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1. To investigate how pressure varies in air and water.
2. To predict pressure in a variety of situations.
3. To discover how pressure could change.
4. To determine the fluid density of liquids using pressure measurements.

Pressure defined as force divided perpendicularly over the area which the formula is,

P= .

Depending on the region across which the force is exerted, a given force might have a
significantly varied effect. The Si unit for pressure is pascal, where

1 Pa = 1 N/m2

Pressure in water

From the figure 1, the pressure due at depth h is due to the weight of the column of liquid
above it. Therefore,

F = mg = ( AhV )g = ρAhg


Ah = weight of the column of the liquid

ρ= density of the liquid

g = gravity acceleration
Figure 1

The pressure due to the weight of the liquid, P

F ρAh g
P= =

P = ρgh

Pressure in air

Atmospheric pressure also known as barometric pressure is the pressure of the Earth’s
atmosphere in any fluid which also changes with depth. The pressure of the air at any places
slightly according to the weather. For example, at sea level, the pressure of the atmosphere on
average is 1.013 x 105 N/m2. Therefore, we can define that,

1 atm = 1.013 x 105 N/m2 = 101.3 kPa

In most cases, atmospheric pressure is closely approximated by the hydrostatic pressure

caused by the weight of air above the measurement point. Because there is less overlaying air
mass as height rises, atmospheric pressure falls as elevation rises.

Another unit of pressure also sometimes used as bar,

1 bar = 1.000 x 105 N/m2

Thus, standard atmospheric pressure is slightly more than 1 bar.



Pressure and depth have a directly proportional relationship. This is due to the greater
column of water that pushes down on an object submersed. Conversely, as objects are lifted,
and the depth decreases, pressure is reduced. This relationship between pressure and depth
may be looked at with respect to the relationship between pressure and volume, as the column
of water has a specific volume and corresponding to depth. Boyle’s Law describes the
relationship between pressure and volume: The product of pressure and volume is a constant
(PV=k). While Boyle’s Law refers to gases, it is significant to recall that both gases and
liquids are fluids, and thus follow the same rules of behaviour.


- To investigate the relationship between pressure in water with depth.


- PhET pressure simulation (



1. Open the PhET pressure simulation.

2. From the PhET simulation, data of pressure (P) are extracted using the pressure
measurement for various values of depth (h). Next the value for h has been selected
which is from 0.5000 m to 2.500 m. Meanwhile, the other values from the equation,
density (ρ) and gravitational acceleration of Earth (g) are fixed value which is ρ =
1000 kg/m3 and g = 9.810 m/s2.
3. All the values of P were recorded and tabulated.
4. A graph of P versus h was plotted.


0.5000 106.7
1.000 111.1
1.500 116.4
2.000 121.0
2.500 126.2


In conclusion, the relationship between pressure and depth is directly proportional.

This statement also can be supported from the formula of pressure itself, P = hρg, as the
depth increases, the pressure increases. The pressure in a liquid is due to the weight of the
column of water above.



Air pressure 2 meters above sea level = 101.3 kPa

Pressure at 2 meters below sea level, P = ρgh

= (1023.6 kg/m3) (9.810m/s2) (2.000m) + 101.3kPA

= 121.3 kPa

Air pressure 2.000 meters above sea level = 101.3 kPa (using simulator)
Pressure 2.000 meters under the sea level = 121.4 kPa (using simulator)

Both of value from the idea and simulator are just slightly different which shows our idea on
predicting the pressure are correct.

b. The value will stay the same since the depth does not change. As we know, the
pressure changes with depth and density. Furthermore, the density of water is same
throughout any place in world. Therefore, the pressure of pool water in Denver under
2.000 meters depth of sea level is the same as in simulation.
c. For any given point in a fluid, the pressure is still the same in all position and
direction, regardless the shape of container. Shape of container are not one of the
factors that affecting the pressure value. Hence, the shape of the pool does not affect
our values.
a. Apart from the aspect of height and shape of the container, there are other factors that
can affect the pressure value. After discovering that pressure simulation, we found
that the density also affects the pressure. As we know, different type of fluid has
different density. For example, seawater has density of 1023.6 kg/m3 differ from
honey, which the density is 1420 kg/m3.

Other than that, gravity also affect pressure. Different gravity resulting different
pressure. For example, Earth has 9.81 m/s 2 of gravity acceleration, meanwhile Mars
has 3.7 m/s2. Pressure at Earth is 101.3 kPa, however the pressure at Mars is 38.3

Lastly, the atmosphere of Earth during day and night. Air pressure or barometric
pressure are low as that low-pressure air rises and begins to cool during the night.
Besides, the atmospheric pressure also affects the pressure of water. For example, the
pressure of water different with the absence of atmospheric pressure.

From the diagram above, we can conclude that even though the point taken for pressure are
still the same even though they are different places. Back to the question 3, the concept
applied the still same, as the two places for pressure take are different, the pressure only
change when the depth are different. Other than that, this diagram also shows that the shape
of pool or container does not affect the pressure. We can also ascertain things that can change
pressure by looking at the pressure formula, P = ρgh. From the formula, we can define that
pressure increase linearly with density, gravitational acceleration and the depth of the fluid.


Answer: A

As the depth increases, the pressure increases as the pressure in a liquid is depend on
the weight of the column of water above. This pressure acts in all direction since the particle
in a liquid are tightly packed. When the pressure at the bottom increases, the ‘force per unit
area’ on the wall will increases.
Answer: E

The pressure for Y is lower than X and Z because the depth of X and Z are deeper
than the depth of Y. The pressure of X and Z are same because both X and Y have a same
depth. Due to that, their pressure are similar.
Answer: A

When more water is added, the depth is increase. The pressure is increase as the depth
Answer: C

The pressure stays the same because there is no change in the volume of the water
since same amount of removed water was added.
Answer: A

From the formula pressure, P = ρgh, we know that the density is directly proportional
to pressure. Since the density of honey is higher than the pool water, the pressure will
Answer: A

The pressure increases as the density increases.

From the formula of density, ρ = , the greater the mass, the greater the density.
Therefore, by adding the mass to the water column, the density of water increases resulting
higher pressure.


Answer: B

Atmospheric pressure or air pressure impacts the boiling point of water. When air

pressure increases, the boiling point becomes higher. As the air pressure decreases, the
boiling point becomes lower. In other words, when the air pressure is removed, the pressure
will decrease by 101.3 kPa. Pressure on the surface of water tends to keep
the water molecules contained.
Answer: A

Air pressure is direcly proportional to the force of gravity. When the gravity was
doubled, air is twice as heavy and pressure is therefore also doubled, at least at mean ground
level. High up it could be less as the atmosphere will compress down into a shallower layer.
So the value of the both pressure will be doubled as the air pressure was doubled when the
gravity was doubled.
Answer: C

Pressure increases as the depth increases. From the statement, we know that pressure
in a fluid depends only on the depth of the liquid and not from the shape of the container.
Therefore, for the points x and Y of equal depth, the pressure is the same regardless of the
shape of the container.

Optional Challenge
10. Determine the density of each unknown fluid.

Fluid A

P = ρgh, (1-meter depth under sea level)

117.6 kPa = ρ (9.81) (1.00) + 101.3 kPa

ρ = 1.66 kg/m3

Fluid B

P = ρgh, (1-meter depth under sea level)

109.4 kPa = ρ (9.81) (1.00) + 101.3 kPa

ρ = 0.826 kg/m3

Fluid C
P = ρgh, (1-meter depth under sea level)

111.9 kPa = ρ (9.81) (1.00) + 101.3 kPa

ρ = 1.08 kg/m3

In conclusion pressure varies in air and water, even though they are both fluids, that
can flow from one place to another. The difference is that water is an incompressible fluid
where its density is almost constant as the pressure changes, meanwhile air is a
compressible fluid where its density changes with pressure. Next, the pressure of air and
water can be predicted in variety of situations. For example, air pressure or atmospheric
pressure change with depth and the gravitational acceleration of Earth. Meanwhile, water
pressure or hydrostatic pressure change with depth, density and gravitational acceleration of
Earth. On the other hand, all of the factors that we have stated can change the pressure.
Lastly, the density of any fluids can be determined by using pressure formula, P = ρgh when
the pressure value is given.


BBC. (n.d.). Pressure in a liquid - Higher - Pressure and pressure differences in fluids -
Eduqas - GCSE Physics (Single Science) Revision - Eduqas - BBC Bitesize. BBC News.

Boundless. (n.d.). Boundless Physics. Lumen.


Pickard, Chris J, & Needs, Richard J. (2014). High-pressure physics: Piling on the pressure.
Nature (London), 511(7509), 294–295.

What is the difference between hydrostatic pressure and atmospheric pressure?: Socratic. (2014, August 15).

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