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This project titled “Charging Controller” is used to provide the amount of time your
smartphone charges its battery is controlled by you.

Usually, every mobile phone is charged using charging adapter or sometimes power
bank is used. When you forget to switch off the charge adapter that you plugged in the
device there occurs a issue. That is when the charge is full and the switch is in ON state.
Advanced software’s detect when your battery is fully charged and disconnect supply of
power to the battery but not completely the device in a charging state known as trickle.
Charging at this time the temperature of the battery increases. Due to the heat it may affect
the life time of the battery. Can there be any solution to overcome this ?. Yes, ofcourse
“Charging Controller” can be used here.

The brain of this project is Arduino. Initially time is set using a rotary encoder in the
LCD 16x2 display. Once the charging time is up, the power to the charging adapter is
disconnected using a relay. Consider a scenario, it is 10 pm. You need to charge your phone
for 3 hour, you don’t need to wake up at 1 am to turn off your charger. You can set to 3 hour
in the LCD display, when the time is up automatically the adapter gets disconnected from
the power supply at 1 am. You don’t need to worry about your phone.

• Arduino
• 16x2 LCD display
• Rotary Encoder
• Relay Module
• Potentiometer
• Single socket power outlet box
• Breadboard
• Connecting wires

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