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She studies often in Does John enjoys They always listens

the library. Maths? to music in the

music room.
People grows My cousin doesn Do you get up
plants in spring. ´tlives in England. usually early?
I every day go to My brother goes to They twice a week
school on foot. church hardly ever. have English

Wh question words
------ do you usually ------- do you get up so -------- is Simon? He is
get up? At half past early? Because I have my brother
eight to walk the dog before
going to work
------- do you and your -------- schoolbag is ------ do you go to
dog go for a walk? this? school? I go to school
We walk together This is Mary’s by bus
twice a day. schoolbag
------- subject do you -------does he have for ------- does your sister
prefer , English or breakfast? He usually usually study? She
French? has toast and some usually studies in the
coffee library.

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