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Dhruv Tuition Classes

English Period Test-2 Revision
A. Answer the following questions:-
1. What do ordinary men and women usually think of?
2. What was his book of letters called?
3. On what topic does Jawaharlal Nehru speak to his daughter?
4. What does Jawaharlal Nehru insist his daughter to do in her private life?
5. What did Jawaharlal Nehru asked his daughter to apply, whenever she was
in doubt?
6. What features on the King’s face tell that he was proud?
7. Discuss the value of the poem ‘Ozymandias’.
8. What words were written on the pedestal of the broken statue? What did
they show?
9. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
Its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed.

a) What do “lifeless things” refers to?

b) How do we know that he was a good sculptor?
c) How did the heart feed the passions?
10. What quality of King Ozymandias does the poem reflect?
B. Choose the correct modal from the options given below:
Q1. This dress suits her style. She __________ definitely like it!
A. can
B. could
C. will
D. may

Q2. When Juan was two, he __________ already speak very well.
A. might
B. could
C. can
D. should

Q3. She __________ visit her grandparents’ house during holidays.

A. dare to
B. ought to
C. can
D. might

Q4. __________ I talk to the manager?

A. Might
B. May
C. Could
D. Shall

Q5. During peak hours, it _________ take more than two hours.
A. can
B. should
C. shall
D. will

Q6. How __________ she do that to us!

A. would
B. must
C. could
D. shall

Q7. If I get the required assistance, I __________ pass the exam in the first
A. shall
B. can not
C. might
D. could

Q8. The audience __________ settle before the doors are closed.
A. can
B. shall
C. might
D. must

Q9. We __________ always respect our elders.

A. can
B. will
C. should
D. could

Q10. ___________ we save money for the party?

A. would
B. need
C. should
D. dare

Q11. All students __________ obey the school regulations.

A. could
B. must
C. are able to
D. will

Q12. You __________ visit them, just make a phone call.

A. can not
B. will
C. need not
D. shall not

Q13. All members ___________ attend the meeting as per the notice.
A. can
B. would
C. might
D. should

Q14. There ________ be a famous shop here.

A. used to
B. should
C. ought to
D. would

Q15. There has been a landslide. You __________ be careful while driving there.
A. can
B. must
C. could
D. would

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