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How to Write Your Business Proposal

Thinking about starting a business? If you’re looking for outside financing, a business proposal is an
absolute must. Even if you don’t need to prove your idea to any outside parties, a business plan can be a
useful tool to think through your idea and its execution before taking the big leap forward into your new
endeavor. It can help you identify strengths and weaknesses in your idea and your team of employees or
collaborators. Thinking through your plan also can help you prepare for possible obstacles that may fall
in your way.

Write a three- to five-page executive summary that outlines the “big picture.” What is your
company, and what are your goals? If you are looking for investors, this brief summary of your
goals and strategy needs to be persuasive so they will keep reading the rest. Think of this as your
opportunity to make a good first impression.

Write a detailed description of the business. This section should be about 10 to 20 pages and
should go into detail on all aspects of the operation. Specifically define your goals and time line.
Give a detailed market analysis, and talk about how you will break into that market. Discuss any
competitors you have and how you will differentiate yourself from them. Give your investors a
good idea of how the company will operate on both a day-to-day and a long-term basis allowing
for growth.

Put together a detailed dossier on your founding team members. Use this section to explain the
origins of the idea and what each person brings to the proposed company. If you are the only
member of your business, explain why you are the best person for this job.

Provide detailed financial information for your business that includes startup costs and
anticipated return on investment. This is arguably the most important part of your proposal from
an investor's standpoint, so if you are using this business plan to raise capital, pay close attention
to this section, and double-check all your figures. A lack of understanding of the financial side of
your business will turn off investors very quickly. When you are drafting this section, think
about how much money you need to get started, how you plan on spending that capital, how
much money you will need to make just to break even and how quickly you expect to make a

Gather any additional information or documentation to support your proposal. This may include
presentation materials such as photographs, plans and blueprints that are relevant to your product
or service. If you are offering a service or a product, this section can include letters of intent from
potential clients or customers.

Put all the sections of your proposal together and proofread for errors and to ensure it all flows
together in a logical way. The finished proposal should be detailed enough to answer all potential
questions from investors, but also concise and easy to read. Your information should be correct,
and each section of your proposal should build on the information contained in the previous

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