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Young: Humidity Control in the hhoratory using Salt Solutions-A Review 24 1



The relative humidities maintained over saturated and unsaturated salt solutions and of some salt hydrate
mixtures have been collated from the literature over a wide range of temperature. Results are presented for
38 saturated salt solutions, and details listed for salts which are recommended as suitable for humidity con-
trol. The control of humidity in the laboratory by the use of salt solutions is critically discussed.

lntroduction 4@-65% R.H. The published data for the best salts in this
A control of atmospheric humidity is frequently required in region (KzC03.2H20 and CrO,) are conflicting and for this
the laboratory where it is desired to condition materials to a reason are not included in Table 1.
standard water content, to study the adsorption and de- In compiling these graphs, results from the source re-
sorption of moisture on powders, fibres, etc. and to study ferences (Table 11) have been plotted and a smoothed curve
hydration reactions under reproducible conditions. The drawn through the points. The self consistency of data and
traditional, and most convenient, means of providing stand- their agreement with independent determinations are taken
ard relative humidities covering a wide range of values is the as a measure of their reliability, and curves are weighted
use of salt solutions, either saturated or unsaturated, in towards the more reliable values. Dashed curves are drawn
small, sealed containers. Any salt solution at a definite where less reliable data only are available for a particular salt.
concentration and at constant temperature, is in equilibrium Unsaturated salt solutions
with a fixed partial vapour pressure of water and hence
Curves are given for the variation of relative humidity
defines a fixed relative humidity.
with concentration (Figs. 2 and 3) and temperature (Fig. 4)
However, humidity data quoted in standard reference for a few salt solutions and for sulphuric acid solutions,
works such as ‘International Critical Tables” come from
which have often been used in humidity control. An ex-
very early sources and subsequent work shows quoted values haustive list has not been given since unsaturated solutions
to be largely inaccurate. More comprehensive lists of rela- are less attractive than saturated solutions for humidity
tive humidities over saturated salt solution^^-^ have ap- control.
peared in the literature to serve as a practical guide for
science and industry. Again these compilations prove in- Salt hydrate pairs
adequate for many purposes, data being given for only one A mixture of two salt hydrates has a fixed relative hu-
temperature or a narrow temperature range, and in some midity at any given temperature as long as both hydrates are
cases being of doubtful reliability. present. Some hydrate mixtures for which humidity values
In recent years there have been several independent deter- have been measured are listed in Table 111. Of a large num-
m i n a t i o n ~ ’ ~ , ~ ~of, ’ the
~ , ~relative
~ , ’ ~ humidities in equili- ber of hydrate pairs considered’ only a few are suitable as
brium over a large number of saturated salt solutions and humidifying agents.
covering a wide range of temperature. These results have
been collected together and collated with earlier results and
Factors affecting salt solutions as humidity controls
are represented in the accompanying graphs and tables to
enable research workers to choose the salt solutions that best The use of saturated salt solutions to control relative
suit their particular needs. Some data on the relative humidi- humidity is both a convenient and a cheap method. Most
ties in equilibrium over unsaturated salt solutions and salt reagents are readily available in reasonable purity, are safe
hydrate pairs are also presented. to handle and are involatile, thus avoiding contamination
of the specimen. Acheson18 considers that salt impurities
below I have little effect on the R.H. values; but im-
Relative humidity values purities in lithium chloride may cause variations in its
Saturated salt solutions equilibrium relative humidity of several per cent. l 6
The accompanying graphs (Fig. 1) show the variation Most salt solutions are quite stable; but care should be
of relative humidity with temperature over 38 saturated salt taken to avoid using solutions at temperatures near the
solutions. It is considered that all solutions for which useful transition points where new hydrates are formed, since
data is available have been included. From these graphs, temperature variations will not then be linear. The transition
salts can be chosen whose equilibrium relative humidities points for those salts which form other hydrates are listed
have a low temperature coefficient and a linear variation in Table IV.
with temperature. Table I lists the saturated salt solutions Saturated salt solutions can liberate or adsorb large
which are recommended for the best control of humidity; quantities of water without changing the equilibrium hu-
also included are temperature coefficients and the range of midity. However, the same is not true of unsaturated solu-
temperatures for which they can be used with reliability. tions where large changes in water content will appreciably
The list has been compiled to cover the complete range of alter the concentration and hence the relative humidity.
humidity values; but it should be noted that there is a lack This may cause difficulty in preparing solutions of exact con-
of salts with low temperature coefficients in the region centrations.28 Nevertheless, by varying concentration, a
J. appl. Chem., 1967,Vol. 17, September

242 Young: Humidity Control in the Laboratory using Salt Solutions-A Review

-20 -10 o Y) m 30 LO 50 60 m 80

1 4



Fig. 1. Variation with temperature of relative humidities over saturated salt solutions
(Dashed curves indicate that only data of uncertain reliability are available)

J. appl. Chem., 1967, Vol. 17, September

Young: Humidity Control in the Laboratory using Salt Solutions-A Review 243
Saturated salt solutions recommended for humidity control
Comparisons of % R.H. at 2%
Temperature d(RH) % R.H.
Salt range, "c 2T' %per "' at 25"c Ref. 1 Ref. 3 Ref. 4
Na0H.H 20 15-25 0.00 7.0 - 6.5
3045 -0.07 - - -
LiC1.2Hz0 - 10-15 -0.17 - - -
LiCI.H,O 20-70 -0.01 11.3 15* 13
50-80 +0.03 - - -
-10-30 -0.12 22.2 20* 19
10-50 - 0.06 32.7 - 33
5-35 -0.32 39.2 - -
KNOT 2040 -0.18 48.2 45* 45*
Mg(N0,).6Hz0 0-50 - 0.29 52.8 52 52
Na2Crz0,.2H,0 G50 - 0.27 53.7 52* 52*
NaBr.2H20 - 10-35 - 0.28 58.2 58* 57
NaNO, 20-40 -0.19 644 - 66
10-30 0.00 68.4 - -
5-60 - 0.02 75.1 - 75-76'5
25-50 - 0.07 80.2 81 81-89
5-40 -0.16 84.2 - 84-5-89
2040 - 0.06 86.5 88* 88*
5-60 - 0.08 90.3 88 88
2-5 -0.12 92.7 93 93
15-60 - 0.05 97.0 - 100
2540 - 0.05 97.2 - -
* "/, R.H. at 20"c
TABLEI1 w00l.~' Therefore, when surface properties are to be in-
Source references for relative humidities over saturated salt solutions vestigated, the use of sulphuric acid must be avoided.
Salt hydrate pairs are a third alternative of controlling
Compound References Compound References relative humidities since systems can be chosen to cover the
full range (see Table 111). However there are disadvantages'
KZSOJ 3, 7, 9, 15 KI 12, 18
CUSO4.5H,O 11 NaNO, 3, 12, 13 which limit the use of hydrate pairs to very low humidities
(NH,)H,PO, 13 SrBr2.6H,0 11 (<7%) or to special conditions where the presence of a
BaCIZ.2H,0 2,4, 11, 18 NaBr, .2H20 2 4 12, 13, liquid phase might be undesirable.
3-5, 10, 13, Effect of samples on relative humidities
17, 18
3, 6, 9 Although saturated salt solutions can, in theory, handle
large changes in water content without affecting their equili-
5,12,13,15 brium values, it has been found in practice that where
NaCl 2 4 7,9,
samples absorb moisture a p p r e ~ i a b l y ,the
~ ~ actual relative
3,5, 13
11-13, IS, humidity over a salt solution remains lower than the true
equilibrium value. A rate of adsorption as low as 4 mg./h
11 Ca(N0,),.4H20 2,3,8,9,17 will depress the relative humidity over saturated ammonium
17 KNO2 3, 13 nitrate at 20" (65% R.H.) by 2%33even when a circulation
2-4,6,9, 18 K,CO,.ZH,O 2-5, 13
18 CrO, 12, 13 of air is maintained. For strongly adsorbing materials the
18 NaT.2H,O 5, 12, 17, 18 relative humidity may initially be depressed by several tens
18 CaCl,.6H ,O 2-5, 11, 18 of percent and take several days or weeks to come to equi-
K Br 2,4,12,18 CaBG.6H;O 5 , 17 librium. It has probably not been generally recognised that
NH,CI 3,4,6,9, 17 MgCI2.6H,O 2-5, 13, 15,
17, 18 these effects can be of such magnitude.
CH,COO.Na. 3, 13 CH,COOK. 5 , 13, 17 The time taken to achieve equilibrium is a major drawback
3HzO I .5H20 even when samples do not strongly adsorb (or liberate) water.
SrCl .6H,O 11, 18 LiC1.H 20 2-5, 13-15, Fine powders have a large surface area and may conse-
17, 18
. , NaOH.H,O 3-5. I8 quently take a long time to equilibrate even though the rate
of adsorption or desorption is never large. Hardened cement
single salt solution can be used to maintain a wide range of pastes which contain extensive networks of fine pores and
relative humidities. capillary spaces are an extreme example of this. Such
Sulphuric acid solutions can provide solutions with samples never reach a steady equilibrium at low humidities,34
equilibrium relative humidity values from &95 % with low although the rate of loss of water after one or two weeks is
temperature coefficients. Solutions are readily prepared less than 0.5 mg/g per day.
directly by dilution and the concentration checked by specific
gravity measurements. However, the corrosiveness of the acid Design of a laboratory humidity chamber
must be guarded against. Recent measurementsZ2have shown Any conveniently sized, leak-proof container may be used
a detectable volatility of sulphuric acid, especially at low as a humidity chamber. Such a container is often an ordinary
humidities, that can modify the properties of cement3' and desiccator, which has the advantage that it can be evacuated
J. appl. Chem., 1967, Vol. 17, September
244 Young: Humidity Control in the Laboratory using Salt Solutions-A Review


-1 Salt
Relative humidities over some hydrate pairs

0+ 10
I +6
"/.R.H. at d (RH),
16, 25
5 , 11, 16
CH3COONa 0+3 27 0.45 5, 16,26
BaBr, 1 +2 15-5 0.40 11
NaI Of2 11 0.19 5 , 16
Oxalic acid 0+2 11 0.16 24, 26
OO 10 a LO M 6Q ?I 80 90 SrBr, 2+6 8.7 0.20 5, 11
SULPHURIC ACID. wt -% ZnBr, 0+2 7.5 0.13 16
Fig. 2. Relative humidities over sulphuric acid solutions at 25"c CdSO4 O f1 2.1 0.07 16
Data from: ( x ) Ref. 4, (0) Ref. 19, (0) Ref. 20, ( A ) Ref. 21 Mg(N03)z 2+6 2.1 0-03 10

Transition temperatures of hydrates
Salt Transition OC References
NaOH H,O+anhydrous 64-3 9
LiCl 2H,O+H,O 18.8 9
CaCI, 6HzO+4HzO 29.4 9,11
- - - ----- 45.5
. _ 9. I 1
NaI 2H,O+anhydrous 68-1 12'
Ca(N03)* 4HzO+3HzO 42.1 8
MB(NO~)~ 6H,0+2H20 30.0
ko I 1
40 50
, i 80 Na,Cr,O, 2H,O+anhydrous 74.8
SOLUTE, wt.-%
NaBr 2H,O+anhydrous 50.6 12
Sr(N0J2 4H,O+anhydrous 3 1.3 27
Fig. 3. Variation of relative humidity with concentration for some SKI, 6H2O+2H,O 61.5 11
salt solutions at 25'c SrBr, 6H,O+H,O 88.0 11
(a) NaOH. H20(Ref. 4), (b) MgC1,.6H20 (Ref. 22), (c) LiCl.H,O BaCl 2Hz0 +HZ0 101.9 11
(Ref. 23) BaBG 2HiO4H;O 107.9 11
cuso4 ~HzO+~H~O 95.9 11

Wexler & Hasegawa15 list precautions which should be

observed in setting up humidity chambers with saturated
salt solutions in order that theoretical values may be used
with confidence, and that equilibrium shall be achieved in a
reasonable time. The following points are of importance:
(I) The chamber should be made of non-hygroscopic
materials to prevent adsorption of moisture by the walls
with a consequent delay in achieving equilibrium. It
should be remembered that concentrated salt solutions
L l
0' 10
I d
1 L
70% ~
* 1
8 i should be kept out of contact with metals to avoid cor-
Fig. 4. Variation with temperature of relative humidity over lithium (2) The chamber should be leak proof.
chloride and sulphuric acid solutions (3) The whole chamber and its contents should be brought
Figures on curves indicate percentage by weight of solutc to thermal equilibrium and kept at constant temperature.
- - _ _ _ LiCI (from Ref. 14) ____HZS04(from Ref. 19) Even for salt solutions with small temperature coefficients
it is important to keep the temperature constant.
to avoid contamination by atmospheric gases. It must be (4) The salt solution should have as large a surface area as is
borne in mind, however, that the presence of air over the practical.
solution affects the water vapour pressure16 and therefore ( 5 ) Some means of circulating the air should be provided;
there will be a difference between the equilibria relative alternatively the chamber should be evacuated. A fan
humidity values over any salt solution under vacuum or at motor should be mounted outside the chamber to avoid
atmospheric pressure. The differences are only a few tenths internal heating.
of a percent and may be ignored for all but precise work; but The principal factors determining the time to reach equili-
the solution of gas in a salt solution which may react chemi- brium are: (a) the ratio of free surface area of solution to
cally, e.g. carbon dioxide, may appreciably affect the values. chamber volume, (b) the amount of air circulation, (c) the
It may be noted that many relative humidity measurements absorbing properties of the sample, and (d) the agitation of
have been made under practical operating conditions using the salt solution-diffusion controlled mixing results in con-
reagent grade salts and atmospheric pressure. centration gradients.
J. appl. Chem., 1967, Vol. 17, September
Young: Humidity Control in the Laboratory using Salt Solutions-A Review 245

Observing the above precautions, the relative humidity Collins, E. M., & Menzies, A. W. C., J. phys. Colloid Chem.,
above a salt solution can be considered to be at least within 1935, 40, 379
lZ Carr, D. S., & Harris, B. L., id.Engng Chem. ind. (int.) Edn.,
2 % of the nominal humidity, which should be sufficient for 1949,41, 2014
most purposes. When a inore accurate control of relative l 3 Wink, W. A., & Sears,G . R., TAPPI, 1950,33,96
humidity is needed, much more attention must be paid to l 4 Johnson, E. F., & Molstad, M. C., J. phys. Colloid Chem., 1951,
cc 1c7
the design of the chamber and t o the control of the experi- JJ, L J I
l3 Wexler, A., & Hasegawa, S., J. Res. natn. Bur. Stand., 1954,
mental variables. In such cases it is desirable t o measure the 53A, 19
actual relative humidity of the chamber under operating I h Wylie, R. G. in ‘Humidity and Moisture. Vol. 3. Fundamentals
conditions by some direct method. and Standards’, (Eds. Wexler, A., & Wildhack, W. A.), 1965,
p. 507 (New York: Reinhold Publ. Co.)
Chemistry Division, Hedlin, C. P., & Trofirnenkoff, E. N., Ref. 16, p. 519
I n Acheson, D. T., Ref. 16, p. 521
D.S.I.R., l 9 ‘international Critical Tables’, 1928, Vol. 111, p. 303 (New York:
Petone, McGraw-Hill Book Co.)
New Zealand zo Shankman, S., & Gordon, A. E., J. Am. chem. Sue., 1939, 61,
Received 18 April, 1967. 21 Greenwalt, C. H., J. Ind. Engng Chem., 1925,13, 522
z 2 Stokes, R. H., Trans. Faruaizy Soc., 1945,51,642
23 Robinson, R. A., Trans. Faraday Sac., 1945,51,756
References 24 Baxter, G . P., & Lansing, J. E., J. Am. chem. Soc., 1920, 42,
‘International Critical Tables’, 1926, Vol. 1, p. 67 (New York: 419
McGraw-Hill Book Co.) 2 5 Wilson, R.E., J. Am. chem. SOC., 1921,43,704
Burns, R., Bell Teleph. Syst. tech. Publs, Monogr. 8-986,1937 2 6 Baxter, G. P., & Cooper, W. C., J. Am. chem. Suc., 1924, 46,
OBrien, F. E. M., J. scient. Instrum., 1948, 25, 73 923
(a) Stokes, R. H., & Robinson, R. A., Ind. Engng Chem. ind. 2 7 Sidewick. N. V
.. ‘Chemical Elements and their Comoounds’.
(int.) Edn., 1949, 41, 2013; (b) Robinson, R. A., & Stokes, 1950, 901.I, p: 256 (London: Oxford Univ. Press)
R. H., ‘Electrolytic Solutions’, 1959, 2nd Edn, (London: 2 * Schlunder, E. W., Ref. 16, p. 535
Butterworths Scientific Publs) 2 9 Kawasaki, K., & Kanou, K., Ref. 16, p. 531
Richardson, G. M., & Malthus, R. S., J. appl. Chem., Lund., 30 Pray, R. E., & Schieltz, N. C., J. Colloid Interface Sci., 1966, 21,
1955,5,557 353
Edgar, G., & Swan, W. O., 1. Am. chem. Soc., 1922, 44, 570 st DArcy, R. L., &Watt, I. C., J. Text. Inst., 1966, 57, T416
Leopold, H. G., & Johnston, J., J. Am. chem. Soc., 1927, 49, 32 Menzies, A, W. C., & Hitchcock, C. S., J. phys. CoNoid Chem.,
1974 1931, 35, 1662
Ewing, W. W., J. Am. chem. SOC.,1927, 49, 1963 3 3 Martin, S., Ref. 16, p. 503
Adams, J. R., & Merz, A. R., J. ind. Engng Chem., 1929,21, 305 34 (a) Copeland, L. E., & Hayes, J. C., Bull. Am. SOC.Test. Mater.,
l o Ewing, W. W., Klinger, E., & Brandner, J. D., J. Am. chern. 1953, No. 194, 70; (b) Brunauer, S., Hayes, J. C., & Hass,
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J. appl. Chem., 1967, Vol. 17, September

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