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English Pronunciation of Tibetan

Hello tashi dele

Goodbye( when staying) Kale Phe
Goodbye( when leaving)  kale shoo
Good luck Tashi delek
Good morning Shokpa delek
Good evening Gongmo delek
Good day Nyinmo delek
How are you Kherang kusug depo yin pey
Nice to meet you Kherang jelwa hajang gapo chong
Thank you thoo jaychay
Yes/ Ok Ong\yao
Sorry Gong ta
I don't understand ha ko ma song
I understand ha ko song
How much? Ka tso re?
Feel uncomfortable De po min duk.
I catch a cold. Nga champa gyabduk.
Stomach ache Doecok nagyi duk
Headache Go nakyi duk
Have a cough Lo gyapkyi.
Feel cold Kyakyi duk.
Have a fever Tsawar bar duk
Have diarrhea Drocok shekyi duk
Get hurt Nakyi duk
Public services mimang shapshu
Where is the nearest hospital? Taknyishoe kyi menkang ghapar yore?
What would you like to eat Kherang ga rey choe doe duk
Is there any supermarket or department
Di la tsong kang yo repe?
Hotel donkang.
Restaurant Zah kang yore pe?
Bank Ngul kang.
Police station nyenkang
Bus station Lang khor puptsuk
Railway station Lang khor puptsuk
Post office Yigsam lekong
Tibet Tourism Bureau Bhoekyi yoelkor lekong
You Kye rang
I nga
We ngatso
He/she Kye rang

Nye min Lhakpa hin. / Nye minla Lhakpa siwi.

ª]o ldg NxSkf lxg . ÷ ª]o ldgn NxSkf l;jL .

My name is Lhakpa.

Kanisu pheu ? / Kanisu wau ?

sgL;' km]p < ÷ sgL;' jp <

Where do you come from ?

Thangbu ? / Thangburang ?

yfªa' < ÷ yfªa'/ª < How are you ? / Are you fine ?

Keni zhuki ? s]gL Ho"sL < Where do you live ?

Phoki katiki minti kangsi ? kmf]sL sfcltsL ldgtL sªl; <

What is the name of that mountain ?

Jambulingki ka thenbuti dakpi lungbala wai.

hDa'lnªsL sfc y]Ga'tL bfSkL n'ªafnf jfO{ .

The highest mountain of the world is in our country.

Diti solukhumbula wai di nepalki sharla khelkiwi.

lbtL ;f]n'v'Da'nf jfO{ lb g]kfnsL :o/n v]NsLjL .

It is in Solu-Khumbu and it is in the eastern part of Nepal.

Khyoro zendi kyaup ? Vof]/f] h]GbL Sofpk < Are you married ? Las, nye
jendikyan lo sum gal. n;, ª] h]GbL Sog nf] ;'d un . Yes, I have married
three years ago. Peza watang me ? k]hf jtª d] < Do you have children ?

Mi tengbu nok. dL 6ª]a' gf]s . He/she is honest.

Khyurung lhowa langginoka ?

Vo'¿ª Nxf]j nªuLgf]sf <

Are you hungry ?

Namgel chyangbu hin. / Namgel chyangbu nok.

gDu]n Roªa' lxg . ÷ gDu]n Roªa' gf]s .

Namgyal is clever.

Ngala puzhung nyi wai. ªnf kh''ª lª jO . I have two sons.

Ziki piu tikpe senok. lhsL lkp l6Sk] ;]gf]s . The leopard has killed a small

Chungmala so bangi gokiwi.

5'ªdnf ;f] aªL uf]lsjL .

The animals need too much fodder.

Tangbo dakpu cha zopla sol ruin.

tfªaf] bfSk' Roc hf]knf ;f]n ¿Og .

In the past, we collected leaves for composting.

Sherwa tiwi tukop laka miginok.

z]jf{ ltjL t'sf]k nfsf ldlugf]s .

We Sherpas did not practice this.

Ngira litsi, dzau, taa, tau, riki, peretsi, pharsi, puri, hralma, lau, teri

lª/f lnrL, hf,} 6c, 6p, l/sL, k]/]rL, km;L{, k'/L, xN|df, nf} t]/L b]ksLjL .

We plant everything: corn, barley, wheat, buckwheat, potatoes, beans,

pumpkins, cucumbers, peas, radish.

Laka bangi wai tara ngirangla sap lagiwi.

nfsf afªL jO t/ lª/ªnf ;k nuLjL .

There is a lot of work, but we have enough to eat. Nyirang namki barla
wai. lª/ª gfdsL a/nf jO . We depend upon the weather. Naning cherwa
gyam riki nyesung. ggLª 5]jf{ Uod l/sL ª];'ª . Last year, the potatoes have
gone bad because of the rain. Nyira ti riki towa chumala binin. lª/ lt l/sL
tf]j 5'dfnf lalgg . We have given them to the animals. Sen langgup
tsoirang wai. ;]g nªu'k rf]O/ª jO . There is just enough for sowing.

Lhengolaup mi tsenga tiwa kanisu gitang ?

Nx]ªF]npk ld r]ª ltj slg;' lutª <

Where do all those holy men come from ? Tiwa mukpi orne giwi. ltj
d'SkL cf]/g] lujL . They come from the clouds. Tiwa zambu lingne wau
min. ltj hDa' lnªg]o jp ldg . They are not from this world
De lho lumung tshonok. b] Nxf] nd''ª 5f]gf]s . Look, here are ripe berries
Tsei khungyuk. r]O v'gUo's . Take some ! Thuche. y'r] . Thanks !
Khyurung nyira mula laka ki wasing giwi. Vo"¿ª lª/f d'nf nfsf ls jl;ª lujL .
You can come and work with us.

Khyurungla sama kangretsikre nye khunghunggup.

Vo"¿ªnf ;d sª/]lrS/] ª] v'gx'ªu'k .

I will bring you something to eat.

Hello = Tashi Delek (བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལགས།།) Or Kham-Sang (ཁམས་བཟང།།)

How are you? =kayrang kusu debo-yimbay?

What is your name? =Khedrand ming Gangyin?

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