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Name: Azul, Jericho C.

Date: December 14,2020

Section: Bsed-Filipino 3-A5 Id No: C18-0640

1. Complete the table by writing the appropriate learning objectives and targets.

A. Topic: Awareness of pregnancy- related concerns and prenatal care.

Affective Domain Learning Objectives Learning Targets

Receiving - Listen carefully in a seminar on - I can now listen to awareness

this and listen carefully to the of pregnancy related to
research what is the importance concerns and prenatal care
of an awareness of pregnancy-
related to concerns and
prenatal care.

Responding - Participate in a program and - I can now participate myself in

agree to all guidelines on awareness of pregnancy and
awareness of pregnancy and prenatal care
prenatal care.

Valuing - Let the informant know - I have applied and I am living

immediately what to do and the goals and values to be ready
prioritize regarding pregnancy for pregnancy

Organization - Learn to be prepared and - I can do that and I follow the

explain the good that everyone do's and don'ts
should do for everyone's

Internalizing Values / - Show each other and do an - I live that we must be ready at
activity in awareness of the all times to show self-
Characterization concerns associated with productivity.
B. Topic : Components of Health Related Fitness


Perception - Identify and apply ways to - I can apply different ways the
monitor and assess the body's components of health related
response to moderate to fitness
vigorous physical activity
through The 5 Health-Related
Fitness Components.

Set - Identify and engage in - I single out the importance of

moderate to vigorous physical how to improve my health skills.
activities that contribute to
physical fitness and health.

Guided Response - Demonstrate our - I am able to do various health

understanding of The 5 Health- activities with my ability.
Related Fitness Components? Is
there a way to participate in
activities or exercises to also
show our understanding of the

Mechanism - Build in activities and perform - I am already practicing what I

that focus on The 5 Health- have learned in related fitness
Related Fitness Components
without even knowing it

Complex Overt Response - Explain the state standard - I already have the skills to
associated with the lesson, develop skills, step how to
introduce each component balance our body
(cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength, muscular
endurance, flexibility, and body
composition) with it's definition
as well as an example activity.

Adaptation - Participating in activities that - I can able to perform using the

focus on The 5 Health-Related study conducted on health skills
Fitness Components without
even knowing it
Origination - Develops skills and apply - I can show my real skills have
about the components health been developed based on the
related fitness practice of developing
appropriate health

2. Reflect on the quotes below by Clay P. Bedford

" You can teacha student a lesson for a him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning
process as long as he lives."

- Clay P. Bedford

Connect this with the 3 learning domain. Broaden your Answer.

"The teacher only until then remains the teacher, while he was studying. Once he
stopped in school, he stopped being a teacher". A true teacher is someone who is willing to
learn from every person he encounters. And the real student is the one who sees each teacher
himself. Children for us are a source of joy and an incentive that will continue to develop, to
keep up with the times. We learn from the openness of children, a bright outlook on life, the
ability to see the beauty and harmony of the world. We learned from them simplicity, honesty,
intuition, naturalness and simplicity. You will learn a lot from your students. And we thank them
for that. Sometimes it is useful to look at ordinary things through the eyes of a child and see the
world in a completely different light. And the thoughts of our students? They often differ from
the common realities of adults.

The teaching profession is one of the most important in the modern world. The
future of human civilization depends on our efforts. Now they speak a lot from the teacher’s
ability, his professionalism, individual work style, about the teacher’s image. The teacher is
faced with a less simple task - to create conditions for the development of creative abilities, to
develop students' aspirations for a creative understanding of knowledge, to teach them to think
freely, to more fully realize their needs, to increase their motivation in learning topics, to
encourage their individual passions and talents. The teacher’s role is to “not stand on top, but
next to”, “I will help, I will support”. The teacher stands on a par, guiding, adjusting correctly.
Now we need to get used to the idea that the student can argue with the teacher on any topic.
The basic paradigm of teacher work is "to give every child a chance to prove themselves." A
student is not a jar we should fill, but a spark we should discard. Our profession needs constant
improvement. It is very important for a modern teacher not to stop there, you need to keep
going, keep being a creative and professional search, in order to be successful and interesting
for your students. And then students understand such a teacher differently - as someone who
understands their interests, is ready for cooperation.
And the teacher himself has to be a little child to feel. What exactly is he
showing interest in the children, what is close and understandable to them. Not the
opportunity to teach children something, but to talk to them every day, discovering something
new. Kids change, I change them. I want to talk about the world through the eyes of children,
find joy and happiness in it, think about my students, love them. Yes, for me, being a “teacher”
is not a profession, not a job. Being a teacher means living. So, I don’t work as a teacher, I live
with him. I live for children. My goal is to teach children to love to learn, to interest them, and
then to find their own way. The life of a teacher is primarily creativity, which can be expressed
not only in a constant need for self-improvement. You can create a beautiful atmosphere
around you. The mind of the teacher, accompanied by his kindness, is the wisdom that brings
the teacher a good name, a calm conscience and lasting happiness. If there is a teacher next to
the student who has stopped developing internally, analyzes, to find something new, then he
becomes uninterested in the student.

"Live a century, learn a century" - the old saying is more relevant than ever. Now
it must be understood in the literal sense. And educators need to learn to be modern. It is
wonderful to be a teacher, an honor, but on the condition that the teacher can create a life
where all participants of the education process will be comfortable. It is clear to me that a good
teacher always learns himself. Learned, works on his own, learns when he transfers his
knowledge to others. "In order to open a spark of knowledge in front of the student, the
teacher must absorb a sea of light, not for a moment leaving the rays of the sun shining. You
can teach a student a lesson for a day, but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he
will continue the learning process for the rest of his life. 😊😇

3. Scenario

You are reborn as Benjamin Bloom at the moment where you will be creating the Bloom's
Taxonomy. In a table, list down your own version of the Cognitive, Affective, and
Psychomotor with new levels of learning (minimum of 5 ) and your own definition for each


Discover Acceptance Reflex

 Aims to auto make the  Approach is rooted  Reflexes to flex, to

extraction of knowledge in humanistic stretch, to inhibit and
from dark sources, store psychology and to relax.
of knowledge peers and behavior.

Conclude Internalize Fundamental

 A full analysis of  Incorporate part of  Changes location,

individual and collective a pricing structure, moves in space while
memory. especially social remaining in one
resulting from place, moves
manufacture and extremities in
use of a product. coordinated fashion.

Thinking Support Perceptual

 a process of information  Give an assistance  Discrminate visually,

hold attention store and to act, to carry, to discriminates
retrieve memories select keep ,to aid , and auditions,
appropriate responses assist. discriminates
and actions. kinesthetically,
coordinates more
perceptual abilities

Critize Modify Physical

 Reading consciousness  To form,reduce,  Exerts tension moves

and social condtion slight quickly, stops
immediately fatique.

Formulate Manage Skilled

 Collecting data  To share, trust their  Changes or modifies

assesment and look for solutions. basic body , use in a
conceptualization. tool or implement
adaptive or skilled

4. Disinguished the difference between learning targets. Cite example in your explanation.
Learning Objectives goals are what you hope to accomplish in your course: the overall goals
that do not necessarily result in products of observable and measurable behavior. Like for an

 I can recognize what kind of a Sentence According to their Function.

 I can perform to the given proper activities .
 I can respect each other person to their work.

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