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Containers and
Colegio de bachilleres de Tabasco
Teacher: Martha Concepción Durán Cuj
Course: English
Semester: 1° Group: ‘’A’’
Theme: Units of measurement
Date: 12-11-2021
01 Miguel Ángel Pérez Hernández
02 Jesús Miguel Castillo Alemán

03 Ingrid Martínez Ávalos

04 Diego Alberto Contreras López

05 Argenis Samuel Arias Cerino
Didactic situacion
Due to the upcoming December holidays, the students have
begun to make a list of articles and products that they will use
during the Christmas holidays, but due to the pandemic situation
that still prevails in the State, it is suggested that the entire
transaction be made through an online purchase.

1.-what products are you going to need?


1.-Sausage 2.-Chipotle pepper 3.-Ketchup

4.-Onion 5.-Butter 6.-Chips

1.-What are the quantities that they will require?

Ingredients Amount
Sausage 2 Kg (Kilogramos)
Chipotle pepper 105 g (gramos)
Ketchup 10 tablespoon
Onion 30 g (gramos)
Butter 25 g (gramos)
Chips To taste To taste
1.-What is de price of de products ?

Ingredients Price
Sausage 4.55 $USD
Chipotle pepper 1.21 $USD
Ketchup 1.84 $USD
Onion 0.48 $USD
Butter 0.63 $USD
Chips 1.70 $USD
1.-What presentation are the products in?

Ingredients Presentation
Sausage 2 Kg Package
Chipotle pepper 105 g Can
Ketchup 567 g Ketchup
Onion 1 kg Onion
Butter 90 g Bar
Chips 320 g Bag
Colegio de bachilleres de

12-11-2021 Miguel Ángel Pérez Hernández

Diego Alberto Contreras López
Ingrid Martínez Ávalos
1° ‘’A’’ Miguel Jesús Castillo Alemán
Argenis Samuel Arias Cerino

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