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Tying it All Together

1. Let it be a florist business.

2. Three kinds of images/content that a florist may post to attract the attention of the target
people could be:

 Posting a different kind of image. Most commonly, images related to a florist will be of
flowers in a vase or pinned on a wall, etc. Trying a different style and background will
make results.
 Image/content should match the mindset of the target people. The most common
customers for a florist will be the youth. To attract them with their language. So, pictures
of any outdated flowering styles or sporadic descriptions will not make sense.
 A strategic image/content will work more than mere descriptive content. Conveying
strategies in minimum words will be more helpful. It may be any offers or descriptions of
a rare collection or anything else.

3. If our florist wishes to widen his business by decorating events, He may pin videos or images
of sample decorations that he can do.

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