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1. Draw a rectangular coordinate system in your graphing paper.
2. Sketch a circle by using a compass. Let the origin of the coordinate system be the center
point of it.
3. Set any point on the circle. Let it be point P with coordinates (x, y), then connect the
point to the center of the circle.
4. Draw a line from the point P perpendicular to the horizontal or vertical axis.

Activity Proper.

A. Graph your circle in your Graphing paper.

B. Questions
1. How will you describe the figure inscribe the circle?

I can say that the figure I drew inscribed in the circle is a right triangle. It is a right
triangle because the other line I drew was supposed to be perpendicular to one of the axes,
therefore one of its angles should be a right angle (90°). The longest side of the triangle is also
the radius of the circle.

2. What theorem or principle can you recall about this figure? Will you state it and write

I remember the Pythagorean theorem in this figure, where the length of the hypotenuse
(c) is equal to the squares of the two sides of a right triangle (a & b).  The mathematical formula
for this is c =√a +b , where c is the longest side of the right triangle, or the opposite of the right
2 2 2

angle, while a and b are the legs of the right triangle.

Mathematical Formula
  The distance from the center point C(0,0), to point P(x, y) is equal to the length of the
hypotenuse of the triangle or the radius of the circle by the:
(x-x1)2 +(y-y1)2= r2
3. Will you substitute the coordinates of the center point C and point P in the formula?

Point P(8,9)
Point C(0,0)

(0-8)2 +(0-9)2= r2
64 +81= r2
145= r2
r=12.04 units

4. If the center of the circle is at point(h,k) and with the radius, how will you write the new

(0-8)2 +(0-9)2= 12.04

5. Describe how the equation is written in number 4 question.

The equation at the top tells that the squares of the differences of the x-coordinates and
y-coordinates added together is equal to the length of the radius squared. To get the length of
the radius, you simply get the square root of both sides which will always be equal.

6. In this activity, how will you define a circle?

In this activity, I define a circle as a plane that has many points on its curved line that
have different coordinates but have the same distance from its given center. The point P in my
drawing represents one in a million points on the circle which then connects to the center and
forms a radius. The circle in this activity has a right triangle inscribed where the hypotenuse of
the triangle is also the radius of the circle. I can say that a circle is not that complicated but can
have many uses. I define a circle as the path of life since it is used in most of the things around
me like bicycle wheels, the gears on motors and engines of appliances, and the doorknob i use
to open and close doors. These simple machines make life easier and reliable to get through life
every day.

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