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American Mineralogist, Volume62, pages403410, 1977

Classificationand nomenclatureof the pyrochlore group

D. D. HoclnrHl
Departmentof Geology,Uniuersityof Ottawa
Ottawa,CanadaKl N 6N5


The IMA Subcommitteeon Nomenclatureof the PyrochloreGroup recommendsthe following classificationand

Group pyrochlore[Ar-.B,O6(O,OH,F)r-".pHzO]
Subgroups pyrochlore,microlite,betafite
Species pyrochlore,kalipyrochlore,bariopyrochlore,yttropyrochlore,ceriopyrochlore,
plumbopyrochlore, uranpy-
rochlore(pyrochloresubgroup);microlite,stannomicrolite, bariomicrolite,plumbomicrolite,bismuto-
Subgroups are dividedaccordingto B-atoms(Nb, Ta, Ti) and species accordingto,4-atoms(K, Sn, Ba,REE, Pb, Bi,
U). Forty-eightnamesrelatedto the pyrochloregroup shouldbe dropped,and five type specimens shouldbe reinvesti-

Introduction burg et al. (1960), van der Veen (1963),and Bon-

The pyrochloregroup comprisesa seriesof cubic shtedt-Kupletskaya (1966).Adding to this growing
oxidescontainingessential amountsof niobium,tan- complexity,the literaturecontinuedto perpetuate
talum,or titanium.Pyrochloreitselfwasdescribed by rnineral"species"of questionable validity,such as
Wdhlerin 1826,microliteby Shepardin 1835,and blomstrandite, ellsworthite,and chalcolamprite,and
"hatchettolite" by Smith in 1877.The remaining synonymssuch as mendeleeviteand betafite, neo-
memberswereall describedin the presentcentury. tantalite and microlite, koppite and pyrochlore.
Prior to the late 1950's,Dana's Systemof Miner- Clearly a need existed for a universallyaccepted,
alogy(Palacheet al.,1944,p.747-757)providedthe rationalclassification
and a revisednomenclature.
accepted of the pyrochloreminerals.In
classification In viewof this need,the IMA Commissionon New
this classification wasdescribed Mineralsand Mineral Names,at the requestof the
as a series,and nine similarmineralswereappended chairmanDr. Michael Fleischer,established a Sub-
as "likely members"of this series.Betafiteand "djal- committeeon PyrochloreNomenclature.A. H. van
maite" (ibid,p.803-805)wereexcluded,but with the der Veen, Arnhem, Netherlands, was appointed
cautionarystatement that "considerableuncertainty" chairmanin August, 1966,and he, in turn, selected
existsconcerningtheir relationshipwith pyrochlore the followingmembers:
and microlite.Thesetwo mineralswerelatershown,
chemicallyand structurally,to retainthe pyrochlore (l ) Subcommittee,
structurewith manyof the largercationsitesunfilled E . M . B o n s h t e d t - K u p l e t s k a y aM
, oscow,
(Borodinand Nazarenko,1957;Hogarth,l96l). U.S.S.R.'
In the 1960sand 1970smany new analyses of py- T. Deans,London, England(Secretary)g
rochloremineralswere published,revealinga wide M. Gasperin,Paris,France
rangeof compositions and leadingto manynewmin- D. D. Hogarth,Ottawa,Canada
eral names.In the sameperiod severalschemesofl Akira Kato, Tokyo, Japan
classificationwereproposedincludingthoseof Ginz- L. Van Wambeke,Brussels, Belgium

'For the IMA S u b c o m m i t t e e on Nomenclature of the Pvro- 'zDiedJuly, 1974

chlore Grouo. 3 Retired Feb., 1976


(2) Commission obseruers, non-uoting MicroliteSubgroupin which Nb * Ta ) 2Ti and

M. Fleischer,Washington,D.C., U.S.A. until Ta Nb,
Feb.,1968 BetafiteSubgroupin which 2Ti > Nb t Ta.
C. Guillemin,Orl6ans,France The abovecompositionallimits for the subgroups
M. H. Hey, London,EnglandsinceFeb.,1968 were adopted becauseof a naturalclusteringof com-
positionsand a relativescarcityof titanium-richanal-
The Subcommittee functionedalmostentirelyby yses(seeFig. I Titanium-richspecies rangefrom 33
correspondence. In general,their criteriawerebased to 55 percentTi, whereNb * Ta + Ti : 100atom
on publishedinformation,but in two cases, members percent.Analysesreporting larger amounts of tita-
re-examinedtype specimens.Certain decisionsre- nium may representmixtures.In contrast,most py-
quireda vote,and in the few instances whenopinions rochloresand microlitesfall in the range70-100per-
of memberswereequallydivided,the chairmancast cent Nb and Ta, respectively. Subdivisionof the
the decidingvote. pyrochloregroup accordingto the predominance of
At the outset,memberswerefacedwith the choice Nb, Ta, and Ti atoms would thereforerestrictthe
of recommending "orthodox" names,often well-es- titaniumsubgroupto fewexamples, and would cause
tablishedand of deservingorigin, or appropriate wide variationsof compositionsin the pyrochlore
chemicalnames.After detailedconsideration,the subgroup.Accordingly,it was eventuallyruled that
Subcommitteeand later the Commissionruled in any mineral with 2 Ti > Nb * Ta belongsto the
favor of a chemicalnomenclature. betafitesubgroup.
The Subcommittee submittedits first completere- Within the subgroups,individualsspecies are de-
port to Dr. Fleischerin December1971. He, in turn, finedwith respectto,4-atoms(uizNa, Ca, K, Sn,Ba,
distributedcopiesto affiliatedsocieties for comments REE, Pb, Bi, U) in the followingmanner:
and suggestions, which were forwardedto the Sub- (a) Na-Ca members.Sodiumor calcium,but no
committeein November1973.A revisedreport was otherl-atom, shallexceed20 percentof the total l-
then submittedin August l9'74,and its recommenda- atomspresent,and
tions were ratifiedby the Commissionin 1975and (b) other members.One or more l-atoms other
1976.The presentreport summarizes the reportsof than Na or Ca shallexceed20 percentof the total l-
the Subcommittee(unpublished,prepared by T. atomspresent.
Deans),incorporates suggestions and decisions taken The figure 20 percentcorrespondsfavorably with
by the Commission,and represents the final con- recentpracticein describingbetafite,uranpyrochlore,
clusionsof the Subcommittee. and uranmicrolite,the most common speciesafter
pyrochloreand microlite.
Classification Theproposedclassification is basedon total I -ions
The pyrochloregroup comprisesthose multiple (excludingoxonium),not on l-sites available.Thus
cubicoxideshavingthe followingcharacteristics: deficiency of l-cations or filling of vacantl-sites by
(a) essentialamountsof niobium, tantalum,and oxonium doesnot affectthe classification.
titanium,eitherindividuallyor in combination, Specialrulesapply in the caseof lanthanidesand
(b) the spacegroup Fd3m, yttrium. Although no exampleis known in the py-
(c) the pyrochlorestructureas definedby Gaertner rochlore group of a singlerare-earthelementex-
(1930)and Brandenberger (1931),and ceeding20 percentof thel-atoms, severalrareearths
(d) the general formula Ar--B2O6(O,OH,F),-o may occur togetherin significantamounts.When
'PH,O' their total exceeds20 percentof the total l-atoms,
In the caseof metamictminerals,compositional the Subcommitteerecommendsthat the mineral be
equivalents which producethe pyrochlorephaseon given separatespeciesstatus.The well-knownten-
ignition(preferablyin vacuumor inert atmosphere) dencyfor the rare earthsto be predominantly of the
are admittedto the scheme.Isostructuralminerals, cerium group (light lanthanidesLa - Eu, styled
suchasantimonates of the stibiconiteseriesandtung- ECe), or the yttrium group(Y * heavierlanthanides
statesrelatedto ferritungstite,are excluded. Ga - Lu, styledtY), alsoprevails,andhascreateda
Threesubgroupsare recommended, basedon the furthertwofold subdivision.
atomic proportionsof the B-atomsNb, Ta, and Ti.
The recommended subgroupsare: Nomenclatureand species
PyrochloreSubgroupin whichNb * Ta ) 2Ti and The current 16 speciesof the pyrochloregroup
Nb ) Ta, recommended in this studvare listedand definedin

Table 1. Their namesreflectthe decisionto adopt

chemicalnamesin preference to "orthodox" names.
Thus uranpyrochlorereplaceshatchettolite,uran-
microlite replacesdjalmaite,etc. Applicabilityof the
Levinson nomenclature(Levinson, 1966) was re-
ferredto, but not recommended by theCommission.
The root namesfor species of the Nb- and Ta-rich
subgroups, as alsothe namesof the subgroupsthem-
selves,are derivedfrom the "orthodox" namesof the
Na-Ca members.However,as no Na-Ca member
has been definitely establishedfor the Ti-rich sub-
group, the Subcommittee recommends that betafite,
the mostcommonmember,be usedasroot namefor
this subgroup.
The bismuthomicrolite of Zalashkovaand Kuk-
harchik(1957)was considered as a new speciesbut
Nb Ta
rejectedby the Subcommittee becauseit contained
Fig l. The threesubgroups of the pyrochloregroup.Composi-
insufficientBi(4 atom Voof the ,{-ions). The Sub-
tions are plottedatomicallyfrom data in Bonshtedt-Kupletskaya
committeerecommendsthis name be used for the ( 1966).Mineralsno longerincludedin thegroup(mineralswith the
bismuthmemberof the microlitesubgroupasdefined samiresitephase,"hatchettolite"from Hybla, Ontario, and "ti-
in the precedingsectionand first described(as west- tanpyrochlore"from Tangen,Norway) are not plotted.
grenite)by Knorring and Mrose(1963).
The use of additional adjectivalprefixesis op-
tional, and should normally be restrictedto the with the approvalof the Commission,
six newnames
A-atom next in abundanceafter thb principalcon- are introduced: kalipyrochlore, bariopyrochlore,
stituent,followingPalacheet al. (1944,p. 43).Thus yttropyrochlore,ceriopyrochlore,stannomicrolite,
bariopyrochlore from the type localitycan be called is redefined.
and bariomicrolite.Bismutomicrolite
strontianbariopyrochlore (Ba 44Vo;Sr 32Voof theA-
atomspresent). Speciesof the pyrochloregroup
Recommended namesare givenbelow.Note that, Pyrochlore(Wcihler,I 826)

Table l. The pyrochloregroup

S U B G R O U P Sd e f l n e d by B atoms PYROCHLORE MICROLITE B E TA F I T E

viz Nb, Ta. Tt Nb+Ta>2Tl NH Ta>2Ti 2 Tt >Nb+ Ia
Nb>TT Ta>Nb

Na+Ca, but no other A-atons

>202 total A -atons pyrochlor nicrolite

SPECIES deflned
by A -atohs
vaz K,Sn,Ba,REE, one or more A-atons, other
Pb,Bi,u than Na or Ca, >202 rotal
A-atoms stannonicrollte

Species naoed by nost

abundant A -aton, other Ba bariopyrochlore ba! ionic!oIite
than Na or Ca

R E E* yttropyrochlore (tY>tCe)*x yttrobetaf 1te (tY>tCe)

ceilopyrochlore (XCe>tY)

Pb p lunb opyr och 1o re Plunbonlcrolite Plumbobetafi

Bi b isnu Eomlcro lit

U uranpyrochlo re ur anmic r o 1l t betafite

y a 1La + lu), and

.|.REE= 6dL puLpoaaa 06 apecio4 detltuitioft, REEcoun-tt M oftL A-etom.
" lY - Y + lcd - Lul; LCe = La + Eu.

Kalipyrochlore (described but not named by Van Ceruranopyrochlore (Lin et al., 1973)is a cerian
W a m b e k e , 1 9 6 5 ,p . 9 - 1 5 ) pyrochlore. The nameshouldbe dropped.
Ba r i op y r o chl or e (name replaces pandaite, q.u.) Chalcolamprile(Flink, 1898; 1901) contains a
Yttropyrochlore (Kupriyanova, unpublished; de- "large number of microscopical inclusions"(Flink,
scribed as obruchevite by Kupriyanova et al., 1964, 1901,p. 163)and apparentlyrepresents an impure
anal.63) pyrochlore.The 10.86percentSiO, may be due to
Ceriopyrochlore (name replaces marignacite, 4.u.) impurities.The nameshouldbe dropped.
Plumbopyrochlore (Skorobogatova et al., 1966) Columbomicrolite (Yllliers, l94l) is an unnecessary
Uranpyrochlore(Holmquist, 1896; name replaces synonym of pyrochlore. The name should be
hatchettolite,q.u.) dropped.
Djalmaite (Guimardes,1939) is a synonymfor
Speciesof the microlite subgroup uranmicrolite. The nameshouldbe dropped.
Microlite (Shepard, 1835) Ellsworthite(Walker and Parsons,1923a)con-
Stannomicrolite(name replacessukulaite, 4.u.) forms to the new definition of uranpyrochlore. The
Bariomicrolite (name replaces rijkeboerite, q.u.) nameshouldbe dropped.
Plumbomicrolite(Hey, 1964,p. 1147;based on Sa- Endeiolite(Flink, l90l) is probablyan impurepy-
f i a n n i k o f fa n d V a n W a m b e k e , l 9 6 l ) rochlore. The few tiny analysed crystals "were
Bismutomicrolite (name replaces westgrenite, 4.u.) scraped"from aegirine. The I L48 percentweightloss
Uranmicrolite (Strunz, 1957; name replacesdjal- in HF and HrSOnwas assumedto be SiOr,essential
maite, q.u.) to the compositionof the mineral.The nameshould
be dropped.
Speciesof the betafite subgroup Fluochlore (Hermann,1850)is an earlysynonymof
Yttobetafte (Kalita, I 959) pyrochlore, not used by later writers. The name
Plumbobetafite (Ganzeev et al., 1969) shouldbe dropped.
Betafite (Lacroix, 19l2b) Haddamite(Shepard,1870) is assumedto be a
synonymof microlite,but analyses are lacking.The
Synonyms, doubtful and discredited names, and species nameshouldbe dropped.
not belonging to the pyrochlore group Hatchettolite(Smith, 1877) is a synonym of
The many synonyms and other names associated uranpyrochlore.The nameshouldbe dropped.
with the pyrochlore group are listed alphabetically Hydrochlore (Hermann,1850)is an earlysynonym
below, and discussedin light of the proposed no- of pyrochlore,not used by later writers. The name
menclature. shouldbe dropped.
Aluminobetafite (Kawai, 1960) may possibly be- Hydropyrochlore(lvanov et al., 1944)is probably
long to the pyrochlore group and betafite subgroup, an alteredmetamictpyrochlore.The nameshould be
with unusual gross substitution of Al and some Sn dropped.
and U. More data are needed. Koppite(Knop, 1875)is a poorly definedvarietyof
Azorpyruhite (Hubbard, 1886)probably belongsto pyrochlore.The type specimenis not available,but
the pyrochlore group, but as quantitative analysesare most specimensfrom the type locality arcpyrochlore
lacking, the mineral cannot be classifiedor renamed (seeVan Wambeke,1964,p.67 for analyses). Jakob's
at this time. analysis(Brandenberger, 1931)shows9.73 percent
Blomstrandile(Lindstrdm, 1874) has beenassumed Fe2O3,and contaminationis suspected. The name
to belong to the pyrochlore group. It is possibly shouldbe dropped.
uranpyrochlore, but adequate analyses are lacking, Marignacite(Weidmannand Lenher, 1907)is a
and new data are desirable. synonym of ceriopyrochlore.The name should be
Calciosamarskire(Ellsworth, 1928)has the compo- dropped.
sition of uranian yttropyrochlore, but the mineral is Mendelyeeuite or mendelejeuite (Vernadskii,1914;
metamict, and proof that it belongsto the pyrochlore 1923)is a synonymof betafite,the accepted analysis
group is lacking. Van Wambeke (1970) suggeststhat (seeChukhrovand Bonshtedt-Kupletskaya, 1967,p.
a somewhat similar metamict mineral from Zaire 175-l'76,anal. 9) conformingto the redefinitionof
may be yttrian uranpyrochlore with a high proportion this species, althoughthe proportion of uraniumis
of Fe3+in the B-positions.Further study seemsdesir- little abovethe necessary minimum.The nameshould
able before deciding the status of this mineral. be dropped.

Metasimpsonile (Simpson,1938,p. 88; Bowley, Samiresite (Lacroix, l9l2a) has the composition of
1939;Taylor, 1939,p. 93) is a synonymof miuolite. a plumbian uranpyrochlore (seeVan Wambeke, 1970,
The nameshouldbe dropped. p. 138). However, although this mineral is metamict,
Mumbite(Van Wambeke,1970)is a synonymof apparently with octahedral habit, it recrystallizeson
plumbomicrolite.The name should be dropped. heating (Gorzhevskaya et al., 1966; Gorzhevskaya
Neotantalite (Termier,1902)has long beenrecog- a n d S i d o r e n k o , l 9 7 l ) t o a p h a s e ," S " , r e l a t e d t o
nized as eithermicroliteor a closely-related mineral. synthetic UTarOro (Gasperin, 1965) and lesser
The originalanalysis(by Pisani)showedFe and Mn amounts of a pyrochlore phase.The name should be
as the principal l-atoms and the absenceof Ca. dropped.
Reexamination of Termier'stype materialby Gaspe- Scheteligite(Bjlrlykke, 1937)may possibly belong
in (1972\showedthe mineralto be metamictmicro- to the betafite subgroup, with complex substitution
lile with largedeficienciesin the l-ions, which may by Y, Mn, Sb, W, Bi, but more data are needed.
be filled by Ba, Pb, U, and Ca. Fe and Mn were Silicate-wiikite (Strunz, 1957)must be discredited,
presentas impurities.The nameshouldbe dropped. being a mixture; seewiikite.
Niobpyrochlore (Machatschki,1932)is an unneces- Stibiomicrolite(Quenseland Berggren, 1938)must
sary synonym for pyrochlore.The name should be be discredited, being a mixture of microlite, stibio-
dropped. tantalile, and stibnite(seeRos6n and Westgren,1938)
Niobtantalpyrochlore (Machatschki,1932),imply- Sukulaite (Vorma and Siivola, 1967) is a synonym
ing a compositionwith Nb ", Ta, must be renamed for stannomicrolite.The name should be dropped.
eitherpyrochloreor microlite,accordingto the analy- Tangenite(Gagarin and Cuomo, 1949)was a name
sis.The nameshouldbe dropped. presumptuously given to titanium-rich "betaftes"
Nuolaite(Lokka, 1928),a mixture of yttropyro- from Norway (Tangen quarry near Kragerl). Two of
chlore and other niobium oxide mineralsrelatesto the analysescorrespond ro betafte, and one to the
wiikite (q.u.),must be discreditedas a species. titanian equivalent of pyrochlore. Recently W. L.
Obrucheuite (Kalita, 1957)is a namelatershownto Griffin, of the Mineralogisk Museum, Oslo, has
have been given to two differentspecies(Gorzhevs- shown that the specimens analyzed were mixtures
kaya and Sidorenko,1969).One of these,brown (seetitanopyrochlore).The name is discredited.
obruchevite,after heatingto 700oC,crystallizedto Tantalbetafite(Kalita and Bykova, l96l) is a syn-
the samiresile^l phase(4.u.).The other, black ob- onym for betafite.The name should be dropped.
ruchevite,wassubsequently renamedyttropyrochlore Tantalohatchettolite(Villiers, l94l) is a synonym
(Kupriyanova, 1970, unpublished). The Soviet for uranmicrolite. The name should be dropped.
Union's Commissionof New Minerals(KNM) and Tantalo-obrucheuite (van der Veen, 1963), in-
MineralogicalTerminologyhave recommended the tended for the yttrium-rich member of the microlite
nameyttropyrochlorereplacethis type of obrucheuite. group, has not been found.
Pandaite(Jiiger et al., 1959) is a synonymfor Tantalpyrochlore (Machatschki, 1932) is a syn-
bariopyrochlore. The name should be dropped. onym of microlite. The name should be dropped.
Priazouite(Yurk, l94l1, 1956,p. 24), previously Titanbetafite (Ginzburg et al., 1960) is a synonym
regardedasan alteredpyrochlore(Dzhun,1963),has of betafite as redefined above. The name should be
beenshownto belongto the samarskilegroup (Gor- dropped.
zhevskayaand Sidorenko,1974)and must be ex- Titanmicrolite (Strunz, 1966, erroneously ascribed
cludedfrom the pyrochloregroup. to van der Veen, 1963),with Ti ) Ta > Nb, has not
Pyrochlore-microlite (Beuset al., 1962),implying a been found.
compositionwith Nb ^, Ta must be renamedeither Titano-obrucheuite(van der Veen, 1963) is a syn-
pyrochloreor microlite,accordingto the analysis. onym of yttrobetafite, and the name must be dis-
Pyrochlore-wiikile(Strunz,1957),beinga mixture, carded.
must be discredited;seewiikite, below. Titanopyrochlore (Machatschki, 1932) was named
Pyrrhite (Rose, 1839,p. 5621'1842,p. 383-385) as a hypothetical titanian equivalent of pyrochlore.
belongsto thepyrochloregroup,but cannotbe classi- O n e o f t h e a n a l y s e so f B j l r l y k k e ( 1 9 3 1 , a n a l . 3 ) , f r o m
fied becausethe type materialhas not beenanalyzed. the Tangen Quarry near Kragerf , Norway, conforms
The nameshouldbe dropped. to a dominantly calcian member of the betafite sub-
Rijkeboerite (van der Veen,1963)is a synonymfor group. W. L. Griffin (correspondence,April 1974)
bqriomicrolite.The name should be dropped. made a microprobe analysisof Bjlrlykke's specimen

and found it to be composedof at leastfive different References

phases. A "hatchettolite" from Hybla, Ontario
Ant-Wuorinen,J. (1936)Der Wiikiteund seinechemische Zusam-
(Walker and Parsons,1923b,anal. l) approaches mensetzung.Bull. Comm.gbol. Finlande,ll5, 213-229.
titanpyrochlorein bulk, but the material is in- Beus,A. A., and A. P. Kalita(1961)Recentdataon the so-called
homogeneous(Hogarth, unpublisheddata). The wiikite, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, /41, 705-708.(In Russian).
-, E. A. Severov,A. A. Sitnin and K.'D. Subbotin(1962)
nameshouldbe dropped.
Albitized and greisenizedgranites(apogranites).Izoest.Adad.
Westgrenite (Knorring and Mrose, 1963)is a syn- lVazftS,SSR,Moscow. 194p. (In Russian).
onym of bismutomicrolite.The name should be Bjdrlykke,H (1931)Ein Betafitmineralvon Tangenbei Kragerii.
dropped. Norsk Geol.Tidsskr.,12,'13-88.
IViikite(Ramsay,1899,p. 379)anda- andB-wiik- - ( 1937)Mineral paragenesis of somegranitepegmatites n€ar
ile (Ant-Wuorinen, 1936) are mixtures of yttropy- Kragerl, southern Norway. Norsk Geol. Tidsskr.,17, l-16.
E. M. (1966)Systematization of the py-
rochloreor other membersof the pyrochloregroup Bonshtedt-Kupletskaya,
rochlore-microlitemineral group. Zap. Vses.Mineral. Obsh-
with euxeniteand silicates(Fauquier,1960;Beusand chestua95, 134-144.(In Russian).
Kalita, l96l) and must be discredited(seealsopyro- Borodin, L. S., A. V. Bykova,T. A. Kapitonovaand Yu. A.
chlore-wiikiteand silicate-wiikite). Pyatenko(1960)New dataon zirconolite andits niobianvariety.
Dokl. Akad Nant SSSR., 134, ll88-l 19l. (In Russian).
Yttrohatchettolite(Kalita, 1959) has insufficient
- and I. L Nazarenko(1957)Chemicalcompositionof py-
uranium to be classifiedas uranpyrochlore.It is syn- rochloreand isomorphicreplacements in the ArBzXr molecule.
onymous with yttropyrochlore.The name should be Geokhimiya, No.4 [for 1957],2'18-295. (In Russianwith English
dropped. summary).
Zirconolite and niobozirconolitefrom U.S.S.R. and T. L. Richter(1956)The newmineralzircono-
(Borodin et al., 1956;1960)are synonymouswith lite-a complex oxide of the ABrOt type. Dakl. Akad. Nauk
SSSR,1/0, 845-848.(ln Russian).
zirkelite(Hussakand Prior, 1895),Parkerand Flei- Bowley,H. (1939)Simpsonite (sp.nov.)from TabbaTabba,West-
scher(1968,p. 3l) have listedniobozirconolite as a ern Australia.J. R. Soc. W. Aust. 25.89-92.
member of the "pyrochlore-betafite-microliteBrandenberger, E. (1931)Die Kristallstrukturvon Koppit. Z.
series,"but its monoclinicsymmetryexcludes it from Kristallogr , 76, 322-334.
the pyrochloregroup (Pudovkinaet al., 1974). Chukrov, F. and E. M. Bonshtedt-Kupletskaya, Eds.(1967)Min-
eraly, Yol 2, Pt. 3, Nauka Press,Moscow.(In Russian).
Dzhun, V, S. (1963)New data on the characteristics ofpriazovite.
DopouidiAkad. Nauk URSR,10, 1379.1384. (In Ukranianwith
The proposedschemeof classificationpermitsthe summaries in Russianand English).
addition of new speciesto the group when data be- Ellsworth,H. V. (1928)A mineralrelatedto samarskite from the
comeavailable. In namingtheseminerals,we recom- Woodcox Mine. Hybla, and from Parry Sound,Ontario.Am.
Mineral.. 13,63-68.
mend a chemicalnomenclature, as outlinedabove. Fauquier,D. (1960)Sur la "wiikite" et la "loranskite."C. R. Acad.
The following mineralsor variantsare poorly de- Sci, 250. 3032-303.4.
fined: aluminobetafite, azorpyrrhite,blomstrandite, Flink, G. (1898)Ber?ittelse om en mineralogiskresai Syd-Gr6n-
calciosamarskite, scheteligite. Type materialsshould land sommaren1897.Medd. Gry'nland,14,221-262.
_ (lg0r) on the mineralsfrom Narsarsukon the Firth of
be reinvestigated, and their mineralogical statuscon-
Tunugdliarfik in southern Greenland. Medd. Grfnland, 24,
firmed. 7- I 80.
Gaertner,H. R. von (1930)Die Kristallstrukturen von Loparit
und Pyrochlor.NeuesJahrb. Mineral., Beil.-Band,6,f,Abt. A,
Acknowledgments l-30.
The Subcommittee gratefullyacknowledges the help of Dr. Mi- Gagarin,G. and J. R. Cuomo(1949)Algunasproposiciones sobre
chaelFleischer, past-Chairman of the IMA Commission of New nomencfaturamineralogica.Comun.insl. nac,inuest,cienc,nat,
Mineralsand MineralNames,and ProfessorGlaucoGottardi,the del Museo Argentino Cienc. Natl. "Bernardino Riuadauia,"
presentsecretaryof the Commission.Much assistance was given Cienc.geol.,/, No. 5, 2l p.
by the All-Union MineralogicalSocietyof the USSR,especially by Ganzeev,A. A., A. F. Efimov,and G. V. Lyubomilova(1969)
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