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A activity on computer

Presented by Suyam Roka

Class 12 Science
DPS Biratnagar
What is Token
In general a token is an object that represent something else, such as
another object or an abstract concept.
Python breaks each logical line into a sequence of elementary lexical
components known as Tokens. Each token corresponds to a substring of
the logical line. The normal types are identifiers ,keyboards, operators,
delimiters and literals.
Python data types
In programming, datatype is an important concept
Variables can store data of different types and different types can do
different things.
Every value in python has a data type. Since everything is an object in
python programming, data types are actually classes and variables are
instance of these classes.
Integers are whole numbers. They have no fractional parts. Integers can
be positive and negative.
There are two types of integers in Python.
1)Integers(Signed);it is the normal integer representation of whole
numbers using the dights 0 to 9. python provides signal int data type to
store any integers.
2)Boolean-these represent the truth values true and false. It is a
subtype of integers and Boolean values True and False corresponds to
values 1 and 0 respective.
Floating point numbers
A number having fractional part is a floating point number.
It has a decimal point. It is written in two forms;
1)Fractional form: Normal decimal notation
2)Exponent Notation: It has mantissa and exponent
They can represent values between the integers.
They can represent a much greater range of values.
They are usually slower than integers operations.
A string is a group of valid characters enclosed in single or double
quotation marks. A string can group any type of known characters i.e.
letters, numbers and special and special characters. A python string is a
sequence of characters and each character can be accessed by its index
either by forward indexing or by backward indexing.
The list is python’s compound data type. A list in python represents a
list of comma separated values of any data type between square
brackets .Lists are mutable.
The tuple is python’s compound data type. A tuple in python represents
s list of comma separated values of any data type within parenthesis
.They are Immutable.
Dictionaries are unordered collection of elements in curly braces in the
Form of a key value pairs that associate keys to values. Dictionary are
mutable. As dictionary elements does not have index values the
elements are accessed through the keys defined in key value pairs.

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