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Inadequate food safety knowledge of the food handlers have always been a
cause of concern because it poses a serious threat to food safety. It is identified as the
main reason of unhygienic food handling practices contributing to the development of
foodborne diseases in service facilities. Foodborne disease outbreaks increases the risk
of mortality and morbidity to the infected consumers and may lead to disruption of


Different races have different approach in food handling and safety practices. Out
of the 210 population of the food handlers in the hospital, the study participants are
just limited to Whites and Africans. This gap identified needs further modification
because in order to come up with more accurate findings, related factors that may
cause significant changes in the results should be examined and included in the study .


Food service facilities adheres to different standards to ensure safe production

and quality of food. Researches on food safety provide frameworks and guide for the
development of Food safety regulations and provisions for the health inspectors to
ascertain that compliance is secured within the food services premises and to ensure
the safety of the consumers.

Teffo L.A., Tabit F.T., (2020). An assessment of the food safety knowledge and
attitudes of food handlers in hospitals

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