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O God Almighty, who suffered death upon the Cross, particularly for our sins, be with us;

Holy Cross of Jesus- Have pity on us

Holy Cross of Jesus- Be our protector
Holy Cross of Jesus- Take away all bitter pains
Holy Cross of Jesus- Take away all evil
Holy Cross of Jesus- Let us walk in the way of salvation

Preserve us from any temporal accidents, take away any danger of sudden death. We
always adore the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth crucified, have pity on us. Make
the spirit of evil leave us for all times.


DIVINE JESUS, you have said./ Ask and you shall receive;/ seek, and you shall find,/
knock, and it shall be opened unto you,/ behold me kneeling at your feet,/ filled with a lively
faith and confidence,/ in the promises dictated by your Sacred Heart/ and pronounced by your
adorable lips, I come to ask these favors. (Here silently mention your request or petitions.)

To whom can I turn if not to you/ where your heart is the source of all graces and merits/
where should I seek if not in the treasure/ which contains all the richest of your kindness and
mercy? Where must I knock/ if not at the door through which God gives Himself to us/ and
through which we go to God./ I have recourse to you, Heart of Jesus./ In you I found
consolation when afflicted,/ protection when persecuted,/ strength when burdened with trials,/
and light in doubt and darkness.

HEART OF JESUS, I firmly believe/ that you can grant me the grace I implore,/ even
though it should require a miracle,/ You have only to will it,/ and my prayer will be granted,/ I
admit that I am most unworthy of our favors,/ but this is not the reason for me to discouraged,/
You are the God of mercy,/ and you will not refuse a contrite heart./ Cast upon me a look for
mercy,/ I beg of you,/ and Your kind heart will find in my miseries and weakness/ a reason for
granting my prayer.

O SACRED HEART OF JESUS,/ whatever may be your decision with regard to my

request,/ I will never stop adoring you, loving, praising and serving you./ My Jesus,/ be pleased
to accept this my act of perfect resignation/ to the decrees of your adorable heart/ which I
sincerely desire may be fulfilled in by me and your creature forever.

O SACRED HEART OF JESUS,/ I know that there is but one thing impossible to you,/
to be without pity for those who are suffering of in distress./ Look upon me,/ I beg of you, dear
Jesus,/ and grant me the grace for which I humbly implore you/ through the immaculate heart of
your most sorrowful mother./ You have entrusted me to her as her child,/ and her prayer are all
powerful with you. Amen.

O Holy Cross: in gratitude and reverence/ we kneel before thee,/ Thou art/ the altar upon
which the Eternal High Priest/ accomplished his sacrifice for the redemption of the whole
world. With joy and faith/ we acknowledge/ and openly and loudly proclaim:/ Whatever there is
on earth/ or in the lives of men of grace and blessing,/ of mercy and sanctity/ of virtue and
nobility,/ of fortitude and strength,/ all have been won and merited for us/ by our Blessed Lord
upon the Holy Cross.

Grateful love demands/ that we should consecrate ourselves forever today/ to this
crucified savior/ who has sacrifice his blood and his life/ for us and for all mankind/ upon this
symbol of our eternal salvation.

Therefore we make the following promise:/ we will be messengers of the cross/ and shall
be everywhere bear witness to the teachings of our Crucified Master/ that salvation is to be
found only in the cross. We will be servants of the cross/ and will carry its blessing to the best
of our ability among our fellowmen. We will be friends of the cross,/ completely filled with the
spirit of him/ who died for us upon the cross.

Do thou,/ O Crucified Lord and God,/ grant that out of love for thee/ we may be able to
bear with patience and resignation/ all the troubles of life. Graciously pardon all the sins/ we
have committed against thee/ or thy commandments. Grant that we may ever serve thee
faithfully/ in the future and always perform our daily actions/ for thy greater glory. We beseech
thee/ especially to grant/ that we may always confess thee and thy teaching/ freely and openly
before the world. Destroy in our hearts/ all fear of men and all cowardice.

Grant, our Lord and King,/ that thy Holy Cross/ may always be our strength,/ our hope,
and our confidence in life/ that once at the hour of our death,/ it may be the blessed sign of our
eternal happiness. Amen.

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