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Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

6 3 4
1 Simplify , giving your answer in the form p 3  q , where p and q
8 3
are positive rational numbers. (4 marks)

2 f( x )  x 2  ( k  8) x  (8k  1)
a Find the discriminant of f(x) in terms of k giving your answer as a simplified quadratic.
(3 marks)
b If the equation f(x) = 0 has two equal roots, find the possible values of k. (2 marks)
c Show that when k = 8, f(x) > 0 for all values of x. (3 marks)

3 A stone is thrown from the top of a cliff. The height h, in metres, of the stone above
the ground level after t seconds is modelled by the function h(t )  115  12.25t  4.9t 2
a Give a physical interpretation of the meaning of the constant term 115 in the model.
(1 mark)
b Write h(t) in the form A – B(t – C)2, where A, B and C are constants to be found.
(3 marks)
c Using your answer to part b, or otherwise, find, with justification
i the time taken after the stone is thrown for it to reach ground level (3 marks)
ii the maximum height of the stone above the ground and the time after which this
maximum height is reached. (2 marks)

4 p( x)  3  x , q( x )  x 2  10 x  20
a Solve the equation q(x) = 0. Write your answer in the form a  3 b ,
where a and b are integers to be found. (2 marks)
b Sketch the graphs of y = p(x) and y = q(x) on the same set of axes. Label all
points where the curves intersect the coordinate axes. (4 marks)
c Use an algebraic method to find the coordinates of any point of intersection
of the graphs y = p(x) and y = q(x). (4 marks)
d Write down, using set notation, the set of values of x for which p(x) < q(x). (2 marks)

5 g( x)  5,xℝ
Sketch the graph y = g(x). Label any asymptotes and any points of intersection
with the coordinate axes. (5 marks)

Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

6 f  x   x3  3 x  2

The figure below shows a sketch of part of the curve with equation y = f(x).
Figure 1

a On a separate set of axes, sketch the curve with equation y = f(2x) showing
the location and coordinates of the images of points A, B, C and D. (2 marks)
b On a separate set of axes, sketch the curve with equation y = f(–x) showing
the location and coordinates of the images of points A, B, C and D. (2 marks)

7 a On a coordinate grid (x and y axes running from −6 to 6), shade the region
comprising all points whose coordinates satisfy the inequalities
y ≤ 2x + 5, 2y + x ≤ 6 and y ≥ 2 (3 marks)
b Work out the area of the shaded region. (5 marks)

Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

Solution Set

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

1 M1 1.1b 3rd
Attempt to multiply the numerator and denominator by Rationalise the
6 3 4 8 3 denominator of a
k (8  3) . For example,  fraction with a
8 3 8 3
simple surd
M1 1.1a
Attempt to multiply out the numerator (at least 3 terms

48 3  18  32  4 3

M1 1.1b
Attempt to multiply out the denominator (for example, 3
terms correct but must be rational or 64 – 3 seen or implied).

64  8 3  8 3  3

A1 1.1b
p and q stated or implied (condone if all over 61).

44 14 44 14
3 or p  , q 
61 61 61 61

(4 marks)


Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

2a M1 1.1a 4th
Statement that discriminant is b2 – 4ac, and/or implied by Understand and
writing  k  8   4 1  8k  1 use the

conditions for
M1 1.1b real, repeated and
Attempt to simplify the expression by multiplying out the no real roots
brackets. Condone sign errors and one algebraic error (but
not missing k term from squaring brackets and must have k2,
k and constant terms).

k 2  8k  8k  64  32k  4 o.e.

A1 1.1b
k 2  16k  60


2b M1 1.1b 5th
Knowledge that two equal roots occur when the discriminant Solve problems
is zero. This can be shown by writing b2 – 4ac = 0, or by involving the
writing k 2  16k  60  0 discriminant in
context and
A1 1.1b construct simple
proofs involving
k  10, k  6 the discriminant


2c B1 2.2a 3rd
Correct substitution for k = 8: f( x)  x 2  16 x  65 Solve quadratic
equations by use
M1 1.1b of formula

Attempt to complete the square for their expression of f(x).

f( x)   x  8   1

A1 2.3
Statement (which can be purely algebraic) that f(x) > 0,
because, for example, a squared term is always greater than

Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

or equal to zero, so one more than a square term must be

greater than zero or an appeal to a reasonable sketch of y =


(8 marks)

Not all steps have to be present to award full marks. For example, the second method mark can still be awarded
if the answer does not include that step.
Award full marks for k = 6, k = 10 seen. Award full marks for valid and complete alternative method (e.g.
expanding (x – a)2 comparing coefficients and solving for k).
An alternative method is acceptable. For example, students could differentiate to find that the turning point of
the graph of y = f(x) is at (8, 1), and then show that it is a minimum. The minimum can be shown by using
properties of quadratic curves or by finding the second differential. Students must explain (a sketch will suffice)
that this means that the graph lies above the x-axis and reach the appropriate conclusion.

Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

3a B1 3.2a 4th
115 (m) is the height of the cliff (as this is the height of the Understand the
ball when t = 0). Accept answer that states 115 (m) is the concepts of
height of the cliff plus the height of the person who is ready domain and range
to throw the stone or similar sensible comment.


3b M1 3.1a 4th
Attempt to factorise the – 4.9 out of the first two (or all) Solve simple
terms. quadratic
equations by
completing the
 5  square
 
h(t )  4.9 t 2  2.5t  115 or h(t )  4.9  t 2  t   115
 2 

M1 3.1a

h(t )  4.9  t  1.25   (4.9) 1.25   115

2 2


2 2
 5 5
h(t )  4.9  t    ( 4.9)    115
 4 4

A1 3.1a

h(t )  122.65625  4.9  t  1.25  o.e.


(N.B. 122.65625 = )

Accept the first term written to 1, 2, 3 or 4 d.p. or the full

answer as shown.


Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

3ci M1 3.1a 4th

Statement that the stone will reach ground level when Form and solve
h(t) = 0, or 4.9t 2  12.25t  115  0 is seen. quadratic
equations in
M1 3.1a context
Valid attempt to solve quadratic equation (could be using
completed square form from part b, calculator or formula).

A1 3.5a
Clearly states that t = 6.25 s (accept t = 6.3 s) is the answer,
or circles that answer and crosses out the other answer, or
explains that t must be positive as you cannot have a
negative value for time.


3cii B1ft 3.1a 4th

hmax = awrt 123 Form and solve
equations in
ft A from part b. context

B1ft 3.2a
t = or t = 1.25

ft C from part b.


(9 marks)

Award 4 marks for correct final answer, with some working missing. If not correct B1 for each of A, B and C
If the student answered part b by completing the square, award full marks for part c, providing their answer to
their part b was fully correct.

Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

4a M1 1.1b 3rd
Attempt to solve q(x) = 0 by completing the square or by Solve quadratic
using the formula. equations by use
of formula

x 2  10 x  20  0
 x  52  45  0


10  100  4(1)(20)

A1 1.1b
x  5  3 5 and/or statement that says a = 5 and b = 5


4b q(0) = −20, so y = q(x) B1ft 1.1b 3rd

intersects y-axis at (0, −20)
Figure 1 Sketch graphs of
and x-intercepts labelled
(accept incorrect values from
part a).

B1 1.1b
y = p(x) intersects y-axis
at (0, 3).

B1 1.1b
y = p(x) intersects x-axis
at (6, 0).

B1 1.1b
Graphs drawn as shown with
all axes intercepts labelled.
The two graphs should clearly
intersect at two points, one at
a negative value of x and one

Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

at a positive value of x. These

points of intersection do not
need to be labelled.


4c Statement indicating that this is the point where p(x) = q(x) M1 2.2a 4th
1 Solve more
or x 2  10 x  20  3  x seen. complicated
Their equation factorised, or attempt to solve their equation by M1 1.1b equations where
completing the square. one is linear and
one is quadratic
2x2 −19x – 46 = 0
(2x – 23)(x + 2) = 0

 23 11  A1 1.1b
 , 
 2 4

 2, 4  A1 1.1b


4d 23 B1 2.2a 4th
x < – 2 or x  o.e.
2 Represent
solutions to
{x : x   , x  2}  {x : x   , x  11.5} B1 2.2a quadratic
inequalities using
NB: Must see “or” or  (if missing SC1 for just the correct
set notation


(12 marks)

Equation can be solved by completing the square or by using the quadratic formula. Either method is acceptable.
Answers with incorrect coordinates lose accuracy marks as appropriate. However, the graph accuracy marks can
be awarded for correctly labelling their coordinates, even if their coordinates are incorrect.
If the student incorrectly writes the initial equation, award 1 method mark for an attempt to solve the incorrect
equation. Solving the correct equation by either factorising or completing the square is acceptable.

Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

5 Asymptote drawn at x = 6 B1 1.1b 5th

Figure 2 Understand and
use properties of
asymptotes for
graphs of the
B1 1.1b form y = a/x and y
Asymptote drawn at y = 5 = a/x2

 13  B1 1.1b
Point  0,  labelled.
 3
Condone clearly on y axis.

 26  B1 1.1b
Point  , 0  labelled.
 5 
Condone clearly on x axis.

Correctly shaped graph drawn B1 1.1b

in the correct quadrants
formed by the asymptotes.


(5 marks)


Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

6a Evidence of attempt to show M1 1.1b 3rd

Figure 3 1 Transform graphs
stretch of sf in x direction
2 using stretches
(e.g. one correct set of
coordinates – not (0, –2)).

A1 1.1b
Fully complete graph with all
points labelled.


Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

6b Evidence of attempt to show M1 1.1b 3rd

reflection in y axis (e.g. one
Figure 4 Transform graphs
correct set of coordinates – not
using translations
(0, –2)).

A1 1.1b
Fully complete graph with all
points labelled.


(4 marks)


Additional Practice Questions – Pure 1

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

7a Graph of y = 2x + 5 drawn. B1 1.1b 4th

Figure 5 Represent linear
and quadratic
inequalities on
B1 1.1b
Graph of 2y + x = 6 drawn.

Graph of y = 2 drawn onto the B1 2.2a

coordinate grid and the
triangle correctly shaded.


7b Attempt to solve y = 2x + 5 and 2y + x = 6 simultaneously M1 2.2a 5th

for y.
Solve problems
1.1b involving linear
y = 3.4 A1
and quadratic
2.2a inequalities in
Base of triangle = 3.5 B1
1 M1 2.2a
Area of triangle =  (“3.4” – 2)  3.5

Area of triangle is 2.45 (units2). A1 1.1b


(8 marks)

It is possible to find the area of triangle by realising that the two diagonal lines are perpendicular and therefore
finding the length of each line using Pythagoras’ theorem. Award full marks for a correct final answer using this
In this case award the second and third accuracy marks for finding the lengths 2.45 and 9.8


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