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Sustainability lessons from appropriate technology

Catherine P Bishop

This article will focus on the evolution of the concept of already begun to insist that the direct transfer of the
appropriate technology and provide a brief review of current means of industrial production to new social and geo-
ideas and strategies surrounding innovation for sustainable graphic contexts often resulted in technological failure
development. The article will examine the impacts of the and corruption [70]. Programs of modernization and
diffusion of technologies that were designed to be appropriate industrialization failed to grapple with consumerism,
for particular local contexts and have persisted over several waste, and social and environmental degradation. The
decades. The long-term viability of the innovations provides idea of development as linear macroeconomic growth did
material evidence of social and economic sustainability, and not resolve these pressing contradictions. Some experts
offers valuable lessons concerning intended and unintended claimed that a new kind of technology could intentionally
environmental impacts of technology diffusion over time. The be created to conserve resources and promote social
concept of appropriate technology is still highly relevant as a equity, and from this idea the concept of appropriate
model of technology for development. technology emerged in the 1960s. Optimism surrounding
this new approach to development rapidly coalesced into
Address the global Appropriate Technology movement, a social
Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Quality, movement triggering major changes in economic devel-
17 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0017, United States
opment policy and programming.
Corresponding author:
Bishop, Catherine P ( More than a movement, appropriate technology emerged
as a particular discourse: a way of apprehending and
communicating about the world that rests on assump-
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2021, 49:50–56
tions, judgments, and contentions to provide the basic
This review comes from a themed issue on Open issue 2020 - Part 2
terms of analysis and discussion [1]. Yet the meaning itself
Edited by Eduardo Brondizio, Opha Pauline Dube and William of ‘appropriate technology’ has always been shifting and
Solecki unstable. E.F. Schumacher’s inspiring depiction of
‘technology with a human face’ served as a widely cited,
Received: 31 January 2020; Accepted: 27 February 2021 anthropocentric basis for determining what ‘appropriate’
might mean [2]. Depending upon the perceptions of the
actors involved in innovation, manufacture, and use,
different types of technologies were considered appropri-
1877-3435/ã 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ate in different situations for different reasons. While
some advocates emphasized the utility of labor-intensive
machinery requiring little capital investment for creating
jobs, others highlighted the need for technologies that
would conserve natural resources and reduce pollution.
Yet others emphasized production efficiencies and pov-
Evolution of the idea of appropriate erty reduction. The discourse of appropriate technology
technology incorporated all of these ideas, emphasizing some more
Economic development and poverty alleviation have than others depending upon the context and the goals and
served as guiding principles of international relations objectives of particular actors.
since the end of World War II. Theoretically, interna-
tional development programs would win the hearts and Problematically, the criteria for determining whether a
minds of local populations through the subsidized transfer technology was or was not appropriate was often estab-
of technology and infrastructure to stimulate economic lished in London, Washington, D.C., or Rome — far from
growth, create jobs, and generate foreign exchange oppor- the localities where diffusion and circulation would most
tunities. This promise of modernization tapped into the likely occur. The idealism of appropriate technology
euphoria of the achievement of national independence in engineers in the 1970s and 1980s led to naı̈veté with
many former colonies and the aspirations of the citizens of regard to the complexities of innovation and diffusion,
emerging nations. However, many actors in the burgeon- particularly in cross-cultural milieus. Although some
ing field of international development insisted that the appropriate technologies became incredibly popular
path to industrialization in Europe and North America and are still continuing to expand in circulation after
could not be reproduced and accelerated in other parts of nearly half a century, the majority of the technologies
the world. Before the end of the 1950s, observers had invented and promoted as ‘appropriate’ were in fact never

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Sustainability lessons from appropriate technology Bishop 51

adopted [3]. Engineers trained in the United States and Many critics have insisted that the AT movement quickly
European countries excelled at creating technologies that peaked and then disappeared in the mid-1980s. This was
could respond to ecological imperatives, but very often the beginning of the period of ‘Reaganomics’ character-
their innovations were not suited to geographically spe- ized by neoliberal policy focusing on national economies
cific cultural or historical contexts in rural areas of their and a blatant lack of interest in energy conservation and
own nations, let alone in the context of communities alternative technologies [3]. Popular culture in the United
elsewhere in the world. The anticipated simplicity of States during this period was ‘profoundly antithetical to a
promoting appropriate technologies was greatly compli- movement that believed ‘Small Is Beautiful’’ [6] (p. 630)
cated by social, cultural, and political processes that were and federal funding for technology innovation, nationally
misunderstood, and generally overlooked, as important and internationally, was redirected. A new discourse of
elements of diffusion. development emerged that obscured and rejected appro-
priate technology as a topic to be contemplated or seri-
ously considered in public forums. Key elements of the
Engineers currently engaging with the challenge of
appropriate technology approach were retained; however,
developing appropriate technologies have remarked that
as policy-making shifted to development of microenter-
the ‘conceptual and semantic tangle of defining
prises and soon after, microfinance. The discourse of
‘appropriateness’ has been replaced with a more straight-
microfinance remains a dominant force in contemporary
forward focus on control’ [4] (p. 47) on the part of the user.
development strategies, promoting a neoliberal approach
Accordingly, in this study I rely on a definition provided
to poverty alleviation that does not necessarily respond to
by John Tharakan in the Proceedings of the 2010 Howard
the needs of diverse low-income populations and even
University Symposium on Appropriate Technology:
creates new problems [7–9].
As a concept and a practice, appropriate technology,
or AT, is rooted in technology selections and solu- The idea of appropriate technology has continued to
tions that seek to empower individuals and com- motivate people but is now understood and analyzed in
munities at the local level, enabling control and different terms. The discourse of technology for devel-
efficient utilization of local natural resources to opment has changed over time so that the term
enhance the quality of life and the standard of living ‘appropriate technology’ is used infrequently but is still
in developing communities [5] (p. 6). considered fundamental [10,11,12]. New, more
nuanced, concepts have emerged such as frugal innova-
tion ([13–21]; The European Journal of Development Research
This definition is intentionally broad and open-ended,
special issue on frugal innovation January 2018). Similar
while retaining an emphasis on social and economic
to the concept of appropriate technology, frugal innova-
justice and environmental conservation. Tharakan’s defi-
tion is meant to contribute to social and environmental
nition also draws on the aspirational dimension of tech-
sustainability however it emphasizes the minimization of
nology diffusion as a movement toward improvements in
cost and resource usage. Frugal innovation is often geared
the quality of life for all.
to consumers living on less than USD 2.00 per day [13].
Yet it responds to needs in industrialized nations as well,
The drawback of Tharakan’s definition is the idea that only including the United States, in sectors as diverse as
developing communities are the intended consumers of agriculture, ICT, and health care [22–25].
appropriate technology — a conceptualization that was
roundly criticized during the debates of the 1980s as Other contemporary categories of the ‘right’ model of
reinforcing North/South patterns of political dominance. technology for development include constraint-based
Rather, the Appropriate Technology Movement was better innovation [26,27], grassroots innovation [28–30], and
understood as global in scope, fostering innovative inter- responsible innovation [31,32]. Categorization and defi-
national and intercultural collaboration. Much of the early nition of these models of innovation is analytically chal-
literature is based on observations of international pro- lenging due to the high degree of overlap in meaning,
grams, as in Schumacher’s writings derived from his expe- differences across geographic areas of practice, locally
rience in Southeast Asia. Yet the work of innovation was specific needs and goals, and political and social motiva-
performed in workshops and labs around the world. For tions for innovation. Thus the discourse surrounding
example, the National Center for Appropriate Technology technology for sustainable development continues to
was established in the 1970s specifically to meet the needs increase in complexity over time, in sharp contrast to
of low-income communities in the United States, while in the desire for simplicity with regard to technology appli-
Ghana the Technology Consultancy Centre of Kwame cation. This proliferation of refined definitions of tech-
Nkrumah University of Science and Technology emerged nology for development is not just a matter of adding
in response to the needs of local small-scale industries. analytical precision but helps particular actors and insti-
Tharakan’s definition is broad but ideally would encompass tutions to stake claims in the field of sustainable devel-
all communities, rather than ‘developing’ communities. opment [1]. Explaining the nuanced differences across Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2021, 49:50–56

52 Open issue 2020 - Part 2

these discursive iterations is an interesting analytical present-oriented and future-oriented. Recent literature
exercise, yet does little to provide empirical evidence reviews of frugal and constraint-based innovations, for
of whether the technologies contribute to social justice example, emphasize ‘state of the art and future
and environmental sustainability by conserving resources, perspectives’ [26,36], while another review of innovations
reducing pollution, and improving human welfare in the in the agricultural sector proposes a ‘starting point’ for
spirit of ‘technology with a human face’. practitioners [27]. In studies of frugal innovation, authors
claim that technologies ‘would, in principle, be sus-
Appropriate technology offers empirical tainable’ [37] and have the potential to contribute to
evidence of sustainability sustainability but that the ‘current research lacks a suffi-
Appropriate technology was for several decades consid- cient base of empirical evidence on the economic, social,
ered a key element in the quest for sustainable develop- and ecological impacts of frugal innovations on sustain-
ment even before the term ‘sustainable development’ able development’ [20] (p. 150). Scientific, measurable
was a term used in the global arena. In 1987, the Brundt- assessments of the sustainability of appropriate technol-
land Report formally defined sustainable development as ogy, broadly conceived, are scant [11,38,39,40]. To
‘development that meets the needs of the present with- determine the sustainability of appropriate, frugal, con-
out compromising the ability of future generations to straint-based, or other technologies requires empirical
meet their own needs’ [33]. However, sustainable devel- data with regard to processes and impacts of adoption
opment is not a structured program or set of evaluative and diffusion over space and time.
indicators but is, rather, a dominant global discourse
centered on merging economic and environmental factors Although appropriate technology as a conceptual model
to stimulate processes of capital growth [1]. In the late has essentially disappeared from the development
1980s into the 1990s, sustainability was the descriptor agenda, appropriate technologies as material objects have
used to label efforts that met Brundtland’s criteria of persisted over the longest time period (compared to more
conserving resources for future use. Over time, the con- recent innovations developed under ‘frugal’ or
cept of sustainability expanded to encompass the social ‘constraint-based’ rubrics) and provide tangible evidence
and economic dimensions of development, resource con- of intended and unintended impacts. Evaluation of the
servation and management, enhancing the role of local technologies that have continued to circulate for twenty,
actors and groups in development, and the use of science thirty, or forty years offers valuable insight into the drivers
and technology to achieve results [34]. These elements of of adoption and diffusion. This is particularly important
sustainability were further enumerated and reinforced in with regard to the measurement of environmental sus-
2015 with the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development tainability, as environmental processes may undergo sub-
Goals [35]. tle, incremental transformations that are difficult to iden-
tify within shorter timeframes. The dearth of longitudinal
How is appropriate technology related to these ideas of studies of the sustainability of appropriate technologies
sustainability? From the standpoint of early appropriate constitutes a major gap in knowledge, although a body of
technology practitioners, sustainability was understood as literature is emerging pointing to mixed results and
the persistence of diffusion and circulation over time and varying degrees of sustainability.
space. Sustainability was not only linked to conserving
natural resources for future generations, but also the Impacts of appropriate technologies over time
capacity of local populations to produce and consume One of the more studied technologies introduced in the
the technology without external assistance from, for developing world in the 1980s is the Kenya jiko stove.
example, foreign aid projects, government subsidies The consumption of wood and charcoal for cooking and
and grants, or charitable donations. This view of sustain- heat is a major contributor to land degradation and
ability merges social, economic, and environmental deforestation, and, within households and communities,
dynamics as factors inherently relevant to the overarching a source of air pollution with disastrous effects on public
goal of resource conservation and environmental steward- health. A wide variety of stoves have been invented and
ship, and fits many of the aspects of the meaning of promoted with the goal of slowing biofuel consumption,
sustainability as it is currently understood in the global reducing toxic indoor emissions, reducing household
development arena. This review incorporates literature to labor associated with fuel collection and cooking, and
evaluate the sustainability of appropriate technology providing economic benefits through savings on fuel
based on the perspectives of the engineers and practi- purchases. The jiko stove burns charcoal in a ceramic
tioners who initially promoted the innovations referenced liner surrounded by metal cladding, and can be manu-
in this study. factured in urban areas using locally sourced and recycled
materials. Developed in the 1980s, hundreds of thousands
Much of the current literature concerning technology for of the stoves are in use across much of eastern and western
development refers specifically to sustainability as a Africa and numerous studies have demonstrated the
major issue; however, the scope of the work is most often social, economic, and environmental impacts of their

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Sustainability lessons from appropriate technology Bishop 53

diffusion at the scale of households. Reflecting the find- potent greenhouse gas methane may escape into the
ings of earlier studies, current research has confirmed the atmosphere as well as ammonia and sulphur dioxide
economic savings for women due to reduced charcoal [48–50]. Like the case of the jiko stoves, the biogas
purchases and quicker cooking times [41,57: p. 106]. digesters have not been widely enough adopted to trigger
Improved charcoal stoves such as the jiko are more broad improvements in national and global environmen-
fuel-efficient, reduce emissions, and save up to 30% of tal sustainability despite documented greenhouse gas
the fuel required for cooking [42,57: p. 106,68]. Engineers emission reductions.
and entrepreneurs continue to adjust the stove design and
introduce newer models to respond to local market Oral rehydration salts (ORS) is a case of an appropriate
demands.1 technology innovated in the public health sector, one that
quickly reached millions of users during the height of the
However, while reductions in woodfuel burning at the AT movement and dramatically reduced death rates from
household level have been documented, there is little cholera, diarrhea, and other bacterial and viral illnesses.
evidence to claim that jiko stoves have induced a sub- Drinking a formulated mixture of sugar and salt rapidly
stantive decline in biomass consumption, deforestation, replaces lost fluids and minerals in the body in lieu of
or greenhouse gas emissions at the national or regional intravenous therapy. The treatment was first developed
scales [68: p. 386]. There is a general consensus that the in Bangladesh in the late 1960s for victims of a series of
stoves are not used by enough households to achieve a catastrophic cholera epidemics. As early as 1978, the
large-scale environmental impact [42,43,68]. The stoves British medical Journal The Lancet, declared ORS poten-
allow households to adapt to and mitigate environmental tially ‘the most important medical advance’ of the twen-
problems surrounding woodfuel consumption but have tieth century [51]. Considered a ‘high impact’ technology
not slowed the global acceleration of deforestation and it was rapidly disseminated worldwide and by 1984,
pollution. Jiko stoves have contributed to environmental 80 million packets of ORS were produced and distributed
sustainability at the scale of households and localities but annually by international development institutions, gov-
not at broader national or regional scales. ernment agencies, and private enterprises [52] (p. 16).
Currently, the use of ORS ‘represents the most cost-
Grameen Shakti (meaning ‘rural energy’) is another effective medical treatment known’ [53] and arguably
important example of successful appropriate technology demonstrates a high level of social and economic sustain-
for domestic energy. As a sister organization of the ability with regard to its global scale of dissemination for
extremely influential Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, more than fifty years. Global institutions including the
the business was founded in 1996 to deliver solar energy World Health Organization and the United Nations pro-
systems, biogas digesters, and improved cookstoves mote and disseminate ORS and researchers worldwide
designed to meet the needs of low-income families in continue to improve and patent new formulas to increase
rural areas. The design of the system was intentionally effectiveness and palatability for patients.2 Yet the con-
reduced in complexity in order to simplify repairs and tributions of this technology to environmental sustain-
maintenance and this has led to successful diffusion [44]. ability are difficult to measure. Although it has contrib-
The biogas technology uses the process of anaerobic uted to improved public health outcomes and reduced
digestion to transform locally sourced green waste from mortality (particularly in children), only 30% of victims of
food, agriculture, manure and other forms of recycled diarrhea cases worldwide receive treatment rather than
waste into household fuel. It is a renewable source of the 80% goal for global uptake [54]. Like the case of the
energy that can replace natural gas or coal. Recent jiko stove, a determination of the sustainability of ORS is
research has confirmed that the use of household biogas hampered by the ecological fallacy whereby positive
digesters promoted by Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh has environmental impacts at the individual and household
reduced cooking costs [45,46], reduced women’s work- levels do not translate to benefits at greater scales, despite
loads [45], and reduced indoor air pollution while improv- widespread circulation of these technologies.
ing sanitation from the removal of animal manure [45].
More than 70 000 units have been built in Bangladesh Appropriate technologies in other sectors have also dem-
while at the global scale, over 50 million units have been onstrated varying degrees of sustainability. Human-pow-
documented in use over the past one hundred years [47]. ered treadle pumps for irrigation save time and labor
Although a highly acclaimed renewable energy source, compared to manual watering and may lead to expansion
poorly managed digesters may generate harmful environ- of cultivated surface areas, thus contributing to increased
mental impacts during the phases of technology manu- crop production and incomes [10,55]. The pumps require
facture, transport, and importantly, operation, when the no fuel thereby reducing biofuel energy consumption and
pollution, however overuse depletes ground water. Like-
See the Jikokoa G3 (
wise, small-scale mechanized palm oil expellers in Africa
the-jikokoa) and the SuperSaver Premium Charcoal stove (https://
2 For example see US patents US20110142962A1 and US10238687B2. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2021, 49:50–56

54 Open issue 2020 - Part 2

have generated increased income and employment highly relevant, inspiring a wide range of innovators,
opportunities for small producers since the 1980s, but entrepreneurs, planners, and policy makers (e.g. [60]).
may also increase the runoff of processing wastes into The number of applied engineering for development
streams and rivers thereby jeopardizing environmental programs is growing [61]. Engineers are posing new
sustainability [38]. Research is only beginning to evalu- questions concerning community engagement, participa-
ate the long-term impacts of appropriate technologies and tion, capacity building, communication, and ethics in an
to determine whether early claims of the environmental effort to reconceptualize the relationships between inno-
sustainability of the technologies were warranted. vators and technology users in development contexts
A recent analysis of sustainable entrepreneurship
highlighted the importance of articulating a ‘triple bottom There is a strong link between the proliferation of infor-
line’ of social, economic, and ecological gains that should mation and communication technologies and the
be integrated sequentially, rather than simultaneously renewed debate concerning appropriate technology.
[56]. While social, economic, and ecological benefits The devices themselves are arguably products of mass
are equally desirable with regard to sustainability, it may global consumption and their manufacture is far beyond
not be possible to achieve all three elements at the same the control of most communities, however some applica-
time and therefore sequential attainment reduces the tions for localized contexts and specific needs meet
complexity of meeting market demands. The long-term criteria for consideration as forms of appropriate technol-
cases of appropriate technology diffusion demonstrate the ogy. The Information and Communication Technology
potential value of this strategy for future sustainable for Development movement is based on the skills and
development efforts involving technology diffusion. Prac- interests of computer programmers and other technical
titioners in the past have frequently claimed that all three experts engaged in innovating IT applications for use in
goals would be achieved through successful appropriate diverse sectors including agriculture, public health, edu-
technology diffusion, yet the long-term results show that cation, and business. The concept of appropriate tech-
while social and economic goals have often been met, nology provides a framework for IT development projects
environmental outcomes have been mixed. Planning that is more ethical and more practical than dominant
must therefore take into consideration multiple time- development theories based on linear processes of capi-
scales (short-term, medium-term, and long-term) to antic- talism-oriented modernization.
ipate and accommodate social, economic, and environ-
mental dynamics and processes. Insisting on the key role of local manufacturers and
consumers, the appropriate technology strategy takes
In Small is Beautiful Schumacher [2] claimed that tech- an arguably postcolonial stance. The approach offers
nology should contribute to the creation of local employ- new choices and options based on local needs, and
ment opportunities and early appropriate technology strengthens local economies by creating benefits, to vary-
practitioners considered enterprise development as a ing degrees, for a wide range of actors. An emphasis on
key component of successful diffusion efforts. Many community-based, consumer-oriented innovation forces
innovators, however, ignored this element of appropriate innovators and practitioners to become intimately
technology and focused almost exclusively on design and acquainted with populations of technology users. Dia-
manufacture, paying little attention to promotion, mar- logue surrounding social values and cultural norms
keting, and business development. Current studies of encourages engineers to gain new perspectives on the
successful appropriate technology diffusion emphasize meaning of what constitutes ethical design, and to antici-
the importance of market-based innovation strategies pate potential impacts over space and time. Cultivating
and development of local supply chains relationships between innovators and technology users
[10,38,55,53,57,58,69]. Technology must be culturally can be collaborative rather than a top-down perpetuation
appropriate, affordable, and perceived as modern or up- of structures of global dominance and subjugation. Rather
to-date in order to appeal to consumers. than designing with a ‘need to help’ [4], engineers and
innovators need to identify and respond to consumer
Appropriate technology is still relevant needs in particular markets. Appreciation of local geogra-
Much research and literature has focused on the failure of phies, histories, and cultures in the design of technologies
appropriate technology as a model of sustainable devel- for development will ultimately promote local control
opment yet the contemporary resurgence of interest in over systems, processes, and resources to achieve the
the topic suggests that the announcement of the ‘death’ of triple bottom line of social, economic, and ecological
appropriate technology [59] was premature. New itera- sustainability.
tions of the concept of appropriate technology, such as
frugal innovation, are proliferating. Yet whatever the Conflicts of interest statement
designation, the fundamental concept of technology for The author has not identified any conflicts of interests
social justice and environmental sustainability remains pertaining to this article.

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Sustainability lessons from appropriate technology Bishop 55

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Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2021, 49:50–56

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