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Nandhabalan et al.

Critical Care (2018) 22:215


Refractory septic shock: our pragmatic

Prashanth Nandhabalan* , Nicholas Ioannou, Christopher Meadows and Duncan Wyncoll

Despite timely intervention, there exists a small subgroup of patients with septic shock who develop progressive
multi-organ failure. Seemingly refractory to conventional therapy, they exhibit a very high mortality. Such patients
are often poorly represented in large clinical trials. Consequently, good evidence for effective treatment strategies is
lacking. In this article, we describe a pragmatic, multi-faceted approach to managing patients with refractory septic
shock based on our experience of toxin-mediated sepsis in a specialist referral centre. Many components of this
strategy are inexpensive and widely accessible, and so may offer an opportunity to improve outcomes in these
critically ill patients.
Keywords: Refractory septic shock, Multi-organ failure, High-dose vasopressors, Septic cardiomyopathy, Toxin-
producing bacteria

Introduction frequently observed and alternative therapeutic strategies

The Surviving Sepsis Guidelines provide a suitable are desperately needed to improve outcomes in this small
framework to guide therapy for the majority of patients subgroup of critically ill patients.
with septic shock [1]. Appropriate and timely antimicro- In this viewpoint article we describe a pragmatic,
bial therapy, source control if indicated, fluid therapy, multi-faceted approach to managing patients with refrac-
and targeted vasopressors remain the backbone of treat- tory septic shock. The list of interventions described
ment. However, a small proportion of patients fail to re- below is drawn from our clinical experience managing pa-
spond to these measures and deteriorate precipitously tients with confirmed, or suspected, toxin-producing bac-
into refractory shock and progressive multi-organ fail- teria in a specialist Severe Respiratory Failure centre in
ure. This subgroup of patients is often poorly repre- the UK. It is recognised that some of these interventions
sented in large randomised controlled trials investigating lack a robust evidence base. Our intention is not to re-
the efficacy of interventions in septic shock. As a result, hearse the current evidence for each component of ther-
there is little conclusive evidence to guide management apy, but merely to describe our institutional approach
in this particular population. with brief reference to selected relevant literature.
Refractory septic shock is variably defined as the pres-
ence of hypotension, with end-organ dysfunction, requir-
ing high-dose vasopressor support often greater than Albumin
0.5 μg/kg/min norepinephrine or equivalent [2]. Regard- Early fluid requirements in these patients often signifi-
less of the precise definition, there is an associated mortal- cantly exceeds the standard recommended initial regi-
ity of up to 60%. Furthermore, patients with vasopressor men of 30 ml/kg. Our practice is to use balanced
requirements greater than 1 μg/kg/min norepinephrine or crystalloids for initial volume replacement, guided by dy-
equivalent who continue to deteriorate clinically have a re- namic cardiac output monitoring and echocardiography,
ported mortality as high as 80–90% [3, 4]. Microcircula- followed by 20% human albumin solution if ongoing
tory failure and associated ischaemic consequences are fluid resuscitation is required. During the early phase of
severe shock we target a serum albumin level of > 30 g/l.
Albumin maintains plasma oncotic pressure and acts as
* Correspondence:
Department of Critical Care, St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge Rd., an antioxidant and as a buffer for acid-base equilibrium.
Lambeth, London SE1 7EH, UK Although conclusive proof for resuscitation with
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Nandhabalan et al. Critical Care (2018) 22:215 Page 2 of 5

albumin is lacking, a subgroup analysis of 1121 patients goals are likely to be more appropriate than rigid pre-
with septic shock in the ALBIOS trial demonstrated a scriptive targets. Arguably, preservation of renal function
reduced mortality [5]. Other studies have also suggested is less vital as patients with refractory septic shock are
a beneficial effect. However, debate continues over the often already receiving renal replacement therapy. Fur-
role of albumin in septic shock with concerns mainly re- thermore, splanchnic perfusion has been shown to be
lated to cost-effectiveness [6]. Our approach is informed adequate with a MAP target above 50 mmHg if hypovol-
by physiological rationale, a suggestion of benefit in clin- aemia is avoided in selected patient groups [16]. Young,
ical studies, and limited evidence for harm associated previously well patients are particularly tolerant of lower
with albumin administration. systemic blood pressure. We therefore reduce the MAP
target in patients with refractory septic shock to 50–
Hydrocortisone 55 mmHg. Our experience is that, in selected patients
The use of corticosteroids in septic shock has been fre- without intracranial pathology, this lower MAP target al-
quently studied. It has been argued that steroid treat- lows a worthwhile reduction in vasopressor require-
ment reduces the duration of shock and length of ments leading to improved tissue perfusion and an
intensive care unit (ICU) stay [7]. Large randomised associated reduction of hyperlactataemia. Norepineph-
controlled trials have failed to identify a clear survival rine remains our vasopressor of choice and we avoid the
benefit [8]. However, the beneficial effects may only be use of vasopressin which, in our experience, appears to
seen in those patients with the highest illness severity be associated with an increased risk of peripheral and
scores [9]. Our practice is to administer a hydrocorti- mesenteric ischaemia in patients with refractory septic
sone infusion (8 mg/h following a 50-mg bolus) to all shock. Early enteral nutrition is also avoided in these pa-
patients with refractory septic shock on the basis that tients with refractory septic shock on high-dose vaso-
these patients are most likely to benefit and there is little pressors; we prefer the use of parenteral nutrition until
evidence of harm. This is supported by results from the the shock state has resolved.
recently published APPROCHS study [10] where a sur-
vival benefit was seen in a population of septic shock pa- Minimise sedation
tients with high mortality (43.0% vs 49.1% in controls). Sedative medications exacerbate hypotension through
This compares to no difference in outcome in the AD- myocardial depression and systemic vasodilation. Micro-
RENAL study where the observed mortality was much circulatory flow may also be impaired. Current guide-
lower (27.9% vs 28.8% in controls) [11]. lines suggest minimising sedation in mechanically
ventilated patients with sepsis [1]. However, our experi-
Femoral arterial access ence is that this approach is not always adhered to. Pa-
Radial arterial pressure waveforms often underestimate tients with refractory septic shock often have a reduced
blood pressure in the context of severe hypovolaemia level of consciousness as a result of septic encephalop-
and peripheral vasoconstriction. This can lead to the ad- athy, and consequently sedation requirements may be
ministration of significantly higher doses of vasopressor even lower than the general ICU sepsis population. Fur-
to achieve the ‘target mean arterial blood pressure thermore, altered hepatic metabolism and reduced renal
(MAP)’. In early septic shock, the difference between clearance may lead to accumulation of sedative agents in
radial and femoral invasive MAP measurements is re- shocked patients [17]. Sedative strategies and agents are
ported to be around +5 mmHg; however, this discrep- numerous. Perfusion may be improved using low-dose
ancy is increased in advanced shock [12]. We routinely midazolam instead of propofol [18]. However, delirium,
use femoral arterial access for invasive blood pressure accumulation, and duration of action can limit the use-
monitoring in this population. The subsequent increase fulness of long-term benzodiazepine infusion. We min-
in measured MAP frequently allows a significant reduc- imise sedation in patients with refractory septic shock.
tion in vasopressor dosing in a considerable proportion Where sedation is required, our first-line strategy is to
of patients [13]. use a predominantly opiate-based regimen in conjunc-
tion with low-dose propofol titrated to a specified target
Lower the MAP target sedation score.
Although retrospective analyses of haemodynamic vari-
ables are available [14], the traditional MAP target of Replacement of thiamine and vitamin C
65 mmHg has not been subjected to scrutiny by many Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential water-soluble
randomised controlled trials. In a recently published substance that cannot be synthesised by the body. It has
pooled analysis, lower blood pressure targets were not powerful antioxidant properties and functions as an im-
associated with adverse outcomes even in patients with portant enzyme co-factor in the biosynthesis of en-
pre-existing hypertension [15]. Individually selected dogenous catecholamines and vasopressin [19]. It also
Nandhabalan et al. Critical Care (2018) 22:215 Page 3 of 5

enhances host defence mechanisms by improving efficacy in toxic shock syndrome [29]. Although recom-
macrophage and T-cell immunity. Levels of vitamin C mended by several guidelines, clindamycin is often consid-
remain extremely low in critically ill patients despite ered late into a patient’s presentation despite maximal
regular supplementation. This is exacerbated in patients benefit being associated with early administration.
with septic shock where vitamin C deficiency is common
despite achieving targeted intake via enteral or Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)
parenteral nutrition [20]. In a phase I study, high-dose Treatment with IVIG in patients with septic shock has
intravenous vitamin C reduced organ failures and been proposed for several decades. There is extensive bio-
pro-inflammatory plasma biomarkers in severe sepsis logical plausibility as to the beneficial immunological ef-
with no reported adverse effects [21]. Others have re- fects of IVIG in patients with toxin-mediated septic shock
ported a significant reduction in vasopressor require- [30]. However, the literature remains conflicting, with sev-
ments with intravenous replacement of vitamin C [22]. eral meta-analyses failing to demonstrate improved out-
Further trials are ongoing, but intravenous replacement comes. Although current guidelines recommend against
of vitamin C in septic shock is based on scientific ration- the routine use of IVIG in septic shock, it is acknowledged
ale and appears to be a safe and useful intervention [23]. that further trials are needed. Early administration is likely
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a water-soluble vitamin with to offer the optimal prospect of benefit. We empirically ini-
an essential role in carbohydrate metabolism and energy tiate treatment with IVIG to progressively deteriorating pa-
production. Absolute or relative thiamine deficiency is tients with refractory septic shock secondary to suspected
common in patients with septic shock [24]. Such a defi- toxin-producing organisms such as group A streptococcus
ciency may present as an unexplained lactic acidosis but (1 g/kg on day 1, then 0.5 g/kg on days 2 and 3) or
remains undetected since routine red cell transketolase Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) Staphylococcus aureus
measurements are rarely available and often very costly. (2 g/kg on day 1, repeated on day 3 if no improvement).
Intravenous thiamine replacement has been shown to re-
duce lactate levels and mortality in patients with proven Levosimendan
thiamine deficiency [25]. Furthermore, intravenous Septic cardiomyopathy resulting in a low cardiac output
thiamine replacement may also be associated with a re- state is relatively common in patients with refractory
duced need for renal replacement therapy and improved septic shock. Central venous saturations (ScvO2) may be
renal function in patients with septic shock [26]. difficult to interpret in this context due to significant im-
Our practice is to give combined vitamin C (4.5 g/day) pairment of oxygen utilisation. Screening echocardiog-
and thiamine (2.25 g/day) using three pairs of intraven- raphy identifies those patients with moderate to severely
ous Pabrinex™ three times per day until shock has re- impaired myocardial function and may exclude primary
solved. This dosing regimen has been used in our cardiogenic causes. Dobutamine has traditionally been
institution, hospital-wide, for several years to prevent used in this context, but exacerbation of existing tachy-
Wernicke’s encephalopathy in alcoholics. Combination cardia and increased myocardial oxygen consumption
therapy may be more effective with the suggestion of a limit its usefulness. Alternatively, improved cardiac func-
synergistic effect between the two agents [27]. A recent tion can be achieved using levosimendan in conjunction
retrospective cohort study demonstrated a dramatic re- with the maintenance of ionised calcium levels greater
duction in organ failures, duration of vasopressor sup- than 1.2 mmol/l. Although the LeoPARDS trial found no
port, and mortality using combination treatment with benefit with levosimendan in patients with sepsis [31], it
intravenous hydrocortisone, vitamin C, and thiamine is difficult to extrapolate these findings to a subgroup
[28]. The presence of thiamine may mitigate concerns with refractory shock. Only 10% of the patients studied
over renal oxalate crystal precipitation secondary to demonstrated evidence of a low cardiac output state and
high-dose vitamin C and, whilst more robust evidence is mortality was much lower than would be expected in
awaited, there appears to be little harm with this this subgroup. Our practice is to administer levosimen-
approach. dan to patients with echocardiographic features of mod-
erate to severely impaired left ventricular systolic
Adjunctive antimicrobial therapy function and impaired end-organ perfusion. Concerns
In addition to broad spectrum antibiotics, we routinely ad- over the potential need for increased vasopressor re-
minister clindamycin to patients with refractory septic quirements can be mitigated by many of the points pre-
shock until initial microbiological analyses have excluded viously described in this article.
toxin-producing pathogens or until stabilisation of organ
dysfunction is achieved. Clindamycin inhibits bacterial pro- Epoprostenol and heparin
tein synthesis and prevents generation of super-antigens. It Intravenous prostacyclin has beneficial effects on micro-
is an inexpensive and accessible intervention with a proven circulatory flow. It has been shown to increase oxygen
Nandhabalan et al. Critical Care (2018) 22:215 Page 4 of 5

delivery in critically ill patients [32] and successfully re- Conclusion

verse symmetrical peripheral limb ischaemia secondary The management of refractory septic shock remains ex-
to high-dose vasopressors in septic shock [33]. Its wider tremely challenging. We believe that where established
use is frequently limited by concerns over exacerbating conventional interventions fail to deliver improvements,
hypotension; other vasodilators such as nitrates are used a different approach using pragmatic strategies is neces-
by other centres, but in our experience do not appear to sary. Many of the interventions described here have
be as effective. In patients with refractory septic shock proven biological plausibility but lack conclusive evi-
with peripheral mottling we commence a low-dose epo- dence. However, many remain unstudied in the context
prostenol infusion (0.5–5 ng/kg/min) to improve micro- of refractory septic shock. Most of these strategies are
circulatory flow and prevent the occurrence of relatively inexpensive, widely accessible, and are likely to
peripheral thrombotic events. Our experience is that be available in the majority of institutions. Our collective
peripheral ischaemic complications are reduced and belief is that a bespoke approach can help to achieve
haemodynamic compromise is rarely encountered if the haemodynamic stability and reverse progressive deterior-
prostacyclin infusion is titrated up very slowly. In the ation in this small subgroup of critically ill patients with
setting of disseminated intravascular coagulation and a very high mortality.
suspicion of end-organ microthrombosis, and in the
Authors’ contributions
absence of absolute contra-indications, we also initiate DW and NI conceived the idea. PN and DW drafted the initial manuscript.
low-dose intravenous heparin infusion (fixed rate NI and CM edited the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
250–500 IU/h). manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.
Renal replacement therapy
Although the IVOIRE study did not identify a survival Consent for publication
benefit with high-volume haemofiltration compared with Not applicable.
standard dosing [34], in refractory septic shock our prac-
Competing interests
tice is to initiate early haemodiafiltration with doses of The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
40–60 ml/kg/h. This facilitates rapid temperature con-
trol and correction of metabolic acidosis which, in our Publisher’s Note
experience, contributes to a reduction in vasopressor re- Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
quirements and improved cardiac output. Whilst there published maps and institutional affiliations.

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