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SYNOPSIS: Insights 70 Days Ethics Plan – Day – 7

July 5, 2018

1. It is often said that both societal and human values are fast diminishing owing to
various factors. In this regard, discuss the role of administrators in protecting
these values. (150 Words)


In the present society discipline is redefined by majority consensus, life or the protection
thereof is traded for spurts of pleasure, personal identity is converted to the identity of
acceptability, war becomes a preference to peace, profitability justifies poverty. This shows
degradation of societal and human values.

Human relations and values are getting diluted with people forgetting ideals and
principles of great leaders, including Basaveshwara, and Mahatma Gandhi, among others
on one hand and the over dependent and use of social media network on the other.

Values represent a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence that involves

judgment because they represent an individual idea of what is right, good or desirable.
Hierarchy of values differ for every individual.

Now a days people are consequently self-seeking at present and searching for materialistic
desires, leaving no time for friends and relationships, respecting older grandparents, practicing
humanity, love, respect, or care.

Also the societal values of attaining success ethically is not followed due to rise of money
power in the society.

Despite rise in educational attainment, people are still heeding to ascriptive criteria like gender
,race, caste, religion etc leading to violence and insecurity among different communities. So
intolerance, lack of trust, empathy and compassion are slowly getting lost.

How administrators can protect these values?

Administrators can lead by example. There have been many examples for instance
when a lower caste person cooked food in the school as part of mid day meals scheme
some upper caste parents protests and a district collector had the same food at the
school. This sets an example to the children to treat other children and elders with
respect irrespective of the caste they belong to.
They can take strict actions against those who perpetuate harm or violence to the
society and not uphold law. For instance they can take action when an old parent is
forced to leave the children’s house.
When administrators uphold values like honesty, impartiality, integrity the subordinates
and the society would also get inspired and trust the administration more.
They can even ensure gender sensitive campaigns to make parents aware about the
importance of raising girl and boy child equally.

2) “Great leaders create more leaders, not followers.” Comment. (150 Words)

Answer :-

Leadership is more than being in charge and managing people. Leadership that separates
good leaders from great leaders, is leadership that builds other leaders.

Too many old-fashioned leaders measure their influence by the number of followers that they

claim. When one thinks about Martin Luther King, Jr., Mohandas Gandhi or Nelson Mandela.
They were trying to create more leaders in order to help many others to find and create their
own destinies.

Great leaders empower their teams to do more, they are very protective of their time, and
they are shrewd in applying their knowledge and experience in order to move forward and
avoid mistakes either they themselves or others made in the past.

True leaders lead by example, they are first in and last ones out, they are fully invested in the
vision of their ventures and, through showing their dedication, they inspire people around them
to show the same kind of commitment and display the same behaviours.

The best leaders have a clear understanding of their own limitations. They know that
success is a team sport and it takes a diverse team to truly innovate. They search for
passionate people in diverse areas of expertise and bring them together. Great leaders listen
more than they speak.

Truly amazing leaders empower others to become leaders. Their higher goal is to work
themselves out of the job so that if they are not around, the organization functions just as
successfully as when they are.

Good leaders have vision and inspire others to help them turn vision into reality. Great leaders
have vision, share vision, and inspire others to create their own.

3. Define/Differentiate the following with suitable examples:

a) Values vs Virtues:-

A virtue is a characteristic of a person which supports individual moral

excellence and collective well being. Virtues are high moral actions which society, religion and
sometime we ourselves want to achieve as an individual. For instance In Ramayana Virtue
expected from a king is honesty, truthfulness, rectitude(Maryada), care for subjects etc.
Value or Value system is notion a society has about ideal behaviour. Like Indian value system
asks one to respect elders.

If values are the goal, virtues are the way to get there. Value system are like rules unlike
Virtues which are actions.

In other words, values reflect what is acceptable in terms of culture, but virtues reflect
individual human characteristics

b) Public values vs Private values:-

Public value describes the value that an organization contributes to society. The concept of
public value refers to whatever is actually undertaken and produced by agencies utilising
public resources (that is, their inputs, outputs and outcomes), in aiming to achieve
collectively desired social outcomes. Recognising and reporting public value is a form
of accountability in government.

Public values also define the person’s ability to assess right and wrong in public sphere as well
and these are commonly oriented towards the benefit of the society.

Private values are individuals belief in right and wrong which are mostly influenced by ones’s
own experiences ,family relationships, culture ,etc.

c) Morality vs Ethics:-

Ethics and morals relate to “right” and “wrong” conduct. While they are sometimes used
interchangeably, they are different: ethics refer to rules provided by an external source, e.g.,
codes of conduct in workplaces or principles in religions. Morals refer to an individual’s own
principles regarding right and wrong.

Ethics Morals

What are The rules of conduct recognized in respect to a Principles or habits with respect to right or
they? particular class of human actions or a particular wrong conduct. While morals also
group or culture prescribe dos and don’ts, morality is
ultimately a personal compass of right and

Social system – External Individual-internal


Why do Because society says it is the right thing to do. Because we believe in something being
one do it? right or wrong.

Ethics are dependent on others for definition. Usually consistent, although can change if
Flexibility They tend to be consistent within a certain an individual’s beliefs change.
context, but can vary between contexts.

A person strictly following Ethical Principles may A Moral Person although perhaps bound
not have any Morals at all. Likewise, one could by a higher covenant, may choose to
violate Ethical Principles within a given system follow a code of ethics.
of rules in order to maintain Moral integrity.

d) Environmental values

Environmental values is the value system which includes humans along with non humans.
They guide an individual to do their actions in conformity with the welfare of the environment.
For instance environmental movements around the world uphold environmental values.

Environmental values have traits like compassion for other forms of life, empathy towards the
needs of the future generation, taking responsibility to conserve nature etc.


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