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24th Annual Session of the Seoul Model United Nations

Forum: General Assembly II

Question of: Researching information and communication tech for economic growth
Student Officer: Avi Kabra, President


Information and communication technology (ICT) is a wide-reaching industry with the capability
to revolutionize the global scene. ICT, which encompasses unified communications and
telecommunications, refers to any communication device, computer network, information broadcasting
system, and satellite connectivity.1 Most recently, in a world hit hard by COVID-19, ICT grew in the
mediums of video conferencing and distance learning through the rapid development of Zoom and
Discord services. Moreover, considering its economic side, ICT has been and will continue to be
brimming with easily commercializable products. Almost any digital platform through which humans
communicate with one another has been structured such that companies get ad revenue, sponsorships, or
more. This has its benefits and, if left unchecked and unmonitored, its drawbacks.

The International Data Corporation (IDC) recently presented that IT spending worldwide has
been estimated at over US$3.5 trillion2. Extensive research and development from both the corporate and
government sectors have yielded significant advancements -- namely, the development of
information-ripe, untraceable digital currencies; the unhackable internet; and in cloud computing with
artificial intelligence. The benefits of these developments are far-reaching. Increased information
accessibility to the general masses, faster processing speeds in quantum computing, and more personal
communication technologies are just a few of these benefits. Governments like that of South Korea,
Japan, and India are placing a greater emphasis on supporting companies while simultaneously
conducting their own research into this important field345.

But the harms of unmitigated ICT growth are also becoming increasingly evident. In the wrong
hands, the recent improvements in computer computational speeds could also be used to render

“Information & Communications Technology.”
“Global ICT Spending - 2018 - $3.8T.” IDC.
Itu. “How the Republic of Korea Became a World ICT Leader.” ITU News, February 12, 2018.
“India - Information and Communication Technology.” International Trade Administration |
“ICT.” EU Business in Japan. Accessed July 1, 2021.

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24th Annual Session of the Seoul Model United Nations

encryption systems less effective. Data privacy and hacking are just some of the negative aspects of this
growth irrespective of whether said growth was mentored or not. Data security, both governmental and
private, will also need significant R&D if institutions are to protect their users’ and own rights to privacy.
There is no doubt that individuals who wish to manipulate these emerging technologies for personal gain
will at some point clash with governments, legislation, and consumers.

ICT research began thousands of years ago in the form of tally sticks and abacuses. Analog
computers such as the Antikythera mechanism 6, were some of the first computational devices that could
utilize data to predict astronomical positions and events. Electronic computers, which began to appear in
the 1940s, exponentially increased the capabilities of human computation to the point that in WWII,
German Enigma messages were deciphered by Colossus7. Breakthroughs in semiconductor, transformer,
relay, and data storage systems further accelerated this growth, making computers widespread and highly
efficient devices. IT then expanded into business, government, healthcare, and education among other
sectors. A reliance on and increasing integration to digital mediums meant data was no longer stored in
hardcopy format. Businesses, irrespective of their products, generally use IT for day-to-day tasks, data
management, business optimization, increased shareability, and intracompany communication.
Additionally, companies are increasingly looking for methods to streamline their operations, to maximize
profits while cutting overhead, and to readily access and organize company information. Artificial
intelligence, along with newly developed software for data management, are tools being considered to
achieve these goals8. In the 2000s, a new field of computing was introduced -- quantum computing -- with
extensive potential and applications into the interdisciplinary fields of cryptography, computer science,
and neuroscience9. While quantum computing has not yet been integrated into the business realm, one can
only assume that is to come.

The role that governments play in this developing sector is significant, especially when
considering the economic implications of stimulating this emerging industry. In some cases, these roles
have been left unfulfilled. First, the government has the responsibility to protect its citizens’ and
companies’ rights to privacy. ICTs are a double-edged sword: users are able to send data more efficiently,

Freeth, Tony, David Higgon, Aris Dacanalis, Lindsay MacDonald, Myrto Georgakopoulou, and Adam Wojcik. “A Model of the
Cosmos in the Ancient Greek Antikythera Mechanism.” Nature News. Nature Publishing Group, March 12, 2021.
“Colossus.” The National Museum of Computing. The National Museum of Computing. Accessed July 1, 2021.
Research and Markets. “Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communications Technology Intelligence Report 2018”
GlobeNewswire News Room. Research and Markets, August 17, 2018.
Hayashi, Masahito. QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORY: Mathematical Foundation. SPRINGER, 2018.

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and consequently expose their data to more actors10. Data privacy acts, company policies about sharing
private data, and advancements in cybersecurity have protected people and companies from potential
attacks. However, around 44% of organizations globally have experienced a successful attack on private
data, probably as a result of the ICT industry’s growth11. Phishing, a type of attack used to steal data when
a victim opens an email, message, or alert, is one such attack that has jeopardized the safety of corporate
and governmental networks12.

Second, there is a large lack of government facilitation for the growth of ICTs with favorable
policies, government grants, or similar initiatives. Looking at renewable energy as an example, when
governments tax non-renewable sources of energy and at the same time reward companies for having
environmentally conscious products, the nation is able to significantly progress in this field13. Similar
insufficient steps have been taken when it comes to ICTs. By disincentivizing non-ICT related R&D while
concurrently incentivising companies to put ICT products in the market, governments such as that of
South Korea have been able to stimulate their nation’s growth with minimal cost to the taxpayer and
establish the country as a technology hub.

Third, the impact of ICTs disproportionately helps developed economics grow while developing
economies are left behind. Developed countries, which typically attract ICT firms, have the resources to
release products and fund R&D that companies headquartered in developing countries cannot match. As a
result, this feedback loop will result in the exacerbation of this gap in economic status. Currently, there
has been minimal legislation and cooperation between countries in this respect with more nations looking
to impose regulations on unabated development. ICT companies are also profit-driven; as a result, there is
no differentiation in pricing as ICT prices continue to be inflated.

Definition of Key Terms

Information Technology (IT)

The use of computers to manipulate data and more broader information. Examples of IT include
both hardware-software integrated devices like Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, peripheral equipment like

Fagast. “Information and Communication Technology Security.” SDI GovCMS. SDI GovCMS, July 10, 2013.
Security, Focal Point Cyber. “Phishing Case Studies: How Attackers Are Taking Their Time, and Taking Your Money;.” Focal
Point Blog. Accessed July 1, 2021.
“What Is Phishing: Attack Techniques & Scam Examples: Imperva.” Learning Center. Imperva, June 17, 2020.
Iea. “Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy – Policies.” IEA. Accessed July 1, 2021.

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printers, and communication services like telecom. IT is the essence of information and communication
technologies and serves as the foundation for improvements made in traditional communication

Cookies are small text files sent to websites when you visit them. This allows websites to
recognize you when you return and to personalize your experience. Cookies can also track your activity
across multiple sites to provide advertisements that are more targeted. A large number of ICT companies
rely on steady streams of actionable insights that allow them to increase customer personalization and for
monetary purposes14.

5G, also known as the fifth generation mobile network, is a new kind of network building on the
successes of 4G, 3G, 2G, and 1G that has an increased capability to connect machines, people, and
devices virtually. With higher peak data speeds, more reliable network capacities, and improved
efficiency, 5G has been designed to better support growth in IoT, mobile broadband services, and
mission-critical applications15.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines to perform certain tasks. AI encompasses
many different algorithms and approaches; it is not only constricted to developing sentient machines, but
also includes search methods, factoring uncertainty parameters, optimization, language processing, and
more. AI is widely regarded as the next generation of ICT advancements.

UN ICT Task Force

The UN ICT Task Force was formed as a multi-stakeholder initiative intended to “put ICT at the
service of development for all”. Founded in 2001, the task force had many reputable names in the ICT
industry, including the CEO of Cisco Systems, heads of government from diverse countries, and a
significant small business presence. The task force’s mandate ended in 2006 after holding semi-annual
meetings and global forums across the years. 16


APCICT - ESCAP. “Everyday ICT Terms for Policymakers and Government Officers.” UNAPCICT. Asian and Pacific
Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development, January 2019.
Qualcomm, What. 2017. "What Is 5G | Everything You Need To Know About 5G | 5G FAQ | Qualcomm". Qualcomm.
"ICT Task Force- Membership". 2021. Un.Org.

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The term “bandwidth” details the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted over the
internet in a given period of time through a local internet connection. Calculated in Mbps (Megabytes per
second), bandwidth connects families around the world to the internet, is crucial for internet software
products, and is the direct reason behind the rapid economic growth globally in the last two decades. 17

Accessibility is the general idea that regardless of geographic location or socioeconomic
background, one should be able to have ready access to the internet. In other words, email, the World
Wide Web, and communication technologies, all important ICT services, must reach a larger audience.
This has direct economic implications, since the internet’s economic potential will only increase as it
spreads more readily and reliably to remote locales. 18

Videoconferencing, which allows a group of individuals to conduct ‘virtual conferences’ through
a computer-based communications system, has become the norm post COVID-19. Over the course of the
past year, notable companies in this field, namely Zoom, have seen exponential growth in revenue19 and in
their customer bases. This particular ICT is special in that it is so necessary in our world today and has
potential for increased development.20

Timeline of Key Events

October 29th, 1969 - Ongoing - Email

On October 29th, 1969, Ray Tomlinson sent himself the first email in history. Since then, email
has become a staple of online communication in the developed world. Today, email is being considered by
some as “old school”, signalling a potential shift towards newer instant communication methods.21

March, 2004 - April, 2005 - Global Forums on Internet Governance, an Enabling Environment, and
the Potential of ICTs in Education

"What Is Bandwidth - Definition, Meaning & Explanation". 2021. Verizon Fios.
"Glossary Of ICT Terms - Revelyn Resolo". 2021. Sites.Google.Com.
"Infographic: Zoom Keeps Momentum As Workers Stay At Home". 2021. Statista Infographics.
"Tcdata360: Laws Relating To Icts, 1-7 (Best)". 2021. Tcdata360.,2016.
"ICT And Technology Timeline - 1970'S". 2021. Ictlounge.Com.

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24th Annual Session of the Seoul Model United Nations

In 2001, the UN ICT Task Force formed to address a variety of ICT developments at the time
held semi-annual forums in which member nations and companies could discuss the state of ICT. ICTs
were being increasingly recognized as having the potential for rapid growth, and the United Nations
seeked to bring leading experts in this field together to continue forging a new path.

10th December, 2003 - 18th November, 2005 - World Summit on the Information Society
In the wake of the UN ICT Task Force’s creation, United Nations leaders initiated a unique
two-phase summit with multiple perspectives to address the issues raised by information and
communication technologies. Said issues ranged from that of data privacy to concerns on maintaining
stable, sustainable growth in this field. Following the November, 2005 summit in Tunis, the Tunis Agenda
for the Information Society was created to detail guidelines, aspirations, and even ICT’s connections to
the sustainable development goals. 22

19th June, 2006 - Ongoing - Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and
Development (GAID)
A continuation of the UN ICT Task Force after it disbanded, GAID was launched by Secretary
General Kofi Annan at the end of his tenure. It’s role was to facilitate and promote the integration of ICTs
in many different industries and everyday life. One of its most notable achievements was the creation of
the GAID series, a guide compiled by members and Silicon Valley experts on how ICTs can be utilized to
eradicate poverty and hunger.23

Position of Key Member Nations

United States
As per the US Department of Commerce website, the United States of America is “dedicated to
increasing ICT exports”.24 To do so, the US has placed a significant emphasis on investing in research and
development surrounding emerging ICTs and by establishing trade channels for digital products.
Telecommunications has also consistently been a large industry in the US -- as such, more private
investment into R&D coupled with deployment strategies employed by the private sector seek to ensure
that the industry’s standing remains secure within the nation.

"World Summit On The Information Society (WSIS) .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform". 2021.
"Global Alliance For ICT And Development (GAID) Series | Shop.Un.Org : Official Source For United Nations Books And
More". 2021. Shop.Un.Org.
"Information And Communications Technology". 2021. International Trade Administration | Trade.Gov.

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China has long been a dominant player in the ICT market. By the end of 2021, it is projected that
the ICT sector market share will reach up to 55% of China’s GDP (US$8.1 trillion) 25. With a firm focus
on telecommunications through digital mediums, such as through smartphone companies like Huawei,
China has been able to consistently export and stimulate their national economy. However, there is a
general concern that China’s ICT policy environment is unattractive to international firms due to strict

South Korea
South Korea’s Ministry of Science and ICT boasts an emphasis on integrating ICTs throughout
the nation. The government has also implemented a unique plan that calls for the integration of ICT in
traditionally analog fields to foster interdisciplinary communication and growth. Furthermore, South
Korea is currently one of the world leaders in ICT R&D and exports. This is a direct result of their
proactive actions during the COVID pandemic; South Korea responded and fought the pandemic using

Nigeria is the most developed nation in West Africa in terms of ICT research and integration.
Nigeria’s ICT sector comprises 13.32% of the nation’s GDP28 and the nation has established itself as the
ICT powerhouse of Africa. The Federal Government of Nigeria has recognized ICT’s merits in the fields
of education, healthcare, agriculture, and manufacturing. In an attempt to diversify its economy from oil
and gas, they are encouraging foreign partnerships between local ICT companies and multinational

ICT in India takes many shapes and forms. Artificial intelligence, digital healthcare services like
Video Medical Examinations (VMEs), and the digitization of business are just some of these
developments. In the past decade, the sector has increased its contribution to India’s GDP by over 5% 29.

Australians, For, For Exporters, Export markets, Countries economies, and Republic Korea. 2021. "Information And
Communications Technology - Korea - For Australian Exporters". Austrade.Gov.Au.
"China - Technology And ICT | Privacy Shield". 2021. Privacyshield.Gov.
"문서뷰어". 2021. English.Msit.Go.Kr.
"Nigeria - Information And Communications Technology". 2021. International Trade Administration | Trade.Gov.
"ICT And Development: The Indian Context". 2018. The Global Network For Advanced Management.

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That being said, because of the vast rural landscape of India, accessibility of internet services is a large
issue due to minimal infrastructural support. Consequently, ICT development in typically rural industries
of agriculture and wide-reaching healthcare services has been less prominent away from large

Germany is the largest software market in Europe. Over the past decade, Germany has shown a
consistent year-on-year growth rate to a market share of approximately US$25 billion30. The ICT industry
in Germany is a large source of jobs and has typically attracted multinational companies due to supportive
policies from the government. American and Asian investors have also shown a keen interest in investing
in German ICT. Coupled with the bustling automotive industry, Germany has solidified itself as a
fast-growing, dynamic tech environment where research and development is encouraged.

Russia’s ICT industry is broken into three main components. First, the rapid progress of
information “depends directly on the state of telecommunications in a country”, as per the Ministry of
Digital Development. Russia has committed itself to developing ICT solutions in locales all over the
country. Next, the content and media sector -- an information society relies heavily on digital
advertisements, quality content, and digital media31. Lastly, the IT industry is a large priority. Dubbed the
“strategic segment”, the IT industry of Russia has significantly stimulated its economy, resulting in
subsequent investments into the field.

As per the Swiss Global Enterprise, “employing a significant number of well-trained ICT
professionals ensures that Switzerland’s economy is an excellent starting point for further growth and
innovations”32. The Swiss ICT industry is wide-reaching and has many cutting-edge technological
advancements, including leading AI services, robotics, blockchain, and financial services. Home to many
multinational banks, further integrating ICTs into the realm of finance could yield significant economic

"IT Market In Germany: Key Facts And Figures". 2021. Linkedin.Com.
"ICT In Russia". 2021. Ministry Of Digital Development, Communications And Mass Media Of The Russian Federation.
"Switzerland: ICT Business Location". 2021. S-GE.

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Suggested Solutions

The world has seen many revolutions: agricultural, political, and technological. Investing in ICTs
at an international scale has the potential to spark yet another33. But this cannot be done without three key
things. First, an intercorporational and international willingness to share developments and create
open-source software/hardware. While seemingly counterproductive when it comes to economic gain for
individual nations, collaboration will only result in more rapid development and in turn, more economic
growth. Next, an allocation of funds and resources for experts in the field to continue innovating. This
could be in the form of government or private sector R&D investments. Finally, a means of accessibility
so that individuals are able to purchase and utilize ICTs equitably. Increasing the ICT consumer base will
inevitably bring more profit to the table for corporations, stimulating global economies34.

Considering the sharing of information first, countless resolutions, conferences, and forums have
been held to promote cooperation both between nations and between the public and private sectors. The
UN ICT Task Force, one such committee that has since been disbanded, successfully organized the UN IT
Service, the Challenge to Silicon Valley, and the World Summit on the Information Society in its time35.
The task force was originally given a three-year mandate and disbanded in 2005, but not without initiating
an important discussion about the capabilities and economic potential of ICTs at the highest level of

Yet, in recent years, the focus of ICT conferences has been predominantly shifted towards
displaying new technologies and building clientele. The International Conference on ICT, Society, and
Human Beings, CES, and Web Summit are just some examples36. Yet, while the open sharing of
information and developments in the private sector is important, this cannot occur in isolation; to
supplement and stimulate national economies, governments should play an active role in some
conventions to learn how to better modify laws and regulations to encourage and support companies.
Doing so has two benefits: first, that governments are then able to support developing ICTs’ transitions
from ideas to household items and second, that the nation then establishes itself as an environment

"Fourth Industrial Revolution". 2021. World Economic Forum.
"The Economic Impact Of ICT: Measurement, Evidence And Implications - OECD". 2021. Oecd.Org.
HEADQUARTERS | Meetings Coverage And Press Releases". 2021. Un.Org.
"Top Tech Conferences: The Ultimate Tech Events And Show Guide For 2021 | Techradar". 2021. Techradar.Com.

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conducive to the growth of tech businesses. This course of action will directly result in governments and
corporations working together to make ICTs economically viable37.

Just as important is the second prong of the ICT revolution: an allocation of funds and resources
for research and development. Most notably, artificial intelligence is at the forefront of IT research in the
21rst century. AI integration into multidisciplinary products is also being spearheaded by R&D firms. A
prime example of this is in automated customer service bots38. A simple telecommunication service that
saves companies time and money, AI chat bots are able to seamlessly analyze situations that consumers
give them and respond with pre-programmed responses or connect customers to human customer-service
representatives. Recently, the use of AIs in the marketplace has been extremely experimental, with an
unwillingness to fully integrate AI in fear of unreliability. Additionally, the breadth of AI uses has been
predominantly narrow, mostly limited to replacing human jobs. Utilizing AI as a service, though, while
constantly learning from its experiences will be the next wave in ICT products.

While AI is undoubtedly the next phase of ICTs, cloud technologies and IoT are also two sectors
that rightfully require R&D. Cloud-based intelligence has been in our lives for the past decade in the form
of OneCloud, iCloud, and more. Yet, on a larger scale, machines, computers, sensors, and humans can all
communicate digitally and instantaneously. When connected to the cloud, machines and computers are
able to access a plethora of data for processing, broadcasting, and storage. Through developing cloud
technologies, the potential for machines to produce actionable intelligence is increasing to the extent that
soon, we may be able to let cloud-based systems run with minimal human supervision. This will naturally
lead to IoT advancements on an unprecedented scale. The Internet of Things, which connects sensors and
computers in remote locations over the internet, will allow for smart home systems, large scale
infrastructure products, and similar application-controlled technologies to be further commercialized.
Providing a business climate that would support the economic growth of these technologies concurrently
with that of AI could yield independent and multidisciplinary economic success.

But developing new technologies is not sufficient on its own. Bringing them to market in an
accessible fashion is just as important. There are three main reasons ICT technology has not been tailored
for the mass market: unattainable price points, technological complexity, and inequitable distribution
networks. The problem of unattainable price points is a fairly hard one to overcome since new

Markets, Research. 2018. "Artificial Intelligence In Information And Communications Technology Intelligence Report 2018:
AI Will Fundamentally Shift ICT Performance And Business Models". Globenewswire News Room.
Schneider, Christie. 2017. "10 Reasons Why AI-Powered, Automated Customer Service Is The Future - Watson Blog". Watson

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technologies often require parts which are in short supply (ie. new chips, transistors etc.). This can be
overcome from a private standpoint by buying in bulk, generating large amounts of demand in the form of
pre-orders to fund manufacturing, or by utilizing government subsidies39. Much like how governments
provide subsidies for agricultural products to incentivize small-scale farming, governments can adopt a
similar minimal-taxation approach to ICT manufacturing to regulate pricing. The technological hurdle
that new ICT presents to the mass public is also a disincentive from the consumer perspective to shift to
new communication or information mediums. Governments could launch information campaigns and
publicize ICT conferences to allow for more of a smooth transition, but this problem is best addressed by
the private sector. However, this is not to say that governments cannot work in tandem with their
country’s corporations to digitize their workforce and general citizens. Lastly, without adaptable and
widespread distribution networks, ICT advancements will largely remain in the hands of the wealthy,
leaving those with less discretionary cash or those geographically unable to purchase new tech with
outdated modes of ICTs40. Through improving infrastructure for transport management solutions or
relaxing regulations on the sale of new technologies within reason, the economically disadvantaged will
still be able to have ample access to ICT advancements provided that price points remain low.


"문서뷰어". 2021. English.Msit.Go.Kr.

" Accessibility To Icts ". 2021. ITU.

" Affordability ". 2021. ITU.

APCICT - ESCAP. “Everyday ICT Terms for Policymakers and Government Officers.” UNAPCICT.
Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for
Development, January 2019.

Australians, For, For Exporters, Export markets, Countries economies, and Republic Korea. 2021.
"Information And Communications Technology - Korea - For Australian Exporters".

" Affordability ". 2021. ITU.
" Accessibility To Icts ". 2021. ITU.

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"China - Technology And ICT | Privacy Shield". 2021. Privacyshield.Gov.

“Colossus.” The National Museum of Computing. The National Museum of Computing. Accessed July 1,

Fagast. “Information and Communication Technology Security.” SDI GovCMS. SDI GovCMS, July 10,

"Fourth Industrial Revolution". 2021. World Economic Forum.

Freeth, Tony, David Higgon, Aris Dacanalis, Lindsay MacDonald, Myrto Georgakopoulou, and Adam
Wojcik. “A Model of the Cosmos in the Ancient Greek Antikythera Mechanism.” Nature News.
Nature Publishing Group, March 12, 2021.

"Glossary Of ICT Terms - Revelyn Resolo". 2021. Sites.Google.Com.

Hayashi, Masahito. QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORY: Mathematical Foundation. SPRINGER,


"ICT And Development: The Indian Context". 2018. The Global Network For Advanced Management.

"ICT And Technology Timeline - 1970'S". 2021. Ictlounge.Com.

“ICT.” EU Business in Japan. Accessed July 1, 2021.

SEOMUN XXIV Research Report • 12

24th Annual Session of the Seoul Model United Nations

"ICT In Russia". 2021. Ministry Of Digital Development, Communications And Mass Media Of The
Russian Federation.

"ICT Task Force- Membership". 2021. Un.Org.

Iea. “Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy – Policies.” IEA. Accessed July 1, 2021.

“India - Information and Communication Technology.” International Trade Administration |

"Infographic: Zoom Keeps Momentum As Workers Stay At Home". 2021. Statista Infographics.

“Information & Communications Technology.”

"Information And Communications Technology". 2021. International Trade Administration | Trade.Gov.

"IT Market In Germany: Key Facts And Figures". 2021. Linkedin.Com.

Itu. “How the Republic of Korea Became a World ICT Leader.” ITU News, February 12, 2018.

"Global Alliance For ICT And Development (GAID) Series | Shop.Un.Org : Official Source For United
Nations Books And More". 2021. Shop.Un.Org.

“Global ICT Spending - 2018 - $3.8T.” IDC.

Markets, Research. 2018. "Artificial Intelligence In Information And Communications Technology

Intelligence Report 2018: AI Will Fundamentally Shift ICT Performance And Business Models".
Globenewswire News Room.

SEOMUN XXIV Research Report • 13

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"Nigeria - Information And Communications Technology". 2021. International Trade Administration |


Qualcomm, What. 2017. "What Is 5G | Everything You Need To Know About 5G | 5G FAQ |
Qualcomm". Qualcomm.

Research and Markets. “Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communications Technology

Intelligence Report 2018” GlobeNewswire News Room. Research and Markets, August 17, 2018.

Schneider, Christie. 2017. "10 Reasons Why AI-Powered, Automated Customer Service Is The Future -
Watson Blog". Watson Blog.

Security, Focal Point Cyber. “Phishing Case Studies: How Attackers Are Taking Their Time, and Taking
Your Money;.” Focal Point Blog. Accessed July 1, 2021.

"Switzerland: ICT Business Location". 2021. S-GE.

"Tcdata360: Laws Relating To Icts, 1-7 (Best)". 2021. Tcdata360.

"The Economic Impact Of ICT: Measurement, Evidence And Implications - OECD". 2021. Oecd.Org.

"Top Tech Conferences: The Ultimate Tech Events And Show Guide For 2021 | Techradar". 2021.

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LAUNCHED TODAY AT HEADQUARTERS | Meetings Coverage And Press Releases". 2021.

"What Is Bandwidth - Definition, Meaning & Explanation". 2021. Verizon Fios.

“What Is Phishing: Attack Techniques & Scam Examples: Imperva.” Learning Center. Imperva, June
17, 2020.

"World Summit On The Information Society (WSIS) .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform".
2021. Sustainabledevelopment.Un.Org.

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