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Varun D Murthy (BD20070)
Session in Brief
We pickedup from where we left in the previous class on Intelligence leading to
a discussion on the intelligence scores of the class and the way ahead to develop
an intelligence. We got to learn that, sustainablility of career is when there is
synergy between the career path and th dominant intelligence.
Then the class moved on to the next topic, Attitudes. It was all about the
perception of our kin’s attitudes towards us where everybody shared their
thoughts on their parents, grandparents and friends and how they perceive their
attitude towards themselves. An example of Police vs Thief gave an interesting
angle to the topic as well.
Key Learnings
Each person has a behaviour towards another person and attitude is how that
person sees is. Attitude is a state of readiness, a disposition. It marks the mental
readiness of a person.
Action Plan
To try to asses the attitude of people around me and try to find out the reason
for that as most times, attitude is a result of our behaviour towards them.

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