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1. The secretary is checking email. (Sekretaris itu sedang mengecek email.

2. Indikator (This is a good indicator.)
3. Asosiasi : Produced by Phoenix Studios, in association with Richmond Films
4. Lahan : Land prices are very high in Japan
5. Bandara : I'll drive you to the airport
6. Mata uang : European currencies weakened against the dollar
7. Ekologi : I asked him many questions about ecology
8. Eksploitasi : But exploitation of these Andean veins is not without difficulties.
9. jelajah : Every part of the island has been explored
10. Fasilitas ; Have the interior facilities taken out and burn the debris.
11. Kooperatif : We've been cooperative.
12. Habitat : The natural habitats of animals are being destroyed.

13. Akuntan : The accountant seated himself by Judge Dee's side

14. Iklan : I have seen the ad in this newspaper
15. Terjangkau : Affordable prices for goods and services to foreigners
16. Agenda : The first topic on the agenda was absenteeism.

17. Persetujuan : The agreement provides for the disarmament of armed groups
18. Arbitrase : Finally, the arbitration decision regarding Brcko has been provisionally
19. Keuntungan : He used all his wealth for the benefit of the poor
20. Obligasi : My family has a special bond with the people of Mozambique.
21. Bonus : She'll get a bonus for doing that work.

22. Pembukuan : In future, bookkeeping will be done by the double entry system.

23. Meminjam : May I borrow your dictionary?

24. Atasan : My boss was forced to resign
25. tas kerja : Tom picked up John's briefcase and handed it to him.
26. Dana : I quarrelled with my wife over our budget
27. Bisnis : I have a business proposition for you.
28. Membeli : Where can I buy a ticket?
29. Menghitung : I'm calculating the budget of the construction.
30. ibu kota : The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev
31. Karir : He was a young lawyer just starting out in his career
32. Ketua : We elected James chairman.
33. Klausul : The clause excludes your immediate heirs.
34. Klien : the client treats the construction workers to celebrate this.
35. Jaminan : In some cases the Bank has also experienced unforeseeable delays in
recovering collateral
36. Perdagangan : the product has entered the international commerce
37. Komisi : I get a very large commission
38. Komoditas : Various plant commodities can develop in the Kayumalue village
39. Perusahaan : The company is engaged in the textile sector
40. Persaingan : there is a very tight competition in the men's singles sector
41. Kontrak : andi has signed a contract
42. Hak cipta : the content is copyright infringement
43. Biaya : Anyone who crosses the toll road will be charged a cost
44. Kupon : I have many coupons
45. Deadline : Tenggat waktu : tomorrow is the deadline for submitting assignments
46. Kesepakatan : negotiations have reached an agreement
47. Direktur : he is a director in a textile company
48. Diskon : Today Ramayana has a massive discount
49. Distribusi : Toni distributes goods to the city
50. Mengunduh : Ani is downloading a horror movie
51. Efisien : the salesperson's job becomes efficient
52. Mempekerjakan : Mr. Budi employs a homeless person
53. pengusaha : I want to be a young entrepreneur
54. Peralatan : the equipment is very clean and tidy
55. Perkiraan : Yuda already estimates the price of onions in the market
56. Export : Ekspor : Indonesia exports shallots to Korea
57. Fasilitas : The school has very complete facilities
58. Pabrik : This factory is the largest in Indonesia
59. Mandor : the foreman is looking at his workers
60. Kerangka kerja : This research has a fairly complex framework
61. Kargo : Expedition delivery and cargo delivery look the same
62. Dana : This development has funds
63. Barang : Toni distributes goods to the city
64. Grafik : That sale has a pretty stable graph
65. Insurance : Asuransi : beni get psychiatric insurance
66. Magang : Bela is doing an internship at a company
67. Wawancara : Bela is doing an interview at a company
68. Faktur : Sales invoice is one proof of transaction
69. Pekerjaan : he did his job well
70. Loan : Pinjaman : kiki applies for a loan to the bank

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