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​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale

Hilbert’s Curve:-
1.It was introduced by the german mathematician David Hilbert. This curve is also known as
the hilbert space filling curve.the basic entity of this curve is U-shape as shown above.
2.Generation of HC is quite visits the center of every square grid having size 2
x2,4x4,8x8,16x16 or any other size of 2​n​ x 2​n.
3.The curve generation start with a square. In a first approximation, the square is divided into
4 quadrants and the curve joins the center of all quadrants by a straight line.
4.In the second approximation.each quadrant is further subdivided into 2 x2 grids,ending in 16
squares.curves visits the center of each small square in each quadrant before moving to the
next quadrant.
5.In the third approximation ,each of the 16 squares is further subdivied in 2 x2 grids, ending
64 squares.Curves visits the center of each small square before moving to higher level
6. Apply this process continuously
1.The Curve never crosses itself.
2.Curve gets closer to square containing it.
3.With each subdivision,the length of the curve increases four times.

Listing 1 (from Andrew Cumming)

procedure ​hilbert​(x, y, xi, xj, yi, yj, n)

/* x and y are the coordinates of the bottom left corner */
/* Xi & xj are the i & j components of the unit x vector of the frame */
/* similarly yi and yj */
if​ (n <= 0) then
LineTo(x + (xi + yi)/2, y + (xj + yj)/2);
​hilbert​(x, y, yi/2, yj/2, xi/2, xj/2, n-1);
​hilbert​(x+xi/2, y+xj/2 , xi/2, xj/2, yi/2, yj/2, n-1);
​hilbert​(x+xi/2+yi/2, y+xj/2+yj/2, xi/2, xj/2, yi/2, yj/2, n-1);
​hilbert​(x+xi/2+yi, y+xj/2+yj, -yi/2,-yj/2, -xi/2, -xj/2, n-1);
end procedure;

​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale

K​och curve
1. The Koch snowflake (also known as the Koch curve, star, or island) is a
mathematical curve and one of the earliest fractal curves to have been
2. A Koch curve is a fractal generated by a replacement rule. This rule is, at each
step, to replace the middle 131/3 of each line segment with two sides of a right
triangle having sides of length equal to the replaced segment.
3. This quantity increases without bound; hen
4. the Koch curve has infinite length.
5. However, the curve still bounds a finite area.
6. We can prove this by noting that in each step, we add an amount of area equal
to the area of all the equilateral triangles created.
1. The Koch snowflake can be constructed by starting with an equilateral triangle,
then recursively altering each line segment as follows:
○ Divide the line segment into three segments of equal length.
○ Draw an equilateral triangle that has the middle segment from step 1 as
its base and points outward.

● Remove the line segment that is the base of the triangle from step 2.

● After one iteration of this process, the resulting shape is the outline of a

​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale

1. The Koch snowflake is the limit approached as the above steps are followed
over and over again.
2. The Koch curve originally described by Koch is constructed with only one of
the three sides of the original triangle.
3. In other words, three Koch curves make a Koch snowflak​e.

​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale

​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale
​ Chapter 05 Compiled by Dashrath B kale

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