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Preslica ili rastavić Equisetum arvense L.

Cela biljka je lekovita. Jedna je od najboljih biljaka za lečenje bolesti pluća (plućna krvarenja i
tuberkuloza), mnogobrojnih bolesti mokračnih organa (grčeva u mehuru, bolnog mokrenja,
zadržavanja mokrače, upale bubrega s pojavom belančevina u mokrači, upale bubrežne nakapnice,
krvarenja bubrega, kod hroničnog nadražaja mehura s pritiskom na mokrenje (kod žena), kod
početne tuberkuloze bubrega i mehura).
Preslica je veoma dobra u lečenju svih oblika anemije, jer pospešuje stvaranje crvenih krvnih
Nezamenljivo je sredstvo u lečenju čira na želucu, fistula na debelom crevu i drugih oblika čireva.
Mikroelement silicijum, kojim je bogata preslica, zaista pomaže u proizvodnji kolagena.
U nekoliko evropskih kliničkih studija rezultati istraživanja su potvrdila da slomljene kosti
zarastaju brže upotrebom ove lekovite biljke.
Učestalost osteoporoze se, takođe, smanjuje kada preslica dodaje ishrani.
Osim toga, ova biljke je delotvorna kod uganuća, dislokacije zglobova, pocepanih ligamenata.

horsetail is valued more for its health benefits due to a number of great minerals and other
nutrients it contains, such as manganese, calcium, iron, flavonoids, caffeic acid esters, saponins,
tannins, alkaloids, fatty acids, phytosterols, glycosides, phenolic acids, aconitic acid, and silica.
Similar to Alfalfa plant,
Horsetail is known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, coagulant,
demulcent, diuretic and astringent activity. Reportedly, it has been used in the treatment of a
number of health conditions which include brittle bone, hair, teeth and nails, white spots on nails,
gingivitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, rheumatic disorders,
edema, osteoarthritis, diabetes, acne, wounds, itchiness, rashes, burns, frostbite, chilblains,
athlete's foot, cracked and tired feet, drawing out pus from boils and carbuncles, ulcers, fistulas,
herpes simplex, dyspepsia (impaired digestion), gastrointestinal conditions, cardiovascular diseases,
respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, fever, malaria, bladder problems, urinary tract infection,
bed wetting in children, kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), prostate problems, hemorrhoids, muscle
cramps, tumors, broken bones, fractures, sprains, nose bleed and other heavy bleeding. Horsetail is
also known to strengthen the body's immune system.
Uses of Horsetail
Boils and Carbuncles
The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity of Horsetail may help with the inflammation and
infection caused by Boils and Carbuncles. Its salve, compress and poultice is used to draw out the
pus from boils, carbuncles and sores. To make a compress simply soak crushed dried Horsetail herb
into lukewarm water for 15 minutes. Wrap the soaked Horsetail herb in a small piece of cheese
cloth and apply it onto the carbuncle or boil. The use of hot and cold compresses of this Horsetail
poultice 2 to 3 times daily may help reduce the inflammation and draw out the pus. To alternate
between the hot and cold compress, simply make two poultices and dip one in small amount of
warm water and the other in cold water before applying. Apply each compress for about 5 minutes
each, at least 3 times in one session. To reduce the inflammation and pain, a paste made by
Horsetail leaves or its extract can be applied onto the affected area. To make the horsetail paste,
add a small amount of water to half a teaspoon of Horsetail extract powder or soak crushed
horsetail leaves into warm water. Apply this paste after hot/cold compresses to speed up the
healing process. 

Brittle Nails
Horsetail contains minerals that may help with weak and brittle fingernails and white spots in the
nails. Reportedly, simply taking Horsetail extract daily and soaking the brittle nails into Horsetail
infusion may strengthen and repair the nails. To make Horsetail infusion, steep 2 teaspoons of dried
herb in a boiling cup of water for 10 minutes. Let it cool down and soak the nails for about 20
minutes. After 20 minutes of soaking, pat dry the nails and apply a mixture of equal parts of
lukewarm extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice thoroughly. Wrap your fingers with fine cotton cloth
for overnight. Repeat this remedy for at least 3-4 times a week. 

Bronchitis and other Respiratory Tract Infections

Horsetail tea is known to be beneficial for dry cough , bronchitis, nasal congestion, and fever
associated with cold and flu. Also inhaling vapours from boiling Horsetail tea may help relieve nasal
congestion. Remedy for cough and other respiratory condition is to drink Horsetail tea for two to
three times daily. If symptoms last for more than five days, consult with your doctor. 

Chilblains and Foot Infections

Horsetail is believed to have anti-fungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore,
Chinese herbalists have been using Horsetail topically for centuries in the treatment of foot
conditions such as Athlete's Foot, frostbite, and chilblains as well as cracked and tired feet.
Chilblains is a skin condition caused by the exposure to extreme cold and humidity which damages
the fine capillary beds in the skin of feet causing redness, inflammation, itchiness and blisters.
Simple remedy is to soak affected feet in a Horsetail soak for 15 minutes. To make Horsetail foot
soak, infuse 10 teaspoons of horsetail extract powder or dried herb in 4 cups of water. Soak your
feet every other day for 15 minutes then moisturize them with extra virgin coconut oil and keep
them warm with cotton socks on. 

A study found that patients diagnosed with type II Diabetes who were administered one single oral
dose of Horsetail extract had significant lower blood glucose levels within 90-120 minutes.
Therefore, taking Horsetail extract capsule once daily before every meal may be beneficial for type
ll Diabetes for no longer than two months. 

A few studies and laboratory research shows that Horsetail may have diuretic activity and may
enhance body's ability to produce urine. It is believed that rich at minerals and vitamins Horsetail
may also help re-mineralize and replace the mineral stores of the body exhausted by increased
urination due to its diuretic activity. The German Commission E have approved Horsetail use as a
diuretic for edema and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) also rates horsetail as a grade B for its
use as a diuretic. The B grade stands for good scientific evidence for Horsetail's use. Therefore,
taking Horsetail extract or its tea daily for two months may be beneficial for the fluid build up in
the legs and rest of the body caused by edema. 

Excessive Bleeding
Studies suggest that the coagulant and hemostatic activity of Horsetail may help minimize or stop
the internal or external bleeding as well as excessive menstruation. Also the anti-inflammatory
agents in Horsetail may relieve the inflammation and discomfort caused by inflamed wounds,
injuries and menstrual cramps. Simply drink one cup of Horsetail tea 2 to 3 times daily. To make
Horsetail tea, add 1-2 teaspoons of dried horsetail into a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 7
to 10 minutes. Strain out the tea and drink it warm. Horsetail tea bags can be a good alternative to
loose horsetail herb. 

Gingivitis and Tonsillitis

Gargling with a mouthwash made with Horsetail tea or its extract may help with the inflamed
tonsils, mouth sores and bleeding gums. To make Horsetail mouthwash, boil one teaspoon of
Horsetail herb in one cup of water for 7-10 minutes or add 3-4 drops of Horsetail extract into one
cup of lukewarm water. Simply gargle and swish this liquid three to four times daily until relieved. 
Hair Growth
Research shows that silica in Horsetail may help promote hair growth and strength and may also be
beneficial for hair loss, dandruff, and split ends. Therefore, drinking Horsetail tea and massaging its
herbal tincture and washing the hair with Horsetail extract mixed shampoo may be effective to
achieve dandruff free nourished, strong, lustrous, and rejuvenated hair. Herbalist believe that
massaging 3-4 drops of Horsetail extract or tincture mixed in 2 tbsp of extra virgin coconut oil or
extra virgin olive oil may help stimulate the hair growth and decrease dandruff by improving the
circulation in the scalp and strengthening hair follicles. Simply massage the Horsetail oil mix into
the scalp for at least 10 minutes 3-4 times weekly. For hair wash, add 3-4 drops of Horsetail tincture
into your regular shampoo and wash as normal. Also after shampooing, pour half a cup of cold
Horsetail tea into the hair and wash it out after 4-5 minutes just like conditioner. Taking Horsetail
extract capsule or drinking one cup of Horsetail tea for two months may add to the effectiveness. 

The anti-inflammatory and hemostatic activity of Horsetail may alleviate the pain and help decrease
or stop the bleeding caused by hemorrhoids. Simply drink one cup of tea before every fiber rich
meal. Fiber rich meal minimizes the risk of constipation which is considered one of the causes of
pain associated with hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids itself. 

Kidney Stones
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a study shows that due to the diuretic
activity of Horsetail, it may be beneficial for patients with kidney stones. Especially the uric acid
kidney stones which are usually associated with Gout disease. Normally, uric acid kidney stones
develop when the urine excretion is lower compare to uric acid in the bloodstream on the whole and
uric acid deposits or stones are lodged into urinary canal and kidneys. It is believed that drinking
Horsetail tea two to three time daily may increase the urine production and help flush out kidney
and gall bladder stones (Cholelithiasis) as well as may help relieve the symptoms of Urinary Tract
Infection (UTI). 

Memory Loss
Researches suggest that lack of Silica in the body may cause memory loss. Horsetail contains silica
which may improve bad memory by strengthening the connective tissues of brain, nerve cells and
spinal cord. Also Nicotine found in Horsetail is a stimulant which is known to stimulate the brain and
nervous system. Therefore, taking one or two capsules of Horsetail extract daily for two months may
help minimize the symptoms. 

Osteoporosis and Brittle Bones

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a study done in Italy found that women with
osteoporosis who took 270mg Horsetail extract for one year had improved bone density. A few other
small clinical studies suggest that Silica in Horsetail may help absorb and use calcium in the body
and may enhance bone flexibility and heal fractured bones, pulled hamstrings and dislocated joints
by strengthening the connective tissues and cartilage and by raising the bone density. It's anti-
inflammatory activity may also help relieve the rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, regular
consumption of Horsetail extract along with a calcium supplement may be beneficial for
osteoporosis, arthritis, and conditions caused by low bone density. It's suggested to stop taking
Horsetail for one week after every one month of its regular use. 

Skin Problems (Rashes, Burns, Acne, Wrinkles)

Studies have shown that anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, and anti-oxidant agents and
silica in Horsetail may give it the ability to heal wounds, rashes, burns, skin lesions and acne. Silica
is known to help form collagen which is important for the development and the maintenance of
healthy connective tissues throughout the body. Therefore, Horsetail extract is widely used in anti-
aging, anti-wrinkle and other cosmetic products. Simple home remedy is to apply Horsetail extract
paste onto the affected skin for at least 20 minutes 4-5 times a week. By drinking Horsetail tea, its
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity may delay the aging process by strengthening the
connective tissues and may help relieve the inflamed and irritated skin. For acne, diluted and cold
Horsetail tea can be used as a toner after washing the face every night. Simply dab a cotton swab
into the diluted tea and apply it all over the face avoiding the eyes. 

Urinary Incontinence and Bladder Weakness

Studies have shown that Horsetail extract may be beneficial for patients suffering from nocturnal
incontinence (bed-wetting), bladder and urinary tract infections and weakened bladder. It may also
relieve the persistent urge to urinate with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Suggested remedy is to take
one capsule of Horsetail extract two to three times daily. It is reported that taking a bath with
Horsetail tea for at least 15 minutes two to three times a week may be helpful for UTI and Bladder
weakness. For steam bath, steep 10 teaspoons of dried Horsetail into one quart of boiling water for
10-15 minutes and add the strained tea into the bath water. 

What are the Side Effects of Horsetail?

Similar to most dietary supplements, Horsetail is safe when taken short term and in moderation. If
you are taking any other supplements or medication, consult with your health care provider before
the therapeutic use of Horsetail. People with vitamin B deficiency or alcoholics (who are usually
Thiamine deficient) should avoid Horsetail because it contains an enzyme, thiaminase, and its
overdose and longer term use destroys thiamine (B1). Do not take Horsetail supplements, if you are
using any kind of nicotine patches, or are sensitive to nicotine, or are taking any diuretics or
laxative drugs because Horsetail has diuretic and nicotine properties which may cause overdose of
these ingredients and may lead to serious health problems such as dehydration or low potassium
(hypokalemia) and nicotine overdose symptoms such as rash, cold hands and feet, abnormal heart
rate, fever, muscle weakness, and weight loss. Pregnant, lactating mothers and children should not
take Horsetail because of its Nicotine content. Horsetail should be used short term only, for a
maximum of two months unless advised by your doctor otherwise. Ideally, the consumption of
Horsetail supplements should be stopped for one week after one month of its regular use and be
continued on for another month.

U narodnoj je medicini ova ljekovita biljka bila jako cijenjena još u staro doba prije svega zbog
svoje moći da zaustavi krv i uspješnosti u liječenju najtežih oboljenja bubrega i mjehura. Kod
krvarenja, povraćanja krvi, tegoba s mjehurom i bubrezima, te kod mokraćnog pijeska i kamenaca,
gnjilenja rana, čak i kod kanceroznlh čireva kao i kod apscesa na nozi preslica izvanredno pomaže.
Ispire, rastvara, skoro da sažiže ono što je pokvareno. Često vlažnu, toplu biljku umotamo u mokru
krpu i stavimo na mjesto koje valja liječiti. I najjača krvarenja i povraćanja krvi ta biljka liječi u
kratkom roku, ako pijemo njezin čaj. Kod bolnih prehlada mjehura i bolnih grčeva nema boljega
sredstva od uvarka poljske preslice čije pare pustimo da djeluju na mjehur 10 minuta dok smo
umotani u kupaći ogrtač. Ako postupak nekoliko puta ponovimo brzo ćemo se riješiti nevolje. Kod
bubrežnog pijeska, bubrežnih kamenaca i kamenaca u mjehuru primjenjujemo vruće, sjedeće
kupke od preslice, pijemo uz to gutljaj po gutljaj njezin topli čaj, zadržavamo mokraću, da bi ju
konačno pod pritiskom ispustili. Na ovaj način kamence većinom izbacimo.

Po svemu sudeći riječ je o izvrsnom sredstvu, kako za unutarnju tako i za vanjsku primjenu kod
cijeloga mokraćnoga sustava. Kod svrabljivih kožnih osipa, čak i kad su prekriveni korom, gnojni
ili krastavi, pomaže pranje i oblozi od oparka preslice. Pranje i kupke pomažu i kod gnojnih
zanoktica, otvorenih rana na nogama, gnjiljenja kostiju, starih izjedajućih rana, kanceroznih čireva,
fistula, lišajeva na bradi (i drugih lišajeva), koštanih izraslina na peti, te lupusa. U tim slučajevima
možemo i oparenu biljku, još toplu umotanu u krpu stavljati na oboljela mjesta. Kod bolnih
hemoroida i hemoroidnih čvorića stavljamo kašu od svježega bilja koju pripremimo na sljedeći
način: svježu preslicu dobro operemo, na drvenoj dasci valjamo sve dok se ne pretvori u kašu. Kod
upomih krvarenja iz nosa stavljamo ohiađenu iscrpinu od preslice kao oblog.

Tinkturu od preslice mogla bih preporučiti kao naročito dobro sredstvo kod znojenja nogu. Dobro
oprane i osušene noge nataremo tom tinkturom. Osim toga valja svaki dan ujutro natašte, pola sata
prije dorućka, popiti šalicu čaja od preslice. Kod znojenja nogu također dobro pomažu kupke od
Kod prhuti u kosi svaki dan operemo kosu s uvarkom od preslice, te nakon toga vlasište
izmasiramo s dobrim maslinovim uljem. Prhut će vrlo brzo nestati.
Ne smijemo zaboraviti da je preslica jedno od najboljih ljekovitih sredstava za bolesti pluća, kako
kod kroničnoga bronhitisa tako i tuberkuloze pluća.
Pravilnim uzimanjem čaja doći će djelovanjem kremene kiseline do izlječenja tuberkuloznih
pluća, ali i do otklanjanja opće slabosti koja prati plućna oboljenja.


Priprema čaja: Oparimo vrhom punu čajnu žličicu preslice s 1/4 litra vode.

Oblozi od poparene preslice: Punu pregršt preslice stavimo u sito obješeno iznad ključale vode.
Kad bilje postane vruće i meko umatamo ga u lanenu krpu i položimo na oboljelo mjesto.
Bezuvjetno ga valja umotati još toplo! Ostavimo na oboljelom mjestu nekoliko sati ili tijekom

Sjedeće kupke: 100 g preslice namočimo preko noći u hladnu vodu, slijedeći dan zagrijemo do
vrenja i dodamo u vodu za kupanje. Vrijeme kupanja: 20 minuta. Ne brišemo se, umotamo se
mokri u ogrtač i 1 sat se znojimo u postelji. Tekućina mora sezati preko bubrega.

Tinktura: 10 g preslice u svežem stanju treba da odstoji u 50 ml votke jačine 40%. Drži se na
suncu ili na toplom mjestu 14 dana uz svakodnevno mućkanje, a zatim se procijedi. Može se
dodati i hajdučica, neven, gavez, hoću-neću, po šaka od svake biljke ali na 1 litru votke.

Rezultati posljednjih istraživanja su u saglasnosti sa tvrdnjama austrijskog biologa Riharda

Vilforta (Richard Willfort) i potvrđuju pretpostavku da se "upotrebom čaja od preslice u jednom
dužem vremenskom periodu zaustavlja rast ćelija tumora koje se na kraju potpuno uništavaju".
Također se koriste i kataplazme od preslice, koje se podgrijavaju na pari i stavljaju na predio
zahvaćen tumorom.
Osim u pripravkama ljekovitih napitaka, tinktura i čajeva, poljska preslica je neizostavna biljka u
njezi bio vrta. Pripremite na svojem vrtu duboku posudu u koju isjeckajte poljsku preslicu i
koprivu, i to možete činiti tijekom cijele godine, napunite posudu vodom, ostavite nekoliko dana i
imati ćete izuzetno i kvalitetno prirodno gnojivo za prihranu svojih vrtnih biljaka i povrća.

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