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Based on your own understanding the students will make a reflection paper where and when

was the historic cry occurred?

The first cry in Philippines is the start of the revolution of Filipino people against the
Spaniards colonizer. Filipino revolutionaries under the leadership of Andres Bonifacio tore up
their cedula and raised a passionate cry for independence because they are sick of oppression
under foreign colonizers. But some information is still questionable about where and when it
was the historic cry really occurred.

If I will to give a title for my reflection paper, it will be Undress Bonifacio because of the
different accounts on the date and place of the first cry in the Philippines. There are actually
five different places and five different dates given for the first famous Philippine cry. Philippine
history is such a mystery because simple date and location is hard to identify. When and where
it happened was such a controversy. It was celebrated during 26 th of August and called the Cry
of Balintawak. But National Historical Commission changed its location to Pugad Lawin on
August 23rd based on the account of Pio Valenzuela.

After reading some of the accounts of primary and secondary sources, it is still confusing
whether where and when is the exact date was the first cry happened. It is still unclear to
everyone even to our historian. Even the witness of the event, Pio Valenzuela was unreliable
source because of his changeable memories. The fact that they want to hide to Spaniards about
their secret revolution that even now they are still hidden because we still don’t know where
they when it happened.

We may say that the given information is still missing its point of the exact date and
place where historic cry occurred but we will never forget that it is just the start of the struggle
of Filipinos. It doesn’t matter where and when it was happened because what matters the most
is that Filipinos fight their rights to stop the slavery of our own home land. We will never forget
that the Cry of Filipinos is a symbol of our independence.

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