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The Solubility of Citric and Tartaric Acids in Water


In a recent investigation1 a few measurements in water enclosed in glass-stoppered tubes and rotated in
were reported for the solubilities of citric and tar- a n electrically controlled thermostat for at least six hours.
This was found to be sufficient time to bring about equi-
taric acids in water. A search of the literature librium although the samples below 50” were rotated
reveals practically no data with which to compare from eight t o ten hours. The measurement a t 0’ was
the results obtained for citric acid. While Sei- obtained in a well-stirred mixture of ice and water, while
dell2 has reported an isolated solubility a t 25’ that a t 100’ was taken in boiling distilled water. The
and Kremann and Eite13 have obtained some temperature control was *0.02’, read directly from a
thermometer standardized by the Bureau of SGndards.
measurements at lower temperatures from freez- For analysis samples of the saturated solution were
ing point data, no systematic investigation ap- taken up in a pipet (warmed when necessary) and weighed
pears to have been made of the solubility of citric in a small Vial. To prevent ingress of solid material, the
acid over the usual range of temperature from 0 end of the pipet was protected by means of a piece of
cloth held securely by thread. The acid content of the
t o 100’.
sample was determined by titration with standard sodium
The figures obtained for the solubility of tar- hydroxide using phenolphthalein as indicator. All deter-
taric acid were found to be about 1% lower than minations were made in triplicate and averaged. The
those given in “International Critical table^')^ data thus obtained have been expressed in weight per cent.
and Seidell’s Tables5 which are both taken from and plotted in Fig. 1. It is believed that the measure-
the results originally reported a t 5’ intervals from ments are precise within O.l%, although it was found that
they could be checked on the average within 0.06%.
0 to 100’ by Leidie.6 It is not stated how these
measurements were made except that they were
obtained with the aid of two equations. When
these values are plotted, the solubility curve ap-
pears to consist of two sections which intersect
between 40 and 45’, although the saturating solid
80 -
phase is reported to be anhydrous tartaric acid
throughout the entire temperature range. The 75 -
author does not offer an interpretation of this
irregularity and it was therefore decided to repeat
A2 70-
these measurements. The present investigation 8 .
presents the results obtained for the solubility
measurements of citric and tartaric acids at ten

degree intervals from 0 to 100’. B

60 -
Citric and Tartaric Acids.-The citric and tartaric acids
were supplied by Charles Pfizer and Company. These 55 -
acids were thrice recrystallized from water, dried and
stored over sulfuric acid. Titration against sodium
hydroxide gave results which agreed within 0.1% of their
theoretical values.
Standard Sodium Hydroxide.-This solution was pre-
0 20 40 60 80 100
pared and used according t o accepted standards. It was
preserved in a container protected against dust, carbon Temperature, “C.
dioxide, etc., and standardized a t regular intervals. Fig. 1.-The solubilities of citric and tar-
Procedure.-Solubilities were measured by analysis of taric acids in water: 0 , Leidie’s curve for
the saturated solutions obtained by agitation of the acids tartaric acid.
(1) Dslman, TEIS JOURNAL, 69, 775 (1937). Results
(2) Seidell, Bull. No. 67, H y g . Lab., 254, (1910).
(3) Kremann and Eitel, Rec. trao. chim., 44, 539 (1923). Citric Acid.-It will be seen from Fig. 1 that
(4) “I. C.T.,” Vol. IV, p. 251.
the solubility curve for citric acid consists of two
(5) Seidell, “Solubilities,” p. 710.
(6) LckIie, Comfit. rend., 96, 87 (1882). straight lines which intersect a t approximately
254s H. D a m m

36O, thus indicating the existence of two solid mum deviation is 0.08 and 0.05% for the anhy-
phases. To determine the composition of these drous and hydrated acids, respectively.
solid phases, the crystals from the sample tubes The solubility of citric acid a t 25' was found
were well centrifuged, weighed and dried for to be 62.070/0. This is 0.36% higher than that
moisture content after which their acid content reported by SeidelL2 I t is hardly feasible to
was measured by titration with alkali. The re- make a comparison of these results with those
sults of these analyses showed that the solids obtained by Kremann and Eite13 a t 0, 10 and
corresponding to the curve above the break were 15' since their values appear to be much too high
practically pure citric acid, while those corre- and do not show a consistent curve.
sponding to the one below contained 91.1 to 91.4% Tartaric Acid,-The results obtained for the
acid which is approximately that required by the solubility measurements of tartaric acid are rep-
formula H~C&~~O,-HZO. It is evident that the resented graphically in Fig. 1. In contradis-
two solid phases existing in this system are citric tinction to the irregular curve obtained by Leidie,
acid monohydrate which is stable below the transi- it is apparent that the solubility curve for tartaric
tion point and anhydrous citrio acid which is stable acid closely approximates a straight line. There
above. is no eviderice of a break near 45' and the saturat-
Attempts to determine this transition tempera- ing phase was found to be anhydrous tartaric
ture accurately by means of cooling curves ob- acid throughout the entire range of temperature
tained from mixtures stirred in a Beckmann freez- from 0 to 100'. It is of interest to note that
ing-point tube repeatedly proved unsuccessful. while Leidie's curve (shown by the shaded circles
The most probable explanations appear to be that in Fig. 1) lies about 1.5% above at 0' it crosses
either the transition occurs exceedingly slowly or the author's curve a t 90" and lies 0.2% below a t
that the heat change is too small to produce meas- 100'.
urable results as read on a tenth degree ther- The solubility of tartaric acid a t 25' was found
mometer. In view of this failure it was decided to be 58.48%. Seidell's2 figure for the corre-
to determine the solubility curves to their point of sponding solubility is given as 57.90%, while that
intersection and to attempt by analysis of the reported by Leidiee is 59.790/0. Perhaps the best
solid phases to locate the point a t which the check on the accuracy of these measurements is
change of phase occurs. The results show that the agreement to be found between the observed
this change occurs between 35.7 and 36.9'. A values and those derived from the equation
final sample determined at 35.8' gave crystals Tartaric acid solubility = 51.8573 + 0.26431
which contained 94.7% acid. This figure lies be- the constants having been derived by the method
tween that of the anhydrous and the hydrated of least squares. The average deviation between
acid which is 91.43%, thus indicating a mixture the experimentally determined solubilities and
of the two solids. Since the composition of the those computed by this equation is 0.058%, while
solution showed no appreciable change after fur- the maximum deviation is 0.1%.
ther rotation in the bath, it is evident that equilib- It was suspected that the measurements a t 90
rium had been attained and the transition tem- and 100' might fall away somewhat from the
perature is therefore reported as 35.8'. The satu- straight line solubility curves, since these acids
rated solution at this temperature contains had been found to decompose in an oven a t the
67.61% acid. This figure agrees well with the same temperature. While no serious loss in
computed value which is found to be 67.63y0 weight is noted when these acids are heated at
(average of values from the two equations). 4 3 for a week, or a t 100' for a few hours, there

The following equations for the solubilities of are distinct signs of decomposition (browning)
the hydrated and anhydrous citric acids expressed when they are heated for several days a t 100'.
in percentages by weight have been obtained from It is quite probable that decomposition likewise
the data by the method of least squares occurs when solutions of these acids are subjected
Monohydrated citric acid solubility = 48.95594-0.52311 to the same conditions. However, since the 90
Anhydrous citric acid solubility = 57.8564f 0.26161 and 100' samples were rotated in the bath for at
The solubilities computed by these equations agree least six hours, it appears that solutions of citric
very well with the observed values, the average and tartaric acids can be heated safely a t 100' for
deviation being 0,027and 0,02570while the maxi- a few hours without appreciable decomposition.

Summary below this transition temperature citric acid

The solubilities of citric and tartaric acids in monohydrate exists, while above anhydrous
water have been determined a t loo intervals citric acid is the stable phase.
(including 250) Over the range of temperature The solubility curve for tartaric acid is a
0-looo. straight line representing solutions in equilibrium
The solubility curve for citric acid consists of with the anhydrous form of the acid.
two straight line curves which intersect at 35.8' ; BROOKLYN,
JUNE 23, 1937



The Partial Molal Volumes of Potassium Chloride, Potassium Bromide and

Potassium Sulfate in Sodium Chloride Solutions
Since the discovery by Masson' that the ap- relationship was tested by determining the partial
parent molal volume of a dissolved salt is a linear molal volumes of potassium chloride, potassium
function of the square root of the volume concen- bromide and potassium sulfate in sodium chloride
tration, several investigator^"^ have made ex- solutions of different concentrations.
haustive tests of the applicability of this relation- Methods
ship. It was found valid for a number of salts
Preparation of Solutions.-The salts used were either
over a surprisingly large coiicentration range. Baker Analyzed or Mallinckrodt Reagent quality and
Root4 derived from Masson's rule a simple equa- were not further purified. Salts to be weighed were dried
tion relding density and volume concentration a t 350-400". Solutions for the density determinations
which has found wide application. were prepared by adding a weighed amount of the dried
Redlich and Rosenfeld5 derived from the De- salt (potassium chloride, potassium bromide or potassium
sulfate) to a weighed amount of water or sodiuni chloride
bye-Hiickel theory a linear relationship between solution. The volume concentration of the added salt
the square root of the volume concentration and could then be calculated using the observed density.
the partial molal volume of a dissolved salt. This Enough sodium chloride solution for each series was pre-
gave a partial theoretical basis to Masson's rule pared and its concentration determined from the density.
as the apparent molal volume is closely related to This concentration was corrected fot: the change caused by
the addition of another salt. The concentrations reported
the partial molal volume. The expression ob- are expressed as moles per liter of solution.
tained was - -- The sodium chloride solutions used were approximately
/I = v; + qw%" C','? (1) 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64 and 1.0 normal. To each of these
I.; is the partial molal volume of the salt in a solutions was added sufficient potassium chloride, potas-
sium bromide or potassium sulfate to make the volume
solution of concentration c; 't;," is the partial molal
ionic strength of the added salt approximately 0.04, 0.16,
volume at infinite dilution; q is a complex factor 0.36 and 0.64. Solutions in water of the latter salts of
involving the temperature, compressibility, the volume ionic strength 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64 and 1.0 were
type of electrolyte, the dielectric constant and its also prepared.
change with pressure; and o is one-half the sum- Density Determination.-The density of each of the
above solutions was determined by means of the sinker
mation of the number of ions times the square of
method. The solutions whose densities were to be
the valence of the ion. When considering a solu- measured were placed in heavily silver plated copper
tioii containing two or more electrolytes the last cans immersed in a thermostat a t 25'. Metallic con-
term in Eq. 1 becomes p ' ( Z . ~ c ) ~ ~ ~ . tainers were used to decrease the time required to attain
The factor ZWCcorresponds to the ionic strength temperature equilibrium. The temperature was main-
0x1a volume basis, so that the partial molal volume
tained constant to *O.O0lo. The sinker was suspended
in the solution by means of a fine platinum wire which
of a salt in solution should be a linear function of was coated with platinum black where it passed through
the square root of the volume ionic strength. This the liquid surface. This wire could be fastened to a pan
11) Mas.-on, Phil. Ma:.: [ 7 ] 8, 218 (1929). of a balance which was supported over the thermostat.
12) Scott,J . P h y s . Chem., 35, 2316 (1931). DiEerences in density were calculated directly using
(3) Geffcken, Z . physik. Chem., A166, 1 (1931).
(4) Root, THISJOURNAL, 55, 850 (1933).
the equation
(6) Redlich and Rosenfeld, Z . physik. C h e m . , AlSS, 65 (1931). d, - d, = (m, - ~ J / v (2)

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