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Geoelectrical investigation of old/abandoned, covered landfill sites in

urban areas: Model development with a genetic diagnosis approach

Article  in  Journal of Applied Geophysics · May 2000

DOI: 10.1016/S0926-9851(00)00011-2


182 851

1 author:

Max A. Meju


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Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 Ž2000. 115–150

Development of surface-process models and correspondence principles for geophysical


Geoelectrical investigation of oldrabandoned, covered landfill

sites in urban areas: model development with a genetic diagnosis
Maxwell A. Meju )
EnÕironmental and Industrial Geophysics Research Group, Department of Geology, UniÕersity of Leicester,
UniÕersity Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK
Received 21 September 1998; accepted 3 March 2000


Geoelectrical methods have an important, albeit difficult role to play in landfill investigations. In the present economic
conditions, with the environmentally sensitive regime, adequate desk-study and model development are essential ingredients
for a successful site investigation of landfills. This paper attempts to develop a genetic investigative model for oldraban-
doned landfill sites where the records of operations are not available. The main elements of the model are the site
boundaries, age and nature of anthropogenic deposits, depth and dip of the layers of refuse and sealing materials, the
integrity and shape of the capping zones or separating walls and basal floor slopes, the position of concealed access roads in
the site, the water table Žor perched water bodies within the refuse. and the presence of leachate. The attendant geotechnical,
hydrogeological, and bio-geochemical constraints at such sites are also incorporated in the model for consistency of practical
solutions to landfill problems. The nature of anthropogenic deposits and the spatial–temporal characteristics of leachates are
reviewed in a geoelectrical context. The analogy between waste degradation and leaching, and the well-known weathering
processes of supergene mineral enrichment and saprolite formation in crystalline rocks is explored, and used to develop a
conceptual resistivity-vs.-depth model for landfill sites. The main tenet of the model is that vertical conductivity profiles will
attain maximum values in the zone of mineral enrichment near the water table and tail-off away from it. This conceptual
resistivity model is shown to be consistent with non-invasive observations in landfill sites in different geographical
environments. Power–law relationships are found to exist between some geoelectrically important hydrochemical parameters
Žfluid conductivity, chloride content and total dissolved solids. in leachates and leachate-contaminated groundwater from
some landfill sites. Since some chemical parameters of fill are known to vary consistently with time, a plausible
hydrochemical and age-deductive scheme for saturated fill is proposed for geoelectrical models of landfills without
significant amounts of metal. Practical suggestions are made for a consistent approach in geoelectrical investigation and
diagnosis of old landfill sites. A few field examples are used to illustrate the diagnosis approach. q 2000 Elsevier Science
B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Landfill sites; Leachate characteristics; Conceptual resistivity model; Geophysics

Tel.: q44-116-252-3628; fax: q44-116-252-3918.
E-mail address: ŽM.A. Meju..

0926-9851r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 6 - 9 8 5 1 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 0 1 1 - 2
116 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

1. Introduction the subsurface, which may have geotechnical

significance, can be derived from the geophysi-
Waste disposal by landfill is very popular, cal data. Additionally, since some geophysical
and the ever increasing demand for larger space methods respond to changes in the physico-
for domestic and industrial wastes from urban chemical conditions in the subsurface, useful
areas makes them a necessary part of the human chemical information may be gleaned from con-
cycle of activities. Landfill sites commonly use tinuous geophysical site monitoring investiga-
the space available in disused quarries or spe- tions. A few confirmatory boreholes may serve
cial-purpose-built structures but unauthorised to validate the geophysically derived informa-
waste disposal in moats Ž defence ditches around tion.
ancient city walls. and dry river channels can Of the several non-invasive geophysical
also be found near some urban areas. These methods used in landfill studies Ž see Whiteley
large waste containment facilities are typically and Jewell, 1992., the electrical and electromag-
polluted, hence the need for stringent statutory netic ŽEM. methods are the most popular owing
controls. Unfortunately, not all past landfill op- to their inherent ability to detect changes related
erations were adequately controlled or docu- to variations in fluid content, chemical composi-
mented such that the site boundaries, and the tion and temperature in the subsurface, and the
type and volume of fill are unknown in some minimum capital and labour outlay required to
covered landfill sites. Moreover, even in con- use them in small-scale surveys. Since the pres-
trolled sites, the final form and depth extent of ence of saline fluids in the ground enhances its
the landfill may not conform to those indicated ability to conduct electrical current, it is possi-
in the original plan submitted to the regulatory ble to locate a contaminant plume by measuring
authorities during the application for a site li- the resistivity distribution in the subsurface. The
cense. Thus, a significant amount of work is two main ground resistivity measurement tech-
required to accurately define the relevant pa- niques employed in landfill or groundwater con-
rameters of a covered landfill site. tamination studies are the direct current Ž dc.
Our interest in landfill sites may lie in assess- resistivity methods Ž e.g. Cartwright and McCo-
ing the pollution threat they pose since they mas,1968; Warner, 1969; Stoller and Roux,
may contain hazardous substances. We may also 1973; Klefstad et al., 1975; Barker, 1990, 1992;
be interested in gauging their construction feasi- Ross et al.,1990; Carpenter et al., 1990a,b, 1991;
bility, since some old landfill sites, previously Meju, 1993, 1995a,b. and transient electromag-
considered as unattractive or marginal building netic ŽTEM. methods Že.g. Buselli et al., 1988,
land, are now being developed for light indus- 1992; Meju, 1993, 1995a. , but the radio- or
trial and domestic infrastructure as a result of audio-frequency magnetotelluric Ž RMT or AMT.
the decline in heavy industrial activity and the method is rapidly emerging as a powerful tool
ever increasing need for urban regeneration in for such investigations Že.g. Tezkan et al., 1996.
many old industrialised regions. In standard and the self-potential ŽSP. method is a vital
landfill site investigations, the usual goals are to complement to these other techniques in near-
determine the geometrical characteristics Ž size surface groundwater flow detection work Ž e.g.
and shape., the physical properties and the Ogilvy et al., 1969; Stierman, 1984. . For land-
chemical composition of the fill. Geophysics fill construction feasibility investigations, a
has an important albeit difficult role to play in combined approach involving the seismic re-
fulfilling parts of these requirements. For exam- fraction method Že.g. Carpenter et al., 1991. is
ple, geophysical methods can furnish useful data useful. Note that several other geophysical
for locating the boundaries of a landfill site and methods have been successfully applied in land-
fill thickness. Physical property distribution in fill characterisation. For example, where there
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 117

are appreciable density contrasts between the position processes and weathering of geological
fill and the surrounding geological materials materials will be explored, and used to guide
Že.g. Whiteley, 1983; Roberts et al., 1990., the development of a conceptual resistivity-vs.-
gravimetric techniques could be used for defin- depth model for old covered landfill sites. The
ing the geometry and depth extent of the land- versatility of this particular model will be tested
fill. Heterogeneities within the fill Že.g. metal using depth soundings from various geographic
drums. may be mapped using magnetometric regions. In line with the exciting geochemical
and ground probing radar ŽGPR. methods Že.g. observation that some chemical parameters of
Hinze et al., 1990. . The shallow seismic reflec- landfill leachates vary consistently with age Ž e.g.
tion and GPR methods are undoubtedly the best Farquhar, 1989; DoE, 1996. , we investigate the
geological mapping tools in ideal situations Ž e.g. relationships between diagnostic leachate chem-
Hill and Ali, 1988; Ali and Hill, 1991; Beres ical parameters Želectrical conductivity, total
and Haeni, 1991. but old landfill sites constitute dissolved solids ŽTDS. and chloride content.
an entirely different target in which the loose and attempt to propose a plausible practical
fill is typically associated with poor energy scheme for fill-age and hydrochemical predic-
propagation and the clayey horizons limit the tions using surface geoelectrical measurements.
usefulness of radar signals. Some illustrative field examples will be pre-
In comparison with the traditional field tech- sented in support of the proposed predictive
niques used in natural resources exploration, scheme.
geoelectrical investigation of landfill sites is on
a different scale and requires special attention to
details. To start with, the area under investiga- 2. Model development
tion is often geometrically constrained and be-
deviled by cultural noise, yet the sampling rate
and data quality requirements for target defini- 2.1. Characteristics of landfill sites and anthro-
tion are more stringent. The consequences of pogenic deposits
inadequate or unsuccessful site investigation
may be more serious in pollution-related stud- Landfill sites are geotechnically classified as
ies, with insurance or legal connotations. Thus, inert sites, urban and low-strength industrial
in the present economic and legal climate, ade- sites, or high strength industrial Ž or
quate desk-study and model development are hazardousrco-disposal. sites, depending on the
essential ingredients for a successful cost-effec- type of fill content. Although there will be no
tive geoelectrical investigation of old landfill single model that can adequately characterise all
sites. types of landfills, we will adopt a generalised
The main thrust of this paper is to develop a approach in this paper. To understand how the
consistent exploration model for anthropogenic attendant processes in landfill environments can
deposits in oldrabandoned sites where the nec- influence our geoelectrical measurements, it is
essary record of operations is no longer avail- instructive to examine the consistent features of
able or never existed, as in the case of unautho- models derived from geological, geotechnical,
rised dumping grounds. The model will draw biological and biogeochemical observations on
from current concepts in geotechnics and con- landfills Ž plus other contaminated lands. and
taminant geochemistry, and stress the complex rock weathering that can be adopted as the basic
geometry of landfill sites, the heterogeneous building blocks for any geoelectrical model for
material compositions, and the attendant com- landfill sites. Three main features Ž complex ge-
plex biogeomorphic processes in landfill envi- ometry of landfill sites, heterogeneous material
ronments. The analogy between refuse decom- composition, and complex biogeomorphic pro-
118 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

cesses in harsh environmental conditions. are side slopes of the lining system are often re-
recognised and adapted into a simplified geo- quired to be in excess of 208 and ‘‘doming’’ of
electric model in this section. capping systems Ž Fig. 1. is common Ž Hall and
Gilchrist, 1995.. There may be basal floor slopes
2.2. Geometry of landfill sites to promote leachate drainage to sumps but it can
be expected that many pre-regulation landfill
Landfill sites come in various shapes, sizes sites may have inadequate basal containment
and depths, and as previously mentioned, they and leachate collection systems; there will also
may be located in purpose-built facilities, dis- be cases where the landfill bottom is neither
used softrockrhardrock quarries, opencast coal graded nor lined. Landfills generally range in
mines or other convenient holes in the ground. thickness from about 3 to 20 m but deeper sites
They may be situated above, below or astride Žca. 30 m. are known to exist.
the regional water table. In some oldraban-
doned waste disposal sites, a lining of relatively 2.3. Nature and characteristics of anthro-
impermeable material may be present, or the pogenic deposits
refuse may be in direct contact with granular or
crystalline geological materials Ždubbed the ge- Landfill deposits are characterised by com-
omatrix in geotechnical parlance.. In landfill plex material composition, non-uniform com-
capping, a soil cover layer is required when paction within each layer, non-uniform decom-
returning the site to agricultural or ammenity position process, non-uniform settlement and
use and steep sided cover systems are often varying pore fluid composition ŽFang, 1995a..
incorporated in the cover design Ž see Fig. 1. to The deposits may be intermixtures of domestic
maximize the landfill capacity Ž Hall and and industrial wastes, soils and exhumed geo-
Gilchrist, 1995. . The cover system could be logical materials Žsee Table 1. but are geotech-
multi-layered in sophisticated waste storage fa- nically grouped into four classes: inert wastes,
cilities or single-layered in some old uncon- urban Žsanitary or compostable. wastes, low
trolled landfills. The side slopes of cover sys- strength industrial Ž non-hazardous. wastes, and
tems commonly vary from about 38 up to a high strength industrial Žhazardous. wastes. The
maximum of 408. In the UK, for example, the composition of urban waste will vary from com-
munity to community, from country to country,
and from season to season ŽFang, 1995a. as
partly illustrated in Table 1.
The wastes in old landfill sites may not be as
well compacted as in modern regulated landfill
practice and will thus have substantial internal
permeability. They will, in general, consist of
degradable and non-degradable materials Žfood
and garden wastes, ashes, paper, textiles, plas-
tics, metals, building waste, mill tailings, or-
ganic liquids etc. but it is their chemical compo-
sition Ž Table 2. that is important when assessing
their potential for groundwater pollution. For
example, the chemical composition of the un-
processed waste from Zagreb in Croatia listed in
Fig. 1. Common cover types at old landfill sites. Ža. Table 1 is 75.8% mineral content and 24.2%
Steeply sloping side, and Žb. domed cap. organic matter ŽKovacic et al., 1995. , and its
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 119

Table 1
Composition Žpercentage by weight. of typical municipal solid wastes. Data taken from Sowers Ž1968.; Yamamura Ž1983.;
Kovacic and Mayer Ž1995.; Sanchez-Alciturri et al. Ž1995a. and Wasti Ž1995.. The superscripts refer to original
classifications at data sources
Types New York City, Osaka, Zagreb, Meruelo, Ankara, Beijing,
USA Japan Croatia Spain Turkey China
Food and garden r 19.3 17.7 23.3 ) 52.0 ) 50.8 ) 45
organic wastes )
Paper, paper board 58.8 37.1 20.5 21.9 8.9 5
Metal 7.6 5.5 2.4 3.2 1.2 1
Glass 8.6 12.3 7.3 4.1 1.4 1
Wood 2.5 2.5 1.1 2.4 –
Textiles, rugs 0.8 4.0 3.8 1.4
Rubber, leather, 0.8 0.3 2.6 b 1)
Žbones b, wood ) .
Plastic 0.8 15.2 10.8 8.3 2.1 1
Earth, ash, cinder 1.4 32.4
Construction rubble 28.2 1.8
Others 6.7 46

influence on groundwater will be dominated by ell, 1992. . The published resistivity of solid
the amount of heavy metals and trace elements waste and contaminated substrate range from
or the organic acid derivable from the solid 1.5 to ca. 20 V m Že.g. Knight et al., 1978;
waste. Many potentially hazardous materials find Laine et al., 1982; Everett et al., 1984; Carpen-
wide application in industry. For example, poly- ter et al., 1991. with the associated leachate
chlorinated biphenyls ŽPCBs. have wide indus- being highly conductive Ž Whiteley and Jewell,
trial usage due to their high dielectric constant, 1992.. The seismic P-wave velocity of urban
fire resistance and thermal stability; they come refuse may range from 180 to over 700 mrs
under various tradenames — for example Že.g. Knight et al., 1978; Calkin, 1989; Sharma
‘‘askarel oil’’ found in some old transformers. et al., 1990. depending on the degree of com-
Some of the common industrial wastes are listed paction and state of saturation with the cover
in Table 2. Many of these wastes ultimately find material having higher velocities than the under-
their resting places in landfill sites. Methylene lying fill Že.g. Calkin obtained a cover velocity
chloride, trichloroethylene Ž TCE. , toluene and of 320 mrs and refuse velocity of 180 mrs
m-xylene are among the hazardous organic over a municipal landfill near Chicago. . Fortu-
compounds most commonly found in landfill nately, these physical properties are often
sites. markedly different from those of the host geo-
Since landfills are a complex mixture of an- logical materials so that geophysical methods
thropogenic deposits, their physical properties can be used for determining the volumetric
would show a wide range of variation. For distribution of fill.
example, the density of urban refuse varies from
275 kgrm3 to 6400 kgrm3 depending on the
amount of metal and construction debris it con- 2.4. Leachate formation and dispersal
tains Že.g. Knight, 1990; Sharma et al., 1990;
Fang, 1995a; Sanchez-Alciturri et al., 1995b. Degradable refuse will decompose with time
but in general, old landfills normally have low into organic andror inorganic soils plus other
density and seismic velocity ŽWhiteley and Jew- byproducts depending on its chemical composi-
120 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

Table 2
Some industrial wastes commonly buried in landfill sites Žadapted from Fang, 1995a with additions.
Sources Type of wastes Approximate composition
Food and food products
Additives Trimmings Organics and acids
Grain mills Residues
Meatrfish Sludges
Paper and paper products Sludges, pulping Sulphates, organics,
sludges soaps, mercaptans
Soaps, detergents Sludges Surfactants, polyphosphates,
Textile products: silk,cotton, Sludges Acids, alkalis, metallic
wool, synthetics salts, solvents
Leather products Sludges Chrome salts, oils, dyes
Wood and wood products Sludges, residuesr Solvents, preservatives
mill tailings
Paints, varnishes Sludges Metallic salts, toxic liquids
Energy and petroleum Sludges, residues, Hydrocarbons, acids,
coal, nuclear and cindered coking, metallic salts,
petroleum refining fly ash radioactive materials
Metals, fabricatedr Sludges, slag, Sulphur, chlorides,
scrap metals slime, tailings phenols, PCBs, oils,
scrap heap grease, chrome, alkalis,
acids, metallic salts
Miningrmineral processing Sludges, mine Acids, cynanide,
tailings metallic salts
Chemicals, fertilizer Sludges Sulphuric acids,
copper sulphate,
mercury arsenates

tion. Plausible biogeomorphic processes are Other transient mechanical loads Žsuch as snow,
summarised here and draws from observations rainwater and surcharge loads. will also con-
and concepts in other geoscientific disciplines tribute to the settlement process. Owing to the
Že.g. Schoell, 1980; Levinson, 1980; Perec, heterogeneous nature of the usually organic-rich
1981; Robinson et al., 1982; Crawford and urban waste, the distribution of settlement will
Smith, 1984; Jones, 1985; Bennet and Siegel, be non-uniform ŽFang, 1995a. and often leads
1987; Palacky, 1987; Farquhar, 1989; Robinson, to severe fracturing of the top seal of the landfill
1989; Yong et al., 1992; Bell and Jermy, 1995; cover. The top seal is then highly vulnerable to
Fang, 1995a,b.. erosion and infiltration of rainwater and snow-
2.5. Mechanical decomposition

Urban waste deposit undergoes an initial 2.6. Physico-chemical and microbial weather-
short-term process of mechanical alteration due ing
to loading and its bulk density and other physi-
cal properties may change in response to this The decomposition of landfilled wastes by
preliminary settlement process Ž Fang, 1995a. . long-term physico-chemical, chemical Ž notably
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 121

hydrolysis, hydration, carbonation, oxidation and carbon dioxide and water by microbial
solution. and biological degradation Ž mostly mi- metabolism while the carbon dioxide by-product
crobial. processes cause the dissolution or dete- may combine with water to form carbonic acid..
rioration of landfill materials, gas generation The resulting liquid Ž termed leachate. is rich in
and production of leachate. Landfill sites pro- fungi, bacteria, inorganic salts and organic mat-
vide ideal environments for bacterial colonies to ter; but the compositional trend may be water
grow Ž since nutrients availability, and substrate and dissolved inorganic salts, water and dis-
composition and temperature requirements are solved organic wastes and organic fluids, or
met. and most bacteria flourish in the aerobic simply organic acids depending on the availabil-
condition above the groundwater table Ž e.g. ity of solvent and solute types in the leached
Fang, 1995b. . Initially, the microbial degrada- mass.
tion of landfill materials occurs under aerobic In terms of availability of solute types, the
conditions. As the oxygen becomes depleted by bottom ash residues from urban solid waste
the microbial activity, anaerobic conditions incinerators contain considerable amounts of
rapidly set in and the biodegradation of organic leachable heavy metals Žlead, zinc, cadmium,
materials becomes anaerobic. Methane gas is copper, and chromium. and salts Ž Bahout et al.,
generated bacterially from the abundant organic 1995., and this will be reflected in the composi-
materials under the prevailing anaerobic condi- tion of leachate derived from such deposits. If
tions. pyrite is available in wastes containing mine
Although it is now widely required in land- tailings, it may be oxidised to sulphuric acid
filling that refuse be dynamically compacted Ž to while the decomposition of vegetation may pro-
minimise volume. and then covered by a thin duce organic acids. PCBs have low solubility in
layer of soil or clayey seal Ž to minimize wind water, and if present in the landfilled wastes, we
dispersion. at the end of each operative day, can expect low concentrations of PCBs in the
rainwater ingress commonly takes place in wet leachate dissolved phase, but they are more
seasons during landfilling and for capped sites, likely to occur in solid organic matter or in the
through cracks in the cover and along contact oil fraction.
points between fill and host material. Infiltrating Since higher volumes of water would have
rainwater, groundwater, or other liquids dis- passed through poorly compacted waste materi-
posed of within the wastes will dissolve some als in old landfill sites compared to modern
soluble mineral constituents of the landfill once compacted landfills, there should be relatively
the absorbent or field capacity of the fill is lower concentrations of chemical constituents in
exceeded and free drainage of water can occur. leachates derived from old landfills with effi-
This leaching process may remove the common cient migration processes ŽRadnoff et al., 1992. .
mineral elements such as calcium, magnesium, Note that for poorly consolidated or uncom-
potasium, nitrogen and phosporous or remove pacted wastes at shallow burial depths, and with
the bonding materials Ž e.g. clay. resulting in inadequate capping, the absorbent or field ca-
changes in matrix cement or the ion concentra- pacity may be achieved within only a few years
tion within the landfill-porewater system and following initial waste emplacement, thus al-
consequently causing significant physical prop- lowing early generation of leachate. For well
erty changes. The ion exchange reaction, compacted and deeply buried wastes with low
speeded up by bacterial activity, also causes permeability capping, the field capacity may not
changes to the structure and composition of the be achieved until after several years, but the
landfill–porewater system. ŽFor example, hy- waste compression process may facilitate early
drogen sulphide may be converted to sulphuric formation and expulsion of leachate from the
acid, methane gas may become converted to lower layers of waste into the substrate Ž Lewin
122 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

et al., 1997 .. Note also that the decomposition ŽFarquhar, 1989. . In general, the leachate from
of organic and inorganic solids will be associ- a young landfill may be characterised by high
ated with a fill volume change Žcausing shrink- levels of organic acids, ammonia and TDS, but
age or swelling.. as much of the biodegradable mass is broken
In general, the pore fluids produced from down with time, the concentrations of these
landfill are mostly acidic, but will vary in com- parameters will decrease in the leachate pro-
position from country to country ŽTable 3. , duced from the ageing landfill Ž see Table 4. .
community to community and with season. Bac- The leachate may contain toxic or hazardous
teriogenic methane is formed by fermentation of substances in solid or gaseous forms and might
organic material in conditions of depleted oxy- show up as high concentrations of chloride, iron
gen supply, and for a given leachate, a number and zinc ions. Those elements with high ionic
of chemical changes occur as it evolves from mobility generally have the highest concentra-
the aerobic Žacetogenic. stage to the anaerobic tion whilst those having low mobility usually
Žmethanogenic. stage Ž Robinson, 1989. ; the to- have the lowest concentration in leachates
tal organic content ŽTOC., total free fatty acids ŽBagchi, 1987.. The pH tends to increase with
content or acetone content and TDS are high time Ži.e., from an initial acidic state to a neutral
during acetogenesis and low during methano- state. while the biological and chemical oxygen
genesis. That is, the composition of the leachate demands ŽBODrCOD. decrease with age Ž see
will change as the refuse in the landfill ages Table 4.. The concentration of organic carbon

Table 3
Regional variations in leachate composition. Data for columns 2–6 are from Robinson et al. Ž1982., Ehrig Ž1983., Fang
Ž1995a., Niininen et al. Ž1995. and Vendrame and Pinho Ž1997., respectively. All quantities are in mgrl except pH Žin
standard units.. N s nitrogen. P s Phosphorus. TDS s total dissolved solids. BOD s biological oxygen demand. CODs
chemical oxygen demand. TOC s total organic content
Parameter England Germany USA Finland Brazil
TDS 1–520 402–6794
pH 6.2–7.4 6.1–8.0 3.7–8.5 3–8 6.05–7.51
BOD - 2–8000 180–13 000 22 000–30 000 1–3900
COD 66–11 600 3000–22 000 800–50 000 52–5200 90–2000
TOC 21–4400 17–1900
Ammoniacal N 5–730 741 0.3–480 1–480 14–1080
Total P or phosphate ) - 0.02–3.4 5.7 0.5–130 ) - 0.02–3.9 ) 0.057–2.312
Chloride 70–2777 2119 50–2400 1–600 275–1949
Sulphate 20–750
Calcium 165–1150 80–1300 240–2400 65–69
Sodium 85–3800
Potassium 28–1700
Magnesium 12–480 250–600 64–410 23.8–59.8
Iron 0.1–380 15–925 0.15–1640 - 0.1–692 4.504–9.9
Manganese 0.3–26.5 0.7–24 0.1–7.4
Zinc - 0.1–1.0 0.6–5.6 0.02–130 - 0.1–1.4
Cadmium - 0.005–0.01 0.0052 - 0.0001–0.0047 0–0.033
Chromium - 0.05–0.16 0.275 - 0.001–0.134 0.005–0.056
Nickel 0.05–0.16 0.166 0.15–0.9 - 0.003–0.394 0–0.333
Lead 0.05–0.22 0.087 - 0.001–0.042 0.021–0.7
Copper 0.01–0.15 0.065 - 0.001–0.056 0.008–0.19
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 123

Table 4
Typical changes in leachate concentrations with age of refuse Žafter Farquhar, 1989; Birks and Eyles, 1997.. All quantities
are in mgrl except pH Žin standard units.
Parameter Age of refuse
0–5 years 5–10 years 10–20 years ) 20 years
TDS 10 000–25 000 5000–10 000 2000–5000 - 1000
pH 5–6 6–7 7–7.5 7.5
BOD 10 000–25 000 1000–4000 50–100 - 50
COD 15 000–40 000 10 000–20 000 1000–5000 - 1000
Ammoniacal N 500–1500 300–500 50–200 - 30
Total P 100–300 10–100 - 10
Chloride 1000–3000 500–2000 100–500 - 100
Sulphate 500–2000 200–1000 50–200 - 50
Calcium 2000–4000 500–2000 300–500 - 500
Sodiumq potassium 2000–4000 500–1500 100–500 - 100
Magnesiumq iron 500–1500 500–1000 100–500 - 100
Zinc q aluminium 100–200 50–100 10–50 - 10
Alkalinity 10 000–15 000 1000–6000 500–2000 - 500

often exceeds 8000 mgrl in the leachates from for leachate generation in the fill, then it can be
young landfills and 465 mgrl in leachates from expected that storms will have a role in leachate
old landfills ŽDearlove, 1995.. discharge.
The composition of the leachate will depend The transport of leachate through the landfill
on the type and age of fill, water infiltration rate is slow, unsteady, non-uniform and sometimes
and pH ŽFarquhar, 1989. but the rate and quan- discontinuous ŽFang, 1995a. depending on the
tity of leachate and landfill gas production will degree of compaction of the fill and seasonal
be affected by the depth of burial of fill, re- changes in water supply to the system. Within
gional climatic conditions, variations in water the landfill, this liquid may collect in various
table, the landfill capping practice and fluid areas Že.g. perched saturated zones. or mound at
inflow and outflow controls at the site. It can be the bottom of the landfill. This leachate starts
expected that surface layers of refuse Ži.e., shal- seeping as soon as enough hydrostatic head is
low burial depth. may experience rapid aerobic developed. Biochemically controlled exothermic
decomposition whilst the bulk of the waste at reactions are known to cause higher groundwa-
depth may have only been partially decomposed ter temperatures in leachate Ž MacFarlane et al.,
under anaerobic conditions thus leading to dif- 1983. and because of the ingress of leachate
ferent physical properties. Also, landfill degra- from the upper leached zones, the temperature
dation will be quicker in humid tropical regions in the lower portion of the landfill is often
than in cold regions and for identical fill com- significantly higher than elsewhere in the
position and water influx–efflux conditions, the leached section ŽFang, 1995a.. Consequently,
leachate from the warmer climate will have a there are higher bacterial activities and higher
higher concentration of dissolved materials rela- ion exchange reactions in the lower parts of the
tive to the background groundwater composition landfill as time progresses. These microbial–
Žin analogy to variation in saprolite composition chemical decomposition reactions may cause
in chemically weathered rocks ŽPalacky, 1987.. significant changes to the existing pore fluids
as also suggested by the data presented in Table Žand to the substrate if the fill is in direct
5. If precipitation is the main source of water contact with geological materials. .
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150
Table 5
Comparison of some leachate components at four sites in different geographic regions. Data for the Durban sites IP10-SS2 ŽSouth Africa. are from Bell and Jermy
Ž1995.; SS2 is a surface stream sample and the rest are from inspection pits ŽIP.. Data for site NE Žnorthern England. are from Kalteziotis et al. Ž1995.. Data for
Beverly ŽBEV. and Upper Ottawa Street ŽUOS. landfill sites ŽCanada. are from Birks and Eyles Ž1997.. Electrical conductivity ŽEC. is in mSrm and except for
pH, the rest are in mgrl. In the last two columns, the average values of the parameters as well as their respective ranges Žin parenthesis. are given
Parameter Sites
IP10 IP11 IP17 IP20 IP9 IP4 IP19 IP21 SS2 NE BEV UOS
pH 6.9 7.5 6.9 6.9 7.3 7.45 7.7 7.05 7.35 7.2 7.9 Ž7.6–8.3.
TDS 11047 9902 557 2166 9726 9003 3722 2807 261 933 Ž40–1764. 8181.2 Ž6140–10108.
EC 1397.4 1530 85.7 300.9 1448.4 1254.6 581.4 418.2 38.8 501 140.1 Ž19–349.9. 1123.3 Ž750–1500.
Chloride 3938 3832 76 504 3782 3620 1033 820 71 510 150 Ž0–750. 1344 Ž29–3150.
COD 656 1920 6240 272 3520 2960 960 448 40 800 97 Ž0–283. 1772 Ž96–4706.
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 125

On passing through the base of the landfill, the attenuation capacity of the substrate. It may
the metal ions in solution may be removed from be effectively diluted and dispersed by ground-
the aqueous phase by ion exchange, sorption or water in highly permeable geological formations
precipitation onto the substrate Žespecially if with high flow rates. Given enough time in less
clayey.. However, organic carbon in colloidal permeable formations, or with slowly moving
form in the leachate often has higher cation groundwater, the plume Žladen with inorganic
exchange capacity than clay and can sorb high salts. may enhance mineralisation of groundwa-
concentrations of metal ions from solution Ž as ter. Since it is a moving and continuously evolv-
can some inorganic colloids which form under ing 3-D feature, it will in time be dispersed over
certain chemical conditions. . The metal ions a sizeable area, possibly with distinct composi-
sorbed preferentially onto the surface of col- tional zonations.
loidal particles may thus by-pass the natural
attenuation processses as the leachate seeps into 2.7. Conceptual resistiÕity model
the substrate Ž Dearlove, 1995.. Within the sub-
strate, it mixes with groundwater forming a A conceptual resistivity model can be devel-
leachate plume. oped in line with the above biogeomorphic and
Initially, on entering the anaerobic groundwa- hydrochemical considerations, since the observ-
ter system, the organic material in the leachate able geoelectrical response of landfill sites and
is slowly biodegraded forming more acids which environs will vary in relation to significant
may react with aquifer materials Ž cf. Bennett changes in the chemistry of subsurface pore
and Siegel, 1987. with attendant changes in the fluids. It can be expected that surface layers of
fluid chemistry near the water table. In this refuse may experience rapid aerobic decomposi-
deoxygenated environment, inorganic materials tion whilst the bulk of the waste at depth may
in the leachate Že.g. iron, manganese. may be have only been partially decomposed under
dissolved in the groundwater. The dispersing anaerobic conditions, thus leading to different
leachate extends laterally and vertically as it physical properties. For a leachate-generating
sinks towards the bottom of the substrate form- landfill in contact with granular substrate, the
ing a 3-D contaminant plume that may be steeply interactions between the invading leachate and
dipping Žsee Fig. 2.. The amount of groundwa- substrate material may cause geochemical alter-
ter contamination resulting from this invasion ations of substrate depending on its buffering
will depend on the hydrogeology of the area and and cation exchange capacities.

Fig. 2. Geometry of typical 3-D contaminant plume migrating downgradient from a landfill site.
126 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

Accordingly, several zones are recognised in region and with season but the usually 0.3 to 1
the generalised conceptual model shown in Fig. m thick clay cap will in general be relatively
3. The top soil and clay cap Ži.e., zones 1 and 2. conductive. Landfill sites are notorious for high
form the uppermost confining layers. The resis- levels of soil gas Žprincipally methane and car-
tivity of the top soil will vary from region to bon dioxide.. Fractured clay caps would also

Fig. 3. A conceptual resistivity model for old landfill sites with leachate generation and migration into groundwater system
in granular substrate and environs. Part of the sub-water table hydrogeological processes were adapted from DoE Ž1996..
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 127

allow gas migration. The geoelectrical signa- resistive for fast flows in comparison to slow
tures of zones 1 and 2 will be affected by fluxes that will cause lower resistivities.
seasonal changes. In wet seasons, infiltrating Zone 4 occurs in the lower part of the waste
water may drive out gas thus lowering its bulk deposit and is dominated by relatively immature
resistivity. Conversely, rising vapours in the dry leaching and will exhibit relatively low bulk
periods will drive out soil moisture with atten- resistivities. For landfill resting on highly im-
dant increase in bulk resistivity. The degree to permeable substrate, leachate mounding may
which these changes are detectable will depend occur in the basal part of the waste deposits
on the nature of the materials in zones 1 and 2. rendering it the most electrically conductive part
For instance, the influx of gas into pore spaces of the entire landfilled section. However, if the
in some clays may cause appreciable resistivity landfill rests directly on a relatively permeable
increases Žif water or leachate is displaced. but substrate saturated with groundwater, fluctua-
not so for a highly resistive dry sandy topmost tions in the water table may occur within a
layer. If these cover materials are iron-rich, it is section encompassing the basal part of the land-
conceivable that the rising methane and sulphur fill Žzone 5. and the uppermost part of the
dioxide in landfills may lead to the formation of substrate Ž zone 6. as schematised in Fig. 3.
a pyritic geochemical alteration halo akin to the The mineral salts and organic material leached
so-called ‘sulphide chimney’ over fractured hy- from the fill materials will be deposited near the
drocarbon accumulations overlain by iron-rich water table depending on the local hydrogeolog-
sediments or redbeds Že.g. Oehler and Stern- ical and Eh–pH conditions Ž in analogy with the
berg, 1982,1984; Ostrander et al., 1983. which well-known process of supergene enrichment of
might be detectable in 3-D or time-lapse geo- metallic sulphide minerals Ž Levinson, 1980. and
electrical surveys. chemical weathering of soilsrrocks. causing an
The clay cap is underlain by a zone of perva- increase in TDS Žand therefore electrical con-
sive leaching of refuse and residual products ductivity. and other chemical parameters in the
Ži.e., zone 3 in Fig. 3.. This is the top part of the porewater Žcf. Knight et al., 1978, Fig. 8.. Due
landfill waste where oxygen and bacterial sup- to water table fluctuations, the zone of deposi-
ply is abundant Žand will thus decompose tion or mineral enrichment may extend from the
quicker than the deeper parts. . The bulk resistiv- basal part of the landfill into the upper part of
ity of this oxidized zone will show a relative the subjacent geological formation or may lie
increase with time Žas the organics for microbial well beneath the base of the landfill depending
degradation become depleted in supply, oxida- on the permeability, fluid saturation, groundwa-
tion of inorganics tends towards completion and ter flow and dispersion characteristics of the
much of the soluble elements have been re- substrate and the mobilities of the ions in solu-
moved. . The leaching of clay minerals from the tion. Below the water table, the leachate mixes
original landfill-soil mixture would leave behind with groundwater and reacts with substrate ma-
the non-degradable fill material and siliceous terial Ž cf. Bennet and Seigel, 1987. forming a
geomaterial with average soilrrock grains of relatively conductive plume Žzone 7.. Beyond
larger size fraction Žcf. Witmer et al., 1984. and the plume, the uninvaded substrate Žzone 8. will
of relatively higher resistivity than the parent have TDS and conductivity parameter values
landfill material. It may thus be relatively resis- intrinsic to the natural medium Ži.e., background
tive in comparison with the clay cap and the concentrations..
underlying zone of incomplete refuse decompo- The main tenet of this hypothesis is that the
sition Ži.e., zone 4.. However, the rate of water TDS and conductivity profiles will peak near
flux through zone 3 will affect its eventual the water table and tail-off in either direction
resistivity characteristics — it will be more outside the zone of mineral enrichment. It can
128 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

be expected that this zone will have a dis- dominantly siliceous sands Že.g. DoE, 1996.
cernible conductivity signature on geoelectrical with consequent differences in the position of
soundings in leachate-bearing landfill environ- occurrence of leachate-related geoelectrical con-
ments. For unsaturated substrate in contact with ductors in unsaturated substrates.
leachate-generating landfill deposits, the In Fig. 4 are shown the typical landfill sound-
leachate will advance with the infiltrating water ing curves from various geological, climatic and
and displace the air or residual connate water in geoenvironmental settings. Note that all the
the pores spaces of the substrate. This displace- curves are of the minimum or H-type. The most
ment will cause a decrease in the resistivity of conductive segment of each sounding curve cor-
sandy or carbonate formations but the effects responds to the saturated basal section of the
may not be geoelectrically appreciable in some respective landfill andror leachate-invaded sub-
clayey substrate. If the unsaturated section were strate. Note, however, that an apparently highly
thick enough, the rate of advance of the leachate resistive terminal segment of a sounding curve
front Žand hence the depth location of the zone at a landfill site Žas exhibited by the curves
of maximum leachate concentration. will de- shown in these figures. may not always be
pend on the buffering and cation exchange ca- indicative of a resistive nature for the substrate
pacities of the substrate. For instance, calcite- but rather may be due to 3D distorting influ-
rich sands may attenuate the leachate better than ences of the typically complex site geometry

Fig. 4. Typical resistivity sounding curves from landfill sites in different geographical regions. Ža. Australia ŽKnight et al.,
1978., Žb. USA ŽCarpenter et al., 1991., Žc. UK ŽBarker, 1990., and Žd. UK ŽMeju, 1995a..
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 129

especially when the expanding electrodes oc- The spatial variation of plume properties is of
cupy positions outside the actual confines of the geoexploration interest and will be examined
landfill site. here using the data for Durban landfill. The
Durban landfill sampling points were distributed
2.8. Relationship between geoelectrically impor- over a grid across the southeastern border of the
tant hydrochemical parameters landfill where seepage was occurring Ž see Bell
and Jermy, 1995, Fig. 3. . Sampling stations IP9,
Electrical conductivity is usually taken as a IP4, IP19 and IP21 in Table 5 were located
measure of the total dissolved salts in ground- along the axis of the plume at increasing dis-
water by hydrogeochemists whereas chloride tances from the southeastern border of the Dur-
content is used as a conservative leachate indi- ban landfill Ž the typical inspection pit spacing
cator parameter in water sample studies since, was about 35 m. . For these stations, note the
apart from dilution, it undergoes very little decrease in TDS and electrical conductivity with
chemical or biological change in the groundwa- increasing distance from the landfill. To illus-
ter system ŽBaedecker and Apgar, 1984. . Some trate the relationship between groundwater con-
chemical analyses of groundwater contaminated ductivity and TDS Žand chloride content. in the
by leachate seeping from a landfill site that plume emanating from the Durban landfill, the
closed in 1989 in Durban, South Africa Ž Bell data from all the sampling stations in Table 5
and Jermy, 1995. are shown in Table 5. ŽThe are shown graphically in Figs. 5 and 6. Note the
data were presented at the GREEN ’93 confer- almost linear relationship between conductivity
ence in June 1993 and were probably collected and TDS in Fig. 5 and between conductivity
in 1992. . Also shown in this table are the and chloride content in Fig. 6. Simple straight-
chemical parameters for leachate from a 6-year- line fitting of the Durban data yielded the rela-
old landfill in northern England Ž Kalteziotis et
al., 1995. and for the leachates from the Beverly
landfill Žactive from 1965–1980. and Upper
Ottawa Street landfill Ž active from 1950–1980.
near Hamilton in Ontario, Canada Ž Birks and
Eyles, 1997. . For the Canadian examples, the
Žaverage, minimum and maximum. values of
the respective parameters for the monitoring
period 1980–1994 are presented. The levels of
TDS and conductivity for the leachate-impacted
groundwater from downgradient measurements
in the vicinity of the Durban landfill are higher
than those recorded within the younger landfill
site in the UK and comparable to those for the
Canadian sites. Since even higher values may
be obtained for leachate samples from the Dur-
ban landfill than those presented here Ž possibly
diluted offsite samples., the data in Table 5 Fig. 5. Relationship between fluid conductivity and TDS.
could be interpreted as supporting the earlier The round symbols represent the data from Durban landfill
contention that apart from age, climatic differ- in South Africa ŽBell and Jermy, 1995.. The data from
Beverley and Upper Ottawa Street landfill sites in Hamil-
ences might lead to variations in the amount of ton, Canada ŽBirks and Eyles, 1997. are shown by triangu-
soluble material removed from a given landfill lar symbols. The data from NE Brazil ŽMeju et al., 1997.
material in different geographical locations. are shown by cross symbols.
130 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

Canada ŽBirks and Eyles, 1997. and Morley

landfill site in Australia Ž Buselli et al., 1990. are
also presented in Figs. 5 and 6 for comparison
with the Durban data. The fluid conductivity
and chloride content data from Morley landfill
show the same trend as the Durban data Žsee
Fig. 6.. Although not an ideal data set, the
published average, minimum and maximum
conductivity and TDS values for the two landfill
sites in Hamilton ŽBirks and Eyles, 1997. are
also in accord with the Durban Ž see Fig. 5. . It is
interesting Žas shown in Fig. 5 and Table 6. that
a similar linear trend exists in data from a
non-landfill environment — a hydrogeochemi-
cally zoned regional aquifer with high back-
Fig. 6. Relationship between conductivity and chloride
content for two landfill sites. The data from the Durban
ground inorganic salts near the city of Picos in
site are shown by circular symbols while the triangular northeast Brazil Ž Meju et al., 1997. , which could
symbols represent the data from Morley landfill site in suggest that the leachates from the selected
Australia ŽBuselli et al., 1990.. landfill sites derive their conductive nature
largely from inorganic salts.
It might be expected that if similar relation-
tionships TDS s y54.4 q 7.04sw and Cl s ships exist between bulk resistivity and TDS,
y257.2 q 2.83 sw , where the electrical conduc- then it will be possible to predict compositional
tivity of the groundwater Ž sw . is in mSrm and trends in hydrochemical parameters such as TDS
the other two parameters are in mgrl. However, and chloride content from surface geoelectrical
it is often preferable to consider the relation- soundings Že.g. Buselli et al., 1990. . No such
ships between the logarithms of these data Ž cf. relations have been found as yet for routine
Table 6.. The resulting relationships for the geoelectrical use. However, from a dc resistivity
same data sets are study of acid-mine drainage problem, Ebraheem
log TDS s 0.8 q 1.015 log sw et al. Ž1990. obtained the relation,
= Ž or TDS s 6.3096 sw1.015 . Ž1. log s b s y0.333 q 0.6453 Ž log TDS .
log Cl s y0.256 q 1.2 log sw = Ž or s b s 0.4645 TDS 0.6453 . Ž3.
= Ž or Cl s 0.5546 s w .. Ž2. while a re-appraisal, by this author, of the re-
Some published data for the Beverly and sults of a TEM–AMT study of part of a highly
Upper Ottawa Street landfills in Hamilton in saline, relatively homogeneous, sandstone

Table 6
Summary statistics for regression analysis of fluid conductivity vs. TDS in some groundwater systems. In columns 2 to 4,
the top set of numbers relates to logarithmic fitting while the numbers in brackets are for non-logarithmic fitting. The data
used were from various sources ŽBell and Jermy, 1995; Birks and Eyles, 1997; Meju et al., 1997.
Regression parameter Durban, S. Africa Picos, NE Brazil Combined set Žinc. Canada.
Intercept 0.8 " 0.05 Žy54.4 " 341 . 1.1 " 0.17 Ž81.6 " 60.9. 0.8 " 0.09 Ž7.69 " 88.
Slope 1.015 " 0.003 Ž7.04 " 0.21. 0.9 " 0.01 Ž6.68 " 0.3. 1.018 " 0.009 Ž7.01 " 0.11.
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 131

aquifer Ž Meju et al., 1997. suggested the rela- adopted here only for illustration purposes-the
tion reader is referred to Worthington Ž1993 and
references therein. for sophisticated adaptations
log s b s y0.3215 q 0.7093 Ž log TDS .
of Archie’s law.
= Ž or s b s 0.477 TDS 0.7093 . Ž4.
where s b is the bulk conductivity of the forma- 2.9. Conceptual prediction of hydrochemical
tion in mSrm and the TDS is in mgrl. parameters and age of saturated fill
For the sake of completeness, we may tenta-
tively adopt the above relations Ž Eqs. Ž 3. and The chemical parameters and age of fill are
Ž4.. in the present discussions but note that they important components of any genetic recon-
were determined for relatively homogeneous struction scheme. Variations in fill compositions
materials and thus, may not hold in the typical of different ages have been noted by several
landfill environment where significant quantities workers Žsee, e.g. Knight et al., 1978. . How-
of conductive metal and clay may be present. ever, from a geoelectrical viewpoint, an exciting
Moreover, even under favourable conditions, development in geochemical characterisation of
the two constants Žintercept and slope. in the landfill leachates is the observation that these
above Eqs. Ž3. and Ž4. may have to be evaluated variations are consistent with age Ž e.g. Far-
for different landfill environments to enable a quhar, 1989; DoE, 1996. as can be gleaned
working relation between the bulk conductivity from Table 4. If the approximate concentrations
of the contaminated homogeneous substrate, or of the relevant hydrochemical parameters can be
saturated basal fill and the fluid conductivity, to predicted by virtue of the emprical relationships
be determined in conjuction with variants of the developed in the previous section, it follows
other relations given above. Assuming that Eq. that one can, at least at a conceptual level,
Ž4. is applicable to landfill environments, com- predict the age range of a given saturated fill
bining Eqs. Ž 1. and Ž4. leads to using the information furnished by surface
andror borehole geoelectrical measurements.
log s b s 0.2452 q 0.7196 log sw
The main problem that will bedevil such an
= Ž or s b s 1.7587 sw0.7196 . Ž5. approach is the fact that there are three main
sources that contribute to the observed leachate
relating fluid and saturated fill conductivities.
composition — infiltrating groundwater or rain,
An alternative approach may be sought based
waste deposits and ambient geological materi-
on the popular Archie’s Ž 1942. law, s b s
als. Section 3 will focus on the effective integra-
k sw f m, where f is porosity, m is the cementa-
tion of the above concepts and models in rou-
tion factor and k is a constant. Along this line,
tine geoelectrical investigations.
Yaramanci Ž 1994. developed a relation between
in situ resistivity and water content in salt rocks;
a simplification of the formula yields the work-
ing relation 3. Development of a consistent investigative
geoelectrical approach
s b s swW m Ž6.
with W m as the water content and m ( 1.6–1.9. In line with the above developments, we may
This would suggest that under ideal Ži.e., clay- propose a four-phase diagnosis approach for
free. conditions, we may directly estimate the landfill investigations. The analysis of historical
proportion of contaminated water in an invaded documents Žtown development plans and topo-
homogeneous geomatrix of known bulk and graphic maps. and any available geotechnical
fluid conductivities. It is stressed that Eq. Ž 6. is reports for the area of study should be seen as
132 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

the first phase in site investigation since this can will be conveniently assumed that we are deal-
furnish much of the necessary information to ing with electrical and EM investigative tools.
address some important practical issues to be
discussed below. The second phase will be to 3.1. Practical considerations in surÕey design
define the site constraints and boundary condi- and implementation
tions Žnatural and gradational or anthropogenic
and abrupt. and thence a site-specific explo- 3.1.1. Desk study: problem definition and site
ration model that is consistent with geotechni- description
cal, biological, geological and physico-chemical Some pre-survey considerations that have
considerations. Site-specific model development been found from experience to be very useful
involves posing the problem with the attendant are listed in Table 7. Analysis of problematical
constraints in a form that can be addressed observations and detailed site description consti-
using the chosen geoelectrical methods. In gen- tute the desk study. It is important that the
eral, the main elements of a closed landfill site perceived or identified geoenvironmental prob-
are the site boundaries Žwhich are typically lem is well posed taking into account all the
irregular., buried near-vertical rock faces in dis- available information. It is even more important
used hard-rock quarries, dome-shaped or tabular to have a clear definition of what form of
cap, depth locations and dips of the layers of solution is expected since the investigative strat-
refuse and sealing materials, the integrity of the egy will vary depending on whether the survey
sealing zones, the position of access roads or goal will be served merely by a non-committal
buried bund walls, and the presence of high reporting or require suggestions andror recom-
levels of hazardous gases, leachate Žor corrosive mendations for partial or full implementation.
chemicals in the case of industrial waste dis- For example, the presence of leachate poses the
posal sites. or perched groundwater bodies. threat of groundwater contamination and it is
The third phase is to design and execute a important to design the geophysical survey to
geophysical survey to define the model parame- map the leachate and any possibly linked aquif-
ters. The geophysical methods should be se- erous materials at the site. The site dimensions
lected to define the various parts of the above and current usage will influence the choice of
model and with data quality and integrity as key field methods since some techniques would re-
considerations. Obviously, the various methods quire more space for depth probing than others
would respond differently to specific aspects of while some other ones may be sensitive to
this model and would suggest that an integrated metallic constructions or other obstructions
approach is the best option, barring financial within the site, say. Also, a change in land use
constraints. In designing and executing surveys such as the introduction of domestic or indus-
to investigate covered landfill sites, it may be trial infrastructure at the site may have disturbed
necessary to combine geoelectrical measure- the ground Žcreating potential pathways for pol-
ments with some other geophysical technique lutant migration..
Žsuch as seismic refraction. but electrical and It is important to know whether the landfill
EM methods must be seen as a necessary com- site originally served as a quarry, in which case
bination. The final phase will be the provision we may expect irregular boundaries or whether
of an appropriate physico-chemical solution to it was specially constructed with regular borders
the given problem, based on site-constrained for waste containment. At disused quarry sites,
analysis of the geophysical field data Ž and for it is also not uncommon to have several other
added value, the definition of future monitoring minor excavations in the vicinity of the main
requirements.. Some of the above issues are excavation and any interconnections between
explored in more detail in what follows and it them Že.g. access roads and drains. must be
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 133

Table 7
Ranked practical considerations for a consistent investigative approach. Ranks 1 to 11 provide problem definition and
detailed site description. Ranks 12–13 relate to geoelectrical field study while ranks 14–15 relate to problem solution and
environmental diagnostics
Practical considera- Model features and enviro-economic Effect on electrical surveying and diag-
tions constraints nosis
1 Environmental prob - Identified hazardous gases and leachate Detailed solution required for remedia-
lem and demanded so- or perceived threat to environment tion and monitoring; non-comittal re-
lution porting may involve less detailed sur-
2 Site dimensions and Landfill sites vary in size and shape. Methods appropriate to site geometry
current usage Reclaimed site may contain domestic, and existing constructs are to be se-
recreational, agricultural or light indus- lected. Change in land use or cover
trial infrastructure with new cover over material may limit model resolution
disturbed parts.
3 Type of initial excava- Site may be a disused quarry with Nature of borders controls gross struc-
tion steep or sloping irregular borders or tural dimensionality; multiple excava-
purpose-built structure with regular tions will require dense sampling.
borders. Multiple excavations or cells
may be present and linked.
4 Type and state of basal Basal liner, if present, may be thin Basal clay liner and active drainage
lining and drainage compacted clay-till layer or zone of system may have comparable resistiv-
system graded granular substrate. Basal ity to saturated fill. Focused 3D depth
drainage to sumps common probes and specialized data processing
required for assessment of liner in-
5 Fill type, tipping his- Fill may be of domestic, industrial or Well-compacted and homogeneous fill
tory and burial pattern co-disposal type and roughly homoge- may be approximately 1D; separating
noeus with compaction layering or walls, steeply-sloping cover and com-
strongly heterogeneous with separating plex site borders impart 2Dr3D signa-
Žbund. walls tures
6 Age of fill and burial Field Žabsorbent. capacity of fill may Fill resistivity structure will be con-
depth be attained with time and burial depth trolled by fill stability and form of
with consequent leachate production; occurrence of leachate. Fill resistivity
fill stabilization with leaching and age will vary with age and requires peri-
odic monitoring
7 Topography, differen- Fracturing of landfill cover caused by Anisotropy and topographic distortions
tial subsidence and subsidence. Linear fracture systems are to be expected. Azimuthal or 3D
landfill cover integrity may follow decompaction trends; al- surveys required to maprmonitor dis-
low erosion and thinning of cover, turbed cover. Sounding parallel to frac-
infiltration of surface water, and escape ture group trend for approximate 1D
of landfill gas inversion
8 Climatic environment Rate of fill leaching and leachate gen- Conductivity of leachate from fill of
eration dependent on infiltration and given composition will vary with cli-
climate matic region
9 Host rock geology, hy- Host may be unsaturated or saturated Heterogeneous host rocks will compli-
drogeology and geo- aquifer, compact or fractured aquitard cate electrical response. Geometry and
chemistry or complex glacial deposits. Leachate conductivity of leachate plume will be
attenuation processes occur in sub- affected by dilution and hydrodynamic
strate; calcite-rich aquifers and clays dispersion in host. Buffering and
have good buffering and cation-ex- cation-exchange capacities of host rock
change capacities. Off-site migration of will influence rate of attenuation and
134 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

Table 7 Ž continued .
Practical considera- Model features and enviro-economic Effect on electrical surveying and diag-
tions constraints nosis
methane gas depends on nature of host of maximum concentration of leachate
rock in unsaturated aquifers.
10 Geochemical alter - Seepage of methane gas may lead to 3D surveys required to map geochemi-
ation halo alteration of surficial materials Že.g. cal alteration haloes or mineralisation
pyrite formation in iron-rich sedi- chimney. IP method best for detecting
ments.; leachate migration may cause zones of pyritic alteration.
mineralization of groundwater
11 Physical property con- Electrical properties of fill and sub- Lack of contrast limits model resolu-
trasts and background strate may be similar, or seeping tion. High background noise reduce
noise leachate may overprint signatures from data accuracy and demands improved
fill-substrate contact. Urban sites are signal detection capability Žhighly sen-
typically noisy sitivity equipment needed..
12 Budgetary constraints Limits the range of field measurements
and reporting time and the level of sophistication of inter-
13 Applicable geophysi- Site condition, expected contrasts, sub-
cal methods and sam- surface structural complexity and fi-
pling frequency nancial constraints influence choice of
tools. Pilot study will aid selection of
techniques with optimum potential for
target definition. Sampling frequency
affects resolution of anomalies
14 Quantitative data inter- Data may be corrupted by cultural Data quality assurancercontrol pro-
pretation requirements noise. There may be insufficient con- gram must be implemented. 1Dr2D
trasts between fill and host. Leachate inversion may suffice for layered fill;
plumes may have gradational bound- 3D modelling needed for complex
aries. structures. Smooth models appropriate
for leachate plume, low-contrast sys-
tems or noisy data
15 Model-based hazard Leachate contamination of groundwa- Characterisation of subsurface hazards
identification and anal- ter; accumulation of methane gas poses or pollution potential rests on capabil-
ysis fire and explosion hazards ity to map geology and emitted fluids

ascertained as they may serve as possible migra- shape of excavation has remained unchanged
tion paths for the fluids expelled during the during the backfilling operations ŽTable 7. . The
backfilling operations. The presence or absence tipping method is important in defining the
of a basal lining must be ascertained and has dimensionality characteristics of the site. For
implications for the pollution potential of a example, where only one type of commercial
landfill site. The landfill may rest directly on a waste was buried and when, as in Britain, it is
natural liner Ž e.g. clayey formation or graded mandatory that the refuse is formed into a layer
coarser-grained granular substrate. or on syn- as soon as possible after tipping by compaction,
thetic geomembranes Ž as in modern waste con- then the degree of fill compaction and homo-
tainment facilities. . geneity may be so enhanced that the structure
It is useful to know what method of tipping locally approximates a horizontally stratified
was used, what type of waste was buried, how it ground. It is common in Britain to fill the
was distributed at the site, and whether the lowest parts of a disused quarry first and these
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 135

are then successively covered by layers of fill first arrivals in integrated surveys. and thus lead
Žseparated by sealing materials. built up by to poor model resolution. The background noise
end-tipping. The distribution may be such that and expected physical property contrasts would
the layers are not laterally continuous across the help in determining whether the sensitivities of
whole site and any gaps are filled with sealing the available geophysical instrumentation are
materials Žcommonly sand and gravel in a clay adequate for the given problem.
matrix dubbed ‘‘hoggin’’. . We therefore expect
some degree of heterogeneity and possible slop- 3.1.3. Optimisation of surÕey design
ing boundaries near the edges of the compacted In many situations, rapid solutions are de-
layers separated by the differently filled gaps or sired for pressing landfill problems and the
bund walls. This factor is very important where degree of effectiveness of geoelectrics to a large
the investigation is concerned with the feasibil- extent hinges on the level of instrumentation
ity of construction at the site. It was also com- that can be realistically deployed using the
mon practice in the past to use building rubble available funds and on whether the data can be
in the final stages of backfilling, which may processed within the given period. The applica-
affect the resistivity Žand seismic P-wave veloc- ble geophysical field methods and sampling fre-
ity. distributions. We would expect to encounter quency will depend on the reporting time-frame,
high resistivity in the upper part of the fill Žand funding constraints and the measurement band-
velocity inversion in refraction seismics. when width Žand sensitivities. of the available field
probing beneath the rubble. equipment. It is possible to determine the meth-
The presence of topographic features or dif- ods that have optimum potential for target defi-
ferential settlements at the site may demand nition by forward modelling studies. The sam-
specialised survey layouts and data processing pling interval should be sufficiently high to
techniques especially for construction feasibility define the key structural features Ž and in partic-
sudies. For example, variations in topography or ular, the thin clay cap. as well as give a repre-
cover thickness may cause spurious effects in sentative range of results for the typically vari-
the geoelectrical measurements, and the pres- able waste materials. A dense network of obser-
ence of a domal cap may reinforce the need for vational stations and small vertical sampling
multi-dimensional data processing. There may intervals would normally be required if the
also be seasonal variations in electrical proper- ground were highly variable, but the eventual
ties of the disturbed fill cap. ground sampling frequency will be dictated by
the attendant financial constraints and the stipu-
3.1.2. Host rock geology and physical property lated reporting time.
A good knowledge of the underlying geology 3.1.4. Data analysis and hazard identification
is important as it is undesirable for the fill to be The appropriate interpretative schemes are
in contact with permeable geological materials. determined by the dimensionality characteristics
The presence of geological structures Že.g. faults of the site but the available computational plat-
or fractures. that will permit fluid flow or lead form will often dictate what interpretative tools
to structural instability is also undesirable Ž but are ultimately selected and applied to the
these can be mapped using azimuthal geophysi- recorded field data. It is important to correctly
cal methods. . Background noise and physical identify whether the cover system is multi-
property contrasts at the site are important phys- layered or single-layered and the presence of
ical constraints since high background noise steeply sloping cover systems. A domed or
may reduce the accuracy of the geophysical steeply sloping impermeable disturbed cover
measurements Že.g. timing of seismic refraction system Ž‘‘clay cap’’. over relatively permeable
136 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

gas-generating refuse might constitute a good site ŽRice and Ladwig, 1983. . Thus, the identifi-
trap Žas well-known in petroleum geology. for cation of gas migration pathways and subsur-
hazardous gases Ž e.g. methane and carbon-di- face accumulations must be seen as important
oxide. . If the integrity of the sealing zones in a deductive goals.
landfill site has been breached Že.g. by natural
or man-made disturbance. , then hazardous sub- 3.2. Generating consistent resistiÕity models
stances can escape into the air or into the from surface soundings
groundwater system and thus the pollution po-
tential of the site rests mainly on the nature and A major problem in the utility of resistivity
amount of emitted fluids and the surrounding soundings over landfill sites is the lack of
geology. It may be noted that the subsurface uniqueness or consistency of reconstructed sub-
accumulation of methane gas poses a fire and surface models. There are several approaches to
explosion hazard at the landfill site; also, the resistivity reconstructions Ž see Meju, 1992, 1996
methane migrating from the landfill as a free-gas and references therein. and the various schemes
phase into surficial sediments and the exsolved often yield different solutions for a given data
methane from groundwater might pose a set. A consistent approach is desirable in geoen-
flammability hazard in the areas adjacent to the vironmental investigations and the solutions

Fig. 7. A comparison of well data and the result of two-stage 1-D inversion of dc resistivity sounding at a landfill site in a
suburb of Leicester. The apparent resistivity curve Žshown in the left-hand top panel. is first transformed into a near
continuous resistivity-vs.-depth structure Žshown as squares in the right-hand plot. which is then used to guide the
construction of an initial layered model for the second-stage iterative updating. The resulting optimal model is shown Žsolid
structure. in the right-hand and its computed responses Žsolid curves. are superposed on the actual field data in the left-hand
panels; the lower left-hand panel shows the measured and computed resistance data Žin Ohms.. The borehole-evidenced
depths to the boundaries between Ž1. disturbed cover soil and clay liner, Ž2. clay liner and unsaturated fill, Ž3. unsaturated
and saturated fills, and Ž4. saturated fill and clayey till substrate are indicated by the similarly numbered dotted horizontal
lines in the right-hand plot.
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 137

should also be geologically meaningful. It is 3.2.1. IllustratiÕe one-dimensional examples

beginning to emerge that simple empirical data Fig. 7 shows a Schlumberger resistivity
transformations Že.g. Meju, 1995b, 1998. yield sounding curve from a landfill site near Leices-
geologically meaningful approximations to sub- ter in England and the optimal interpretive resis-
surface resistivity distributions in landfill sites tivity model reconstructed using the approach
ŽMeju, 1995a.. It is thus logical to expect that mentioned above. The ground surface is flat at
optimizing the main features of the initial resis- the sounding point and the depths to the various
tivity-vs.-depth distributions furnished by such material boundaries in a nearby borehole are
direct data transforms, using a standard inver- shown in the figure for comparison. It can be
sion scheme, might lead to consistent resistivity seen that the initial data transform Žshown in the
models Ž Meju, 1994; Meju and Meekes, 1995. . right-hand plot as an almost continuous struc-
This notion will be demonstrated here using dc ture. and the optimal inversion model are in
resistivity depth soundings from some landfill accord with the borehole information. The 0.7-
sites where there is ground-truth data for com- m-thick top layer of about 54 V m resistivity
parison; the basic statistical formulation of the coincides with disturbed top soil and overlies a
two-stage inverse problem is given elsewhere 0.52 m thick layer of low resistivity Ž 14.7 V m.
ŽMeju et al., 2000, Eq. Ž1.. and have been which coincides with compacted clay liner. The
implemented in variants of available routines underlying 3.2 m thick layer is relatively resis-
for 1-D resistivity inversion ŽMeju, 1992. and tive Ž 30.8 V m. and coincides with unsaturated
2-D resistivity inversion Ž Uchida and Mu- fill. This is in turn underlain by a 6.2 m thick
rakami, 1990. . conductive Ž 7 V m. horizon corresponding to

Fig. 8. A comparison of well data and the re-interpretation results for a Wenner sounding in the central part of Mallard North
landfill site. The borehole-evidenced depths to the boundaries between Ž1. cover material and unsaturated fill, Ž2.
unsaturated and saturated fills, and Ž3. saturated fill and clayey till substrate are shown in the right-hand plot. The other
symbols have the same meaning as for Fig. 7. The well data and sounding curve are from Carpenter et al. Ž1991, Fig. 3b..
138 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

saturated fill and the upper 1.1 m of the sub- inversion model and the venting well informa-
strate Žcomprised of glacial till.. The rest of the tion. In this interpretative geoelectric model, the
substrate has a resistivity of about 56.6 V m, cover unit has a resistivity of 20.8 V m while
which may be overestimated since the last two the unsaturated fill has a resistivity of 14.6 V
sounding points appear to have been distorted m; the saturated fill has a resistivity of 7.15 V
by 3-D effects. Note that the subsurface resistiv- m and rests on a substrate of 10.3 V m resistiv-
ity distribution agrees with that suggested in the ity. Fig. 9 shows the results for another Wenner
conceptual resistivity model ŽFig. 3. . sounding curve from the same landfill site Ž see
Fig. 8 shows a Wenner resistivity sounding Carpenter et al., 1991, Fig. 3c. . This sounding
curve from the Mallard North landfill near was done across the northeastern border of the
Chicago in the USA ŽCarpenter et al., 1991, site with fractured cover unit and slight topogra-
Fig. 3b. and the reconstructed resistivity model. phy Žsee Carpenter et al., 1991, Fig. 1. . The
The sounding was performed over an area of initial data transforms independently guided the
uniform topography near deep venting wells and selection of likely positions of significant resis-
the known positions of the boundaries between tivity changes, which agree with the available
the various landfill units — cover material well information. Moreover, the inversion result
Žcomposed of top soil and compacted illitic suggests that the 0.6 m thick composite layer
clay-till liner., unsaturated fill, saturated fill and classified as cover material is comprised of a
substrate Žthick clayey till. are also shown for 0.38 m thick resistive Ž 55 V m. top soil horizon
comparison. Note the agreement between the and about 0.2 m thick conductive Ž 9 V m. clay
initial resistivity–depth transforms, the optimal liner. The unsaturated fill has a resistivity of ca.

Fig. 9. A comparison of well data and the re-interpretation results for a Wenner sounding in the northeast margin of Mallard
North landfill site. The symbols have the same meaning as for Fig. 8. The well data and sounding curve are from Carpenter
et al. Ž1991, Fig. 3c..
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 139

17 V m and extends to a depth of about 4.5 m extends to a depth of 6.5 m. It is underlain by

in this model. The underlying saturated fill is sand down to 19 m beyond which occurs a
less resistive Ž7 V m. and extends to about 7.5 sandy shale formation. Water was intersected at
m in the model. The substrate has a resistivity depths of 4, 10 and 22.8 m in the relevant
of 13.5 V m down to a depth of 17 m beyond borehole Ž see Knight et al., 1978, Fig. 8; White-
which, barring topographic distortion, it in- ley and Jewell, 1992, Fig. 2. . The published
creases to 24 V m. For both soundings, the sounding curve is of variable quality between
subsurface resistivity distributions agree with electrode spacings a s 2.6 m and a s 4.2 m.
that suggested in the conceptual resistivity The initial data transform and resultant optimal
model. layered model allowed a reliable prediction of a
Fig. 10 shows a Wenner sounding curve over thickness of 0.95–1.1 m and resistivity of 401–
the Lucas Heights landfill in southwestern Syd- 430 V m for the cover material. The second
ney in Australia ŽKnight et al., 1978. and the layer of 7.5–8.5 V m with its bottom at a depth
interpretive results from the method adopted in of 2.3–2.6 m may be a clay-rich fill layer. It
this paper. This example is selected to illustrate overlies a resistive Ž40–45 V m. zone extend-
the difficulty that might be encountered when ing to a depth of about 5.3 m. It was found
dealing with young fill and in defining the necessary to posit a low-resistivity Ž 4–5.3 V m.
landfill base where the substrate is a permeable layer in the depth interval 5.3 to 9.8 m and a
sandy formation and is invaded by leachate basal half-space of 290–840 V m resistivity in
seeping from the overlying fill. The cover mate- the model. The resistive zone at 2.3 to 5.3 m
rial is about 0.9 m thick and 3–5-year-old fill depth and the resistive substrate at around 10 m

Fig. 10. A comparison of well data and the re-interpretation results for a Wenner sounding at Lucas Heights landfill site. The
borehole-evidenced depths to the boundaries between Ž1. cover material and fill, Ž2. fill and sand formation, and Ž3. sand
and sandy shale formations are indicated by the similarly numbered dotted horizontal lines in the right-hand plot. The water
intersections in the borehole are denoted by the symbols ‘‘GW’’. The other symbols have the same meaning as for Fig. 7.
The well data and sounding curve are from Knight et al. Ž1978, Figs. 8 and 13..
140 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

Fig. 11. Site location map for the Sonning Way landfill site in Leicester. The distribution of boreholes and post-drilling
geoelectrical measurement stations is shown.
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 141

depth are not distinguished in the generalised intervals along a 200-m long, north–south pro-
geological log ŽKnight et al., 1978, Fig. 8. but file at this site Ž Fig. 11.. Soundings were also
are clearly anomalous in the downhole gamma made at several other positions at the site, mostly
ray log of Knight et al., Ž 1978, Fig. 16. which with east–west electrode expansion axis. Meju
these authors interpreted as possibly containing Ž1995a. employed the 1-D inversion strategy
heavy mineral sands with radioactive elements described above and obtained models that are in
Že.g. monazite. . The base of the fill Ž 6.5 m. accord with borehole logs of the fill distribu-
cannot be deciphered using the VES data but tion. An extension of the approach in 2-D has
the conductive zone at 5.3 to 9.8 m depth may been attempted here. The nine north–south
represent the basal saturated fill and leachate-in- Schlumberger soundings ŽG1 to G9. have been
vaded sandy substrate. selected for this 2D inversion exercise and their
effective depths of probe are about 0.3 to 25 m
3.2.2. IllustratiÕe two-dimensional example as judged from a simple data transformation
Dc resistivity soundings over an old covered ŽMeju, 1995b.. This depth interval was there-
landfill site in Leicester in England Ž Meju fore densely discretized in the 2-D numerical
1995a. have been inverted using a regularized grid used to parameterise the subsurface resis-
2-D inversion scheme, adapted from the original tivity structure. There are three borehole posi-
code of Uchida and Murakami Ž 1990. . The tions ŽBH5, BH3, and BH8. along the profile
Schlumberger soundings were made with and the available logs ŽTable 8. would be used
north-south electrode expansion axis at 25-m to appraise the result of 2-D inversion.

Table 8
A summary of drillers’ logs for three boreholes ŽBH 5, BH3 and BH8. along the VES profile at the Sonning Way landfill
site in Leicester Žsee Fig. 11.. The closest VES stations are indicated in brackets in the 1st column, alongside the borehole
numbers Žcf. Fig. 11.
Borehole ŽBH. number Description of refuse and lithology Depth to base Žm.
5 ŽG1. Fill — top soil and concrete fragments 1.0
Fill — silty very sandy, very gravelly clay with 2.4
occasional wood and brick fragments Žodorous.
Very stiff silty, very gravelly clay 3.6 q
3 ŽG4. Fill — topsoil with concrete and occasional 1.1
brick fragments
Fill — slightly gravelly clay with occasional 2.0
topsoil and brick fragments
Fill — very soft clay, sand and gravel with rotting 8.4
vegetation and occasional car tyres Žodorous..
ŽGroundwater seepage encountered at 6.5 m.
Orange brown and black silty sand 9.8
Stiff silty gravelly clay 11 q
8 ŽG6. Fill — topsoil and concrete fragments 0.4
Fill — silty slightly gravelly clay with occasional 4.8
wood, brick fragments, paper, glass, leather, cloth
and concrete fragments
Fill — firm to stiff silty clay and tyres 5.2
Groundwater seepage encountered at 5.2 m 9.8
Fill — soft clay with some gravel and occasional
plastic, wood and much rotting vegetation.
Brown silty sand 10.3
Very stiff silty, very gravelly, clay 11.0 q
142 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

For consistency check, the 2-D inversion pro- inversion successfully recovered the target fea-
cess was initiated with three half-space models tures Ž landfill cover, intra-fill boundaries and
of different resistivities Ž 20, 50, and 100 V m.. possible leachate-impacted substrate. at this
The resulting optimal least-squares Ž1 rms mis- landfill site. The unsaturated and saturated fill
fit. models were found to be practically identi- sections are differentiated in this model by com-
cal and are thus acceptable as consistent solu- parison with the known groundwater intersec-
tions for the site. For these models, there is a tions in BH3 and BH8; there is a noticeable
good match between the model response and the resistivity change at this boundary.
field data at all the stations as in the examples
shown in Fig. 12 for the inversion with a 20 V 3.3. Predicting hydrochemical parameters of
m initial half-space model. The relevant part of saturated fill
the optimal model derived from the 20 V m
initial half-space model is presented in Table 9. Although full-domain 3-D inversion would
Also indicated in this table are the known be more desirable at landfill sites, the simple
boundaries between the cover materials, fill and models generated here would appear to be use-
substrate, and the positions where groundwater ful for illustrating various aspects of the consis-
seepages were encountered in the boreholes. It tent diagnosis approach suggested in this paper.
can be gleaned from Table 9 that the 2-D It now remains to effect a possible geoenviron-

Fig. 12. Comparison of some VES Schlumberger field data and 2-D model response for the Sonning Way landfill site in
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 143

Table 9
Resistivity distribution from 2-D inversion of VES data from Sonning Way landfill site. Columns 2 to 10 give the
resistivities Žin V m. of the respective blocks at various depths. Only the top 29 m of the 2-D model is shown. The dashed
horizontal lines indicate the approximate intra-fill boundaries, the solid lines show the approximate base of fill, and the
symbol W indicates the resistivity block at depth where groundwater seepage was encountered in boreholes close to the VES
stations. The upper zone Žca. 1–2 m depth. shown by italicised bold-faced numbers is the interpreted clay seal of the cover
sequence. The interpreted saturated zones Žallowing for water-level fluctuations. are also highlighted using bold-face
numbers Ž) 4 m depth.. The topography at the respective stations was incorporated in the inversion process Žthe quantity in
brackets underneath each station name is the height in metres relative to station G1.
Block bottom Žm. G1 Ž0.0. G2 Ž0.3. G3 Ž0.7. G4 Ž1.45. G5 Ž1.45. G6 Ž1.5. G7 Ž1.5. G8 Ž1.5. G9 Ž1.5.
0.13 146.6 96.5 105 104 160 83 41 33.8 32.5
0.29 146.6 96.5 105 104 160 83 41 33.8 32.5
0.49 109.6 61.4 83.6 63.1 141.5 53.6 31.9 31.2 36.6
0.75 73.8 36 54.8 33.3 77.8 31 24.7 31.6 45.2
1.1 57.7 25.7 36.4 19.7 39.5 21.6 23.5 36.1 56.2
1.5 56.1 25.2 28.9 16.1 27.6 20.9 27.7 41.8 61.1
2.1 56.2 29.3 26.5 17.9 27.3 23.8 32.6 40.8 53.1
2.8 46.2 31.3 24.4 21.4 30.5 24.4 30 30.6 38.6
3.7 30.2 27.8 20.9 22.9 31.5 20.9 20.7 19.2 27.3
4.8 18.8 22.7 17.4 21.3 28.4 16.5 12.8 12.2 22
6.3 14.2 20.4 16 18.4 23 13.7 W 9.2 10 22.4
8.2 15.2 22.4 17.2 16.2 W 17.7 12.7 8.9 11.7 29.2
10.6 21.6 28.9 21.1 15.2 13.9 12.7 11.3 18 44
13.7 32.9 37.7 26.1 15.3 12 13.3 15.4 27.7 61.4
17.6 43.6 43.7 29.9 16.7 12.3 14.6 19.6 34.1 64.4
22.7 45.8 43.3 31.2 20.4 15.5 17.3 22.6 32.3 48.8
29.2 39.1 29 22.3 25.4 30.5 34.6 30.1 24.7 25.7

mental interpretation of these resistivity models. information contained in the resistivity models
An attempt is made here to suggest how the may be maximized or given ‘‘added value’’ by

Table 10
An illustration of a conceptual predictive scheme for approximate environmental interpretation of saturated fill Žor invaded
substrate. resistivity. The reconstructed resistivity of saturated fill or invaded substrate Ž r b . is used to predict the TDS via
Eq. Ž4. as in Ža. or via Eq. Ž3. as in Žb.; these may be regarded as the lower and upper bounds on the parameter estimates.
The fluid conductivity is then predicted using Eq. Ž1. and the chloride content may be obtained from Eq. Ž2.. Water content
is approximated from Eq. Ž6., and age Žin years. is inferred from data given in Table 4 using TDS and Cl as the determinants
Landfill site s b ŽmSrm. Predicted TDS Predicted sw Predicted Cl Estimated W Estimated age
Ž r b in V m. Žmgrl. ŽmSrm. Žmgrl. Žvol.%. of fill Žyears.
Leicester suburb 142.86 Ž7. 3099.79 448.29 843.08 54.78 10–20
Mallard North 139.9 Ž7.15. 3008.5 435.28 813.81 55.02 10–20
Lucas Heights 222.2 Ž4.5. 5779.1 828.11 1760.79 50.04 5–10

Leicester suburb 142.86 Ž7. 7168.35 1023.92 2271.53 35.47 5–10
Mallard North 139.9 Ž7.15. 6936.65 991.30 2184.97 35.67 5–10
Lucas Heights 222.2 Ž4.5. 14216.0 2010.15 5103.57 31.14 0–5
144 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

Table 11
Sample illustration of the conceptual estimation of hydrochemical parameters for saturated fill using 2-D inversion result for
the Sonning Way site. The inferred bulk conductivity Ž s b . of fill and fluid conductivity Ž sw . are in mSrm. TDS and
chloride ŽCl. concentrations are in mgrl. Water content ŽW. is in volume percent. The average age Žin years. is estimated
only for G3 to G8 where saturated fill is inferred to be present. For each parameter, the top set of values was obtained using
Eq. Ž4. while the bottom set was obtained using Eq. Ž3.
Parameter G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9
sb 70.4 49.0 62.5 65.8 83.3 78.7 112.4 85.5 45.5
TDS 1143.5 686.2 966.4 1038.9 1449.8 1338.4 2209.5 1502.5 616.9
2395.4 1366.3 1990.9 2155.6 3109.3 2847.8 4940.9 3233.8 1215.4
sw 167.8 101.5 142.2 152.7 212.0 196.0 321.1 219.6 104.3
347.7 200.0 298.9 313.4 449.7 412.4 709.6 467.4 206.1
Cl 259.3 141.8 212.6 231.5 343.3 312.4 565.0 358.1 125
621.6 320.1 499.5 548.7 846.2 762.7 1463.0 886.3 278.7
W 58.1 63.4 59.8 59.1 61.2 56.6 51.9 55.5 64.6
36.9 41.5 38.3 37.7 41.2 35.5 31.6 37.0 42.6
Estimated age ) 20 20 20 20 10–20 20
10–20 10–20 10–20 10–20 10–20 10–20

predicting some hydrochemical parameters us- 9. have been used for the prediction of TDS,
ing empirical relations such as those described fluid conductivity, chloride content and water
in a previous section. Table 10 illustrates the content Žsee Table 11.. The estimated values of
favoured approach to interpreting resistivity TDS from the preferred Eq. Ž 4. range from 960
models of saturated fill. While such results are to 2200 mgrl in the 2-D model for stations G3
approximate, the approach described here may to G8. The predicted fluid conductivity range
be useful for drawing qualitative geoenviron- from 160 to 320 mrS Žwith chloride content of
mental inferences. For example, note the simi- 140–565 mgrl. for these stations. An average
larity in the computed parameters for Mallard pre-survey age of about 20 years is estimated
North landfill and the landfill site near Leices- for the fill on the basis of the predicted TDS
ter. Coincidentally, the Mallard North landfill and chloride content and the age-compositional
accepted refuse from 1970 to 1974 and the classification of Farquhar Ž1989.. This is in
resistivity soundings were made in the summers accord with the known age of fill Ž 17–22 years. ,
of 1988 and 1989 Ž Carpenter et al., 1991. while relative to the date of the VES measurements. It
the landfill near Leicester was backfilled be- is stressed that while the conceptual scheme
tween 1970 and 1976 and the resistivity sound- proposed here may be a feasible predictive tool,
ing was carried out in August 1992. It is appar- caution should be exercised when using such
ent from this table that the fill at Lucas Heights qualitative results especially as the age-related
is younger Žrelative to the date of the relevant characteristics detailed in Table 4 may not be
electrical sounding. than those at the other two valid for all landfill sites.
sites. Note that two sets of hydrochemical pa-
rameters were computed Ž see Table 10. ; the
values determined using Eq. Ž3. are about twice 4. Discussion
those determined via Eq. Ž 4. and both schemes
may thus be considered as yielding the maxi- A major limitation faced in this study is the
mum and minimum predictions in this study. lack of published bulk conductivity and hydro-
In the 2-D case, the minimum resistivities in chemical borehole logs for landfill sites Ž this
the inferred saturated zone of the model Ž Table being due in great measure to the fact that
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 145

drilling through landfill and substrate is not manganese attain maximum values just below a
allowed in many countries because of the high water intersection in a borehole Žsee Knight et
potential for exacerbating the pollution problem al., 1978, Fig. 8. .
by providing further pathways for contaminant A more detailed vertical sampling above and
migration.. However, there appears to be some below the water table Že.g. Sauck, 1999. will be
possible support for the conceptual resistivity required to clarify the vertical conductivity
model proposed in this paper from the studies at structure at such sites. It was recently shown
the Beverly landfill site and elsewhere. Birks that the process of microbial degradation and
and Eyles Ž1997. examined the hydrochemical mineral leaching at hydrocarbon spill sites can
data from long-term Ž1984–1994. monitoring of lead to a vertical resistivity structure in which
the Beverly site. The sampling points in each the most conductive section is within the zone
monitoring well were placed at two levels Ž1–4 of fluctuation of the water table ŽAtekwana et
m and 10–12 m. below the water table Ž see al., 2000; Sauck, 1999.. While these observa-
Birks and Eyles, 1997, Fig. 2. . These workers tions were for unexcavated, unconfined aquifer-
found that the shallower monitors showed higher ous sediments, it can be expected that a some-
conductivities Ž and chloride concentrations. than what comparable fate might be encountered by
deep monitors but interpreted this as indicative organic liquids dumped in a landfill site so that
of leachate dilution with downward migration or there might be similarities in the resistivity sig-
preferential flow in the shallower parts of the natures across the water table in the substrate.
aquifer. Analysis of the composition of leachate There would also appear to be further indirect
from a 3–5-year-old fill at Lucas Heights in support for the conceptual resistivity model from
Sydney showed that heavy metals, iron and some paradoxically related Ž weathering-in-

Fig. 13. Smoothness-constrained inversion model for the VES data shown in Fig. 7. The upper 20 m of the subsurface was
divided into 20 layers of equal thickness on a logarithmic scale and assigned a constant initial resistivity of 25 V m. The
resulting optimal model Žsolid line. after six iterations is presented in the right-hand plot. The other symbols have the same
meaning as for Fig. 7.
146 M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150

duced. electrical anomalies. For instance, in derived from a half-space of 25 V m is shown

supergene sulphide enrichment, the enriched ox- in Fig. 13 for the Schlumberger VES data pre-
ide zone immediately above the water table and sented previously in Fig. 7. Note that the main
the enriched sulphide zone below the water features of this smooth model are in accord with
table have the highest copper content ŽLevinson, those of the simple resistivity-vs.-depth trans-
1980. and are electrically conductive targets in formation that served for generating the starting
mineral exploration surveys. In rock weathering, models for all the 1-D biased estimation exam-
the saprolite Žor chloritised. zone below the ples discussed previously. The minimum resis-
water table is the most electrically conductive tivity of the target zone is about 8 V m in the
ŽPeric, 1981; Palacky, 1987. . smooth model, which is in agreement with the
It is important to stress that the reliability of biased estimation model Žsee Fig. 7. . For this
any hydrochemical predictions from surface particular data set, the range of acceptable mod-
geoelectrical data will depend on the uniqueness els for a prescribed threshold misfit Ž Meju and
of the reconstructed resistivity distribution. One Hutton, 1992. is shown in Fig. 14. Note that
may obtain a unique solution with ideal obser- while the target zone may assume a range of
vations ŽLanger, 1933. but practical data are values for the prescribed threshold misfit, the
typically associated with observational uncer- most frequent value of resistivity for this zone is
tainties. A popular conservative strategy when about 7 V m in these most-squares models.
inverting a scanty set of noisy field data is to However, model selection should be made with
seek the smoothest model that can reproduce the caution. In the cases presented here, the models
main features of the data Že.g. Constable et al., closest in structural form to the simple data
1987; Meju and Hutton, 1992. . A smooth model transformation are preferred. The use of joint

Fig. 14. Most-squares inversion models for the least-squares model shown in Fig. 7. For the nine-parameter model of Fig. 7,
18 models are generated which satisfy the threshold misfit set at 120% of the least-squares misfit ŽMeju and Hutton, 1992..
The symbols have the same meaning as for Fig. 7.
M.A. Meju r Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000) 115–150 147

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