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Over the years, all the world have developed such important topics as the
scientific and technologic advances, considering something very important
to involve everyone, the big environmental pollution, which has been
caused in part by these advances, coupled with the daily habits of the
human being, who has not taken a decision and get the compromise of
implement measures and solutions to help preserve the environment. The
causes of these pollution problems are caused by the abuse of environment
by the human being, who has abused of its resources and also has done a
bad used of them in his intention to meet it, dominate it, take control of it
and get the maximum benefit of it. In consequence, our planet has obtained
changes, with the polluted environment, we are losing forests are depleting
water supplies, deserts are increasing and a lot of people die for hunger and
disease every day.

One of the most influential causes of environmental pollution in general is

air pollution, which is generated by any change in the nature of the air,
altering physical and chemical properties of this. These changes are caused
by external agents, as the pollutant gases emitted by combustion, and are
used for get heat, generate electric and mechanic energy. The main
producers of polluting gases are cars, industrial emissions and the burning
of garbage, this is a problem of big dimension, even more with the
globalization of industrial development. The solution is obvious, but it’s
difficult to do it, we must seek new sources of energy and guide the
industries toward renewable energies utilization which do not cause more
damage to the environment. We must also make environmental
responsibility campaigns, educating people, communities and nations.
Another cause of the current environmental situation is the overexploitation
of natural resources, a problem that has been presented since the beginning
of humankind and we are now paying the consequences. Humans have
used natural resources unscrupulous way, we have modified the spaces, we
have exploited the soils, mineral resources are depleted, and some animal
species are disappearing by hunting and killing up just for fun. As result we
see around us: The animals are becoming extinct from a hundred to a
thousand times faster than normal, 23% of mammal species are under
threat and in the last 20 years 27 species have become extinct.
Deforestation has left large areas of desert, and in consequences of this
climate changes are drastically increasing. The survival of mankind on
earth is only possible if the environment is preserved, the man has to get
used of it and preserved it at the same time, making sure the spices, caring
and creating environmental spaces, especially planting trees.

I think the first step to change is awareness, we must respect nature,

recognizing the natural balance of ecosystems, which has been altered as a
result of industrialization, and massive production and exchange of goods
and services, which tend to deplete by not managing natural resources
(renewable and nonrenewable), which must be protected and preserved for
present and future generations. We must also make environmental
responsibility campaigns, educating people, communities and nations to
give back to nature all that it has provided to us.

Luis Carlos Duchesne González

CC. 1.140.829.824 de Barranquilla.

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