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Analyzing the factors that influence class XI students in

mastering vocabulary in writing English

A. Introduction
English is an important subject at school. This plays an important role
for students when they want to continue their education to a higher
level. In the process of learning English, the most important
component is the basic knowledge of students in English, namely
vocabulary in English that is often spoken or heard daily. a certain
language. A person's vocabulary is defined as the set of all the words
that the person understands or all the words that the person is likely to
use to construct new sentences. The wealth of a person's vocabulary is
generally considered to be a reflection of his intelligence or level of
education. According to experts, vocabulary expressed by Richards,
Platt and Webber (1985) is a set of lexemes that include single words,
compound words, and idioms. Meanwhile, Valette (1977) argues that
vocabulary is a word or group of words that has a certain meaning.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is
words that have a meaning that is owned by humans to be used in
language and communication. So, therefore, it is necessary for us to
master vocabulary in English and in this article I will explain what
factors influence students in mastering vocabulary, especially for high
school class XI.

B. Literature review
The literature review described in this study is basically used as a
referenceb to support and clarify this research and the theoretical
framework considered relevant to this research is described as

1. Relevant Research

Research conducted by Rizki Fitriyadi (2014) with the title

Analyze the factors that influence the students of class 11 in

mastering English vocabulary at SMA 2 Bangkinang kota". The
population in this study is the population in this study are all students
of class X SMA Negeri in the city of Yogyakarta totaling 2,704
students. The sample used is a stratified random sampling technique.
Schools are selected based on the average score of the 2010-2011
national exams, 2011- 2012, and 2012-2013, schools were divided
into three strata, namely high, medium, and low. The number of
samples is determined using the Nomogram Henry King but not pure,
from a population of 2,704 students with an error rate 5% then the
sample required is 310 students. However, in order to keep the
balance of the research sample used, a sample of 345 . is taken
student. The results showed that: (1) there was a positive influence
and significant vocabulary mastery on students' exposition writing
skills class X SMA Negeri in Yogyakarta as indicated by the value of
rcount of 0.164, rtable of 0.098, a relative contribution of 30.29% and
effective contribution of 1.82%; (2) there is a positive and significant
influence mastery of Indonesian grammar on students' exposition
writing skills class X,I SMA Negeri in Bangkinang as indicated by
the value of rcount of 0.221, rtable of 0.098, relative contribution of
69.71% and effective n of 4.18%; (3) there is a positive and
significant influence together mastery of Indonesian vocabulary and
grammar towards the ability to write exposition students of class XI
SMA Negeri in Bangkinangbindicated by the F value of 10.950, the
regression coefficient (R) 0.245, and coefficient of determination
(R2) of 0.060. This means 6% writing ability exposition is influenced
by vocabulary and grammar mastery, while 94% the rest is influenced
by other factors not examined in this study. Research conducted by
Linda Dwi Astuti (2016) with the title “Research on the Relationship
of Vocabulary Mastery with Writing Ability Narrative Writing for
Class IV Students Sdn Agung Sultan Agung District Pucakwangi Pati
Regency". This study aims to: 1) describe vocabulary mastery of
fourth graders of SDN Gugus Sultan Agung District Pucakwangi Pati
Regency; 2) describe the ability to write essays narration to the fourth
grade students of SDN Gugus Sultan Agung, Pucakwangi District Pati
Regency; and 3) examine the relationship of vocabulary mastery with
the ability to write narrative essays for fourth grade students of SDN
Gugus Sultan Agung, Pucakwangi District, Pati Regency. This e of
research is

correlation research. The sample of this research is the fourth grade

students of SDN Gugus Sultan Agung, Pucakwangi District, Pati
Regency as many as 56 students. Sample in this study using
proportional random sampling technique. Technique data collection
using tests and documentation. Data analysis using product moment
correlation. Based on the research results, it is known that: 1) overall
students' vocabulary mastery obtained an average score of 62.2 with a
fairly good category; 2) ability to write narrative essay students
overall obtained an average score of 64.2 with sufficient category
good; and 3) there is a relationship between vocabulary mastery and
ability writing narrative essays for fourth grade students of SDN
Gugus Sultan Agung Pucakwangi District, Pati Regency, amounted to
0.920 with the category of closeness very strong correlation (rcount =
0.920 at the level of significance = 0.05 with N = 56, rtable = 0.259,
and rh>rt). Based on the research data, it can be concluded that there
is a positive relationship between vocabulary mastery with the ability
to write narrative essays for fourth grade students of SDN Gugus
Sultan Agung, Pucakwangi District, Pati Regency. It shows that the
vocabulary mastery variable can be a good predictor of variable
ability to write narrative essays. So that this research indicates that
teachers who teach Indonesian lessons must able to improve
vocabulary mastery to improve skill speaking .Writing skills Writing
skill is one type of language skill that students must master. In the
opinion of Daeng Nurjamal, et al (2011:4) states that writing is a very
complex skill. By Therefore, combining and analyzing every linguistic
element in An essay is a must for writers. From here it will be It can
be seen how far the author's knowledge in creating an effective
essay. Vocabulary and sentences used inWriting activities must be
clear so that it is easily understood by the reader. With wordsOn the
other hand, the results of an essay of general quality are supported
by skills language of a writer.

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