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Nama : Satrio Nugroho

NIM : 043362572
Program Studi : Manajemen
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Niaga
“GDP is a perfect measure of welfare”
I agree, because GDP is the sum of the production of goods and services produced
by a country in a certain period of time (generally a year). Its function is, as mentioned
earlier, a measuring instrument for the economic development of a country. With the
Gross Domestic Product, the country can find out how far its domestic economy has
grown. Countries can also analyze from available data which factors can be
maximized and which still need to be improved. Through the figures generated by
GDP, countries in the world can determine who is ahead and who is still not. With the
existence of GDP, it can be used as a study material related to which sectors must be
improved and need improvement. A high GDP figure is defined as a high production
rate. The high production rate is linked to the people's high purchasing power. Despite
the criticisms of GDP, GDP is still the most widely used measurement tool by many
countries. This happens because there is no other method that can calculate as
comprehensively as GDP. That's why GDP is still used by the international
community to this day.

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