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Name umair achmad munaji

NIM: 2111313036

In the world of nursing, we all know the difference between caring and curing, many people think
that caring and curing are the same, but actually caring and curing are very different.

Caring is a response given by nurses to patients from physical, psychological, spiritual, and social
aspects. while curing is the treatment.Caring is the main task of nurses , because nurses take more
care for patients than medical actions.Curing is a doctor's main task, where a doctor performs more
medical actions.

By applying the concept of caring to patients, the healing process which is our job as nurses can be
carried out more easily.Caring can also make it easier for us to approach patients so that our
relationship with patients can be better.The concept of caring can also provide satisfaction to
patients because by applying the concept of caring to patients we have provided the best health
services to our clients.

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