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Year/ Section: BSHM 2A

Date: OCT
Course Subject: BSHM 90 50

MODULE 4: Lesson 1 (ACTIVITY 01)

Direction: Watch the video about No Puhunan? No Problem:Start Your BUSINESS With Zero
Money- Chinkee Tan by visiting the link .
Then answer the questions.

1. What have learned on the videos as Mr. Chinkee Tan shared his story on how he starts his
business? Explain your answer.

In the video of Mr. Chinkee Tan, I have learned so many things. At first you have to
take a risk for all of your things, thoughts, idea and specially in financial. And when the
time goes by, just put a lot of hardwork, be determined and take a risk. Just do it rime by
time until you feel the success and earned a lot of money. Avoid unwanted or pleasure
spending method of money.

2. On your own opinion as young entrepreneur, what will be the best thing to do in starting a
business? List your ideas and explain.

In my own opinion. It is a good starting pack to start in small because your expenses and
capital might be small too, so its a good start to start in small environment. Also, it is a
good start to locate your audience to your close friends and relatives so whenever you’’ll
get a bad reviews, you can fix it peacefully. And also, it is a good start to make a product
that are timely relevant in a certain place so you could have the advantages to sell more

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