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CLASS: 7A DATE: ___________ YOUR NAME:___________________________________________________


Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best
answer (A, B or C).
1. You hear a woman bringing an MP3 player back to the shop where she bought it. What is the
problem with it?
A. It plays tracks at the wrong speed.
B. It jumps from one track to the next.
C. It doesn't switch off properly.
2. You hear a woman talking to a waiter. What does she want him to bring her?
A. mineral water B. coffee C. orange juice
3. You hear a man describing a journey. Where did he want to go?
A. Leeds B. Manchester C. Crewe
4. You hear an advertisement for a sale in a furniture store. Which items have the biggest
A. sofas B. beds C. armchairs
5. You hear a woman talking to a car mechanic. What is the problem with her car?
A. It won't start in wet weather.
B. B. The brakes don’t work properly.
C. The engine keeps on stopping.
6. You hear a graphic designer talking about his work. How does he feel about the recent change
in his job?
A. He thinks his new work is boring.
B. He regrets giving up his previous job.
C. He thinks he's made the right decision.
7. You hear a radio announcement about traffic on a motorway. Where are the longest delays
A. between junctions 10 and 11
B. between junctions 13 and 14
C. between junctions 17 and 18
8. You hear a man phoning his local newsagent's shop. Which newspaper did he receive by
mistake this morning?
A. the Telegraph B. the Sun C. the Daily Mirror

Part 2: You will hear a golfer called John Freeman giving a talk about his career. For questions
9- 18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
John Freeman has been playing golf for (9) ____18______________ years. John's
father never progressed as a golfer because he couldn't afford very good (10)
_________equipment _________________ .
When he was younger, John wanted to be a professional (11) ______soccer _________________
player. John's father took up golf again after being (12) ____made redundant ______________
John wishes he had received some (13) __encouragement________________________ from his
teachers at school.
John says that golf is often seen as a sport for people with a lot of (14)
_____money_______________ . Young golfers should be able to get help from (15)
_______________government ___________ . The (16) ________success
__________________ of British players is likely to raise the profile of golf. John's income from
golf is (17) _____reasonable _____________________ .
John used to dye his hair (18) ____blue______________________ .

Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ NQ Education / Hotline Khối Chuyên: 0946 530 486
Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 1
Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about holidays. For questions
19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There
are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A. It made our friendship stronger.
B. I realised I loved long journeys.
C. It gave me a sense of my origins. Speaker 2 20 C
D. It provided an escape.
E. I felt closer to my family. Speaker 3 21 G
F. It was my first holiday abroad.
Speaker 4 22 A
G. I felt I had learnt something.
H. I was relieved to be back home Speaker 5 23 H
Speaker 1 19 E
Part 4: You will hear part of a radio interview with Laura Bartlett, who works as a florist (someone
who sells and arranges flowers). For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24. Laura's parents
A. were professional gardeners.
B. had a successful florist's shop.
C. loved cultivating plants.
25. Laura originally wanted
A. to work as a graphic designer.
B. to become an artist.
C. to write articles for a magazine.
26. She became a florist
A. because she didn't know what else to do.
B. as soon as she resigned from the magazine.
C. as the result of an accident.
27. In the beginning, Laura
A. wasn't skilled at working with flowers.
B. didn't work with flowers at all.
C. only delivered flowers to customers.
28. Laura had to learn
A. the names of different species of flowers.
B. which flowers florists could use in their work.
C. how to prepare flowers for arrangements.
29. Laura suggests that a young person who wants to be a florist must be prepared
A. to send flowers to people who are ill.
B. to work long hours at certain times of the year.
C. to spend a lot of time at the flower market.
30. Laura advises young people who would like to become florists
A. to work at a florist's while they are attending courses in floristry.
B. to study floristry full time at a college before they get a job.
C. to learn how to program a computer.

You are going to read a newspaper article about people who make films about wild animals in
Africa. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the
one which fits each gap (9-15). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
What keeps film-makers Amanda Barrett and Owen Newman away from their home comforts
for months on end? The search for the perfect shot.
Of all the creatures to be found in the jungles and plains of East Africa, two of the hardest to
track down must surely be producer Amanda Barrett and cameraman Owen Newman.
Their present habitat, the Ngorongoro Crater, has been lashed by six months of almost
continuous rain, giving rise to a number of unforeseen problems. (9 _H_______). His working
partnership with the talented producer has created some of TV’s finest wildlife films, such as their
amazing and well-received film on leopards.
(10 __A______). But this is nothing unusual in television partnerships. Travelling film-makers
have been constantly circling the globe, in order to point cameras at exotic wildlife ever since the
birth of television.
I spoke to Newman about their partnership while he was making one of his rare and
unpredictable reunions with other members of the human race at a safari lodge. ‘We do have
occasional arguments but we tend to get over them fairly quickly,’ he says of his colleague. (11
‘When we are on the move, we have to put up our tents each night. But this time we are
operating much more of a fixed camp, and as we set out at 5 a.m. each morning, we tend to make
the tea the night before and keep it warm in a vacuum flask.’
(12 __F______). ‘It’s not unusual for us to be out and about for up to eight weeks at a time, so
catering does cause the odd panic,’ says Newman.
(13 __B______). ‘I remember once we were filming a family of lions and there was one lioness
who would regularly go off on her own. Whenever she returned, she would go round and greet all
the other members of the pride, and after a while she made a point of greeting our car as part of
her round.’
It was back in 1988 that Newman first worked with Barrett on a film called ‘The Great Rift’, and
two more years before they set off as a team to film Arctic foxes. (14 __D______). And before they
get the green light, they have to submit a script for approval.
‘Amanda and I struck up a good working relationship from the start,’ says Newman, ‘because it
was obvious that we shared the same ideas and overall vision. (15 ___G_____). I believe if you
can evoke an emotional response from people, that is far better than if you appeal only to their
A. Even while this film of one of Africa’s shyest cats was being shown, the pair were already back
where they belong - this time trailing that equally shy animal, the jackal.
B. It can be a rough existence, but the appeal of being alone in such remote areas is that we can
get close enough to the animals to become part of their lives.
C. Neither of them regard themselves as the leader, and he says that one of the reasons why
they get on so well with each other is that they both see the animals in a similar way. D. Since
then, they have learned to set aside four months on location to gather sufficient material for each
half-hour film.
E. In Africa, however, they are seldom sighted at all as they scour the vast Serengeti Plain, their
two vehicles packed with cameras, drinking water, camping gear and food.
F. The rest of the Newman-Barrett daily diet consists of pre-packed meals heated and dished out
by whoever is at hand at the time.
G. What we are always seeking to achieve is a film that is rich in atmosphere, that brings to life
the true spirit of the place and animals, and that will touch people’s hearts.
H. Newman explained that they had to invest in an expensive piece of equipment so that
whenever one of their vehicles gets stuck in the mud, Amanda can pull him back to safety.


A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 3
1. John Sanders, MP, ____ denied________________ any involvement in the DENY
scandal when asked about it yesterday. REFUSE
2. The politician _________ refused___________ to say more when
questioned by reporters this morning.

3. Johnny Depp rarely ___ accepts_________________ invitations to do AGREE

interviews. ACCEPT
4. Johnny Depp ______ agreed______________ to appear at a press
conference to promote his latest film.

5. Did you see the newspaper ____ headline________________ this HEADING

morning? HEADLINE
6. If you give every paragraph of your report a _______ heading_________
it'll be easier to read.

7. Living Today has got a special ___ feature_________________ this month on FEATURE
healthy diets. There are interviews with nutritionists, menus, recipes, and ARTICLE
loads of other things too.
8. There's an interesting ________ article____________ in the paper
about the Constitution of the European Union.

9. I generally trust what I hear on the news, but rarely believe anything I read PRESS
in the ___ press_________________ . MEDIA
10. The _____ media_______________ involve print journalism, TV, radio
and even electronic forms of communication such as the Internet.

11. We interrupt this programme to bring you an urgent ___ BULLETIN

newflash_____________ . NEWFLASH
12. And we'll be back with our regular ___ bulletin_________________ at seven

B. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. It's a great computer programme / program once you get the hang of it.
2. I hate tabloid I broadsheet newspapers; they're just full of gossip, scandal and lies!
3. As a journalist / columnist for a local paper, you don't have to interview people or attend
events. You just have to express your opinions about the issues of the day,
4. There's a great talk / quiz / game show on BBC1 tonight. Contestants have to race through a
supermarket as quickly as they can, filling up their trolleys as they go.
5. On some TV channels, an announcer / a commentator tells you what the next programme is
going to be.
6. Join us at half past nine for a live broadcast / channel of the State Opening of Parliament.

C. Write one word in each gap.

1. Please do not ____ turn ________________ over your examination papers until you are
instructed to do so.
2. I had to ____ fill ________________ in so many forms. It took me hours!
3. I'd like everyone here to _____ put _______________ forward as many suggestions as possible.
4. There was a guy in the street ____ handing ________________ out free tickets to that new quiz
5. He __ made __________________ out that he'd worked in children's TV, but in fact he's never
been near a TV studio!
6. Could you ___ look _________________ up her number in the phone book?
7. She _____ stands _______________ out as one of the finest contemporary British novelists
around at the moment.
D. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between TWO and FIVE words in each gap.
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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 4
1. Her latest bestseller was published last month. (OUT)
Her latest bestseller _came out_________________________ last month.
2. That story's not true, is it? (UP)
You ____made that story up,______________________________ didn't you?
3. The programme starts at half past six. (ON)
The programme _is on_____________________________ at half past six.
4. The documentary didn't really explore why the rainforests are being cut down. (INTO)
The documentary didn't really __go into_______________________________ why the
rainforests are being cut down.
5. I had a quick look at the magazine in the dentist's waiting room. (THROUGH)
I ______ flicked through the magazine_____________ in the dentist's waiting room.
6. I don't think we need to mention that now. (UP)
I don’t think we need to __bring that up______________________ now.
7. Your lies don't fool me! (THROUGH)
I can ___ see through______________________________________________ your lies!

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. It's not always easy to _____ the difference between fact and opinion.
A. make B. do C. say D. tell
2. The debate will _____ place tonight.
A. be B. have C. take D. make
3. In my _____ , freedom of the press must be maintained.
A. mind B. view C. sight D. thought
4. Media mogul Ronald Morduck has _____ control of another tabloid.
A. made B. found C. given D. taken
5. They _____ a description of the robber on CrimeTime and it sounded like you!
A. made B. told C. said D. gave
6. J. K. Rowling has _____ an enormous influence on children's literature.
A. had B. given C. done D. set
7. I could spend hours _____ the Internet!
A. surfing B. diving C. sailing D. swimming
8. They said _____ the news that the price of petrol is going up again.
A. from B. in C. on D. at
9. The issue _____ question is more complex than you think.
A. from B. in C. on D. at
10. Watch _____ for words like 'so-called' in articles as they express the writer's bias.
A. about B. around C. over D. out

F. Each of the words in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

1. He's been described by several critics for our greatest living poet. __as_______
2. I think you've confused tabloids by broadsheets. _with_________________
3. Do you believe about telepathy? __in________________
4. There's no point of trying to get an interview with him. He never does interviews! __in_____
5. According from this report, scientists have discovered a new planet. ________to________
6. The facts in this article don't correspond about my own experience at all. ______with______

G. The announcement below is missing 10 words. Fill in the blanks one suitable word to
complete it.
The editor sent an e-mail (1) ______ to _______________ every journalist on the news desk
announcing (2) _____ that ________________ there would be an emergency editorial meeting at
one o'clock. I had heard (3) __ about ___________________ the problems the paper was facing
and I hear (4) ____ from _________________ one of my colleagues that the paper might be going
to close. Whatever it was, it was likely (5) ______ to _______________ be bad news. At the
meeting, the editor told us (6) _______ not ______________ to tell anyone else yet, but the paper
had been taken over by Ronald Morduck. He said he had only been informed ( 7) _____ about
_______ the decision that morning. We were all so surprised (8) ___ at ______ the news that
nobody knew what to say. I made a comment (9) _________to____________ a colleague that it
was time to start looking for a new job. The editor heard this, and finally managed to persuade us
not (10) _______ to ______________ quit until we had seen what changes would be made.
H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is
1. Why do press photographers think they can turn up at a celebrity's house completely ________
announced ___________ (ANNOUNCE)?
2. How many means of ______ communication ____________ (COMMUNICATE) do you use on a
regular basis?
3. Could you write an ________ editorial ___________ (EDIT) for the next issue of the school
4. You have to have a sense of ___ humor ________________ (HUMOUR) to work on children's
5. There's an ________ unwritten___________ (WRITE) rule on tabloid newspapers that the truth
always takes second place to a good story.
6. When Jill was at _____ secondary ______________ (SECOND) school she used to dream of
being a DJ on local radio.
7. Are you thinking of a career in ____ journalism _______________ (JOURNAL)?
8. You don't actually get a lot of __________information_________ (INFORM) from a news report
on radio or TV.
I. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in capitals.
I love watching (1) __ discussion _________________ (DISCUSS) programmes, and I love
politics, so you'd think I'd enjoy watching (2) __ politicians _________________ (POLITICS) being
interviewed on TV. But I don't. All too often, (3) ____ journalists _______________ (JOURNAL)
ask them the most (4) _______ ridiculous____________ (RIDICULE) questions, and, when they
do get an interesting question, I sit there watching in (5) ______ disbelief _____________
(BELIEVE) as some of the most (6) ____ powerful _______________ (POWER) people in the
country give totally (7) ____ unconvincing _______________ (CONVINCE) responses. It's as if
they don't care whether their reply is (8) __ believable _________________ (BELIEVE) or not.
Often, they're very poor (9) __ communicators_________________ (COMMUNICATE), and
they're frequently even more (10) __ uninformed_________________ (INFORM) about key issues
than I am, I don't expect them to be particularly (11) ___ humorous ________________
(HUMOUR) - they are serious people, after all - but at least they could say something interesting
occasionally. It makes me want to stand for election myself!
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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 6

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