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14 Agriculture and

Food Resources

A lthough the human population is growing, the

amount of land and water available to grow food is
not. In fact, land area for food production has decreased,
as many urban areas are built on land ideally suited for
agriculture. Urban agriculture can address two challenges
simultaneously: the loss of agricultural land and the
decrease in food availability faced by urban residents.
Rooftop gardens, which are a type of green
roof, provide additional benefits. Many urban areas
experience flooding since water cannot percolate
into soil covered by buildings and pavement. Soil on a
green roof holds water temporarily, so it is absorbed by
plant roots, which reduces demands on a city's urban
stormwater storage and management. Also, when food
is grown on a green roof, as at Chicago's McCormick
Place Garden, urban residents can garden in safety
away from crime and traffic (see photograph). The many
benefits of green roofs are making them increasingly
popular in urban areas (see graph).
Urban agriculture offers opportunities for intense
food production and for teaching about food
production, which increases food access for urban
residents. Food access is the ability to grow, earn, or
purchase one’s own food.
The production and distribution of food, both
locally and globally, is one of our greatest challenges.
Agricultural skills need to be practiced in new places
and by new growers if we are to meet this challenge.

© Corbis

c14_AgricultureAndFoodResources.indd 346 10/27/2016 11:17:59 PM

Estimated Growth of the North America CHAPTER OUTLINE
Green Roof Industry, 2004–2013
World Food Problems 348
• Population and World Hunger
Square footage installed per year

■ Environmental InSight: World Hunger

• Poverty and Food

The Principal Types of Agriculture 351
Challenges of Producing More Crops and
Livestock 353
• Loss of Agricultural Land
• Global Decline in Domesticated Plant
5,000,000 and Animal Varieties
• Increasing Crop Yields
• Increasing Livestock Yields
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
• Genetic Modification
• Environmental Impacts
Source: Adapted from Green Roofs for Healthy Cities,
Solutions to Agricultural Problems 358
■ Environmental InSight: Impacts of
I nterpret the Da t a Industrialized Agriculture
What was the approximate • Moving to Sustainable Agriculture
percentage increase in green
roof area in North America Controlling Agricultural Pests 362
between 2009 and 2013? • Benefits of Pesticides
• Problems with Pesticides
■ What a Scientist Sees 14.1: Pesticide Use
and New Pest Species
• Alternatives to Pesticides
■ Case Study 14.1: Organic Agriculture

❑ Study the picture and read the opening story.
❑ Scan the Learning Objectives in each section:
p. 348 ❑ p. 351 ❑ p. 353 ❑ p. 358 ❑ p. 362 ❑
❑ Read the text and study all figures and visuals.
Answer any questions.

Analyze key features

❑ Environmental InSight, p. 349 ❑ p. 358 ❑
❑ Process Diagram, p. 351 ❑ p. 356 ❑
❑ What a Scientist Sees 14.1, p. 364
❑ Case Study 14.1, p. 366
❑ Stop: Answer the Concept Checks before
you go on:
p. 350 ❑ p. 352 ❑ p. 358 ❑ p. 361 ❑ p. 365 ❑

End of Chapter
❑ Review the Summary and Key Terms.
❑ Answer What is happening in this picture?
❑ Answer the Critical and Creative Thinking Questions.


c14_AgricultureAndFoodResources.indd 347 11/1/2016 6:35:37 PM

World Food Problems
1. Compare the conditions and global occurrence some cancers. The FAO estimates that 500 million
of undernutrition and overnutrition. people in the world are obese. Although overnutri-
2. Describe food insecurity and its relationship to tion is most common among people in the United
States and other highly developed nations, it is also
human population, poverty, and world
emerging in some developing countries, particularly
in urban areas. As people in these regions earn more
money, their diets tend to become more Western, shift-
he U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization

ing from consumption of cereal grains to consumption
(FAO) reported in 2015 that about 795 mil- of more livestock products and processed foods.
lion people lack the food needed for healthy,
productive lives. This represents a decline of
approximately 20 percent since 2009 but is still a stagger- Population and World Hunger
ing number of hungry people. Most of these undernour- Great strides have been made in reducing global hun-
ished people live in rural areas of the poorest developing ger, yet the FAO considers 54 countries as low-income food-
countries (Figure 14.1a). deficit, which means they cannot produce enough food or
The average adult human must consume enough food afford to import enough food to feed the entire popu-
to get approximately 2600 kilocalories, or simply Calories, lation (Figure 14.1e). Residents of these nations have
per day. People who receive fewer calories than needed high levels of food insecurity.
are undernourished. Over an extended period of under- People with food insecurity always food insecurity
nourishment, their health and stamina decline, even to live under the threat of starva- A state in which
the point of death. Worldwide, an estimated 15 percent tion. In 2012, the FAO identified people lack secure
of children under age 5—including 98 million children 20 countries—16 of them in and reliable access to
in developing countries—suffer sub-Saharan Africa—as being sufficient amounts of
undernutrition from undernutrition and are seri- in a state of protracted crisis, nutritious food needed
A state in which ously underweight, according to “those environments in which a to sustain healthy lives.
underconsumption of the World Health Organization significant proportion of the pop-
calories or nutrients (WHO). ulation is acutely vulnerable to death, disease and disrup-
leaves the body People might receive enough tion of livelihoods over a prolonged period of time.” The
weakened and calories in their diets but still high levels of food insecurity and undernutrition that
susceptible to disease. be malnourished because they these nations experience are often a result of regional
do not receive enough essential conflicts and natural disasters.
nutrients, such as proteins, vitamin A, iodine, or iron. Producing enough food to feed the world’s people is
Adults suffering from malnutrition are more susceptible the largest challenge in agriculture today, and the chal-
to disease and have less strength to function productively lenge grows more difficult each year because the human
than those who are well fed. In addition to being more population is continually expanding. Although annual
susceptible to disease, malnourished children do not grain production doubled from 1970 to 2015, the world
grow or develop normally. Because malnutrition affects population increased so rapidly during that period that
cognitive development, malnourished children typically the amount of grain per person has not changed apprecia-
do not perform well in school. The FAO estimates that bly (Figure  14.2). Also, the amount of available grain
2 billion people worldwide suffer from micronutrient per person varies greatly from one country to another;
deficiencies (Figure 14.1 b, c, d). Deaths of very young in the United States, it is about 1.2 metric tons (1.3 tons)
children in developing countries are particularly associ- per person, most of which is fed to livestock, whereas in
ated with malnutrition. Zimbabwe, it is about 90 kg (200 lb) per person.
People who eat more food than necessary are over- Global food production can be increased in the short
nourished. Overnutrition often arises from a diet high term, although whether this increase is sustainable is
in saturated (animal) fats, sugar, and salt. It results in questionable. Part of the long-term solution to the food
obesity, high blood pressure, and an increased likeli- supply problem is stabilization of the human population
hood of disorders such as diabetes, heart disease, and (see Chapter 7).

348 CHAPTER 14 Agriculture and Food Resources

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Environmental InSight World hunger • Figure 14.1 ✓ THE PLANNER

© Reuters

Latin America and Paul A. Souders/© Corbis

North Africa 4% Highly developed Paul Lovichi Photography/Alamy
and Near East countries
3% 2%
This material is reproduced with permission of
9e, copyright 2015. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Adapted from Raven et al. Environment

John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Africa Asia and South

28% Pacific

c. Marasmus is progressive
emaciation caused by a diet low
b. Millions of children suffer in both total calories and protein.
a. Most of the world's undernourished from kwashiorkor, caused by Symptoms include a pronounced
people live in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. severe protein deficiency. Note slowing of growth and extreme d. Globally, millions of adult men
the characteristic swollen belly, wasting of muscles. Photographed and women are hungry. This
which results from fluid retention. in Somalia. homeless man is suffering from
Photographed in Haiti. severe malnutrition and starvation.
Photographed in New Delhi, India.
Based on 2015 data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

e. Countries designated by the FAO as low-income and food-deficit are unable to adequately feed their populations.

World Food Problems 349

c14_AgricultureAndFoodResources.indd 349 10/27/2016 11:18:04 PM

Total world grain production 2.4

Total grain production (billion tons)

and grain production per

Per-capita grain production (kg)

person, 1970 to 2015 380
• Figure 14.2 2.0
Total world grain production increased from
1.6 350
1.1 billion tons in 1970 to more than 2.5
billion tons in 2015. However, the amount 340
of grain produced per person has not 330
changed significantly in the past 45 years. 320
0.8 300
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Adapted from FAO and Population Reference Bureau data through 2015.

The goal of solving world hunger is to achieve global and the elderly are most susceptible to poverty and
food security. Because they serve as a cushion against chronic hunger. The world’s poorest people—those liv-
poor harvests and rising costs, ing in developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin
food security world grain stocks or carryover America—do not own land on which to grow food and
A state in which all stocks—the amount of rice, wheat, do not have sufficient money to purchase food. Poverty
people at all times corn, and other grains remain- and hunger are not restricted to developing nations,
have secure and ing from previous harvests—pro- however; poor hungry people are also found in the
reliable access to vide us with one measure of food United States, Europe, and Australia. Although less than
sufficient amounts of security. World grain stocks have 5 percent of the U.S. population is undernourished,
nutritious food. decreased since their all-time approximately 14 percent of U.S. households experience
highs in the mid-1980s and late- food insecurity.
1990s. In 2012, world grain stocks were estimated as capa- World food problems are many, as are their solutions.
ble of providing a 70-day global supply, the minimum We must increase the sustainable production of food
stockpile recommended by the United Nations. (discussed later in the chapter), promote the economic
World grain stocks have dropped for several reasons. development of countries that do not produce adequate
Environmental conditions such as rising temperatures, food, and improve food distribution. Women may be par-
falling water tables, and droughts have caused poor har- ticularly valuable in the global effort to grow and distrib-
vests. Many severe weather events have occurred—record ute food. In some regions, women's agricultural efforts
heat waves, severe droughts, and numerous wildfires—as produce 80 percent of basic nutrition. The ultimate solu-
Earth’s climate changes. Also, as the United States and tion to hunger may be ensuring education and financial
other countries search for gasoline substitutes to reduce opportunities for women and small-scale farmers.
dependency on foreign oil, corn yields are increasingly
diverted to ethanol production (to blend with gasoline)
instead of to food and animal feed. World grain stocks
have also dropped as meat consumption has increased
in developing countries. Over the last few decades, grain
has been used increasingly to feed animals rather than 1. What is undernutrition? Where is it most
people. prevalent in the world, compared to
Poverty and Food 2. What is food insecurity and how does it
The main cause of undernutrition and food insecurity relate to human population, poverty, and
is poverty, not lack of available food. Infants, children, world hunger?

350 CHAPTER 14 Agriculture and Food Resources

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The Principal Types of Agriculture
1. Contrast industrialized agriculture with irrigate crops, and produce agrochemicals such as com-
subsistence agriculture. mercial inorganic fertilizers and pesticides (Fig-
2. Describe three kinds of subsistence agriculture. ure  14.3). Industrialized agriculture produces high
yields (the amount of food produced per unit of land),
griculture can be roughly divided into two which reduces the amount of land needed to be culti-

A types: industrialized agriculture

and subsistence agriculture. Most
farmers in highly developed
countries and some in developing countries
agriculture Modern
agricultural methods
vated, but it requires a high energy input rela-
tive to the food calories produced. The
productivity of industrialized agriculture
comes with costs, such as soil degradation
that require large
practice high-input agriculture, or industrial- and increased pesticide resistance in agricul-
capital inputs and less
ized agriculture. It relies on large inputs of tural pests; we discuss these and other prob-
land and labor than
capital and energy (in the form of fossil fuels) lems later in the chapter (and in Chapters
traditional methods.
to make and run machinery, purchase seed, 4 and 12).


Energy inputs in industrialized agriculture • Figure 14.3

Purchased inputs Farm production

1 2 3
Fossil fuel
energy inputs Solar
Machines Tillage energy
occur at Carbon Water
Adapted from G.H. Heichel, “Agricultural Production and Energy Resources.”

virtually every the soil) dioxide (precipitation)
stage of
agricultural Plant nutrient
production. minerals Fertilization
4 5 6 7
American Scientist, Vol. 64 (January/February 1976).

Seed Seeding Plant growth Harvesting Packing Food storage,

(increase and processing,
in biomass) transportation and
waste disposal
Water (in
addition to Irrigation

chemicals Weed and
(pesticides) insect control

Purchased inputs Farm production

T hi nk C ri ti c al l y
Explain why industrialized
agriculture requires a lot of capital.

The Principal Types of Agriculture 351

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David Keith Jones/© Images of Africa Photobank/Alamy

Nomadic sheep herders in Kenya • Figure 14.4

Most farmers in developing countries practice similarly land-intensive form of subsistence agriculture
subsistence agriculture, the production of enough food (Figure 14.4). Nomadic herders must continually move
to feed oneself and one’s fam- their livestock to find adequate food for the animals.
subsistence ily, with little left over to sell or Intercropping is a form of intensive subsistence
agriculture reserve for hard times. Subsis- agriculture that involves growing a variety of plants on
Traditional agricultural tence agriculture also requires the same field simultaneously. When certain crops are
methods that are large inputs of energy, but from grown together, they produce higher yields than when
dependent on labor humans and draft animals rather they are grown as monocultures. (A monoculture is the
and a large amount than from fossil fuels. cultivation of only one type of plant over a large area.)
of land to produce Some types of subsistence One reason for higher yields is that different pests are
enough food to feed agriculture require large tracts found on each crop, and intercropping discourages
oneself and one’s of land. Shifting cultivation is a the buildup of any single pest species to economically
family. form of subsistence agriculture destructive levels. Polyculture is a type of intercropping
in which short periods of cultiva- in which several kinds of plants that mature at differ-
tion are followed by longer periods of fallow (land being ent times are planted together. In polyculture practiced
left uncultivated), during which the land reverts to for- in the tropics, fast- and slow-maturing crops are often
est. Shifting cultivation supports relatively small popu- planted together so that different crops can be har-
lations. Slash-and-burn agriculture is a type of shifting vested throughout the year.
cultivation that involves clearing small patches of tropi-
cal forest to plant crops (see Chapter 13). Slash-and-
burn agriculture is land-intensive; because tropical soils
lose their productivity quickly when they are cultivated,
farmers using slash-and-burn agriculture must move 1. What are some differences between industrialized
from one area of forest to another every 3 years or so. agriculture and subsistence agriculture?
Nomadic herding, in which livestock is supported 2. What are shifting cultivation, nomadic herding,
by land too arid for successful crop growth, is a and intercropping?

352 CHAPTER 14 Agriculture and Food Resources

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Challenges of Producing More Crops
and Livestock
1. Discuss recent trends in loss of U.S. agricultural Traditionally, farming was a family business. How-
land and in global declines in domesticated ever, larger agribusiness conglomerates that operate
plant and animal varieties. less labor intensively are replacing the family farm.
2. Describe the benefits and problems As of 2012, there were 2.1 million farms in the United
encountered with historical and recent efforts States, as compared to 6.4 million in 1920. In the same
period, the average farm size increased from 60 hectares
to increase crop and livestock yields.
(148 acres) to 175 hectares (434 acres).
3. Identify the potential benefits and concerns
associated with genetic engineering. Loss of Agricultural Land
4. Describe the environmental impacts of There is considerable concern that much of the nation’s
industrialized agriculture, including land prime agricultural land is falling victim to urbanization
degradation and habitat fragmentation. and suburban sprawl or spread by being converted to
parking lots, housing developments, and shopping malls
he United States has more than 120 million (Figure 14.5). In certain areas of the United States, loss

T hectares (300 million acres) of prime

farmland, land that has the soil type, growing
conditions, and available water to produce
food, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops. U.S. agriculture
of rural land is a significant problem. According to the
American Farmland Trust, the top five U.S. farm areas
threatened by population growth and urban/suburban
spread are California’s Central Valley, south Florida,
faces a decline in prime farmland. Other challenges California’s coastal region, the Mid-Atlantic Chesapeake
include coping with declining numbers of domesticated region (Maryland to New Jersey), and the North Carolina
varieties, improving crop and livestock yields, and address- Piedmont. More than 160,000 hectares (400,000 acres)
ing agriculture’s environmental impacts. of prime U.S. farmland are lost each year.

Suburban spread onto agricultural land • Figure 14.5

Homes and businesses occupy land that was once cornfields in York County, Pennsylvania.
AP Photo/York Daily Record, Bil Bowden

c14_AgricultureAndFoodResources.indd 353 10/27/2016 11:18:10 PM

White leghorn hen • Figure 14.6 maximum production, are generally more susceptible to
insect pests and disease and less able to adapt to environ-
If you eat eggs, they are probably laid by mental changes, including climate change.

Stephen Aumus/US Dept. of Agriculture/SPL

white leghorn hens, which produce When farmers abandon traditional varieties in favor
almost all of the eggs in the
of more modern ones, the traditional varieties frequently
United States as well as those
face extinction. This represents a great loss in genetic
in many other countries. This
diversity because each variety’s characteristic combina-
breed is prolific at egg laying,
tion of genes gives it distinctive nutritional value, size,
but it is not particularly good
for meat production.
color, flavor, resistance to disease, and adaptability to
different climates and soil types.
To preserve older, more diverse varieties of plants
and animals, many countries, including the United
States, are collecting germplasm:
germplasm Any
seeds, plants, and plant tissues of
plant or animal
traditional crop varieties and the
material that may be
The 1996 Farm Bill included funding for the estab- sperm and eggs of traditional live-
used in breeding.
lishment of a national Farmland Protection Program; the stock breeds.
2014 Farm Bill folded the program into the more com-
prehensive Agricultural Conservation Easement Program. Increasing Crop Yields
(Many states and local jurisdictions also have farmland Until the 1940s, agricultural yields among various coun-
protection programs.) This voluntary program lets farm- tries, whether highly developed or developing, were gen-
ers sell conservation easements that prevent their farm- erally equal. Advances by research scientists since then
land from being converted to nonagricultural uses. The have dramatically increased food production in highly
easements are in effect from a minimum of 30 years to developed countries (Figure 14.7). Greater knowledge
forever. As with other conservation easements, the farm- of plant nutrition has resulted in production of fertilizers
ers retain full rights to use their property—in this case, that promote high yields. The use of pesticides to control
for agricultural purposes. insects, weeds, and disease-causing organisms has also
improved crop yields. Selective breeding programs have
Global Decline in Domesticated resulted in agricultural plants more suited to mechanical
harvesting, such as wheat plants with larger, heavier grain
Plant and Animal Varieties heads (for higher yield).
Wild plant and animal populations usually have a lot of
genetic diversity—that is, variation in their genes, units Average U.S. wheat yields, 1950 to 2010
of hereditary information that • Figure 14.7
domestication The
specify certain traits. Genetic
process of taming Each year shown is actually an average of 3 years to minimize the
diversity contributes to a species’
wild animals or effects that poor weather conditions might have in a single year.
long-term survival by providing the
adapting wild plants Similar increases in yield have occurred in other grain crops.
to serve humans;
variation that enables each popu-
lation to adapt to changing envi- 50
ronmental conditions. During the
Annual U.S. wheat yield (bushels per acre)

markedly alters the 45

characteristics of domestication of plants and ani-
the domesticated mals, much of this genetic diversity
organisms. is lost because the farmer selects 35
only those plants and animals with 30
the most desirable agricultural characteristics, including
taste, yield, and ability to survive transport and storage. A 25

global trend is currently under way in which many local

Based on data from USDA.

varieties of a particular crop or domesticated farm animal
are being replaced with just a few kinds (Figure 14.6).
A traditional variety—sometimes called heirloom 10
(plants) or heritage (animals)—is adapted to the climate 5
where it was bred and contains a unique combination
of traits conferred by its unique combination of genes. 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Modern varieties, which are bred for uniformity and Year

354 CHAPTER 14 Agriculture and Food Resources

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These breeding programs were so successful in Evolution of antibiotic resistance
increasing crop yields during the 1960s that the change • Figure 14.9
was called the Green Revolution. At this time, seri-
ous food shortages were occurring in many developing Shown is the increasing resistance of E. coli in urinary tract infections
countries coping with growing populations. During the to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin.

isolates among U.S. outpatients from 2000 to 2010.

Green Revolution, traditional farmers throughout these

antimicrobial resistance of urinary Escherichia coli


Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 56(4).

food-insecure regions, particularly in Asia and Latin

Data from Sanchez, G.V. et al. 2012. In vitro

America, were encouraged to replace their old varieties 16

Percentage resistance
of grain with high-yield varieties. But the high-yield vari-
eties required intensive industrial cultivation methods, 12
including the use of commercial inorganic fertilizers,
pesticides, and mechanized machinery, to realize their 8
potential. These agricultural technologies were passed
from highly developed nations to developing nations. 4
Some of the success stories of the Green Revolution
are remarkable. Mexico's production of wheat per hect- 0
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
are tripled, and Indonesia moved from being the world's Year
largest importer of rice to cultivating enough rice to feed
its people and still export some. genetically improved seeds, commercial inorganic fertiliz-
Critics argue that the Green Revolution made develop- ers, and pesticides, and are trained in improved agricultural
ing countries dependent on imported technologies, such techniques. These farmers then provide demonstrations to
as agrochemicals and tractors, at the expense of traditional neighboring farmers on several goals: how to increase and
agriculture. This higher crop production comes with high diversify food production, reduce water use, control pests,
energy costs and serious environmental problems caused and protect the soil and other natural resources.
by the intensive use of fertilizers and pesticides. Also, in
traditional agricultural systems, introduced plant varieties Increasing Livestock Yields
sometimes fail to meet other community needs, such as The use of hormones and antibiotics, although contro-
providing straw for livestock bedding. Although the Green versial, increases animal growth rates. Hormones, usually
Revolution appeared to be highly successful, some of its administered by ear implants, regulate livestock bodily
success has been reevaluated as we begin to understand functions and promote faster growth. Although U.S. and
the potential value of some traditional crop varieties. Canadian farmers use hormones, the European Union
Efforts are under way to increase food security in low- (EU) currently restricts imports of hormone-treated beef
income, food-deficit countries by improving crop cultiva- because of health concerns for human consumers. EU
tion. During the 1990s and the first decade of the 2000s, regulators cite studies that suggest that these hormones or
the FAO initiated programs for farmers in 19 nations, most their breakdown products, both found in trace amounts
in Africa (Figure 14.8). Participating farmers are given in meat and meat products, could cause cancer or affect
the growth of young children. In 1999 an international
Women in Burundi learn cultivation scientific committee organized by the FAO and WHO con-
cluded that the trace amounts of hormones found in beef
techniques • Figure 14.8
are safe because they are very low compared to the normal
hormone concentrations found in the human body.
Modern agriculture has also embraced the routine
addition of low doses of antibiotics to feed for healthy
pigs, chickens, and cattle. These animals typically gain 4 to
5 percent more weight than untreated animals, presum-
ably because they expend less energy fighting infections.
Several studies link the indiscriminate use of antibiot-
ics in humans and livestock to the evolution of bacterial
©FAO/Giulio Napolitano

strains that are resistant to antibiotics (Figure 14.9). When

an antibiotic is used to treat a bacterial infection, a few bac-
teria may survive because they are genetically resistant to
the antibiotic, and they pass these genes to future genera-
tions. As a result, the bacterial population contains a larger
percentage of antibiotic-resistant bacteria than before.

Challenges of Producing More Crops and Livestock 355

c14_AgricultureAndFoodResources.indd 355 10/27/2016 11:18:14 PM

Because of increasing evidence indicating that the the livestock pharmaceutical industry is voluntary, nearly
use of antibiotics in agriculture reduces their all companies have agreed to participate.
medical effectiveness for humans, WHO genetic
recommended in 2003 that routine use of engineering Genetic Modification
antibiotics in livestock be eliminated. Many The manipulation of Genetic engineering is a controversial technol-
European countries have stopped administer- genes (for example, ogy that has begun to revolutionize medicine
ing low doses of antibiotics for growth pro- taking a specific gene and agriculture (Figure 14.10). The agricul-
from a cell of one
motion in livestock. In the United States, the tural goals of genetic engineering are not new.
species and placing
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Using traditional breeding methods, farmers
it into a cell of an
announced in 2013 a 3-year phase-out of medi- and scientists have developed desirable charac-
unrelated species) to
cally important antibiotics used in animal feed. teristics in crop plants and agricultural animals
produce a particular trait.
Although cooperation with the guidelines by for centuries. However, it takes time—15 years

Genetic engineering • Figure 14.10

This example of genetic engineering uses a plasmid, a small circular molecule of DNA (genetic material)
found in many bacteria. The plasmid of the bacterium Agrobacterium introduces into a plant desirable
genes from another organism.

1 2 3 4
The foreign DNA is Plasmid is inserted Agrobacterium transfers Foreign gene is inserted
spliced into a plasmid. into Agrobacterium. plasmid to plant cell. into the plant’s chromosome.

Agrobacterium Foreign gene Plant cell

chromosome from soybean
Plasmid codes for
desirable trait

Plasmid Recombinant
Chromosome Nucleus

5 6 7
Plant cells divide in tissue culture; Using tissue culture techniques, Genetically modified plants are then
each cell contains the foreign gene. cells are regenerated into plants. produced from the cultured plant cells.

Thi nk C ri ti c al l y
How does the bacterium Agrobacterium
help scientists produce genetically modified plants?

356 CHAPTER 14 Agriculture and Food Resources

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or more—to develop such genetically improved organ- World production of GM crops
isms using traditional breeding methods. Genetic engi- • Figure 14.11
neering has the potential to accomplish the same goal in
a fraction of that time. a. The production of GM crops has increased rapidly.
Genetic engineering differs from traditional breeding 200
methods in that desirable genes from any organism can be 180 Total

Millions of hectares planted

used, not just those from the species of the plant or animal 160 Developed countries

International Service for the Acquisition of AgriBiotech Applications, Global Status of Commercialized
being improved. If a gene for disease resistance found in 140 Developing countries
soybeans would be beneficial to tomatoes, a genetic engi- 120
neer can splice the soybean gene into the tomato plant’s
DNA (see Figure 14.10). Traditional breeding methods
could not do this because soybeans and tomatoes belong 40
to separate groups of plants and do not interbreed. 20
Genetic engineering may produce genetically modi- 0
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
fied (GM) food plants that will be more nutritious because Year
they will contain all the essential amino acids (which no
single food crop currently does) or that would be rich in b. The world’s top producers of GM crops.
necessary vitamins. Crop plants resistant to viral diseases,

Percentage of 2011 world production

Biotech/GM Crops: 2014, ISAA Brief 49-2014.

drought, heat, cold, herbicides, salty or acidic soils, and

of genetically modified crops

insect pests are also being developed. Genetic engineer-
ing has also been used to develop more productive farm
animals, and also to produce vaccines against disease 30
organisms that harm agricultural animals.
Although the benefits and risks of genetic engineering
are not yet completely understood, GM crops have already
transformed agriculture, in both developed and develop-
ing countries (Figure 14.11a). The first GM crops were 0
Un Bra Arg Ind Ca Ot
approved for commercial planting in the United States in ite zil en ia na he
dS tin da rc
tat a ou
the early 1990s, and today the United States is the world’s es ies
top producer of GM crops (Figure  14.11b). The FDA
regulates most of these crops.

Concerns about Genetically Modified Foods

During the late 1990s and early 2000s, opposition to Potential gene crossover between a crop and
genetically engineered crops increased in many coun- a weed • Figure 14.12
tries in Europe and Africa. The EU has mostly rejected
Sorghum (a) is a drought-tolerant grain crop that freely hybridizes
the use of GM crops, with only two approved for culti-
with johnsongrass (b), creating the potential for genetic material
vation as of late 2015 (although 2015 legislation giving
from GM sorghum to spread to wild plant populations.
approval decisions to member nations might increase the
number of GM crops there). Some opposition may be a. b.
the result of economic considerations, such as protecting
the market for homegrown foods by banning imports,

Russell Graves/Design Pics / Age Fotostock

and some opposition is based on scientific concerns. One
concern is that the inserted genes could spread from GM
crops to weeds or wild relatives of crop plants (Figure
14.12). The spread of genes into natural systems could
cause considerable disruption, and the decision to use
DustyPixel / iStockphoto

GM crops should address this risk. Critics also worry that

some consumers might develop food allergies to GM
foods, although scientists routinely screen new GM crops
for allergenicity. Finally, farmers who do not choose to
grow GM crops seek protections for the genetic integrity
of their crops against the possibility of pollen transfer.

Challenges of Producing More Crops and Livestock 357

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Most food experts agree that GM foods are pesticide A toxic pesticides. Pesticide resistance forces farmers
as safe to eat as non-GM foods. Research con- chemical used to kill to apply progressively larger quantities of
tinues to explore any potential environmental pests. pesticides (Figure 14.13d). Pesticide residues
impacts of GM crops. Strict guidelines exist contaminate our food supply and reduce the
in areas of genetic engineering research that degradation (of number and diversity of beneficial microor-
could possibly affect the environment. Much land) Natural or ganisms in the soil. Fishes and other aquatic
research is currently being conducted to assess organisms are sometimes killed by pesticide
reduction in the
the effects of introducing GM crops whose for- runoff into lakes, rivers, and estuaries.
potential ability of the
eign genes might spread to non-GM plants and Land degradation is a reduction in the
land to support crops
be incorporated into their genetic makeup. potential productivity of land. Soil erosion,
or livestock.
Each GM organism should be assessed to which is exacerbated by large-scale mecha-
determine if it has unique characteristics that habitat nized operations, causes a decline in soil fer-
might cause an environmental hazard under fragmentation The tility, and the eroded sediments damage water
certain conditions. breakup of large areas quality. Other types of degradation are com-
of habitat into small, paction of soil by heavy farm machinery and
isolated patches. waterlogging and salinization (salting) of soil
Environmental Impacts
from improper irrigation methods.
Industrialized agriculture has many environmental
Clearing grasslands and forests and draining wet-
impacts (Figure 14.13a). Its carbon footprint is increasing,
lands to grow crops result in habitat fragmentation that
contributing to global climate change. The agricultural
reduces biological diversity. Many species are endan-
use of fossil fuels and pesticides produces air pollution.
gered or threatened as a result of habitat loss to agricul-
Crop production requires vast amounts of water, which
ture. The most dramatic example of habitat loss in North
can deplete groundwater and surface waters. Untreated
America is tallgrass prairie, more than 90 percent of
animal wastes and agricultural chemicals such as fertil-
which has been converted to agriculture.
izers and pesticides cause water pollution, which reduces
biological diversity, harms fisheries, and leads to out-
breaks of nuisance species. According to the Environ-
mental Protection Agency, agricultural practices are
the single largest cause of surface water pollution in the
United States. 1. What is happening to the number of
In the United States, as agribusiness conglomer- domesticated plant and animal varieties?
ates have replaced family farms, most cattle, hogs, and Why?
poultry are now grown in feedlots and livestock factories 2. What is the Green Revolution? What are some
(Figure 14.13b). The large concentrations of animals in of its benefits and problems?
livestock factories create many environmental problems,
including air and water pollution (Figure 14.13c). 3. Why are some people opposed to GM crops?
Many insects, weeds, and disease-causing organ- 4. What are the major environmental problems
isms have developed or are developing resistance to associated with industrialized agriculture?

Solutions to Agricultural Problems

1. Explain how agriculture can be carried out requirements of most of the human population, even as
sustainably. that population has more than doubled since 1960. But
ood production poses an environmental we pay for these food gains with serious environmental

F quandary. Industrialized agriculture, includ-

ing the Green Revolution and GM crops,
have allowed farmers to meet the food
problems, and we do not know if industrialized agricul-
ture is sustainable for more than a few decades. To com-
pound the issue, we must continue to increase food

358 CHAPTER 14 Agriculture and Food Resources

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Impacts of industrialized
Environmental InSight agriculture • Figure 14.13 ✓ THE PLANNER

a. Some Common Problems of Industrialized Agriculture.

Air pollution Water issues

• Pesticide sprays • Groundwater depletion from irrigation
• Soil particles from wind erosion • Pollution from fertilizer and pesticide runoff
• Odors from livestock factories • Sediment pollution from eroding soil particles
• Greenhouse gases from combustion of fossil fuels • Pollution from animal wastes (livestock factories)
• Other air pollutants from combustion of fossil fuels • Enrichment of surface water from fertilizer runoff
and livestock wastes

Loss of biological diversity Land degradation

• Habitat fragmentation (clearing land and draining wetlands) • Soil erosion
• Monocultures (lack of diversity in croplands) • Loss of soil fertility
• Stress from air and water pollution • Soil salinization
• Stress from pesticides • Soil pollution (pesticide residues)
• Replacement of many traditional crop and livestock • Waterlogged soil from improper irrigation
varieties with just a few

d. Colorado Potato Beetles on Potato Leaf. As a result of

exposure to heavy pesticides over the years, these beetles
are resistant to most insecticides registered for use
on potatoes.
© Macduff Everton / Corbis

Scott Camazine/Science Source Images

b. Hog Factory. These hogs remain indoors and are fed and
watered by machines at timed intervals throughout the day.
Jeff Vanuga / USDA

c. Waste Lagoon in an Automated Hog Farm. Some livestock

factories produce as much sewage as small cities.

Solutions to Agricultural Problems 359

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production to feed the growing human population—but disintegrate quickly and do not persist as residues in the
the resulting damage to the environment may reduce environment. A sustainable farm consists of field crops,
our chances of continuing those food increases into the trees that bear fruits and nuts, small herds of livestock,
future. and even tracts of forest (Figure 14.14). Such diversifi-
Fortunately, farming practices and techniques exist cation protects a sustainable farmer against unexpected
that ensure a sustainable output at yields comparable to changes in the marketplace.
those of industrialized agriculture. Farmers who practice The breeding of disease-resistant crop plants and the
industrialized agriculture can adopt these alternative maintenance of animal health rather than the continual
agricultural methods, which cost less and are less damag- use of antibiotics to prevent disease are important parts
ing to the environment. Advances are also being made in of sustainable agriculture. Water and energy conserva-
sustainable subsistence agriculture. tion are also practiced (Figure 14.15).
Instead of using large quantities of chemical pesti-
cides, sustainable agriculture controls pests by enhancing
Moving to Sustainable Agriculture natural predator–prey relationships. For example, apple
Sustainable agriculture (also called low-input agricul- growers in Maryland monitor and encourage the pres-
ture) integrates certain modern agricultural techniques ence of ladybird beetles in their orchards because these
with traditional farming meth- insects feed voraciously on European red mites, a major
ods. Sustainable agriculture is sustainable pest of apples. As a general rule, sustainable agriculture
modeled after natural ecosys- agriculture tries to maintain biological diversity on farms as a way to
tems, with their high biological Agricultural methods minimize pest problems. For example, providing hedge-
diversity, biodegradation of mate- that maintain soil rows (rows of shrubs) between fields provides a habitat
rials, and maintenance of soil productivity and a for birds and other insect predators.
healthy ecological
fertility. To this end, sustainable An important goal of sustainable agriculture is to pre-
balance while having
agriculture relies on beneficial serve the quality of agricultural soil. Crop rotation, conser-
minimal long-term
biological processes and environ- vation tillage, and contour plowing help control erosion
mentally friendly chemicals that and maintain soil fertility (see Figures 12.17c and 3.1a).

Some goals of sustainable agriculture • Figure 14.14

Sustainable agriculture, which is modeled on natural ecosystems, protects the soil so that it does not become depleted.

Increase biological diversity in Manage wetlands and water Enhance soil health and
crops and livestock to enhance resources carefully. minimize erosion through crop
food security, maximize natural rotation, multiple cropping,
processes (such as pest control conservation tillage, and
and pollination), and minimize planting tracts of forest.
pesticide inputs.

Sustainable agriculture

Orchard sustainable
Improve soil fertility by adding Focus on biological processes
organic matter and managing Pasture (nutrient cycling, energy flow,
soil biology (for example, using predator–prey relationships)
legume-based nitrogen fixation) Emphasize total agricultural rather than single actions (effect
to minimize commercial ecosystem rather than single of application of fertilizer on
inorganic fertilizer inputs. crop (monoculture). crop growth).

360 CHAPTER 14 Agriculture and Food Resources

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Energy conservation in sustainable agriculture • Figure 14.15
A solar array powers operations at Harborview Farms, one of the most sustainable farming operations in Maryland.
Larry French/AP Images

Sloping hills converted to mixed-grass pastures erode less (See Case Study 14.1 at the end of the chapter for more
than hills planted with field crops, thereby conserving on organic agriculture.)
the soil and supporting livestock. In growing recognition of the environmental prob-
A combination of manure and crop rotations with lems associated with industrialized agriculture, more
legumes is environmentally superior to intensive agri- and more mainstream farmers are trying some methods
cultural methods that use commercial inorganic fertil- of sustainable agriculture. These methods cause fewer
izers to supply nitrogen. Animal manure added to soil environmental problems to the agricultural ecosystem,
not only cuts costs but decreases the need for high levels or agroecosystem, than industrialized agriculture. This
of commercial inorganic fertilizers. Legumes such as soy- trend away from using intensive techniques that produce
beans, clover, and alfalfa convert atmospheric nitrogen high yields and toward methods that focus on long-term
into a form that plants can use in a process called biologi- sustainability of the soil is sometimes referred to as the
cal nitrogen fixation. Thus legumes also reduce the need second green revolution.
for nitrogen fertilizers.
Sustainable agriculture is not a single program but
a series of programs adapted for specific soils, climates,
and farming requirements. Some sustainable farmers—
those who practice organic agriculture—use no commer-
cial inorganic fertilizers or pesticides; others use a system 1. What is sustainable agriculture? What are some
of integrated pest management (IPM), discussed in the next features of a sustainable farm?
section, which incorporates the limited use of pesticides 2. What is the defining characteristic of organic
with pest-controlling biological and cultivation practices. agriculture?

Solutions to Agricultural Problems 361

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Controlling Agricultural Pests
1. Distinguish between narrow-spectrum and Benefits of Pesticides
broad-spectrum pesticides. Pesticides can effectively control organisms, such as insects,
2. Relate the benefits of pesticides in disease that transmit devastating human diseases. Fleas and lice
control and crop protection. carry the microorganism that causes typhus in humans.
3. Summarize problems associated with pesticide Malaria, also caused by a microorganism, is transmitted to
use, including genetic resistance, bioaccumulation millions of humans each year by female Anopheles mosqui-
and biological magnification, ecosystem toes. Pesticides help control the population of mosquitoes,
thereby reducing the incidence of malaria, although their
imbalances, and mobility in the environment.
usage has been limited over the years to balance disease
4. Describe alternative ways to control pests. threat and potential environmental damage.
Pesticides also protect crops. It is estimated that pests
ny organism that interferes in some way with

eat or destroy more than one-third of the world’s crops.
human welfare or activities is a pest. Some
Given our expanding population and world hunger, it
weeds, insects, rodents, bacteria, fungi, nem-
is easy to see why control of agricultural pests is desir-
atodes (microscopic worms), and other pest
able. Pesticides—applied heavily primarily in the United
organisms compete with humans for food; other pests
States and other highly developed countries—reduce the
cause or spread disease. People try to control pests, usu-
amount of a crop lost through competition with weeds,
ally by reducing the size of the pest population. Using
consumption by insects, and diseases caused by plant
pesticides is the most common way of doing this, particu-
pathogens (microorganisms, such as fungi and bacteria,
larly in agriculture. Pesticides can be grouped by their
that cause disease).
target organisms—that is, by the pests they are supposed
Why are agricultural pests found in such great num-
to eliminate. Insecticides kill insects, herbicides kill
bers in our fields? Part of the reason is that agriculture
plants, rodenticides kill rodents such as rats and mice,
is usually a monoculture, in which the field cultivated
and fungicides kill fungi (Figure 14.16).
with a single species represents a simple ecosystem. In
contrast, forests, wetlands, and other natural ecosystems
Bananas being sprayed with fungicide before are complex and contain many species, including preda-
shipment to grocery store • Figure 14.16 tors and parasites that control pest populations, as well as
plant species that pests do not use for food. A monocul-
ture reduces the dangers and accidents that might befall
a pest as it searches for food. In the absence of many
natural predators and in the presence of plenty of food,
a pest population thrives and grows, damaging more of
the crop.

Problems with Pesticides

The ideal pesticide is a narrow-spectrum pesticide that
kills only the intended organism and does not harm
other species. The perfect pesticide would readily break
down into safe materials such as water, carbon dioxide,
and oxygen. The ideal pesticide

would stay exactly where it was put broad-spectrum

and would not move around in the pesticide A pesticide
environment. Unfortunately, no that kills a variety of
organisms, including
pesticide is perfect. Most pesticides
beneficial organisms, in
are broad-spectrum pesticides.
addition to the target
Some pesticides do not degrade
readily, or they break down into

c14_AgricultureAndFoodResources.indd 362 10/27/2016 11:18:32 PM

compounds as dangerous as—if not more dangerous as biological magnification (Figure  14.17; also see
than—the original pesticide. And most pesticides move Figure 4.8).
around the environment quite a bit. One of the worst problems associated with pes-
The prolonged use of a particular pesticide can ticide use is that pesticides affect more species than
cause a pest population to develop genetic resistance to the pests for which they are intended. This can
the pesticide. In the 60 years dur- lead to imbalances in the affected ecosystems. Ben-
genetic resistance ing which pesticides have been eficial insects and other organisms are harmed and
An inherited widely used, at least 520 species killed as effectively as pest insects. Quite often the
characteristic that
of insects and mites and almost stress of carrying pesticides in their tissues makes
decreases the effect
200 plant species have evolved organisms more vulnerable to predators, diseases,
of a given agent (such
genetic resistance to certain pes- or other stressors in their environments. Because
as a pesticide) on an
ticides. Many pests are now resis- the natural enemies of pests often starve or migrate
organism (such as a
tant to multiple pesticides; at least in search of food after a pesticide is sprayed in an
17 species of insects are resistant area, pesticides are indirectly responsible for a large
to all major classes of insecticides that farmers are legally reduction in the populations of these natural ene-
allowed to use on them. mies. Pesticides also kill natural enemies directly
An organism exposed to a chemically stable pes- because predators may consume lethal amounts of
ticide that takes years to break down may accumu- a pesticide while consuming the pests. After a brief
late high concentrations of the toxin, a phenomenon period, the pest population rebounds and gets larger
known as bioaccumulation. Organisms at higher levels than ever, partly because no natural predators are left
on food webs tend to have greater concentrations of to keep its numbers in check. In some instances, the
bioaccumulated pesticide stored in their bodies than use of a pesticide has resulted in a pest problem that
those lower on food webs, through a process known did not exist before (see What a Scientist Sees 14.1).

Peregrine falcons make a comeback • Figure 14.17

Peregrine falcons were once an endangered species in the United States. Bioaccumulation of pesticides such as DDT caused the birds to lay
eggs with extremely thin shells, causing the chicks’ deaths. With the ban of DDT and similar pesticides, the falcons recovered.

© imageBROKER/Alamy Stock Photo

Controlling Agricultural Pests 363

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Pesticide Use and New Pest Species

A n infestation of red scale insects on lemons occurred in California after

DDT was sprayed to control a different pest. Prior to DDT treatment,
red scale did not cause significant economic injury to citrus crops.
a. Red scale infestation—shown here on oranges—
makes the fruit unappealing and unfit for market.


Adapted from Debach, P. Biological Control by Natural Enemies.

California red scale density


New York: Cambridge University Press (1974).

DDT-treated trees


© Graphic Science / Alamy Limited
Untreated control trees

b. Scientists understand that the red scale infestation is a direct
Economic injury level
20 result of DDT spraying. DDT killed off wasps that eat red scale
1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 insects. This graph compares red scale populations on DDT-treated
Year trees (red line) and untreated trees (blue line).

Another problem associated with pesticides is that

they do not stay where they are applied but tend to move
through the soil, water, and air, sometimes traveling Mobility of pesticides in the environment
long distances (Figure 14.18; see also Figure 4.9). Pes- • Figure 14.18
ticides applied to agricultural lands wash into rivers and
streams, where they can harm fishes. Pesticide mobility A helicopter sprays pesticides on a crop—and everything else in its
is also a problem for humans. About 14 million U.S. resi- pathway—in California.
dents drink water containing traces of five widely used
herbicides, and some people living where the herbicides
are commonly used face a slightly elevated cancer risk
because of their exposure.

Alternatives to Pesticides
Given their many problems, pesticides can never com-
pletely eliminate pests. Fortunately, pesticides are not
the only weapons in our arsenal. Alternative ways to
control pests include cultivation methods, biological
controls, pheromones and hormones, reproductive
controls, genetic controls, quarantine, and irradiation
(Table 14.1). A combination of these methods in agri-
culture, often including a limited use of pesticides as
a last resort, is known as integrated pest management
(IPM; Figure 14.19). IPM is an important part of sustain-
able agriculture. wrence Migdale/Science Source

364 CHAPTER 14 Agriculture and Food Resources

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Alternative methods of controlling agricultural pests • Table 14.1

Pest control method How it works Disadvantages

Cultivation methods Interplanting mixes different plants, as by No appreciable disadvantages; more care must be
alternating rows; strip cutting alternates crop taken in harvest
harvest by portion—remaining portions protect
natural predators and parasites of pests
Biological controls Naturally occurring predators, parasites, or Organism introduced for biological control can
disease organisms are used to reduce pest unexpectedly affect the environment or other
populations organisms
Pheromones and hormones Sexual attractants (pheromones) lure pest Hormones might affect beneficial species
species to traps; synthetic regulatory chemicals
(hormones) disrupt pests’ growth and
Reproductive controls Sterilizing some members of pest population Expensive; must be carried out continually
reduces population size
Genetic controls Selective breeding or genetic engineering Plant pathogens evolve rapidly, adapting to
develops pest-resistant crops disease-resistant host plant; plant breeders forced
to constantly develop new strains
Quarantine Governments restrict importation of foreign Not foolproof; pests are accidentally introduced
pests, diseases
Irradiating foods Harvested foods are exposed to ionizing Consumers concerned about potential radio-
radiation that kills potentially harmful activity although many studies indicate that
microorganisms irradiation is safe

Because conventional pesticides are used spar- of environmental disturbance and often at minimal
ingly in IPM, and the least toxic pesticides are applied, cost. IPM is based on two fundamental premises. First,
IPM allows farmers to control pests with a minimum pests are managed rather than eradicated. Farmers who
adopt IPM allow a low level of pests in their fields and
accept a certain amount of economic damage from the
pests. They periodically sample the pest population in
Tools of integrated pest management (IPM) the field to determine when the benefit of using pes-
• Figure 14.19 ticides exceeds the cost of that action. Second, IPM
requires that farmers be educated to understand what
strategies will work best in their particular situations.
To be effective, IPM requires a thorough knowledge
crop of the life cycles and feeding habits of the pests as
varieties well as all their interactions with their hosts and other
Cultivation organisms.

IPM Natural
tools enemies

use of 1. What is a broad-spectrum pesticide?
Pheromone 2. What are two important benefits of pesticide
traps use?
(use pheromones
as lures) 3. What are two problems associated with the use
of pesticides?
4. How can pests be controlled without pesticides?

Controlling Agricultural Pests 365

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