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Describe what you have learned so far in class (can be content or skills, or both) that you see as valuable.
WW1 learning about why hitler did what he did do the Germans and how
In this class, I have learned more about how Genocide starts and how world conflicts can affect how the world sees others coun
I have learned about the french revolution and i found that super interesting since history is like my favourite thing, and the care
lots of stuff on the wars and events, and how ultranationalist and pride in your country can be detrimenta
I have learned about how being an ultranationalist country can negatively affect the people living in the country that do not fit th
More about nationalism than I did before
I have learned a lot about nationalism, what it is, what causes it, and what it can lead to
more information about ww2, ww1 and what makes an ultranationalist society
what ultranationalism is and what important things happened in the world war
I've learned lots of things, like nationalism, WW1 and WW2, etc. I've also learned how to research better and use more detail.
I've learned to do research better when it comes to detail, I've learned a lot more than I knew about wars and how everything ha
how messed up the world is
I have learned lots, coming from the world war I to war world II to positional social issues that arise when you have ultranationa
I learned about ultranationalism and how leaders of a country can be too nationalist. Example: Hitler created a mass genocide b
Ive learned more about the history of the world that shaped what society is today.
I learned about the history of Benito Mussolini and not to repeat his legacy because he is a facist communist bad leader
that i have talent in writing but i get overwhelmed
world conflicts, interesting stories about war, etc
I have learned that people should not be avoid any actions of others (Good and brutal) because it could lead a disagreement w
What is your greatest strength in Social Studies?
Understanding sources
Interpretation of sources (not all the time)
Creativity, ideas and communication
if i’m interested in a topic i can go above and beyond
I’m not really sure but note taking
I think my greatest strength in social studies is that I do well on tests and quizzes.
My memory
how I memorize things
Understanding the work I'm given.
learning quickly
asking questions/ getting involved
Placing ideas together to ask in-depth questions about the subject.
Listen and memorise important periods of history.
understanding what happens during an event.
I feel my greatest strength in social studies is that I can talk about my opinions freely
easily understanding what I'm being taught
My greatest strength in Social Studies is doing research and creative project, no matter what content it is.
What is your greatest area of improvement in Social Studies?
Analyzing I used to be terrible at it
Connecting topics to others/our world now
Handing in of assignments
test taking
Writing assignments
My greatest area of improvement in social studies is maybe my writing and collecting information online.
My lack of focus
my writing
handing in my work and remembering key dates and ideas
paying more attention, studying more.
research and building a good essay.
showing up
Writing papers, ms.m helped myself to write better papers for social studies.
My greatest improvement was finally getting my work done and handing it in.
being able to go into more detail and understand stuff more in-depth
my greatest area of improvement in social studies would be that I can give people a wider view on opinions by stating my own b
Memory and history
Test taking
I still have a lot to improve, but the most thing I would like to improve is comprehension. I sometimes have a problem with comp
What is one thing that Ms. Mejia has done to help me learn in social studies so far?
The chapter booklets help lots
She has helped me find other ways to organize information and learn from it
She has given me support and an uncommon friendship which helps a lot because if i have a question or something i’m not afra
test taking strategies and her learning/note criteria
Multiple examples, videos and explain things
She is very interactive with the class and she has us do a lot of games and things where we have to get up and move around a
Explain the material nicely
Interactive lessons like the codebreakers that kept me focused on the lesson
teaches things in a way we can understand fast
sit down with me and actually help me and explain things to me
explains things in lots of detail.
every time I'm confused Ms. Mejia is always there to help me understand, plus she is really good at explaining things in detail o
Ms.M has taken her time to dedicate a great learning enovirment to ensure all classmates have a fair opportunity in learning. N
Give more creative examples and answers to complicated answers.
The explanations
Ms. Mejia helped me learn how to become a great student by being a friendly teacher but yet still keeps you on tasks by giving
Learn about ww2
Make the class very fun
to be more comfortable asking questions
provide with good visuals, examples, activities.
She helps me improve my way of annotation. (Actually, a lot :)
What is one thing that Ms. Mejia can do to help me learn better in this course?
More projects maybe
Not much! She has done so much to help us succeed in this class
Nothing comes to mind
go quizzes to refresh
a bit slower in someour memory in between topics worth not much (mostly grade boosters)
Things that’s really important
There isn’t really anything else she could do that would help me to learn better because she’s already doing a lot to help me. Sh
Less work that focuses less on writing and more on research
Include more creative ways of teaching
i don"t know
nothing shes great
I guess more review time.
for me nothing, she's already doing everything perfectly.
no more essays lol
Absolutely noting, Ms.M does a wonderful job!
Nothing, shes a great teacher.
Ms. Mejia helped me learn better in Mexican history telling interesting true stories from the past
Answer questions I have
explain what we need to do and make our activity's
What is one thing that your parents/guardians can do to help you succeed in the course?
Nothing I’m fine
Edit work or give critiques on how I can push myself more
Have patience and try to understand me better
Ummm nothing
There’s not really anything my family could do to help me succeed in this course. They just let me handle my schoolwork on my
Not really
Keep me on track with my assignments
not put too much stress on me
allow me to have time upstairs in quiet to get missing work done
Make sure I do my work.
provide me with books about the subject or help me understand better if they know.
get me good study snacks
My parents support me to do better in school!
Nothing, they help me push forward
Make sure I study and do my homework
not sure to be honest
Help with work
keep up with what I'm learning so we can have a conversation on the subject
Give me privacy or leave me alone and do not talk to me about my grades or decide what should I do. (This for guardians)
Use this question to say anything (anything related to social studies) else you would like:
Maybe watching a movie About ww1 or a genocide and analyzing it

Maybe on big writing assignments we should go over some vocabulary that’s gonna be good for writing assignments.
k on my own.

Have a wonderful day

I hope Ms. Mejia can teach me social 30, ye ye


This my best social class ever!

g assignments.

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