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7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer

lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

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Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months

before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead

Published June 27, 2020

Ayinla Omowura

The late Apala musician, Ayinla Waheed Yusuf, popularly

known as Ayinla Omowura, is considered to be one of the
most original Yoruba musicians of post-colonial Nigeria.
Born in 1933, Omowura’s music was popular in South-West
Nigeria in the 70s, and this gave him a cult followership.
Sadly, at the peak of his career, he was killed by one of his
band members during a brawl in Abeokuta, Ogun State in
1980. Forty years after the tragic death of the music legend,
the band’s lead drummer, Alhaji Abdul-Rahman Adewole
Alao, popularly called Adewole Onilu-Ola, 92, tells DAUD 1/18
7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

OLATUNJI about the late singer, their singing days, how he

met Omowura, among others
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understand), who was he really? What can you say about his personality?

Ayinla was a nice and talented musician. I discovered him then and asked him to
work with me, to sing while I beat the drum. When I discovered him, I tested his
skills and discovered that his voice was perfect for what I wanted. It suited my type
of Apala beat. I was the founder of the band, so I searched for him to be a musician
in my band. Before he joined me, he was working as a backup singer for some
people who were his masters in music. I usually went to where he performed and
that was how I got him to be singing in my band. I was a popular Apala drummer
then. I was already popular, even before Ayinla Omowura joined the band.

I needed a lead vocalist in the band at the time. I went through a lot before I
discovered him and he agreed to join me. We tried our best and God crowned our
efforts because his voice was good for my Apala beat.

Who was he working for as a backup

singer before you met him?

The person was popularly called Osho

at Igboore in Ago-Oba.

People have described Omowura as

a lyrical genius; you had the
opportunity to know him closely,
how creative was he?

He was talented; God gave him a good voice.

He was also known for his love for women, alcohol and ghts, what do you
remember about this part of his life? 2/18
7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

Look at the Fuji musicians we have now, can we count the number of female fans
that ock around them? Why is it that there are always many female fans around
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Plus that ladies
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everybody that understands drumbeats but they connect with the sweet voice of a

I remember God gave him a gift that always made ladies like him; he was always
surrounded by his female fans. But he was not sleeping with all of them; that is all I
can say about that because I was not with them every time being an elderly person.
But we were very close and inseparable in those days. The situation then was: if
there is no Ayinla, there is no Adewole and if there is no Adewole, there is no Ayinla.

Did you have disagreements despite your closeness?

It got to a stage when we almost went our separate ways. We separated for some
time, but because we were a source of blessing to some stakeholders in Abeokuta,
they intervened and settled the matter between us.

What led to the dispute?

It was a leadership crisis. Some white people came and said they wanted to be
producing our songs, but that only one person could be the leader of the group.
They said the person they would accept as the leader was the musician and we
accepted that since we all wanted something great. You know, money is powerful; it
intoxicates. That was what led to the breakup.

But because some people knew how important we were, they called us together and
settled the issue. If I had stood my ground and said I would not reconcile with him,
maybe I would have been killed by now because his fans would have thought I was
involved in his premature death. After we reconciled, there was no musician in
Nigeria that had the kind of fame we had. Musicians like Ebenezer Obey, King
Sunny Ade and Barrister Sikiru Ayinde Barrister were behind us. None of them
started music before us. Obey and KSA came after us.

Omowura’s 40th remembrance anniversary was recently celebrated; did you

ever think he could die so early, and at the peak of his career? 3/18
7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

(Sighs) There was never a sign that

he would die so early. There is
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destined to leave this world.

There are different accounts of

how he died but the common one
is that he was killed during a
brawl in a bar. How did he die?

I heard that after eating at a rented

apartment belonging to one of his
wives, he went out and had a ght with his manager. I was not there, so I don’t
know much about it except for what I was told. The next thing I heard was that he
was dead. I was surprised at what happened. I went to the bar to con rm it, but by
the time I got there, I was told he had been taken somewhere else.

You can see where I live; many people think I am a rich man because of my
popularity. When I had problem with Ayinla, some people rallied round me. They
bought a car and some musical instruments for me. I stopped using the vehicle
after his death because there was no money to maintain it (sobbing). Anytime I
remember his death, I feel very depressed and sad.

What is the genesis of Apala music?

It is the beat that is called Apala; Apala is not the music. When any of our brothers
in those days had a child, people would come together, use old match boxes to
produce beats and sing to the rhythm. It was from there they thought about beating
drums alongside; that was how the name – Apala – came up.

Which musicians played Apala before you and Ayinla Omowura joined?

Many musicians had been using Apala beat in their songs before Ayinla Omowura
began his music and I don’t even know the number of musicians doing that. In
fact, someone who used to be my boss, Lasisi Baba Ibeji, later came to work for me. 4/18
7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

I had become famous and was one of the best Apala drummers in the country. I was
about 30 years old at the time. I became Apala beat drummer when I was 20 years
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How would you describe his rivalry with Haruna Ishola, Fatai Olowonyo and
later Ayinde Barrister?

What I can say is that Haruna Ishola agreed that Ayinla Omowura was his boss
because Ayinla started producing records before him. As regard Fatai Olowonyo,
they had a disagreement with each other then. In those days, everybody was
looking for a means of survival.

It was said that Ayinde Barrister used to be the captain of his fans’ club before
becoming one of his antagonists, what happened between them?

I can’t say much about them, but I heard that when Ayinla Omowura went to
Barrister’s house, he was asked to ll a form before he could see him. I was not
there, but that was what they told me. I heard Ayinla Omowura left angrily, saying
he could not ll any form before seeing Barrister.

Did he truly predict that his band manager, Fatai Bayewumi, would kill him?

(Sighs) It was true he said that. I was there when he said it. We went for a concert in
Ijebu and were about to perform when Ayinla said he had the opportunity of
watching a movie about Jesus Christ for the rst time during Easter that year. He
told us that in the movie, it was one of the closest disciples of Jesus that betrayed
him. He however concluded that it came to his mind that one of his closest
associates among us would kill him. Everybody there was shocked and surprised.

He initially said it indirectly and when I asked him if I was the one he was referring
to, he said no. Some others asked him the same question and he said no. But when
it got to Bayewumi’s turn, he said he was the one. The band manager rejected it
and almost fought with Ayinla that day. He said his name should not be tagged with
something negative. He sometimes talked like someone making prophecies. This
is the little I can say because if he were alive, I would have been living in wealth
and comfort. 5/18
7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

It was said that he was killed with a glass cup, how did it happen?

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cup and the shards of glass penetrated his skull. I learnt pieces of broken glass
were removed from his head at a General Hospital.

What caused the ght that led to his death? Was it truly about motorcycle and a

Like I said, I didn’t go out with them except when we had shows. I heard they had a
misunderstanding, but I don’t know what it was about.

His killer was hanged; can you recall the events of that period?

After the judge sentenced his killer to death, he was rst kept in a prison facility.
Lt. Gen. Oladipupo Diya (retd.) was the Military Governor of Ogun State then. I
think he went to the prison and started asking about the offences committed by the
inmates there. When he got to the turn of Bayewumi, he was told he was sentenced
to death for killing Ayinla. Diya then ordered that he should be executed

What do you know about his claim that some witches made him sit on 200
needles and assured him none would pinch him?

He was not the one that said that; I was the one that used my drum to praise myself
that way. I was actually talking about myself; it was just a way to hype myself up
and that is how music is.

How would you describe the kind of childhood you both had? Was it rough?

When we were young, we learnt more on the job. We worked hard and were
committed to whatever we did. I cannot talk about Ayinla Omowura because we
grew up in different households.

Why do you think he still engaged in ghts even after becoming famous and
rich? 6/18
7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

He didn’t ght anyhow, but he detested indiscipline and cheating. He fought

anybody that took him for granted or cheated him. He was not a troublesome
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There have also been stories that he loved marijuana until his death…

He didn’t smoke; all he did was take some gin whenever we had to perform. He did
not even like beer and he was not a heavy drinker.

What can you say about the story that he was jailed for raping someone?

God is great! You know, there are always different stories to an issue. I was not
there but I heard he took one of his lovers to someone’s house and de owered her.
I heard that when the owner of the house saw that the lady was bleeding and weak,
it led to the issue. That is all I can say about that.

Why did he build his house on his grandmother’s shrine?

I don’t know anything about that. I was not living in his house, so I can’t say
anything about it. It was only when we had outings that we got to see each other.

His father was said to have sung Sakara, was that how he started or did he start
with Apala?

We heard his father once sang Sakara, but like I told you, he started as a backup

Though he was a Muslim, he was also said to have practised Ogboni, Ogun
worship and such. He seemed like a mysterious person, what can you say
about his religious belief?

We participated in so many things when we were looking for fame and God blessed
us. We went to Lagos and other places to worship Ogun. It was not that we went
there purposely because of that; they invited us as a band and we didn’t have a
choice but to participate in what they were doing. 7/18
7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

Why do you think he sang, ‘Olorin ti o bá oju di mi lode, jije, mimu e tan ni
Ile aye’ (Any musician who disregards us will go hungry in life)?
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That was more or less like a warning to musicians that did not want to accept that
he was their master in music. It was just a way of boosting his ego as a musician;
there was nothing extraordinary about that.

What do you know about the story that he gave his children tribal marks so
that another man would not claim them?

He gave them tribal marks because he also had tribal marks. He always had it in
mind that he would give all his children tribal marks but eventually, not all his
children had tribal marks.

Why didn’t he get all his children educated early in his life which according to
reports, he was desperate to do later on?

He sent them to school, but sending a child to school does not mean the child will
be educated. He tried his best by sending them to school.

Where did the name ‘Omowura’ come from as it was not his real name?

His real name was Waheed Ayinla; I was the one that gave him ‘Omowura’, using
my drumbeat. Wura was his mother’s name and I emphasised that by giving him
‘Omo Wura’ (son of Wura).

After his death, why didn’t one of the band members just slot in since you all
already knew how the band was run?

We continued after his death and asked his younger brother, Dauda, to lead the
band so that it would not appear like we killed Omowura to take over the band. His
younger brother said he would try and we allowed him to try till he also died.

What was the genesis of the ght between Dauda and his son, Akeem? Was it all
about taking over his band and succeeding him or was there more to it? 8/18
7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

You know, they were related and whatever happened between them was personal to
them. I did not interfere in that and I was not disturbed by it.
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Dauda died in 2006 and Akeem died in 2016, what do you think about
allegations that their deaths were connected to their ght?

I can’t say anything about that.

Ayinla Omowura died 40 years ago; what comes to your mind when you
remember him now?

We did a song to remember him, but because of what is on the ground, we have not
launched it. The remaining members of his band, his daughter and one other
person did the song to remember him 40 years after he left us. The coronavirus
pandemic has prevented us from launching it.

How much do you miss him?

When I remember him, I cry because if he were alive, I would have gone beyond
where I am today. I am always sad when I remember he is gone.

How do you think he should be remembered?

His children and family members have been organising special prayers for him
every year. Though Ayinla Omowura is long gone, the government should do
something for us – his band members who are alive. We want basic things that can
make our lives comfortable.

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7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

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Theophilus • 8 days ago • edited

"When I remember him, I cry because if he were alive, I
would have gone beyond where I am today. I am always sad
when I remember he is gone."
More than twice in this interview did Baba lamented and
blamed his misfortune over the death of Ayinla Omowura
even after 40yrs of his departure. God is grieved when we
put up this attitude, put our trust in man and not Him. In 16/18
7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers
certain instances a man may sincerely want to do what he
promised but limited and can't predict his end. The man is
gone over 40yrs and Baba still grieving and tie his destiny to
Home News
him. Very unfortunate.
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Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man
that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose
heart departeth from the LORD. 17:6 For he shall be like the
heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh;
but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a
salt land and not inhabited. 17:7 Blessed is the man that
trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. 17:8
For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that
spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when
heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be
careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from
yielding fruit.
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Akeem Oyegoke • 9 days ago

Nigeria is hopeless country.
Yesterday was better than today.
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Akeem Oyegoke • 9 days ago

Egun magaji.
A gem was lost.
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Bashorungaa • 9 days ago

So sad that senior citizens will have to beg this bunch of
rogues called politicians for basic things of life.
△ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Theophilus • 9 days ago • edited

Prov 18:16 "A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth
him before great men."
But life would have been more beautiful and end gloriously if
we recognize and celebrate the Giver of the gift and not the
gift alone.
Job 8:11 Can the rush grow up without mire? can the flag
grow without water? 8:12 Whilst it is yet in his greenness,
and not cut down, it withereth before any other herb. 8:13 So
are the paths of all that forget God; and the hypocrite's hope
shall perish: 8:14 Whose hope shall be cut off, and whose
trust shall be a spider's web. 8:15 He shall lean upon his
house, but it shall not stand: he shall hold it fast, but it shall
not endure.
Such was the case with the Apala legend, Ayinla Omowura.
△ ▽ • Reply • Share › 17/18
7/5/2020 Ayinla Omowura predicted his death six months before he was killed –Onilu-Ola, band’s lead drummer – Punch Newspapers

Ade smart • 9 days ago

Omowura bawi soloun ogbon ni omowura bawi,
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Oskirin • 9 days ago

Hmmmm. Used to love his music back den whn our father
played Dem.
Still buy n play Dem till now.
It was dauda dat came to play at my iya agba burial
ceremony. RIP to him.
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Mickykarim • 9 days ago • edited

I recall the day he died in Abeokuta. The entire west knew
something was amiss. Surprisingly, Ajewole the lead
drummer said he never smoked, but he was popularly
referred to as Alhaji Conslate, Identified with a cigarette
called Conslate. Meaning he was a chain smoker of the © 1971-2020 The Punch newspaper - Advertise With Us - Contact Us 18/18

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