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Marbella, Marat B.

BSED Mathematics


Explain the following questions:

1. Your action always have a way of coming back to you
2. No one ever accomplished anything great by playing it safe
3. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for in the realm of the dead,
where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor
wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9:10
4. Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever
is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

1) “Your action always have a way of coming back to you”, in my opinion, this saying
means that every course of action a person takes will always have a consequence or a
result, whether it be good or a bad one. In simple terms, every action comes with either
bad or good results that will greatly affect you, that is why, people take risks when
taking action in certain scenarios.
2) “No one ever accomplished anything great by playing it safe”. It’s simple, one can simply
not achieved anything by playing safe; it is better to bet everything on one thing rather
than playing it safe and not betting. If a person is not risking something to achieve
something, then that must mean that they are doing it half-hearted; they are not fully
into it. Take a look at some of our successful role models, Dr. Jose Rizal is one, he risked
his life with the purpose of reforming our government; and because he betted his life in
doing so, the country Philippines achieved independence from the Spaniards.
3) It is true that if a person finds something that his/her hands must do (could be a calling)
then he/she shouldn’t do it half-hearted and do it with all of his beings, put his/her into
it and surely it will bring satisfactory results. This is because, once you died doing things
half-hearted, it will only result in death full of regrets.
4) “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much” means that
everything starts at a much smaller things and they’ll eventually grew into larger things;
that goes the same with trust, if a person starts to trust people with little things then
over the time, they’ll also learn to trust people in a much bigger scale. But it is also the
same with people being dishonest; if a kid is being dishonest about small things, like
who broke the pencil or something else, then once they grow up, there’s a high chance
that he will be dishonest to people about things that could result in him being called a
criminal or a liar. In simple terms, every aspect of life starts in those smaller things that
we barely notices but once they develop over the time, then it will be more noticeable.

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