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- Some materials are good conductors and most of them are metals because it

has properties that easily allows heat and electricity to flow or transfer. In
metals, there are free held loose electrons because they form metallic bonds
with each other which creates a sea of electrons

 Good conductors of heat and electricity are metals.
 Conductors are materials that allows heat and electricity to flow
 Materials that allows electricity and heat to pass but in a very little
amount are called bad conductors

What you need:
2 hotdogs
Metal hanger
Barbecue stick

What to do:
1. Put the first barbecue stick, and the other in metal hanger.
2. Roast them in a flame
3. For about a minute, hold the barbecue stick and the metal hanger
4. Observe


a. What have you noticed when you hold the barbeque stick and the metal
hanger? Write your answer below.
Barbecue stick Metal hanger

b. Which of the two materials used in hotdog is a good conductor of heat?

c. Why some materials are good conductors of heat?


Explain to your students the importance of heat and electricity in our daily life.

 The heat is very important in our daily life in warming the house, cooking,
heating the water and drying the washed clothes.
 Electricity is important for the purpose and operation of machines that we
used in our daily life. Without electricity, hospitals and medicines would not
be able to advanced and cure illnesses which would also result in more

1. List down at least (5) good conductors of heat and electricity
2. Explain why some materials are good conductors of heat and electricity.
3. What is the importance of heat and electricity in our daily life?

Have an advanced reading about light and energy.

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