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Bianca Carryl M.

Lopez BSHM90
BSHM2-A 9/28/2021


Differences Between Mindset and Behavior

Psychological Concepts: Psychology is a term derived from two Greek words

translated to describe life, making it an essential element of daily life. The field of psychology
can be described as a discipline dedicated to the study of the mind and behavior. This discipline
is characterized by many concepts and techniques used by psychologists in understanding
human behavior. Because psychology is a broad field, psychologists not only use these
concepts and techniques but also conduct scientific research that allows them to understand
human behavior. Some of the most common psychological concepts used to change or alter an
individual’s behavior include operational, positive, and negative punishment. An example of
using this method was when my friend was grounded by his parents for misconduct at school.
While positive punishment helps change behavior, it can cause an individual to be embarrassed
and contribute to other negative behaviors, which is a major ethical concern. Conversely,
negative punishment is a technique that also contributes to the weakening of behavior even
when it reduces or eliminates something pleasant. It involves removing something desirable or
good from an individual in order to discourage him from a particular behavior. For example, one
of my classmate’s phones rang in class despite teachers telling us not to bring our phones to
class. As a result, the teacher removed the phone from my classmate to discourage that habit.
The ethical concern that may arise from the use of negative punishment does not teach the
victim of the undesirable behavior how to change his or her habit. Positive reinforcement
involves reinforcing or enriching the desired behavior by adding or increasing a pleasant

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