but describe how you used them to deliver successful

marketing campaigns.

For example, if you have hands-on experience of using email marketing channels, you can talk

about how you finalized the target audience, designed the template, planned the offer, drafted the

communication message, etc. Also, talk about the open rates, CTRs, that you managed to


Q5. Are you familiar with any analytics platform? What are the platforms that you used in your

previous jobs?
Mention the platforms that you have worked with and how it has helped in your marketing plans.

For instance, you can talk about how you use Google Analytics to track and monitor your

website’s traffic.

How did you measure the impact of a successful campaign for a product that you marketed?

Ans. Describe the metrics that you fixed before starting the campaign and how you measured

those metrics. Explain how you analyzed those metrics and turned them into meaningful patterns

that showed the impact.

Q8. What can be the best approach to increase website traffic?

Ans. We can achieve this in various ways –

✓ Ensuring good user experience

✓ Building referral traffic

✓ Performing on-page SEO

✓ Targeting long-tail keywords

✓ Using landing pages

Q9. What are some useful digital marketing tools?

Ans. There are a range of free digital marketing tools available to streamline the everyday

management of a website, including –

✓ Google Analytics

✓ Keyword Planner

✓ Alexa

✓ Rank Watch

✓ Kissmetrics
✓ SEMrush

✓ HootSuite

✓ MailChimp

✓ BuzzSumo

✓ Moz Learning Center

You can also check out the latest Digital Marketing Certifications which can further help you to

gain expertise in digital marketing.

Q10. What are the limitations of online marketing?

Ans. There are certain limitations of online marketing, major being –

✓ Online marketing requires money

✓ Chances of cyber-attack prevail

✓ Requires time to generate results

✓ Takes time to build trust as compared to conventional marketing

Q11. What is Google AdWords Remarketing?

Ans. Google AdWords Remarketing is a Google service, allowing companies and brands to

target an audience who has already visited the given website. This is a methodology to drive

traffic to the website and convert visitors into consumers.

Q12. What is a responsive website?

Ans. A website that offers an optimal viewing experience to the user with easy navigation and

reading is a responsive website. It is created using responsive web design (RWD) and is

compatible with the most popularly used web-browsers and mobile devices.
Q13. Do you have any idea about AMP?

Ans. AMP is the abbreviation for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is a joint project of Google and

Twitter for making fast mobile pages. It is an open-source initiative, which is lightweight and

fast to load.

Q14. What is Keyword Streaming?

Ans. Keyword streaming is a popular SEO methodology that is used to draw extraordinary traffic

to websites. In this method, popular keywords are further optimized to maximize the reach.

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Q15. What is the use and importance of anchor tags in SEO?

Ans. The anchor tag is a clickable text on a hyperlink. It helps to create a link that has relevant

text on the website/webpage. It should be relevant to the page you will be linking to. Proper use

of an anchor text helps a linked page to rank for a particular set of keywords on search engines.

Check Out Top SEO Interview Questions & Answers

Q16. Name popular PPC tools.

Ans. Some of the popular PPC tools are:

✓ Ahrefs

✓ Campaign Watch

✓ iSpionage
✓ Search Monitor

✓ SEMrush

✓ SimilarWeb

✓ Spyfu

✓ Wordtracker

Q17. How do you use social media for marketing?

Ans. Well, social media can be used very smartly to drive traffic and expose brands on social

platforms. We may attract more users to our brand by posting quality posts, images, videos, and

other stuff. Besides, paid marketing is another approach that can help to attract users to the

website. However, this involves money, but the results can be attractive, with increased page

links and improved website visits.

18. Can you take up social media marketing for B2B businesses?

Ans. Yes, but the approach will be different for B2B marketing. In B2C, businesses may take

this liberty to share humorous as well as informative posts, but for B2B, only valuable industry

content can be shared.

Q19. What is Content Marketing?

Ans. Content marketing is a strategy to create and share valuable content across different

platforms. It aligns business and consumers, and quality content can attract and convert a visitor

to the consumer.
Q20. Are keywords important in Content Marketing?

Ans. Keywords play the most important role in drawing traffic to a particular website. Without

keywords, one cannot get the desired ranking and traffic. The usage of keywords should be

optimal and in the right place. SEO and content marketing are impossible without keywords.

Q21. Name some of the content marketing tactics to attract clients and increase ROI.

Ans. Here are some of the strategies one can use:

✓ Create topical content that has the potential to go viral. Some trending examples are

controversial ideas, posts that incite emotions, etc.

✓ Create well-researched content with the purpose of educating the customer in an

interactive way. It can be short or long-form content depending on the business and

customer preferences.

✓ Use unique CTAs instead of generic ones. Some examples are – testing different colours

on CTA buttons, offering some benefit to the customer, if s/he hits the button, and so on.

✓ Choosing guest blogging for increasing organic traffic.

✓ Diversify by giving importance to all forms of content – blog, video, social media,

podcasts, etc.

✓ Update and repurpose content regularly.

Q22. What is a site crawler?

Ans. Site crawlers are algorithms in search engines. In Google, Google bots crawl on websites

and make them available on the Google search engine index.

Q23. What are the metrics for measuring social ROI?

Ans. It can be measured through analytics. The basic rules are calculating the number of likes,

clicks, shares, etc. Conversion measurement tools and Optimized CPM (oCPM) on Facebook are

important measures for social ROI.

Q24. How will you boost Facebook reach?

Ans. There are various ways to improve Facebook reach, some of the most popular are –

Optimizing the content to attract users and improve engagement

Building organic traction by allowing the ads to perform for up to 24 hours organically

Prioritizing audience engagement by replying on posts or on users’ queries

Amplifying the organic reach with paid ads or posts

Q25. What is Quality Score?

Ans. Quality Score is an estimate of Google, based on which the quality and relevance of the

keywords and PPC ads are evaluated on a score of 1 -10. Quality Score defines the quality of

keywords compared to Ads, Ad text, and Landing Page.

Q26. What factors affect the Quality Score?

Ans. Factors affecting quality score are –

✓ The relevance of keywords and ads

✓ Landing page quality

✓ Click-Through Rate (CTR) of the keyword

✓ Historical account data

Q27. Where should you place your keywords for better website ranking?

Ans. For better ranking on search engines, keywords should be placed in –

✓ Title

✓ Meta tag

✓ Website URL

✓ Headings & subheadings

✓ Web page content

Q28. Do you use email marketing to market your product? What marketing elements did you


Ans. The answer to this question can be completely dependent on your experience, for example,

you can say that:

Sample: “Yes, in my current company, email marketing is a prominent strategy to deploy. While

shooting an email campaign, we keep track of essential metrics like email open rate, click-

through rate (CTR), conversion rate, bounce rate, the total number of unsubscribes, and email

sharing rate. Based on these elements, we execute A/B testing to maximize the overall

conversion rates. Also, from time to time, we keep identifying the pattern like time of sending

emails, which type of subject line improves open rates, which campaigns didn’t perform well,

etc. All these patterns help us to take a clear marketing call.”

Q29. How do you go ahead with content promotion?

Ans. For content promotion, tactics like social media promotion, email broadcasting, influencer

marketing, backlink strategy, and Quora answers work well.

Q30. How is service marketing different from product marketing?

Ans. Marketing a product and marketing a service both needs a different approach. While selling

a product, we use 4P’s of marketing, i.e. Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. But, when a

service is to be offered, apart from the 4P’s, 3 more P’s are to be taken care of, i.e. People,

Process, and Physical evidence. Thus, both require different forms of strategies to promote the

overall sale.

Q31. What is the marketing plan? Have you ever been a part of it?

Ans. Basically, a marketing plan is a compiled report outlining the mix of strategies that a

company shall execute in the upcoming quarter/year.

So you can say that yes, in the previous organization I got a chance to present the marketing plan

to the CEO and other stakeholders. Some of the essential elements that we as a team took care


✓ Quarterly marketing and advertising goal

✓ Current marketing scenario

✓ Timeline of tasks

✓ Key performance indicators

✓ Target audience
✓ Budgets

Q32. What do you mean by the AIDA model in marketing?

Ans. AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. These are the four stages through

which a company can turn a prospect into a customer. For attracting the audience’s attention, we

primarily use social media. Attractive product page and home page help in generating the interest

of a customer. To stimulate desire, content marketing, and email marketing are the most

powerful weapons. Finally, to convert a customer’s desire into action, landing pages and pricing

pages do the job.

Q33. What do you know about Ambush Marketing?

Ans. Ambush or coat-tail marketing is a form of tactics in which an advertiser takes advantage of

a significant event or campaign to promote their products without actually paying for the event

fee or participating in the sponsorships. This is meant for free promotions and at the same time,

competing with those participants who have actually paid for the event.

Q34. What do you mean by inbound marketing?

Ans. Inbound marketing involves a strategy to pull the audience close to the products/services

and create brand awareness. Some of the popular elements of inbound marketing are – blogs,

events, SEO blogs, social media posts, video content, influencer outreach, and public speaking.

Inbound marketing helps a brand to educate prospects about the products/services they offer, and

at the same time, it helps in establishing the trust and credibility of the brand.
Q35. What is real-time marketing? Does this form of marketing help?

Ans. Real-time marketing is a strategy to take advantage of live events, news, topics, or

situations to market/promote the product. Most of the brands use social media channels,

popularly Twitter to share a post related to the real-time situation. Yes, if done in the right way

and at the right time, these tactics help in brand recall.

Q36. What do you know about advertising research?

Ans. Advertising is one of the strongest pillars of your marketing plan and it involves advertising

messages (planned for different goals like promotion, information, etc.) that are used to reach

large audience groups. Thus it requires extensive marketing research and a strong strategy.

Basically, advertising research is associated with the following questions:

a) Who are your target customers?

b) Which mode/ medium of advertising works well for your product/service?

c) What is your planned budget?

d) What are your success metrics?

e) What should be included in your message?

Q37. What do you mean by USP and what makes your business unique?

Ans. USP stands for Unique Selling Point, which defines the unique attribute of your business

and outlines the ways in which your business or the product or service differs from your

competitors and why the prospects should choose your offerings over others. Along with the key

strength of the product, this is the role of a marketer to ensure that your marketing and branding
message clearly defines the key USP of your business and it must be aligned with the business

goals. Also, a clear and precise USP helps in establishing brand recall.

Q38. Which are the different ways to reach out to your target audience?

Ans. Reaching out to the target audience is a collective result of the following activities

✓ Advertising

✓ Packaging

✓ Public relations

✓ Direct sales

✓ Internet/Digital marketing

✓ Social media marketing

✓ Sales promotions

✓ Marketing materials

✓ PR activities

The role of you as a marketing manager is to find the best mix of strategies that can work to meet

your goals. Also, some channels can rope in good benefits to one company and for the other

business model, it would make no sense. So during your marketing interview, you can think

about which activities can work for them and back a strong reason for the same, depending upon

their business model.

Q39. What are the different types of SEO? Mention the 3 major ones.

Ans. Since digital marketing is a continuously expanding field, there are seven types of SEO.

However, if you are looking for an intermediate marketing role, you should, at least, be aware of:

✓ On-Page SEO

✓ Off-Site/Off-Page SEO

✓ Technical SEO

It would be ideal to elaborate on these three to show that you are not simply naming them.

✓ You could say, on-page SEO involves keyword research and optimization along with high-

quality content creation. Together they correspond to how a company’s website ranks on

search engines.

✓ on the other hand, off-site SEO can help with building a brand’s online reputation outside its

website through high-quality backlinks and so on.

✓ Having knowledge of technical SEO will also help your future employer gauge your

professional understanding of terms such as indexing, crawling, etc.

Q40. What is social listening and why is it important?

Ans. With this question, your interviewer wants to know what you actually understand about

audience research/insight.

Social listening is a vital component of any marketing strategy. With it, a brand can analyse and

respond to what others are actively communicating or discussing about its products/services on

various social media platforms.

Ideally, you should give examples to specify the importance of social listening.
Q41. Could you tell us how familiar you are with Google Analytics?

Ans. This is a tricky question because the interviewer is looking for how well you can implement

this popular digital marketing tool.

So, if you have simply tinkered with it in your previous job, do not forget to specify that you are

a beginner and willing to learn.

But, if you are experienced with it, do supplement your answer with ample reasons why every

brand with a website should use it. Ideally, you can talk about customizing reports, holistic

audience insights, what kind of content do the audiences prefer and so on.

Q42. How is Google Analytics different from Google AdWords?

Ans. If you could answer the question above, then the interviewer may be interested to know

your familiarity with the conversion tracking, as both Google Analytics and Google AdWords do

that. However, there are key differences between the two.

Mentioning how they differ according to parameters such as session tracking, how long does

conversion tracking data take for each and how it is better to link both of them, will suffice.

Q43. Which Content Management Systems are you familiar with and on which one have you

worked the most?

Ans. CMSs are the industry-standard requirements in digital marketing. Even as a fresher, you

must have come across bloggers who choose WordPress. This is a type of CMS.

Knowledge of such is necessary to highlight your technical skills.

If you have worked on WordPress before, you can talk about its in-built SEO engine, plugins,

why its latest versions have to be updated, vs, etc.

Q44. Name the top three email marketing tools.

Ans. Whether you know about B2B or B2C marketing, knowledge of free and paid email

marketing tools is essential. MailChimp, HubSpot Email Marketing and Convert Kit are among

the most popular ones. Do elaborate on their free and paid plans along with each of their pros

and cons.

Q45. Are display ads useful? Can you name some types?

Ans. Google has its own Google Display Network that reaches 90% of internet users worldwide.

Companies can use display ads for a targeted audience only which won’t be shown to users who

are not interested in a product.

Display ads are not limited to demographics but also extends to interest targeting.

There are three types of display ads:

✓ HTML ads

✓ Text ads

✓ Image ads
Situational Marketing Interview Questions

These marketing interview questions are asked by interviewers to measure how you will perform

under different circumstances.

Q46. While launching a direct mail campaign, what activities or elements will you consider


Ans. If I have to lead a direct mail campaign, I will ensure to consider the following elements:

✓ Clarify the objective of the campaign

✓ Enlist the target audience

✓ Determine the budget

✓ Plan the template of the email and discuss the design with the design team

✓ Construct the message and mail copy

✓ Insert a Call-To-Action button with source parameters

✓ Send the draft mail within the team to take the feedback

✓ Shoot the mail and track the result

✓ Communicate the results to the team

✓ Perform A/B testing if it is required for future campaigns

Q47. Name some of the errors to avoid in email outreach campaigns.

Ans. You should mention these pitfalls in email outreach campaigns, ideally with examples:

Not giving enough attention to the email pitch and personalization – Choosing only one template

and changing the name is no personalization. New content that suits the customer’s new need

rather than old data should be given importance.

Not offering anything in return – Sharing links should have some benefit for the customer. Links

can be about guest blog posts or even gift cards.

Q48. What do you think of word of mouth? And if required, how will you maximize the word-

of-mouth marketing?

Ans. Word of mouth promotion is a very essential and powerful business technique that helps

both small- and large-scale businesses. It also does wonders for service offering companies and

is very cost-effective. Below are some techniques to increase the word of mouth:

✓ Work on offering excellent customer service

✓ Know more about your client’s preferences

✓ Communicate well with your clients

✓ Ask for feedback after every service

✓ Ask for referrals

✓ Reach out to influencers for communicating with your clients

✓ Give them a link to your social media handles to write their review

Q49. According to you, which marketing strategies work well for expanding a start-up?

Ans. To scale up a small business the following strategies can work:

✓ Increase focus on recapturing existing clients. Here using promotional offers can work.

✓ Asking for referrals is also an effective strategy

✓ Using email and social media as a channel can increase the existing client base

✓ Targeting new demographic works well

✓ Promoting additional usage of current products can help in increasing the target audience
✓ Product diversification and adding related products increases the sales numbers

Q50. How will you evaluate a new business promotion idea?

Ans. The following practices can help:

✓ Identify the target audience and their needs

✓ Check out competitions’ current marketing activities

✓ Evaluate the idea based on budget and expected ROI

✓ Perform A/B testing

✓ Discuss it with the other team to get a fresh perspective

Q51. Name some of the major trends in digital marketing in 2021.

Ans. Here are some of the most popular trends this year:

✓ Geofence Marketing – It is location-based marketing that connects with smartphone users in

a specific geographical area. Brands can use it to find the target audience when they are

purchasing from a competitor brand. Apart from internet connection such as Wi-Fi,

geofencing utilises Bluetooth, RFID, etc.

✓ Instagram Reels – Digital marketers can use these short-form videos of 15 to 30 seconds. The

platform offers customizable and sophisticated video and audio processing tools.

✓ Voice Search Optimization – This is gradually becoming popular as a large majority of Gen

Z and Millennials are now using Alexa and similar products.

Q52. How was your experience of managing a team? What challenges did you face?
Ans. Team management is an essential skill that most employers look at when hiring a marketing

manager, thus, this is one of the most popular marketing interview questions for which you need

to prepare. If you have managed a team in your current/previous organization, you can start from

the team hiring discussion, and further, state examples of any incident in which you and your

team worked closely to make a marketing campaign successful. Coming to the challenges, it will

not furnish a good impression when you state the shortfalls of your teammates. Instead, you can

back the problem with a solution that you performed to overcome it.

Q53. What will you do if the most performing employee in your team is leaving the


Ans. This is a tricky situational question asked during your interview. Here the recruiter is

interested to know two things. One that what measures can you take to retain a good resource

and other how will you manage the loss, will you get panic. So the perfect answer could be:

I would talk to the employee and understand the root cause of such a decision. If the reason is

quite genuine and personal, I will ask him to take an extended leave, and if it makes no sense to

the employee, I won’t force him/her to stay back. But if the reason is something related to

growth/dissatisfaction; I will speak to HR and try to retain the employee in all possible ways. By

any chance, if nothing works, I will look for the next available resource and help him/her with

the right training.

Q54. If we are planning to launch a new product, how will you help us in deciding the right

target audience?
Ans. Picking the right target audience is most essential as the entire marketing plan and strategies

will depend upon it. To decide the target audience for a new product depends upon factors like

existing target audience, product type, product usage, prospective buyers, competition analyses,

price of the product, psychographics of the audience we want to reach, and all such factors.

Q55. Have you ever worked closely with a sales team? What challenges you faced, and were

there any learning?

Ans. It is said that marketing and sales go hand in hand, and that’s the reason why a lot of

marketing people frequently communicate with the sales guys. To answer this question, you can

quote the below situation during the interview (or share a similar real-time experience)

Sample – “In my previous organization, one of the biggest obstacles that I observed were lead

conversions. The problem arrives when the marketing team taps the right audience and makes it

float into the sales funnel, but the sales team couldn’t close the deal. To overcome this issue, we

conduct periodic discussions with the sales head and try to understand the ground level of

problems that they actually witness during conversions. Accordingly, we worked together to

overcome the real issues and improved profitability.”

Q56. If you get an opportunity to market a product in any sports event, for example, IPL, what

things will you keep in mind?

Ans. Taking advantage of popular live events is an excellent opportunity for any company. But

as we know that to advertise in such circumstances requires huge funds, hence the planning and

objective should be precise. Thus, the promotional message should be clear, crisp, and engaging.
Your answer should clearly highlight how you will measure the return on investment over the

long term for your investment.

Further, you can share some of your ideas or experience to promote a product during such


Q57. If there is an internal conflict about the design of the website homepage, how will you help

us to pick one?

Ans. A well-designed home page gives the first impression of your business to your audience;

hence, it should be bright and appealing depending upon the business. You can pick the

homepage that you like and back your answer with the right justification. You can say that this

homepage has elements like a clear call-to-action button, appealing brand message, excellent

visual branding, trustable, social media buttons, proper sitemap, etc.

The question is to know that as a marketing manager, which elements you would like to see on

the website’s homepage. This showcases your analytical mind, creativity, and ability to make

quick yet accurate decisions.

Q58. If we bring a new tool that is helpful for lead generation, how will you train the team about

deploying the device?

Ans. A combination of theoretical and practical training will help to learn and deploy a new tool.

We can conduct regular training sessions. Once everyone is clear about the tool, we will hold a

periodical meeting to learn about his or her progress and answer queries related to common
challenges. When you give such an answer, this shows that you are a team player and adaptable

to new technologies.

Q59. If a customer leaves a negative review on a website or an online platform, how will you

respond to the customer?

Ans. When a customer leaves any negative review, the best way to respond is to make the

customer feel important by addressing the problems he faced. This will, automatically, make the

customer feel connected and will be delighted by the support he received, leading to positive


Q60. You have a marketing funnel of 10000 potential customers, 1000 leads, and 50

conversions, out of which only 10 are new customers. How will you plan your marketing

campaigns and focus on which part of the marketing funnel?

Ans. The best answer would be to focus on getting new customers, the second important part of

your marketing campaigning would be getting more leads and if you could afford more

resources, you can focus on improving the conversion process.

Q61. Gives us an example of a successful campaign you ran and how you did it?

Ans. Explain a campaign that has performed extremely well due to your innovativeness and the

techniques you used to achieve it.

Q62. If you are tasked with the branding campaign of a new product, how will you do it?
Ans. Tell the interviewer how you have handled such campaigns before and what are the ways

you did like creating a new tagline, a logo, and how you connected with the targeted audience.

Q63. How will you market a product if your budget was reduced to half?

Ans. Explain to the interviewer how you will try innovative ideas and focus on the best ways to

increase the efficiency of your marketing campaigns.

Q64. What are the aspects you look at while launching a product?

Ans. Launching a product is all about timing, market, and creating a vibe. There should be a

good build-up to promoting the product before its launch so that the interest in the market is

captured. Also, the timing should be perfect so that it does not have to compete with a newly

launched similar product.

Q65. Have you ever changed a customer’s perspective of a product that you marketed?

Ans. Tell the interviewers about any of your marketing campaigns that changed the way

customers viewed the product and helped in improving the sales.

Q66. How do you deal with team resistance to a new content direction that you know is

necessary for your future company’s growth?

Ans. Typically, your future employer wants to know how good you are with your problem-

solving skills.

A good response would be that you took steps to understand the actual reason why your former

team members did not agree with an idea. You should also specify how you found ways to help
your team members overcome their doubts and whether your tactics made them comfortable with

your vision.

Q67. Why do you think you are suitable for a digital marketing role?

Ans. Answering this question would determine whether you are suitable enough for the

company’s work environment and that you are ready to take on the responsibility. So, be frank

and completely personal about why you are a good fit.

Q68. Tell us your way of defining KPIs

Ans. As KPIs help evaluate performances, it would be best to mention how in the previous job

you had successfully made decisions for business growth after exhaustive research/analysis.

With this answer, your prospective employer will know how good you are at building an

effective strategy.

Interpersonal/Personality Marketing Interview Questions

Enough of these marketing interview questions, the interviewers will now be interested in your

personality, and they may get to know you through these questions.

Interviewers get to know about you and your personality through these questions.
Q69. What publications and blogs do you follow?

Ans. Here the recruiter is interested to know about your learning ability and how you follow the

new trends. So you can tell the recruiter some of the publications/blogs you follow and mention

something about those blogs. You can also share your experience related to the one good

marketing tactic that you applied in real-time situations and saw results.

Q70. How important is networking in a marketing job?

Ans. The employer is trying to check your people’s skills by asking such questions, as it is one of

the essential skills that a marketing professional should possess. So, you can narrate an incident

when your networking helped in marketing. You can give an example of an influencer marketing

campaign that was only possible because of your relationship-building efforts.

Q71. Have you taken any marketing courses, certifications, or training in your career?

Ans. Ideally, you should mention every detail about the courses you have taken in your CV.

Also, you must talk about your learning in particular to the recruiting manager. This gives

positive feedback and makes you more employable.

Q72. What is the best thing you love about marketing?

Ans. Doing a job without loving it is not a healthy thing. Through this question, the interviewer

checks how passionate you are about marketing and the value that you can add to the

Q73. What type of management style do you prefer?

Ans. Marketing is usually a combination of creative and analytical skills. Your preference should

be such that it gives enough room for creativity while being diplomatic in certain situations.

Q74. How has your role evolved in your current organization?

Ans. Through this question, the interviewer wants to know how much you have learned in your

current role, and if you are someone who is eager to learn new skills.

Q75. How important do you feel to communicate with the sales or product team?

Ans. Communication is a prominent aspect of marketing. You should not only communicate

effectively with your customers but also within your organization, with the product and sales

team. This way, you will gain a better knowledge of the product and also understand how your

marketing campaigns are working for sales.

Q76. What is your significant achievement till now?

Ans. Talk about only the achievements related to the marketing field and your profile in order to

show that you will bring the same success to the organization you are interviewing for.

Q77. What is your least favorite part of your current job?

Ans. This is where you should have the art of taking something negative and making it positive.

E.g. you can say you hate the idea of manually pulling data, so you automated the process in

order for it to become easy for you.

There are a number of other questions that can be asked but the above list should be enough to

get you started. You can take up a course to improve your skills in marketing. Naukri Learning

offers a variety of online courses in marketing that will help you get the right skills and earn a

better salary.

Q78. What are your salary expectations?

Ans. You should do complete market research before appearing for the interview. Suggest a

figure that goes correctly with your experience, the job profile, and your current salary. You can

also offer a salary range and leave room for negotiation, but never bargain. You need to

understand your market worth and shouldn’t settle for the number you are not happy with.

Q79. Tell me something about you that is not mentioned on your resume.

Ans. Therefore, it’s time for you to relax and gear up for a not-too-formal conversation with the

interviewer. Reply smartly; do not get indulged in family talks with your interviewer. The best

way you can reply to this question is by citing some of your personal achievements or something

that is related to your work profile. You can share about strength, or you can talk about things

that motivate you. You can also share a story that reveals something great about your


Q80. Which skills you have learned as a marketing professional that you would utilize in this


Ans. Some of the must-have skills that interviewers lookout in their potential marketers are –
✓ They have the ability to drive revenues

✓ They understand the market and know their customers

✓ They can ensure an excellent customer experience

✓ They believe in experimentation and think out of the box

✓ They never stop learning

✓ They are pro at using data to make decisions

✓ They have the ability to manage people and can work in big teams

✓ They have consistently delivered identifiable results

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