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Comparative analysis of web services for sentiment analysis

on Social Media Websites

Course Name
Supervisor: Name
Abstract........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Literature Review........................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Research method and specification......................................................................................................... 10
4.0. Conclusions................................................................................................................................................ 16
References................................................................................................................................................................ 17

List of Figures
Figure 1 System Architecture............................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 2 Sentiment through Monkeylearning............................................................................................... 15
Figure 3 Time vs Sentiment................................................................................................................................ 16

List of Tables
Table 1 Web Services Comparison equations............................................................................................... 13
Table 2 Results of our study............................................................................................................................... 14
Since there are so many types of services available for web, it is hard to determine a service that
will work best to analyze social media websites for the extremist content. An approach is
developed for testing each dataset that is extracted according to the keyword "extremism" by
working with APIs of web services utilizing PHP programming language.In making the
comparison for web services, recall, precision, accuracy,and f-measures are analyzed to
determine the service with the lowest mean square error (MSE). Four sentiment analysis web
services are being used: Aylien, Sentiment Analyzer , MonkeyLearn , and ParallelDots.
MonkeyLearn scored lowest on MSE of 14% among all web services in our comparison of all
web services.

Keywords: monkeylearn, sentiment analyzer, aylien, paralleldots, mean square error, PHP
1. Introduction
The amount of data online has risen dramatically over the course of the past few years in our
connected society. A lot of people use social networking to express their feelings about particular
issues, whether they are positive or negative. User-created and shared perspectives can be
expressed on these sites [1]. In modern times, radical violence is seen as an indisputably part of
terrorism. The current rate at which users express their own views concerning extremists via
social media makes it necessary to strengthen ways to counter extremism. In this case, finding
representative data from websites manually is unlikely to be accomplished efficiently. Data
gathering and analysis are usually hampered by the sheer volume of data collected. Data
collection and analysis need to be automated and simplified.

As a result, Sentiment Analysis success mainly derives from the ability to extract the necessary
features from texts to perform the aforementioned tasks. Mathematical expressions must be used
to define the concepts. For the purpose of achieving good results, Language Processing (NLP)
techniques are required. It is a practical challenge of this research field, along with other issues
related to adapting the techniques used to classify and summarize texts in this field, in addition to
developing new techniques and algorithms devoted to opinions.

Text preprocessing, feature extraction, text expression, and classification are all steps in the
sentiment analysis process. However, many companies and organizations have developed new
web tools that can resolve some of these problems despite the complex and difficult nature of the
problem. It is easy to use these web services, and the use of sentiment analysis does not require
any special skills. Thus sentiment analysis can be conducted very easily by researchers.

The paper is divided as follows: literature review, some key definitions, research method and
specification, and a conclusion for the same.
2. Literature Review
Kharde et al. [5] undertook a detailed analysis, involving cross-domain and cross-lingual
methods, as well as matrices for evaluation. A general model of SA is presented by using Twitter
data as a basis. This survey also presents information on machine learning and lexicon-based
approaches to sentiment analysis, with outcomes emphasizing the benefits of including lexicon-
based terms and terms that are corpus-based such as sub-classes on sentiment analysis, making
these approaches more accurate. Sentiment lexicons are a set of idioms, phrases as well as terms
that have been compiled in advance for a special genre. An analysis of [4] was conducted using
some criteria, including the level of treatment (word/sentence), the performance provided, and
the similarity test method.

A growing number of research projects have been conducted on sentiment analysis owing to its
applications in direct marketing. It has been proved that sentiments extracted from texts have a
correlation with public opinion. The era of social media has enabled us to capture large scale
trends by using the vast amounts of data gathered from social media outlets. During _______,
consumer opinions expressed through microblogs were analyzed regarding various brands. There
is evidence to suggest a 19% mention of brand names in microblog messages, and a 20%
sentiment related to the brand is also observed. It is essential for companies to monitor these
sentiments so that they can gain an insight into the positives and negatives of their products.
Moreover, microblogging analysis is able to help political parties in managing their campaigns
more effectively. The results of the Dutch election were predicted by Twitter messages, for
example. According to the data, these polls could produce results that were nearly as accurate as
those obtained from traditional opinion polls. It is possible to find a number of publications
dedicated to this topic and its applications; the following reviews summarize the general
problems of sentiment analysis and summarize methods of sentiment analysis, along with a more
recent survey that focuses on cross-linguistic sentiment analysis. As tweets form a specific text
genre, many papers have been written about the difficulties and methods of SA in Twitter, since
twitter is a very specific genre.

The number of words or phrases in a piece of text is not sufficient when dividing the document
into polarity categories. A proposal will sometimes need to be able to comprehend a document in
order to correctly determine whether or not it has polarity. The n-gram based system will classify
a sentence as positive even if it contains only negative words, for example, but they are negated
or ironic, thus it would be classified as positive, even if it had negative words. It was proposed
recently by ______ that an automatic method for detecting verbal irony can be developed. A
signature is a set of emotional signs or images that are based on the concept of emotional
scenarios. An analysis of the results revealed that even human annotators find it hard to
accurately identify irony given a single sentence. Likewise, negations can also result in the
inversion of polarity in a given sentence, thus most of the systems for handling negations use
simple rules for handling the effects of negation in text. When a negation or word intensifier
appears in a sentence, it is handled according to the rules of syntax. There was no inversion of
polarity in this experiment, instead they altered the polarity value based upon the word said to be

The main idea behind textual analyses is to gain deeper insights into an entity by examining the
texts which are related to their positive or negative aspects. According to a study led by _______,
the participants were tasked with monitoring a specific entity's online reputation online through
tweets posted on Twitter. An important task that was assigned to this subtask was to find out the
kind of sentiment that appeared in messages which affected an entity. In the best performing
systems, contexts were attempted to be captured for an entity by capturing contexts that are
related. A system that uses Continuous Context Models was used for the task. During the course
of the project, it portrayed the positional as well as the lexical dependencies that exist between a
given word and its context. A system that achieved the best results incorporated a distance
weighting model to analyze and model a given entity's context along with a variety of other
features. There were also experiments involving Twitter messages regarding celebrities,
companies, and products which _______ also participated in. SVM-based classifiers which
incorporate target-dependent features rely on a syntactic tree for parsing the sentences to
determine which factors differentiate different sentences. The classification phase was extended
to include related tweets (retweets, replies to or replies by tweets) as well as tweets themselves
since tweets are generally short texts.

As a gauge of each sentiment's strength, the system uses a value in the range [-1, 1], with -1
representing a maximum negative level and 1 representing a maximum positive level. Feldman
[5] suggests that sentiment analysis faces five major problems:
 Sentiment analysis of documents;

 Sentiment analysis on a sentence-by-sentence basis;

 Analysis of sentiment based on aspects;

 Analyzing sentiment in a comparative manner;

 Acquiring the emotion lexicon.

Typical forms of sentiment analysis involve document-level analyses. The author(s) of the
document present a viewpoint on a main entity within the document. By analyzing the
document's individual sentences, we can analyze sentiment on a sentence-level. We can use
sentiment analysis based on aspects only when people see an entity as having many aspects and
they have very different perspectives on each one. Viewers do not provide direct opinions, and in
these cases, we must analyze sentences with comparative opinions to determine which entity is
preferred. As far as sentiment analysis algorithms are concerned, the sentiment lexicon is an
essential resource. The sentiment lexicon can be acquired in three main ways: manually, by using
dictionaries, and by using corpora. As a sentiment (ej, ajk, sijkl, h, tlik), an opinion can be
defined as a 5-tuple [9]. A target entity is ajk; the 5th aspect of ej; the opinion holder is hi; the
time is tl; the sentiment value is soijkl; the same for ajk for the aspect of the entity ej at time tl.

Using a classification model, [1] classified tweets into three categories: objective, positive, and
negative. Twitter corpus was created by automatically annotating tweets using emotion icons
using Twitter API. Using a multinomial Naive Bayes classifier, they constructed an automated
sentiment classifier for those documents using Ngrams and POS-tags. Since it only contains
tweets with emoticons, the training set used was less effective.

The Naive Bayes bigram and Maximum Entropy models used by Parikh and Movassate [2] were
employed for tweet classification. Naive Bayes classifications worked better than the Maximum
Entropy classification model, the researchers found.

By using distant supervision and tweets with emoticons to serve as a noisy label, [3] proposed a
method for sentiment analysis using twitter data. Aside from bigrams and POS, they had
unigrams and bigrams. The researchers concluded that SVMs performed better than other models
and that unigrams are better as features. [12] created an architecture in Figure 1, which depicts
analysis techniques of sentiment analysis that are bound to work. A machine learning approach
and a lexicon-based approach are two general categories of approaches.

Supervised and unsupervised machine learning approaches are subcategorized. Recently, more
research has been conducted on the former approach. There is a vast body of research involving
the techniques of Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes, Neural Networks, Maximum
Entropy [8,10], and Bayesian Networks for sentiment analysis.

As Hu and Liu demonstrate in [2], sentiment analysis can be performed by employing lexicons
(words used as opinion expressions). Sentiment lexicons are used in such analyses. Among the
approaches in this category, there are two major types: dictionary-based approaches and corpus-
based approaches. Statistical methods and semantic methods can also be categorized within the
latter. These methods are described in detail in [8, 9].

APIs help different platforms communicate with each other as they enable applications like
Facebook, Twitter, and web services to function [6]. Our ability to analyze sentiment can be
achieved through APIs. Aside from the API for the web service, during authentication in the
PHP page, users can also access the REST API for Twitter, Search API, and Streaming API.
Streaming API enables developers to access Twitter multimedia content in real time, while
Search API provides developers with access to Twitter content specific to Twitter; Xing Fang, et
al. [7] describe the REST API as a way to access user data and status. Yet, according to research
conducted by Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub et al. [8], Twitter APIs have many limitations, despite being
provided by Twitter. The Streaming API has also proved to be a more flexible tool than the
REST API, which makes it the preferred option here. These APIs can however be mixed in order
to have a solid framework for analysing sentiment.

For detecting the polarity of English tweets, _______ proposed variations of Naive Bayes
classifiers. Based on Naive Bayes classifiers, two variants are developed namely the Standard
algorithm (a classifier for tweets which classify as negative, positive or neutral), and Binaries
(classifying tweets based on polarity lexicons and not taking into account neutral tweets). A
classifier would take into account nomadic elements, polarity morphology, multiwords from
multiple sources, and valence shifting.
In the bag-of-words method of sentiment analysis, no consideration is given to the relations
between the words. Consequently, a document is seen just as a set of words and its semantics are
discarded. This analysis was performed by determining the sentiment for each word and
combining those values using some agglomeration functions in order to determine the overall

The word 'heart' has been classified according to a range of emotional emotions, according to a
lexical database called WordNet. On the basis of the distance metric, they developed the
semantic polarity of adjectives and developed a metric for the separation of synonyms.

As a result of combining numerous feature sets and classification techniques, the ensemble
framework was used by _____ to generate sentiment classifications. These researchers utilized
two types of features (phonological and word-relational information) and three types of
classification techniques (3 - Naive Bayes, MUMACs, and SVMs) for more effective
classification. The authors found that ensemble approaches for sentiment categorization resulted
in better accuracy as a result of combining strict and weighted combinations as well as
combining several meta-classifiers for the classification of sentiment.

Twitter tweets can be used to mine opinions, but there are challenges and efficient techniques for
doing this. It can be difficult to get an accurate picture of opinions expressed on Twitter due to
spam and wildly varying language.

The relation between text parts is another important 'deep' information for SA. It has been
proposed by the researcher that a joint model is useful for recovering sentiment, aspect, and
discourse information unsupervised. There was a suggestion that the model will enhance the
performance if it incorporates latent discourse relations (but, while, and so on) into it. The
recursive neural tensor networks that can replicate the compositional effects of sentences will
capture the effects of sentence composition. Using the proposed method, it was demonstrated
that the negation of sentiments could be captured and that polarity detection could be improved
with a greater degree of precision.
3. Research method and specification
3.1. Proposed Approach

Four phases for data extraction are shown in the following figure. We will check how the
algorithm performs on the given data.

Figure 1 System Architecture

3.2. Usage of RStudio for Data Extraction

To collect the data we will be using a software for data analysis that is open source,
RStudio. There are 4 components that are key to collecting the data.
These are:
 Access Token Secret
 API Key/Consumer Key
 API Secret/Consumer Secret
 Access Token Secret

This is needed for the analysis of data from Twitter.When a user logs into theirTwitter account,
they can access these components. Users can access Access Token data once they have already
logged in to Facebook, as well, using the Facebook dataset. An extremism keyword file from
Ahmed et al. [9] is used to search tweets and posts. Listed below are the terms associated with
extremism most frequently searched.
3.3. Data Preprocessing
There is a great deal of information contained in a tweet, and opinions are expressed
by different users in many different ways. In this survey, two classes of Twitter users
were categorized into negative and positive polarity, thus simplifying the process of
sentiment analysis in which features can be considered. The raw data having polarity
is highly susceptible to inconsistency and redundancy. Preprocessing of tweet include
following points,
 All URLs and hash tags must be removed
 Corrections should be made to the spellings; repeated letters should be
handled accordingly
 The emoticons should all be replaced with the sentiment
 You should remove all punctuation marks, symbols, and numbers from your
 Take out all the stop words
 Develop an acronym dictionary (we can use this)
3.4. API Environment Evaluation for Web Service SA
This research created an API key embedded PHP page, which is used as a platform
for testing for every service of web. PHP will implement authentication for each API
key on each web service. First SA web service using a lexicon, Valence Aware
Dictionary and Sentiment Reasoner(VADER) estimates feeling. This web service
receives words and returns the feeling related to those words. Using the most
prevalent sentiment to determine the most prevalent word [10], each word is
categorized as a feeling. In order to evaluate this web service, adding the package
through composer is essential. During the initialization of the main source code, the
testing package will be used. Known as the world's first AI-driven content analysis
platform, Aylien provides a powerful and flexible solution for NLP users.

Multiple documents can also be handled by Aylien [11]. Analyzing text documents
using SA approaches allowed for the measurement of the web service's performance
accuracy. The license key for Aylien is different from the API key for Sentiment
Analyzer as you must register your account to access Aylien. Aylien specifies where
the sentiments will be analyzed in the source code of the back-end. In addition to
ParallelDots, ParallelDots is a third SA feature that uses an excellent algorithm to
analyze the emotional content of texts. Among the uses of the system are web
reviews, social media, marketing, and customer service [12].
A ParallelDots analysis of posted text has the capability to uncover feelings,
keywords, and languages. Three different scores will be generated, namely positive,
negative, and neutral. Using MonkeyLearn, we can determine relevant text data based
on machine learning. Text information is retrieved and classified to meet specific
needs and is integrated into their own platforms and applications to make it easy,
quick, and cost-effective [13]. As users can create their own machine learning
algorithm using MonkeyLearn, users can also train their models by creating custom
classifiers. API key and model_idare required to implement MonkeyLearn. Upon
registering in MonkeyLearn, the user will be able to access both.

3.5. Based On QA, Comparison of different Web services

Confidence matrix is calculated by combining sentiment polarity information based
on web services and human predictions. Thus, two or more polarity results will be
produced from each data point. The web might show positive polarity for a sentence,
but based on human intuition, we can reach a conclusion very differently. Based on
the confusion matrix in [14], an assessment of the correct classification of datasets
was made. True Positives (TP) indicate positive reviews, but have no classification,
classofoer has done, while False Positives (FP) represent reviews that are positive, but
have no classification by the classifier. Positive reviews are called True Negative
(TN) and the classifier deemed them negative; negative reviews are called False
Negative (FN) but the classifier ruled them wrongly as negative. After data from the
Confusion Matrix has been analyzed, the quality attributes will then be calculated.
The aim of this project is to focus on the quality qualities of precise, accurate, f-
measures, recall, and (MSE) of sentiment results for each web service.. A summary of
the related quality attributes is shown in Table 1.
Precision Classifier generated TP
results testing accuracy
F-Measures Precision and recall are 2∗Precision∗Recall
Precision+ Recall )
Accuracy Classifier accuracy is
FP+ FN )
Recall All cases of dataset are TP
measured TP+ FN )
Mean Square Error Square errors average 2
−1 ∑ (x i− yi )
n n=1 ,

Table 1 Web Services Comparison equations

3.6. Discussions & Results

These four web services were selected for this exploratory study: MonkeyLearn,
Sentiment Analyzer, Aylien, and ParallelDots. Two types of sentiment exist: human
and machine. There will be no differences in text prediction data and sentiment across
web services. According to human predictions, 756 negative sentiments were
predicted and 220 positive sentiments.
Twitter datasets were used for this study. A variety of feature extraction techniques
were used to analyze this labeled dataset. Preprocessing is used to improve the
readability of raw sentences because it makes them more comprehensible. In addition,
the different machine learning techniques produce feature vectors which are the key
to training the dataset and then providing the semantic analysis with the polarity of
the content.
Social networking sites with extremist activities tend to have a higher number of
negative posts than positive ones. Positive sentiments are better detected by
MonkeyLearn than negative sentiments by any web service. According to Table 2, the
overall performance of all services of the web is demonstrated.
Sentimen Paralle
t l
Criteria n Dots MonkeyLearn
Reviews Total 1000 1000 1000 1000

Reviews Positive 310 448 302 298

Reviews Negative 694 534 699 705

True Positive 210 554 215 268

False Positive 98 92 99 99

False Negative 107 12 82 30

True Negative 593 355 603 60

(Percentage) 81 88 85 89

Precision 69 83 72 75

Recall 65 99 75 91

F-measures 69 90 69 82

Positive MSE 12 47 20 16

Negative MSE 23 6 9 9

Total MSE 17 29 15 15
Table 2 Results of our study

Aylien indicates a high degree of accuracy with 89% in the table. A high level of quality
attributes are also achieved. In contrast, Sentiment Analyzer performs poorly based on the
quality attributes. Despite the high number of negative sentiments generated by Sentiment
Analysis, other evaluation measures are still low. Hence, the number of reviews does not
influence the evaluation measures. ParallelDots and MonkeyLearn are also among the top
performers for quality attributes.

SA's web service is generally better the lower the MSE is. Its effectiveness in testing sentiment
arises from the fact that the closer to zero on the scale [2] the MSE result is, the more accurate it
is. Both MonkeyLearn and ParallelDotsproduce the same score of MSE, and both produce the
lowest error rate, which is 14 percent overall. In contrast, Aylien's MSE was 26%, which was the
worst result. Furthermore, if a negative sentiment is taken into account, a similar result is
obtained with ParallelDots and MonkeyLearn: 10%. As aoutcome of these results, it suggests
that these two tools are superior to each other in identifying negative sentiment. According to the
results outlined in Table 2, a key reason for MonkeyLearn's popularity is its combination of high
accuracy and other quality characteristics and its low MSE.

Figure 2 Sentiment through Monkeylearning

In its analysis of sentiment, MonkeyLearn's artificial intelligence keeps away from using stars as
a form of rating. As part of sentiment analysis, it performs advanced text analysis (based on the
review text), parsing every sentence and every word to pinpoint areas/problems that need

As a result of this, we get a reliable evaluation based on everything customers have written, and
not just a simple rating system. If we follow this analysis, it will be possible for you to identify
friction points clearly and in much more detail than you used to be able to.
Figure 3 Time vs Sentiment
Classic temporal dataviz shows results over time, a type of dataviz in which results are tracked
and plotted. The following graph is an extension of our data on the overall sentiment . The graph
charts the overall percentage of positive, neutral, and negative reviews over the period of 2016
through 2021.

From this graph, we can see how the review content has gradually changed over these five years.
During 2019-2020, for example, negative responses declined; then in 2021, they returned to their
previous levels.

4.0. Conclusions
We provide an overview of traditional methods of opinion mining, including machine learning
and lexicon-based approaches, as well as methods that function across domains and languages.
Machine learning method MonkeyLearn offers the greatest accuracy and can be considered as
the baseline method in terms of learning. Lexicon-based methods are very effective in some
cases, which require little effort in the human-labeled documents. We also examined the effect of
various features on classification. More clean data will yield more accurate results, so we can
conclude. A bigram model is more accurate than other models when it comes to understanding
sentiment. To improve the accuracy of sentiment classification and the ability to adapt to variety
of domains and languages, we can consider combining machine learning methods with opinion
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