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Computer Engineering Careers and Subfields

Computer Engineering is a combination of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. The
Computer Engineering and Computer Science they have their differences, in Computer Science they
have many jobs can get including Software Developer, Computer System Engineering, Network System
Administrator and few other. But in Computer Engineering they have many subfields some of the
biggest subfields including Computer Vision, Computer Networks, Embedded Systems, Compilers,
Operating Systems, Signal Processing, Integrated Circuits, and much more.

Some of the biggest subfields include:

 Computer Vision
 Computer Networks
 Embedded Systems
 Compilers
 Operating Systems
 Signal Processing
 Integrated Circuits
 and much more

In Computer Vision it is most popular in robotics and it is basically about making a

computer understand visual data instead of sensor that can just detect an object is near, computer
vision like a computer recognizing a person in a picture with high precision. Computer vision can be
broke down in more sub category like image restoration that can restore the corrupted or noisy
image and estimate the original photo. And motion estimation we’re basically given a sequence of
image that the computer would determine what move and hos it move this could help gesture
recognition and lip-reading if you don’t have audio which could help in security purposes.

Computer vision it can apply in

 Navigating robot
 Self-driving car
 Inspecting products
 Medical application
 Snap chat
 Virtual reality

Computer Networks basically allows computer to share resources basically when two
devices can exchange information they are network together like connecting to World Wide Web,
computer connected to a printer even fax machine. And how the network dealing with network traffic,
how transfer data through wired or wireless like a Wi-Fi are all important in fact as a quick side
computer scientist learn an algorithm called “Dijkstra’s Algorithm” which determine the short path
from one point to another which can apply to something like Google Maps a one of the most well-
known application. A Computer Network Architect where you have basically design the data
communication network such as Local Area Network (LAN) where the computer are more closely
linked like in one building and there’s Wide Area Network (WAN) which the computer are further
apart and Intranets which are private network which only accessible to an organization employees.

Embedded System which a very broad field which basically computer system which
performs certain function within a larger mechanical or electrical system this can include mp3 player,
small radio, washing machine, traffic light, avionics, rockets, and others. In certain modem there’s
many components in it like microprocessor the flash memory and much more this is an embedded
system that part of the entire modem or router system.

Compilers convert computer codes (some language) into a machine code that can read by
the computer just like when you type printf(”Hello World”); it prints hello world to the screen but how
the computer read this because the computers can’t actually read this they can’t read the language
you will be programming they can only read the machine code where this is called source code so
the compiler is a program which take the code that the person can read and converts it to machine
code that the computer can read and execute, there’s one at google where work a lot of the aspect
of google chrome from compiler optimization to security features or there’s one for an artificial
intelligence research company where create compilers for system tailored for big data processing
these are mostly software engineering roles because compilers are simply programs you’d be writing
rather than working with hardware.

Operating System is quite complicated they’re manage computer hardware and software
resources and provide services for computer programs, all programs require an operating system
cellphones, video game console as well as supercomputers all include operating system. Common
operating system probably heard for windows, desktop or IOS and android which are both mobile
operating systems and engineers are needed to make these and keep updating them these job
mostly in software rather than working with hardware because you can update your computer to
windows 10 or update your IOS or your android phone without physically having to replace parts it’s
all computer code that engineers had to work on.

Signal processing which common for electrical engineers as well, signal processing is
about the analysis and modification of electronic signals that convey some kind of information.

Example are:

 Speech
 Text
 Video
 Temperature
 Force

It can be used for:

 Speech processing like what someone says by the signal from a microphone.
 Image processing like unblown image or using filtering techniques to determine brightness.
 Seismology detection of Earthquake.
 Video processing
 Control systems
 Compression

Integrated Circuits read and improve

 Speed
 Efficiency
 Reliability

A circuit that are used in things like our computers and phones

These can also apply in:

 Audio amplifiers
 Video processors
 Memory

Computer have over a billion transistors to make them work the faster those all work the better.

A very high computer engineering can be simply broken up into computer hardware
engineering and computer software engineering where one side is more related to electrical
engineering like:

 Circuits
 Microprocessors
 Routers

And the other is more related to software engineering or computer science

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